Expressive Talking Head for Interactive Conversational Systems
Paula Dornhofer Paro Costa and Jos´e Mario De Martino
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dept. of Computer Engineering and Industrial Automation,
University of Campinas, Campinas, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil
The present doctoral research project is being devel-
oped in the following sequential phases:
1. Creation of a motion capture data and audiovi-
sual expressive speech database for Brazilian Por-
2. Study of sample-based synthesis techniques suit-
able for the reproduction of expressive speech;
3. Development of an expressive talking head for
Brazilian Portuguese;
4. Proposal of a strategy to generalize the synthesis
methodology to a compact database of samples
captured under partially controlled conditions.
The project is entering into its third phase, mov-
ing towards the proposal of an expressive speech syn-
thesis methodology with a pilot implementation being
developed for Brazilian Portuguese.
The objective of this project is to develop an expres-
sive speech facial animation synthesis methodology
capable of improving the videorealism of the current
state-of-the-art expressive talking heads in terms of
the range of the expressed emotional states and the
ability of reproducing non-verbal communication sig-
naling, with the ultimate goal of creating animated
faces capable of inspiring user thrust and empathy .
We aim at applications where intelligent systems
are capable of emulating our natural and intuitive
face-to-face communication mechanisms in which the
talking head act as an embodied conversational agent
(ECA), (Figure 1).
Objectives that run in parallel are: to obtain a pi-
lot implementation of a Brazilian Portuguese expres-
sive talking head and to contribute with an compre-
hensive audiovisual expressive speech corpus for this
Figure 1: Intelligent system face-to-face communication
The automated synthesis of videorealistic talking
heads capable of expressing emotions remains a chal-
lenging problem in computer graphics. Even the most
sophisticated models capable of rendering impressive
high quality face images are not capable of inspiring
user empathy and thrust without the appropriate mod-
eling of the non-verbal communication signals, a task
that still requires human intervention. On the other
hand, there is a great demand for expressive talking
heads for applications like virtual assistants, tutors,
game characters, newscasters, social agents and for
controlled experiments in psychology and behavioral
For centuries, painters, cartoonists, and animators
have being able to reproduce realistic images of ex-
pressive faces following rules learned from the ex-
haustive observation of the human behavior. Simi-
larly, the problem of developing computer automated
videorealistic facial animation can be stated as the
problem of making the machine learn how the humans
behave while expressing different emotional and cog-
nitive states and deriving models to reproduce them
a typical supervised machine learning task.
This doctoral project concentrates on two main as-
pects of this problem: the computational model for
emotions and the visual modeling of the face.
Categorical emotion models, like the “big
six” (Ekman, 1972) universally recognizable facial
expressions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness,
Dornhofer Paro Costa P. and De Martino J..
Expressive Talking Head for Interactive Conversational Systems.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
surprise) have been widely applied to the develop-
ment of expressive avatars. However, we argue that
this modeling lacks completeness when the objective
is the implementation of interactive embodied conver-
sational agents. In order to capture user empathy, for
example, a virtual airport assistant informing a flight
cancellation, should not express any of the “big six”
plain emotions but a set of more complex facial ex-
pressions capable of dealing with the user frustration,
indicating that the system recognizes the flight cancel-
lation as an undesirable event. For this purpose, “ap-
praisal” models, that take into consideration the eval-
uation process that leads to an emotional response,
seem to provide a more embracing characterization of
emotions. In particular, we adopt the model proposed
by Ortony, Clore and Collins (OCC model) since it
presents a concise but comprehensive vocabulary of
22 emotions that arises as reactions to events, agents
or objects (Ortony et al., 1988).
Another important question is how to synthesize
photorealistic appearances and to reproduce the dy-
namics of the speech combined to the expression of
emotions. Put in other words, how to delude human
observers: specialists trained since the born to de-
tect the smallest variations on the signals conveyed
by the voice, the face and the body. In this work we
explore the image-based, or 2D, synthesis technique
as a mean to obtain inherently photorealistic expres-
sive faces, avoiding the typical synthetic looking of
model-based (3D) facial animation systems.
Since the pioneering work of Parke (Parke, 1972),
many others have contributed with different ap-
proaches to improve the level of videorealism of syn-
thetic talking faces: (Bregleret al., 1997), (Ezzat and
Poggio, 1998), (Brand, 1999), (Cosatto and Graf,
2000), (Pasquariello and Pelachaud, 2002), (Ezzat
et al., 2002).
In the last decade, it can be observed an emerging
interest in adding to the synthetic talking heads the
capability of expressing emotions.
In (Chuang and Bregler, 2005), for example, the
authors focus in the difficulties to edit motion cap-
ture data. In their proposal, they take expressionless
speech performance as input, analyze the content and
modify the facial expression according to a statistical
model. The expressive face is then retargeted onto a
3D character using blendshape animation. The paper
presents the results of the methodology using as train-
ing data three short video sequences including three
basic expressions: neutral, angry, and happy.
In (Beskow and Nordenberg, 2005), an expres-
sive 3D talking head is implemented using an MPEG-
4 compatible model. An amateur actor was recorded
portraying five different emotions (happy, sad, angry,
surprised, and neutral) and a Cohen-Massaro coartic-
ulation model was trained for each emotion.
A 3D expressive speech-driven facial animation
system is also presented in (Cao et al., 2005). In
this system the inputs are the speech to be animated
and a set of emotional tags. A high-fidelity motion
capture database was built with a professional actor
representing five emotions: frustrated, happy, neutral,
sad and angry. The motion capture data, together with
the timed phonetic transcript of the recorded utter-
ances, were used to construct what the authors call
an “anime” graph, where an “anime” corresponds to
a dynamic definition of a viseme. The synthesis con-
sists in searching the best path in this graph through
the minimization of a cost function that penalizes dis-
continuity in unnatural visual transitions.
Four emotions (neutral, happy, angry, sad) were
captured with a motion capture system in (Deng et al.,
2006). The resulting material was used to build a
coarticulation model and a visual appearance model
that are combined to generate a 3D facial animation
at synthesis time.
As novel approach to model emotions in a facial
animation system, in (Jia et al., 2011) the authors
parameterize eleven emotions (neutral, relax, sub-
missiveness, surprise, happiness, disgust, contempt,
fear, sorrow, anxiety and anger) according to the PAD
(Pleasure, Arousal, Dominance) dimensional emotion
model. In this system, the acoustic features of the
speech are used to drive an MPEG-4 model.
More recently, (Anderson et al., 2013) present a
2D VTTS (visual text-to-speech) which is capable of
synthesizing a talking head given an input text and
a set of continuous expression weights. The face is
modeled using an active appearance model (AAM),
from a corpus containing six emotions: neutral, ten-
der, angry, afraid, happy and sad.
These works illustrate, through a diverse range of
approaches, the challenges imposed by this research
5.1 Corpus
In order to study different aspects of expressive
speech, ten professional actors, Brazilian Portuguese
native speakers, were divided in two types of exper-
iments. The first experiment consisted in asking the
Figure 2: Motion capture.
actors to represent the emotions of the OCC model.
For that purpose, 22 recording scripts were designed
coherently with the cognitive state description given
by the model ensuring that each speech has occur-
rences of all Brazilian Portuguese context-dependent
visemes (visual phonemes), as proposed in (De Mar-
tino et al., 2006). Each speech segment was recorded
with a neutral expression, followed by the actor rep-
resentation of the corresponding emotional state. In a
second experiment, the objective was to obtain data to
investigate how the expressive signals observed in the
face are modulated by different personality traits. For
that purpose, we adopted the simpler modeling of the
“big six” emotions and the actors were asked to rep-
resent them with three different extroversion charac-
teristics: shy, neutral/equilibrated and extroverted. In
this experiment, the speech segments were the same
for all emotions and personalities.
Each experiment consisted of a motion capture
session and a video session. During the mocap ses-
sion, 63 markers distributed over the actor’s face/head
were tracked by 8 infrared Vicon cameras (Figure 2).
In the video session, the actor repeated the same per-
formance in front of a chroma-key background, with-
out markers, makeup, or facial and hair adornments.
Both experiments resulted in a set of motion capture
and video samples of expressive faces of 4 female ac-
tresses and 6 male actors with ages ranging from 20
to 60 years old.
5.2 Visual Face Model
Taking samples from the audiovisual corpus as train-
ing data, our methodology involved the exploratory
study of the Active Appearance Model (AAM) as a
facial synthesis model.
Active appearance modeling is capable of param-
eterizing an image database of facial expressions in
terms of their shapes and texture parameters, making
possible, given some constraints, the generation of fa-
cial expressions and head poses that were not present
in the original database. Besides, applying an anal-
ysis by synthesis approach, the derived AAM model
can be used as a machine learning tool to analyze the
expressive speech dynamics of the original corpusand
to derive rules to reproduce it.
A well known problem of AAM, however, is its
smoothing effect on final images and the blurred as-
pect typically observed inside the mouth, a region that
experiences a great appearance variation but that has
no fiducial anchor points. In this study we explored
different setups for deriving AAM model in order to
determine the limits of this model given the charac-
teristics of our corpus.
In the typical implementationof AAM, the coordi-
nates of the feature points (x
, y
), ..., (x
, y
) are orga-
nized as a shape vector s = [x
, y
, ..., x
, y
]. Principal
component analysis (PCA) is applied to the training
base of shape vectors and the shape model is repre-
sented by the linear combination of the mean facial
shape s
and n facial shape eigenvectors:
s = s
After the definition of a shape model, each train-
ing facial image is warped to obtain the mean facial
shape s
. The shape-free facial images are trans-
formed in texture vectors A. A second PCA is per-
formed and the texture is modeled as a linear combi-
nation of the mean facial appearance A
and m eigen-
A = A
When the parametric shape and appearance mod-
els are used independently, the model is called an
independent-AAM. To remove correlation between
shape and texture model parameters and to make the
model representation more compact a third PCA can
be performed on the concatenated shape and texture
parameters. In this case a combined-AAM is ob-
The study was conducted using as training
database of 873 images with semi-automatically 56
labeled feature points (Figure 3). The images in the
database cover all the Brazilian Portuguese visemes
for each OCC emotion, together with neutral expres-
sion samples.
We explored multiple modeling building scenarios
in order to evaluate the videorealism attained by each
Figure 3: Feature points used to define the facial shape.
Figure 4: Comparing corresponding synthesized frames
with two different AAM building scenarios. Repair that
in both images the region inside the lips is blurred but the
image at the left has greater definition of the teeth and the
tongue than the image at the right. The left image was syn-
thesized using a mixed approach: an independent model
was used to synthesize the shape, while a combined model
was used to synthesize the appearance.
full face independent-AAM;
parts based independent-AAM;
full face combined-AAM;
parts based independent-AAM.
Multiple masks configurations and a mixed ap-
proach (an independent model was used to synthesize
the head trajectory and a combined model to generate
the facial texture) were also tested (Figure 4).
5.3 Expressive Talking Head Synthesis
Once defined the facial model, further studies are
needed to define the methodology to drive the facial
animation synthesis. While some approaches derive
the parameters to guide the facial animation from the
speech, we assume that the speech to be animated
could be provided by a TTS, a typical subsystem of
an interactive and intelligent computational system.
From this assumption, we aim to develop a syn-
thesis system that receives as inputs the speech to be
animated timed phonetic transcription, a tag about the
emotion to be animated and a tag about the personal-
ity or simply, an intensity modulator of the emotion
to be expressed.
A challenging problem regarding this approach is:
while the timed phonetic transcription provides infor-
mation that enables the determination of the dynamics
of speech articulatory movements and, consequently,
the shape of the face, it does not provide information
about the appearance to be assumed. We plan to solve
this problem through regression models that are able
to correlate the animation articulatory targets with the
appearance of samples from the image database.
5.4 Generalization and Evaluation
As a part of our research, we aim to derive a synthe-
sis strategy that could be generalized for smaller im-
age database with fewer samples of facial expressions
and possibly captured under uncontrolled conditions.
This poses the problem of learning the trajectories of
facial expressions transitions in the original database
and trying to reproduce such trajectories in an image
space with missing samples, or “holes” in the path.
Once again, we plan to use regression models to fill
in the blanks.
Finally, an essential and challenging step of our
methodology is the subjective evaluation process,
since there are no widely accepted evaluation proto-
cols of expressive talking heads. In this case, we plan
to to assess two main aspects of the synthesized ani-
mations: their level of videorealism and their capabil-
ity of expressing a range of predefined emotions with
As described in the preceding sections this project ex-
pects to propose an innovative synthesis methodology
for expressive talking heads. We also aim to develop
a Brazilian Portuguese pilot implementation and use
it to drive audiovisual expressive speech evaluations.
The implementation to be pursued is illustrated in
Figure 5, where the facial animation system receives
as input: parameters driven from the speech (such
as the articulatory target or acoustic features that can
drive the animation), a tag of emotion to be synthe-
sized (that can be informed, for instance, by an in-
telligent system) and a personality trait parameter (or
alternatively, a mood parameter) that modulates the
visual synthesis.
As a secondary outcome, we expect to make
the Brazilian Portuguese expressive corpus publicly
Figure 5: Expressive Talking Head System.
available as an organized database of emotions, en-
abling the development of other prospective works.
Finally, we also expect to propose a generalization
synthesis methodology to make possible the creation
of simple expressive talking heads from a few images
of a real face.
This work is supported by the Brazilian National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment (CNPq) under Grant No. 141366/2010-9.
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