Collaborative Evaluation to Build Closed Repositories on Business
Process Models
Hugo Ordoñez
, Juan Carlos Corrales
, Carlos Cobos
, Leandro Krug Wives
and Lucineia Thom
Telematics Engineering department, University of Cauca, Sector Tulcán, Popayán, Colombia
Systems engineering department, University of Cauca, Sector Tulcán, Popayán, Colombia
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 15.064, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Business Process Relevance, Business Processes Management, Collaborative Methodology, Business
Process Search Evaluation.
Abstract: Nowadays, many companies define, model and use business processes (BP) for several tasks. BP
management has become an important research area and researchers have focused their attention on the
development of mechanisms for searching BP models on repositories. Despite the positive results of the
current mechanisms, there is no defined collaborative methodology to create a closed repository evaluation
for these search mechanisms. This kind of repository contains some closed BP predefined lists representing
queries and ideal answers to these queries with the most relevant BPs based on a set of evaluation metrics.
This paper describes a methodology for creating such repositories. To apply the proposed methodology, we
built a Web tool that allows to a set of evaluators to make relevance judgments in a collaborative way for
each one of the items returned according to predefined queries. The evaluation metrics used can measure the
consensus degree in the results, therefore confirming the methodology feasibility to create an open access,
scalable and expandable closed BP repository with new BP models that can be reusable in future research.
Currently, many companies define, model, and use
business processes (BP) for several tasks such as
manufacturing, services, purchasing, inventory
management and others. With the advances in
technology development, the impact of BP
management has become an increasingly important
research area in academic and business fields. As a
result, big effort has been dedicated to the
development of mechanisms to search and discover
reusable components (Škrinjar and Trkman 2012)
for defining new BP adjustable to current
requirements of the organization. These efforts are
aimed at providing companies a starting point to
improve their trading activities.
Therefore, these mechanisms should be
evaluated to find their inconsistencies, fix them and
ensure the proper implementation of their functional
purpose. Besides, there is still a lack of closed
repositories in business process evaluation that
would allow to compare the performance of two or
more BP searching techniques in the same
conditions. This also could help to find the
shortcomings and to make improvements to these
This paper presents a collaborative evaluation
methodology to build closed repositories. It also
presents and discusses the outcomes obtained after
applying the proposed methodology. To this end, we
have developed and used a tool that implements this
methodology and uses a BP searching mechanism to
return a smart BPs list created with the BPs to be
evaluated on each query. Thus, evaluators do not
have to evaluate all existing BPs within the
The methodology is proposed to build closed
repositories’ evaluation while taking into account
the opinion of an expert group from a collaborative
perspective. In this sense, each expert makes
relevance judgments between BPs reported as results
by a searching mechanism and a BP defined as
query. Then the BP query mechanisms can use the
repository to evaluate the quality in their searching
This paper presents two specific contributions:
first, an evaluation methodology to create closed
repositories of BPs taking into account the opinions
Ordoñez H., Carlos Corrales J., Cobos C., Krug Wives L. and Thom L..
Collaborative Evaluation to Build Closed Repositories on Business Process Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0004881203110318
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 311-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of a group of experts; and, second, an open access
BP repository (motivated by the approach proposed
in(Kunze and Weske 2012)) with a hundred BP
models from the telecommunications and geo-
referencing domain.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 describes related work and evaluation
methodologies for BP model searching mechanisms.
Section 3 presents the proposed methodology for
collaborative assessment. Section 4 describes a Web
tool specially developed to allow the projected
methodology's application. Section 5 describes the
repository. Section 6 describes a case study, and
Section 7 presents the conclusions and future works
that are expected in the short term.
Despite the progress in the development of tools for
searching and discovering BPs (Rosa, Arthur et al.
2010; Kunze 2013), to date there are no formal
methodologies to evaluate these mechanisms.
Regarding the above, some related works
propose evaluation methodologies and experimental
setups centered on the evaluation of tools for
discovering Semantic Web Services (SWS).
Consequently, these experimental setups can
serve as a starting point to create a formal evaluation
methodology for the results reported by BP
searching tools.
2.1 Evaluation on BP Searching
Regarding the BP searching task, some metrics have
been defined to measure or evaluate the degree of
precision and relevance of the results reported by
proposals for finding similarities between BPs
(Dijkman et al., 2011); (Becker and Laue, 2012).
Among those proposals are: linguistic, focused on
the name or description of each BP element
(Koschmider et al., 2011); association rules, focused
on the historical execution of BP tasks which are
recorded in log files; and genetic algorithms that
integrate more data as inputs, outputs, edges, and
nodes in the search process (Turner, 2010). In
addition to these proposals, there are further
approaches centered on searching BP models within
repositories using proprietary languages or methods
for excecuting queries (La Rosa et al., 2011); (Yan
et al., 2012)
2.2 Evaluation Methodologies
In (Tsetsos et al., 2006), for instance, an evaluation
system for Semantic Web Services (SWS) discovery
based on information retrieval (IR) theories is
proposed. there two similarity schemes are
evaluated: 1) A Boolean schema that sets two
values, 0 or 1 for similarity degrees, and a
correspondence between a query service and a
comparison service, where "1" means that two
services have some level of affinity, and "0" when
they have no affinity; 2) A scale of similarity values
(i.e., numerical values in the range [0-1],
corresponding to fuzzy terms like "relevant",
"irrelevant", and so on) that allows us to sort the
results according to similarity levels, which present
the query services and a comparison service. In this
case, the evaluation is made according to the
equivalence between the services sorted by the
experts and the result obtained by the tool.
In (Küster and König-Ries, 2009)a services
collection is shown. This collection contains three
different evaluation scales that were used to classify
the relevance of the reported results in a query. They
have used three schemes: 1) A binary one, which has
been most commonly used, where “1” determines
that there is a degree of relevance and “0” that there
is no relevance at all; 2) One-dimensional graded
relevance that is a multi-valued scale to measure the
similarity between two services; 3) A Multi-
dimensional graduate importance, which provides a
multi-scale to evaluate different aspects
(equivalence, scope and interface, among others)
between two services.
Moreover, (Dijkman et al., 2011)state that there
is a considerable research gap for comparing
different approaches for searching BPs because the
evaluation process has only been based on similarity
metrics evaluation, and therefore it is interesting to
evaluate several of these approaches in the same
scenario or closed repository.
As noted in previous works, so far there is no
method or methodology for BP evaluation that
integrates several experts to collaboratively build
closed repositories of BPs that could serve as a basis
for evaluations involving semantics and structure on
BP searching.
Considering the description above, in (Kunze
and Weske, 2012)an open library available to all
community members is proposed. This library shares
the BP's information and repositories following a
few guidelines. For this reason, it is important to
contribute to the definition of a BP repository based
on the ideas expressed in: A successful BP
repository depends on having a good searching
engine allowing the retrieval of the desired process
models in a short time period. In addition, due to the
evaluations made on the repository, it may act as a
closed document collection where, for each
proposed query, the resulting BPs and their
corresponding relevance levels are known.
The proposed collaborative evaluation methodology
is divided into three stages: individual evaluation,
searching for consensus on discordant evaluations,
and results refinement. The methodology arises as a
consolidation instrument which allows a set of
judges to make judgments in relation to relevant
results against a BP query in a collection (or list) of
BP previously stored.
Indeed, the results considered relevant by the
panel of judges will be those that represent the ideal
responses for each query in the closed repository
The evaluation takes a set of BPs from the
repository, defined as Q={bp
}, which
represents each of the queries. For each query, a
resulting list of items T is evaluated, where T<=M
(in order to decrease the workload of judges), and M
is all the BP existent in the repository. Each item of
the resulting list is evaluated using a Likert scale
containing the following concepts: very relevant,
relevant, quite relevant, not very relevant, and
irrelevant. This scale is defined because two BPs
may have different similarity levels in relation to
each other. The weight (w) assigned to each concept
of relevance is w={1, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25, 0} in the
scale and, therefore, the overall relevance level (nr)
of each item is defined by the following equation
In this equation, n is the number of users who
evaluated each item, and w is the weight assigned
them to each item. The similarity perspective of the
evaluator in relation to the models being compared
is determined by taking into consideration what
he/she finds in the textual or structural
characteristics (or by a combination of both).
3.1 Individual Evaluation
At this stage, each evaluator or judge runs each
query Q and the system shows up a list of results.
Evaluators then express their judgment of similarity
of each result against the query. To express such
judgment, judges must consider the complete
representation of the two business processes (query
and result) and their experience in the subject
3.2 Searching for Consensus on
Discordant Evaluations
At this stage, each evaluator reviews one by one the
relevance judgments issued in the previous stage,
and compares them with the judgments that other
judges have stated. Thus, evaluators may confront
how concordant or discordant their given judgment
is against each item, according to the judgment of
other evaluators. If evaluators believe that their
judgment regarding the set of evaluators is too
discordant, they can change their judgment guided
by the collective response of other evaluators. For
instance, if an evaluator qualified an item as not very
relevant in stage 1, but the rest of evaluators (panel
of judges) rated it as very relevant, that assessment
can make the evaluator reflect on his/her judgment
and change his/her decision. This feedback allows
judges to have an overview of the evaluation made
of each item by all the evaluators.
3.3 Results Refinement
At this stage, and after the judges have (or not)
changed their positions (taking into account the
contribution of the other judges), the results of each
query are listed, taking into account a pair of
thresholds. Results are thus filtered by values of nr
ranging from 50% to 60% (these parameters can be
adjusted depending on the desired confidence level),
which means that so far they are not considered as
truly relevant nor irrelevant and there still exists a
high disagreement level among the judges. As in the
previous step, judges may re-analyze the pair of BPs
and alter their assessment based on the evaluations
of the other judges
3.4 Methodology Objectives
A fundamental task for building a BP test repository
is the definition of an intuitive evaluation process
where the evaluators (judges) collaboratively agree
to clarify similarity criteria in the results retrieved by
a BP search system. It may thereby determine the
quality of these BPs through a consensus view,
given that it is almost impossible to access a real BP
repository from an organization.
3.5 Measures for the Evaluation of
Measures for assessing relevance calculate the
relevance of the retrieved results of a BP similarity
tool in decreasing, gradual, and continuous forms.
They measure the gain of a result item based on the
position of this item in the ranking, recognizing that
the most relevant BPs are most useful if they appear
in the top positions of the ranking (Ulrich and
Birgitta, 2010).
Graded relevance measures (Pg and Rg,
described below) must be applied in the above to
provide a classification (Ti) of the BPs returned in
the repository, those that are considered similar to a
query BP (Q) according to different levels of
relevance. Pg and Rg (Tsetsos et al., 2006) take into
account the sum of degrees of relevance Among the
In addition, to measure the quality of the ranking
of the results generated by the BP searching
mechanism applied on the current evaluation,
ANDCG (Average Normalized Discounted
Cumulated Gain) and GenAveP' (Generalized
Average Precision) (Ulrich and Birgitta, 2010)
measures were used as presented and improved in
the works of Küster and König-Ries (2008). These
measures quantify the quality of the ranking
produced by Web services´ retrieval tools, but are
fully applicable to the BP searching field.
The main purpose of the platform is to provide an
infrastructure to integrate a group of judges
(evaluators) in a collaborative environment to issue
relevance judgments regarding the set of results
reported for different queries by a BP searching
engine. The platform enables the implementation of
any BP search engine that integrates the required
features to capture data in the indexing and
searching interface. All the functionality is provided
through a Web user interface. In this sense, the
platform allows manual and intuitive comparison of
the BPs within a given repository, according to each
query. Next we describe the architectural
components of the tool.
An architecture composed by three layers was
defined for the development of the application (see
Figure 1). This architecture provides the following
advantages: flexibility, scalability and facilitates the
construction and maintenance of the platform. These
layers are described below.
Presentation Layer: This layer includes a simple
and usable user-centric Web interface that can be
accessed using any Web browser. Therefore, this
interface provides a visual functionality for
evaluators (judges) to execute each query, and
additionally specifies the relevance level through a
consensus view in a collaborative environment for
each one of the searching results classified and
sorted sequentially in a list.
Business Logic Layer: this layer comprises
business rules and processes related to the
functionality offered by the system and that are
implemented at this layer. For instance: executing
each evaluation phase, running query options in the
search engine (which may be a list of the M BPs
from the repository or a short list of T <=M BPs that
relies on a searching tool to reduce the judges
efforts), evaluating retrieved items, giving relevant
judgment, calculating relevance, providing a chat
service for users, among others.
Figure 1: Web Application Architecture.
Persistence Layer: this layer provides the
functionality for flexible storing: BP models in an
XML representation; BP models to be used as
queries; evaluation data of the judges; and
evaluation judgments about each of the retrieved
items according the queries. Besides, this layer
provides agile and efficient mechanisms to retrieve,
access and manage the existing BP models in the
repository and the collected information throughout
the evaluation process.
Figure 2 depicts the individual evaluation
interface that was developed for the evaluation step.
The tool was implemented with Java technology,
additionally PostgreSQL was used as RDBMS for
storing the information managed in the evaluation
This section presents the results obtained in the
manual comparisons made by the judges using the
developed platform and the concordance and the
evolution of consensus judgments using the
proposed methodology.
5.1 Repository
The current implementation of the repository
includes 100 BPs modeled with BPMN (Business
Process Modeling Notation). Those BPs were
graphically designed by experts of the Telematics
Engineering Group of the University of Cauca
(Colombia) based on real processes provided by
Telco operators in Colombia and examples found in
different Web sites (e.g., the TM Forum)(Figueroa
2011). It was not possible to use a real repository of
a Telco operator because operators are reluctant to
give access to their repositories due to privacy and
security policies. This is available in the following
5.2 Judge’s Profiles
In order to evaluate the proposed methodology, we
have counted with 59 people (judges or evaluators),
which belong to the Institute of Informatics and to
the Business Management School, both of the
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil),
and to the University of Cauca (Colombia),
distributed according to Table 1.
Table 1: Kind of Judges or evaluators.
Dr. MSc. Professional
Institute of
- 7 14
- - 33
University of Cauca 2 3 -
5.3 Evaluation Phase
For this phase, a set of 6 BP were defined as query
elements, and, for each query, the searching
mechanism returned a list of 20 results sorted by the
similarity defined within the searching model.
Thus, each judge manually compared the
similarity between the query models with each item
in the results list, and maked a relevance judgment
from the ones established in the methodology (i.e.,
the Likert scale described in Section 3).
Figure 2: Developed tool, individual evaluation interface.
The evaluation was conducted in this way: each
group of judges was gathered to the computers lab at
the university they belong to. The evaluation
methodology and its aims were explained to the
groups once they were met. Subsequently, the
operation of the evaluation platform was explained,
and the individual evaluation phase was started in a
coordinated way. This is because it is necessary to
start the searching for consensus on discordant items
taking as initial state the whole set of relevance
judgments issued by the judges from each group
during the evaluation phase
Once the first phase was finished, a period of
time was established to complete the other
evaluation phases. For this purpose, we have
established communication via mail as a reminder
element on the completion of the final evaluation
According to the above, each judge provided an
average of 360 manual comparisons, in that sense,
the total of manual comparisons made by the judges
was around 21,240.
5.4 Methodology Application on the
Comparisons made by the judges in a manually way
at each one of the stages (St1- Individual, St2-
Searching for consensus on discordant evaluations,
and St3-Results refinement) based on standard
deviation allow an overview of the concordance
level between them. In Table 2 we present the
concordance values between judges for the items
evaluated at each query stage. This value is
represented by grouped standard deviation values,
which measures the relevance levels dispersion
which are classified within the range values
previously presented.
In relation to the application of the methodology
on the repository, the following average
concordance (AVG) values between the judges were
obtained: 0.284 for stage 1, 0.256 for stage 2 and
0.250 for stage 3. These values indicate that these
relevance judgments are not widely dispersed and
therefore do not differ much. When judges progress
through the evaluation stage, these values are lower
and tend to commonalities showing the force of the
proposed methodology.
In addition, it has a 9.7% of concessive
improvement in (MCF) between stage 1 and stage 2,
and 2.4 % between stage 2 and stage 3 for each
query, confirming that stage evaluations allow to
better refine the repository (results by each query).
This allows us to perceive that the 59 judges
improved their consensus at 11.8%, unlike if they
would have done individually. In this sense, the
repository gets 11.8% of general concessive
improvement (MCG) making it more "ideal" than
required at stage 1.
Besides, the collaborative evaluation
methodology and the developed tool minimize the
re-evaluation work in stages 2 and 3.
Consequently, the collaborative evaluation
methodology and this tool improve the repository
quality, increasing its usefulness.
In addition, the Pearson correlation coefficient
was used to calculate the concordance level between
judges in each of the stages (St1 to St3) for each
query. For this, we took as population the relevance
judgments executed by the evaluators (judges) to
each item in the list. The Figure 3 shows that the
correlation becomes stronger as the stages advance
and evaluation goes forward. Consequently, Q1
scored the lowest concordance level between stages
1 and 2, achieving 83%. Similarly, between stages 2
and 3, it scored 87%. Moreover, Q6 scored the
highest concordance degree between stages 1 and 2,
Figure 3: Concordance between evaluators to each stage.
Table 2: Standard deviation value by each relevance judgment per phase.
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6
St 1 St 2 St 3 St 1 St 2 St 3 St 1 St 2 St 3 St 1 St 2 St 3 St 1 St 2 St 3 St 1 St 2 St 3
AVG 0,31 0,27 0,26 0,29 0,27 0,26 0,28 0,25 0,25 0,27 0,24 0,23 0,28 0,26 0,25 0,28 0,25 0,25
11,2% 2,8% 8,6% 3,7% 9,4% 2,1% 10,3% 1,5% 7,4% 2,3% 11,1% 1,9%
MCG 13,6% 11,9% 11,3% 11,6% 9,6% 12,8%
achieving 90%. In the same way, between stages 2
and 3, it scored 97%, showing that concordance
level between judges is a growing correlation (very
high and positive).
This section presents the outcomes of applying the
methodology on the repository built using a BP
searching mechanism. In our case, we have used a
BP model searching mechanism that uses linguistic
information (activity name, activity type and
description) and structural information; it is called a
MultiModalSearBP model that is described as
6.1 BP Searching Model Applied
The discovering process applies a searching strategy
that integrates linguistic and structural information
contained in the BPs, thus allowing us to increase
the effectiveness and relevance of the searching
results. The MultimodalSearchBP architecture
consists of three layers, described below.
Parsing Layer: This layer has a parser that
transforms BPs from its original format XPDL
(XML Process Definition Language) to a vector
representation, where each BP is considered a term's
matrix consisting of a linguistic component and
other structural.
Indexing Layer: This layer gives a weight to the
linguistic and structural components in order to
create a multimodal search index consisting of the
linguistic matrix component (MC) and the matrix
structural component (MCd) as follows: MI = {MCd
MC}, and the index stores the physical file
location of each of the models stored in the
Query Layer: This layer is responsible for allowing
BP's search from three querying options:
linguistic, structural, and multimodal query
(Ordoñez 2013).
6.2 Analysis of the Results
In this section, the results obtained using the search
engine on the built repository are presented.
For this, it is necessary to create an outcome list
with the items considered as relevant by the judges
for each query, which is sorted from highest to
lowest depending on the relevance level (nr),
achieved in manual evaluation.
Then, the resulting list generated by this BP
searching mechanism is compared to the resulting
list considered as relevant by the judges on that
query. In
Figure 4
Figure 4, the evaluated searching
model achieves a grated precision (Pg) average that
ranges from 57% (minimum) to 85.2% (maximum).
This model combines structural and linguistic
criteria present in the BPs, over text processing
algorithms capable of reducing the probability of
retrieving irrelevant results (false positives).
Regarding to graded Recall (Rg), it ranges
between 34% and 56%. This is because the number
of results returned by each query is limited to twenty
BPs. This limitation is inspired in the Web search
domain, where users only are focused on the first ten
or twenty results in the answers set. Therefore, this
indicates that the model can get false negatives (lose
relevant business processes in the ranking), but at
the same time increases accuracy by reducing the
number of false positives.
Figure 4: Evaluation measures.
About to the effectiveness of the searching
model, it is characterized by the performance
obtained in the rankings. In that sense, F-Measure
allows observing the harmony of Pg and Rg results,
and, in the searching model applied, it obtained
average values between 36% and 47%. Regarding to
the results ranking, ANDCG demonstrates that the
ranking generated by the model used has high
quality, because it places a representative number of
relevant elements at the beginning of the ranking,
reaching an average range between 79% and 88%.
As explained before, the difference between
GenAveP and ANDCG' measures is that the last one
possesses a factor that evaluates the elements
retrieved to the bottom of the ranking with a higher
value. In these cases, the model reached an average
value between 71% and 88. The graded measures
provide a more intuitive and flexible evaluation.
They also reduce the influence of inconsistent
judgments among evaluators
In this paper, we have established a methodology for
the collaborative construction and evaluation of BP
repositories. For this purpose, we used a BP
searching mechanism applying graded measures to
determine the relevance degree of the retrieved
elements. Consequently, this allowed the
demonstration of the usefulness of the responses and
their relationship to queries submitted by users.
These responses serve as the most appropriate
responses for evaluating and comparing searching
mechanisms that use the same repository.
The collaborative evaluation allows judges to
have an overview of the relevance judgments issued
by each judge on elements retrieved in the results
list. As a result, judges can compare the concordance
or discordance in the relevance judgment issued for
an evaluated item and thus corroborate or change
their assessment.
The data shows that there are some differences in
the points of view of the evaluators. While most
experts considered the items ordered at the top of the
result list (1, 2, 3, 4) as relevant or very relevant, a
minority (10%) of these were considered as not
relevant or irrelevant. This is because the latter took
into account only one part of the evaluation process
(linguistic or structural), or simply because the
comparison between the BP query and each one of
these results was performed superficially, which
may have been due to fatigue as a result of the huge
number of evaluations performed.
The application methodology proposed serves as
the basis for the generation of stable evaluations of
BP repositories, which are thus more maintainable
and reusable. In addition, as a secondary
contribution, the BP repository that was used in our
evaluation can be seen as an open access repository
that will be shared, expanded with new models BP,
and can be used in future researches by any actor
interested in the area of BP management.
As a future work, it is aimed to expand the
evaluation methodology by manually creating
groups or families of BPs with those BPs considered
as truly relevant in each one of the queries. This
allows group representation of thematic topics or
structural patterns of the BPs within the repository.
The authors would like to acknowledge the
collaboration of the judges belonging to the Institute
of Informatics and of the Business Management
School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do
Sul (Brazil) and the Department of Telematics of the
University of Cauca (Colombia). They also
acknowledge the Institute of Informatics for sharing
their infrastructure. Finally, we would like to state
that this research was partially supported by CAPES
and CNPq, Brazil.
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