Contextinator - Project-based Management of Personal Information
on the Web
Ankit Ahuja, Ben Hanrahan and Manuel A. P
Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA U.S.A.
Information Fragmentation, Personal Information Management, Tool Integration, Web-based systems.
The web browser is a central workspace for knowledge workers, where they use cloud-based applications to
access their information. While this solution fits nicely within our diverse ecosystem of devices, it may reintro-
duce and proliferate faults of the desktop, particularly information fragmentation. Information fragmentation
is an increasingly important issue on the cloud as information is typically silo-ed within different applications.
This results in users replicating storage and organization due to the lack of a unifying structure. As cloud
applications become more rich, the need to investigate whether these faults of the past are still problematic
becomes more important. To probe this question we created Contextinator, a tool for the web browser that
assists in coordinating data for projects. Contextinator enables knowledge workers to manage cloud-based in-
formation and project artifacts in a centralized place, providing a unifying structure. In this paper, we discuss
the design of our system, and the results of our mixed-method evaluation. Our findings contribute insight into
the need for, and appropriateness of, projects as unifying structures for the web. Our results point to two types
of projects we call ‘preparatory’ and ‘opportunistic’ based on when and why users create them.
The web browser has emerged as a central workspace
for knowledge workers. This cloud-based approach
complements our diverse ecosystem of devices as
most of the application data resides in a device ag-
nostic remote storage. This trend is further strength-
ened as mobile devices and web applications begin to
match the functionality of desktop applications.
However, this remote storage comes at a cost,
as data on the cloud is typically accessed through
particular applications or services (e.g., Dropbox for
files, Evernote for notes, Gmail for email). These
applications create silos of data that are not always
inter-operable with each other. These silos do not
share a unifying structure and proliferate informa-
tion fragmentation, a problem previously identified
by the Personal Information Management (PIM) com-
munity (Karger and Jones, 2006). The siloing of data
between different applications prevents the user from
creating more salient groupings based on their real
world relationships with the data.
Information fragmentation in this context has
many undesired consequences. First, data is stored in
separate applications and often only available through
each particular application (e.g., an Evernote note-
book is not available in Gmail). Second, user-defined
groupings are done in ad-hoc ways particularly if data
for the group is scattered over different applications.
For example, it is typical to find a Dropbox folder, a
Gmail label/folder, and an Evernote noteboook for a
particular project but these three individual items are
stored in different applications and there is no easy
way for users to group them under a user-meaningful
name, like “home repair project. Instead users end up
duplicating organizational hierarchies between tools
(Boardman and Sasse, 2004; Boardman et al., 2003).
This cloud-based information fragmentation leads
to another problem. Users work on the web having
many windows or tabs open to access these online ser-
vice. This in turn exacerbates the problem by requir-
ing more management of windows, tabs, and book-
marks. Suspending and resuming work on a project,
something we know is typical of today’s knowledge
workers (Czerwinski et al., 2004), is made more diffi-
cult by these disconnected tabs and windows.
We built Contextinator as a way to study these
problems. Contextinator is a tool that enables users
to group their web sessions and cloud based artifacts
into projects. Contextinator was built with compati-
bility in mind and is compatible with the majority of
existing web-based tools.
Ahuja A., Hanrahan B. and A. Pérez-Quiñones M..
Contextinator - Project-based Management of Personal Information on the Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0004859300140023
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 14-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this paper, we present the related work in the ar-
eas of interest, ground our design decisions in previ-
ous research, present the results of our mixed-method
evaluation, and close with implications for future sys-
tems. We not only find evidence that users need a way
to group activities, but that the project metaphor is too
restrictive. We have also gained insight into the com-
plex way knowledge workers contextualize and think
about their work.
Several areas of research are related to this work:
Information Fragmentation, Task Management, Ac-
tivity Based Computing, Multitasking, and Window
Management. As such, we review the research for
each of these areas and provide insight into how they
shaped the design of Contextinator.
2.1 Information Fragmentation
Information fragmentation occurs when our personal
information is scattered over different devices, stor-
age systems, and online tools. Typically each of
these have its own organizational structure and it
is up to users to integrate information across these
systems. Information fragmentation is considered a
‘pervasive problem in personal information manage-
ment’ (Karger and Jones, 2006).
The siloing of information by applications is not
a new problem unique to the cloud. In previous stud-
ies users were found to use several methods to create
groupings in spite of these silos. These methods in-
clude: using multiple folder hierarchies to organize
documents related to projects (Jones et al., 2005); us-
ing a special folder (or tag) in an email client to hold
messages related to a project (Gonz
alez and Mark,
2004); or using virtual spaces to separate windows of
different projects (Henderson and Card, 1986).
A drawback with this ad-hoc approach is that
users end up maintaining duplicate organizational hi-
erarchies between tools, which are difficult to main-
tain. Boardman et al. (Boardman and Sasse, 2004;
Boardman et al., 2003) studied users’ PIM orga-
nization strategies across different tools and iden-
tified some of the problems caused by information
fragmentation. Including: compartmentalization of
data between distinct tools; difficulty in coordinat-
ing across different tools; and inconsistencies be-
tween equivalent functionality. To solve the second
problem, Boardman et al. created a prototype to mir-
ror folder structures between different PIM tools and
users found the sharing categories between tools intu-
itive and compelling.
Bergman et al. (Bergman et al., 2006) framed the
problem as project fragmentation, where information
was fragmented into different collections without re-
lation to the common activity uniting them. Their so-
lution was to use a single hierarchy to store all files
of different formats under the same folder. Similarly,
Jones et al. (Jones and Anderson, 2011) suggested
the development of a common structure that could be
shared and manipulated by any number of tools.
Integrating information collections in the cloud is
also being pursued in the commercial and open source
tool space. However, most of these tools assist users
in accessing information, and do not endeavor to cre-
ate any structural link between them. For example,
creates a unified search box to access
information across tools.
access to Dropbox files for creating attachments in
Gmail. Neither application allows users to ‘group’
multiple open windows or tabs, the user is still left to
manage those.
2.2 Task Management
Another area of research related to our work is Task
Management, as knowledge workers typically have a
list of pending actions for each project. Bellotti et
al. (Bellotti et al., 2004) studied task management to
inform the design of a task list manager. In their work,
they suggested that a task manager should support in-
formal priority lists, to ensure near-term execution
of priority actions. Furthermore, tasks within each
project can help knowledge workers prioritize and
maintain their attention over different projects (Bel-
lotti et al., 2004; Gonz
alez and Mark, 2004). Tasks
can also act as good reminders when they appear in
the way and always visible in the working space (Bel-
lotti and Smith, 2000; Bellotti et al., 2004; Gonz
and Mark, 2004).
2.3 Quick Capture
Knowledge workers often capture information and
tasks while working and using different tools.
Bergman (Bergman et al., 2003) suggested that cap-
turing the context of an information item during inter-
action assists the user to recall the information when
it is later engaged with. Jones et al. (Jones et al.,
2008) implemented quick capture as part of the per-
sonal project planner, where users could create rich
text project plans and reference documents, email
messages, web pages, etc. Hanrahan et al. (Hanra-
han et al., 2011) added a quick capture ability within
the email client to move information to wikis where
users could drag and drop content into a shared wiki
space. Quick capture also exists as a feature in
many commercial Getting Things Done (Allen, 2002)
tools, such as OmniFocus
, Things
, and Remem-
2.4 Multitasking and Interruptions
One of the typical characteristics of today’s knowl-
edge workers is that they are routinely interrupted,
as a result workers are constantly multitasking and
switching projects.
Czerwinski et al. (Czerwinski et al., 2004) per-
formed a diary study with knowledge workers to char-
acterize how they interleave multiple tasks amidst
interruptions. They found that knowledge workers
switch tasks a significant number of times, with an
average of 50 shifts over the week. The projects that
were returned to were more complex, significantly
lengthier in duration, and were rated more difficult
than shorter-term projects.
alez and Mark (Gonz
alez and Mark, 2004;
Mark et al., 2005) also found that knowledge work is
highly fragmented, where workers spend an average
of three minutes on a task and an average of 12 min-
utes on a project. They found several ways in which
workers manage their information to handle constant
switching, including aggregating a project’s different
types of information into a single artifact.
2.5 Activity Based Computing
Research in activity-based computing explores how
to find a better mapping of real life projects to com-
puting systems. Gonz
alez and Mark (Gonz
alez and
Mark, 2004; Mark et al., 2005) introduced the con-
cept of working spheres to explain how knowledge
workers conceptualize and organize their basic units
of work. Voida et al. (Voida and Mynatt, 2009) cre-
ated an activity-based system where they linked orga-
nization of application windows and documents of a
project by associating files saved on the desktop of a
virtual space with the currently active project.
2.6 Window Management
Rooms (Henderson and Card, 1986) introduced the
concept of virtual spaces, which is now a part of win-
dow management systems of modern operating sys-
tems. Better management of space and sessions has
also been explored for the web browser. Rajaman-
ickam et al. (Rajamanickam et al., 2010) created a
task-focused web browser, where web pages were
grouped into tasks. Morris et al. (Morris et al., 2008)
created SearchBar, a tool that stored users’ search
query and browsing histories, to support task resump-
tion across multiple sessions.
Multitasking Bar (Wang and Chang, 2010) incor-
porated the task concept into the browser providing
a browser bar with a tab for each project. Jhaveri
and R
a (Jhaveri and R
a, 2005) created a pro-
totype tool called Session Highlights to aid cross-
session task continuation. Mozilla Firefox now has
the concept of Tab Groups, to group together similar
tabs under a single label.
For web-based information systems, management
of tabs and windows is a necessity. Suspending and
resuming a task is problematic as it often requires ei-
ther saving or reopening several independent pages
from different websites.
Based on the state of the art for the various research
domains, we designed our tool with the following
principles in mind:
knowledge workers organize information into
projects (Gonz
alez and Mark, 2004; Mark et al.,
tools like email crosscut projects (Jones and An-
derson, 2011);
information is fragmented across different appli-
cations (Bergman et al., 2006; Boardman and
Sasse, 2004);
there are structures replicated in collec-
tions (Boardman et al., 2003); and
users need an easy way to capture and restore
the state of projects (Czerwinski et al., 2004;
alez and Mark, 2004; Mark et al., 2005)
A full description of the tool and the implementa-
tion details is available online at (Ahuja, 2013)
3.1 Projects
A project in Contextinator is a collection of the
browser tabs opened in the same window, as well
MS Thesis available at http://vtechworks.lib.vt.
Figure 1: Project Home Page.
as a series of tasks (todo items), bookmarks, people
(emails), and a series of links to external applications.
Each project has a Project Homepage (see Figure 1)
where project artifacts can be managed, for example
the user can manage tasks, tabs, bookmarks, and links
to external applications.
When a project is first started it begins as an empty
browser window by creating the ‘File > New Win-
dow’ command from Chrome. Any tabs that are
added to this window, either by adding through the
‘File > New Tab’ or just opened via user control (e.g.
with a pop up menu using the Open Link in New Tab)
are automatically captured as part of a project. A
project state is saved automatically and does not re-
quire the user to provide a name.
Switching between projects is done by activating
a different browser window. Contextinator saves the
state of all windows, including all of the tabs opened
and allows the user to switch between them. If a
user closes a window, Contextinator can open it again
restoring all of the tabs that were part of the project.
Users are able to see a preview of all their cur-
rently open projects and switch between them us-
ing either the Quick Switcher page (see Figure 2).
Quick Switcher is similar to the approach taken in
Gionarta (Voida et al., 2008). As projects are just reg-
ular Chrome windows, users can also use any action
from the operating system’s default window manager,
such as minimizing a window or using Mission Con-
trol on OS X.
Task resumption is enabled through the combina-
tion of these features, in that we preserve the state of
a project whenever it is closed and reinstate the previ-
ous state whenever the project is opened again.
Global Overview
Each project also has pending tasks and related
emails. Contextinator provides access to these in
each project’s home view. We also provide a global
overview of all the user’s todo and email (see Fig-
ure 3) organized by projects. In the global overview
window, users are able to see any unread email,
Figure 2: The Quick Switcher showing two projects.
Figure 3: Global overview showing the tasks across all
projects. This screenshot shows three projects with two of
them collapsed.
work with any tasks, and directly switch to a specific
project homepage.
3.2 Information Views
As users often have accounts in multiple systems
where they store different collections of data and
new or different services are frequently emerging, we
found the need to have an easy way to incorporate new
services into our tool. For example, a label in Gmail
might be related to a notebook in Evernote and a
folder in Dropbox. To support the grouping of data in
these independent collections, we allow each project
to have an information view for each of these external
services. We accomplish this with Information views,
which provide a way to organize related information
across different tools under a single project to reduce
information fragmentation.
An information view is a unique URL that points
to an internal location in an online collection. For ex-
ample, a direct link to a folder in Dropbox produces,
after user authentication, a view to that folder in Drop-
box. The direct link eliminates the need for navigat-
ing to the folder within the Dropbox collection.
Contextinator stores links to external services and
calls them ‘information views. Currently the soft-
ware supports five external services, but there is no
specialized code for these. In general, any online ser-
vice that has a unique URL to an internal location can
be easily incorporated into a Contextinator project.
In addition, if users visit the application (e.g.,
Dropbox) directly in the web browser while having
a Contextinator project open, they are automatically
redirected to the project’s information view eliminat-
ing redundant navigation across tools (Bergman et al.,
2006; Boardman et al., 2003).
A special case of this approach is the information
view for email, as email plays a significant role in
project management (Bellotti and Smith, 2000; Bel-
lotti et al., 2004; Gonz
alez and Mark, 2004). In order
to provide a way to integrate email with projects in
Contextinator, we display a filtered view of the email
inbox. The filter shows only unread messages from
the people that are part of the project and allows the
user to quickly follow an ongoing email conversation
without switching context to another program (email
in this case). In addition, we also provide a direct link
to particular Gmail tag or folder.
Evaluating personal information tools and practices
presents several challenges. PIM is by definition per-
sonal (Kelly and Teevan, 2007). The strategies that
users follow tend to be very personal and specific to
the attributes of their own collections. Thus it is very
difficult to create a series of reference tests that can
be natural to all users. Controlled lab setting do not
accurately reflect the reality of the use of the technol-
ogy in PIM settings. Several alternatives have been
proposed, from using diary studies (Czerwinski et al.,
2004; Teevan et al., 2004), in-vivo research methods
where researchers observe users with their own infor-
mation, as well as deploying a tool and collect data
from its use, as done by Whittaker et al. (Whittaker
et al., 2011).
To study Contextinator, we employed a method
similar to Whittaker et al. (Whittaker et al., 2011)
where they investigated email usage by deploying a
program within an organization and collecting data
on its use. In our work, we deployed Contextinator in
two stages: first, we deployed the tool to a set of test
users where we logged usage and later interviewed
them; and second, we deployed Contextinator (with-
out logging) in the Chrome Web Store where anybody
could download it and install it. Several months later,
we surveyed all users. This study was approved by
the University IRB (#13-008). This combination of
evaluation methods gives us a access to data reflect-
ing a variety of users experiences and behaviors. We
describe our research methods in stages.
4.1 First Stage: Limited Deployment
For our first stage, we recruited participants through
local listservs used by computer science graduate stu-
dents and faculty. We also announced the experiment
in an undergraduate class where they were offered ex-
tra credit for participation. The invitation contained a
where participants could download and install
the tool. The website also included several videos ex-
plaining the use of the tool. Upon installing the tool,
participants were required to agree to an online con-
sent form.
During this stage of the evaluation we logged in-
formation about user interactions and recorded the
majority of user actions with the tool (e.g. creating a
new project, switching to a project, closing a project,
creating a new task, flagging a task, marking a task as
completed, creating a new bookmark, opening email,
etc.). Each log item included the time stamp and rel-
evant information about the event (e.g. the project or
task name). We also conducted a semi-structured in-
terview where we asked broad questions and followed
up with specific questions about different areas of the
tool (projects, tasks, information fragmentation, and
tool usability).
Stage one provided us with detailed and rich data
in regards to the use of the tool. At the same time, we
interviewed a few heavy users to learn how they made
use of the tool. Of the 30 participants that installed
our tool, roughly one third of these were undergrad-
uate students and the rest were graduate students. Of
these 30 participants 15 of them used the tool a sig-
nificant amount, the remaining 15 only created one or
two projects named ‘testing’ or ‘something. As such,
we decided to not use the data of the later group in
our analyses. In the group of 15 active participants
we identified 7 heavy users that created three or more
projects. We interviewed 4 of our 30 participants, out
of which 3 (U1, U2, U3) said they considered them-
selves to be heavy users of the tool and 1 (U4) that
said they did not use the tool very much.
4.2 Second Stage: Broader Deployment
After our first evaluation we released Contextinator
in the Chrome Web Store for free. At the time of
this writing, over 3000 users have installed Contexti-
nator and there are 20 comments in the Chrome Web
Store for Contextinator. The project is also available
on GitHub where it has 48 ‘stargazers’, 9 ‘watchers’,
and has been forked 7 times.
In addition, we presented a survey to users of the
tool upon their next activation of the software. The
survey was to gather feedback and to clarify ideas
gathered on Stage 1. In particular, we wanted to get
a better sense of what users of the tool thought of the
notion of ‘projects’. It is worth noting that these users
are not affiliated with our institution nor connected
to our research group. Only those users older than
18 years old were surveyed, a restriction of our local
Stage two provided us with a much broader popu-
lation and allowed us to gather information from real
users of the tool. As of this writing, of the 20 com-
ments on the Chrome Web Store, 14 are positive, 5
are negative, and 1 is neutral. Five of the messages
are bug reports and 9 are requests for new features.
Each of the messages with requests had more than one
requested feature.
Overall, our evaluation provided a rich and var-
ied collection of data. We have more than 3000 users
that explored our tool, very rich user logs of about
7 users, interviews with 4 users, have more than 30
survey responses, and about 60 people that have ei-
ther commented or followed our project in the two
online repositories (Chrome Web Store and Github).
The next section presents the results and our analysis
of the evaluation.
5.1 Project Appropriation
In our analysis of how our participants and users
made use of the project metaphor we found two in-
teresting aspects. First, the scope of projects var-
ied widely, both between and within users’ projects.
Second, users thought quite differently about what a
project was, again, both between and within users’
projects. These different scopes and appropriations
of the project metaphor point to our naive assumption
that ‘projects’ is the proper and complete metaphor
for managing work.
First, we see the different scope, or granularity,
of projects in the number created by the participants
of the first stage ( ¯x = 4.5, Figure 4). When we asked
users in our second phase how many projects they cur-
rently had in Contextinator, they reported an average
of 8.59 projects (σ = 7.13). Of the 18 responses in our
second stage, the maximum number of projects was
28, the variability in the number of projects among
the users is illustrated by the high standard deviation
in relation to the mean.
The different scopes that were used is more clearly
illustrated in the names that participants in our first
phase chose for their projects. Some projects are
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Projects created
Number of Users
Figure 4: Distribution of number of projects created by
users in Contextinator (stage 1).
clearly bounded as a specific task addressed, e.g.
“Crypto project” and “German HW. While there are
other projects that, while also bounded, provide a
grouping and represent an activity that will contain
multiple projects (at least as we envisioned them), ex-
amples include Algorithms” or “CS 3744”. There are
even more broad projects that center around interests
such as “Gardening,” as well as, projects that are even
more general, e.g. “Life” or “General. Examples of
project names are shown below.
Individual Projects: “Crypto project” “3114
Project 3”, “Tax Returns” and “German HW”
Groups of Projects: Algorithms”, “Usability”,
“CS 3744”.
Ongoing Activities: “Gardening”, “Web Develop-
ment”, and “Shopping”.
Catch All: “Life” and “General”
Probing further into how participants and users
thought about a project gives further insight into the
inadequacies of the project metaphor. During our in-
terviews the confusion over the definition of a project
was clear. Not surprisingly, the most confused partici-
pant identified themselves as not using the tool much.
When I was first using it, the title project. . . it
made me feel like it should be like a school
project or a research project [. . . ] It definitely
threw me initially (Participant U4).
A user from the Chrome Web Store, explained
that they thought of projects as contexts instead of
I’d rather call it context. A context can be a
project I am working on, a research topic or an
otherwise combined series of tabs. For exam-
ple: Everything related to geocaching, travel-
ling. Some contexts only exist for the duration
of the ‘project’, some I keep indefinitely.
A second user from the Chrome Web Store con-
veyed a similar sense on their view of a project.
A set of related tabs that I need open at the
same time – this means I might have multiple
Contextinator projects for different stages of
the same Project.
Both of these users consider projects not as a re-
lated set of work items, but more as a contextual cap-
ture of their current goals. Those goals might be im-
mediate or longer term. The ‘projects’ in these two
examples, are a more expansive view of organizing
information. This sentiment was echoed by a partic-
ipant in our test group where they also replaced the
project metaphor with their own more flexible organi-
I have pretty broad categories. I have a Gen-
eral that I just throw stuff in. I have Web De-
velopment, so any time I am looking up stuff
on stack overflow. I have Shopping, for differ-
ent stuff I am shopping for. . . (Participant U2).
Another participant thought of projects more as
lists of things to do. Yet another participant simply
created projects for all his classes, enabling him to
enter a context in his browser as he entered the corre-
sponding physical context of the classroom:
The first thing I did was make a project for
each class I am in. So, when i am in class, I
can just open that project and have all the tabs.
Esp. for Dr. XX’s class, there is like Moodle,
Piazza, etc. (Participant U1).
However, regardless of what projects were to the
user, nearly all of our participants found the ability to
capture and resume the state of a window useful. This
is illustrated by an additional appropriation of projects
as a “bookmark for an entire window.
I think of them as a bookmark for an entire
window. In Chrome if you have a bunch of
tabs open, and if I want to come back to all of
them at once, bookmark it, make it a project
(Participant U1).
Another participant found that projects enabled
improved tab organization, and they began grouping
their browser activity in a way that they had not pre-
I would have 50 tabs open in my one window.
This really helps to have 10 or less in five win-
dows. It is really nice (Participant U2).
5.2 Project Transitions
In designing our system we also imagined that our
users would purposefully initiate clean transitions be-
tween projects (a context switch). However, in our
analysis we found that there was a somewhat clear
separation between users that purposefully switched
projects and users that found themselves in a project.
In our interviews (stage one), three of the partic-
ipants said that they did not use the tool to decide
which project to work on, but it still made it easier
to work on multiple projects at once. These partic-
ipants switched projects in an emergent way, that is
they found they needed to switch to or create a differ-
ent project once they already had a few tabs open.
A lot of the times I would just open a bunch of
new tabs, and not necessarily look for an ex-
isting project first[. . . ] So right now I am not
in a project. And then I start googling some-
thing, and I have five tabs open. And then I
realize, actually this should really go into the
VTS project. . . (Participant U1).
We asked users from the Chrome Web store:
“Why (or when) do your create a project?” The 18
responses can be grouped into two categories. The
first group (10 responses) created projects before they
started working on said ‘project. This group had a
notion of project that was related to a goal, as if plan-
ning for work to be done ahead. The second group (8
responses), however, used projects as a way to capture
work done so far but not yet completed. This group
used projects as a way to suspend work to be resumed
later. The goal of the project was not particularly im-
portant in the creation of the project itself.
5.3 Project Planning
In the first stage of our evaluation, 12 participants cre-
ated at least one task. Overall, they created an average
of 5.9 tasks (σ = 9.3). They compeleted 3.2 tasks on
an average (σ = 6.7). Participants rarely used flag-
ging. On an average, each participant flagged 0.8
tasks (σ = 1.9). Participants quick captured (added
a URL or note to a task) 2.8 tasks on an average
(σ = 4.5).
We saw roughly two approaches to project plan-
ning that mirrored the motivations cited by users for
creating projects. The first, is a more preparatory ap-
proach (Whittaker et al., 2011), where the user creates
tasks ahead of time and completes them over a longer
period of time. An example of this is a user creat-
ing a new project, quickly followed by the creation of
several new tasks, and in a later session marks them
as completed. This approach mirrored the users that
created projects before they began working on that
The second approach was more opportunistic,
where a user creates new tasks as and when required,
marking them as completed in the near future (usually
in the same session). Here, the user does not have a
specific planning phase of their session and instead
plans and captures in situ. This approach mirrors the
group of users that used projects to capture work that
has not been completed yet.
5.4 Usage
We also asked users “Which of the following fea-
tures are indispensable for your use of Contextina-
tor?” Only one participant selected the ‘Task man-
ager’, 5 selected ‘Save and reopen projects’ and 13
selected ‘Browser tab management. Clearly the sup-
port of managing the windows/tabs in the browser is
the most used feature in our tool.
The last four questions were a likert-scale ques-
tions about their agreement/disagreement with fac-
tual statements. The results are presented below.
The choices were (with score values in parenthesis):
Strongly Agree (1), Agree (2), Neither Agree nor Dis-
agree (3), Disagree (4), and Strongly Disagree (5).
“With Contextinator, I am able to work on mul-
tiple projects simultaneously. Average 2.00 (Agree)
and standard deviation of 0.7.
“With Contextinator, switching projects makes me
lost, so I avoid switching unless it is absolutely neces-
sary. Average of 3.5 (close to neutral) and standard
deviation of 0.9.
“With Contextinator, suspending or closing a
project is easy because I don’t have to worry about
losing data. Average of 1.89 (Agree) and standard
deviation of 1.0.
“With Contextinator, resuming a project is easy as
I am able to quickly gather where I left off. Average
of 1.89 (Agree) and standard deviation of 0.6.
Based on these results, it is clear that the support
for grouping related items, suspending and resuming
work are the most salient features of Contextinator.
In this paper, we have presented the design and evalu-
ation of Contextinator, a system built to assist people
in managing their personal information stored in the
cloud. The design of Contextinator focused on pro-
viding users support in three areas. First, it allowed
users to have their web related project information in
one place (including emails, bookmarks, todos, peo-
ple in a project, etc.). Second, it provided a way
to group and manage windows and tabs as a single
project. Finally, the tool provided a way to capture,
save, and reopen a project. While there is support
for all of these features, our several rounds of evalua-
tion only found strong evidence in favor of the third,
the management of opening/closing projects. This we
consider the “killer feature” of Contextinator. This
was verified in our multi-method evaluation as it was
routinely mentioned in our several rounds of evalua-
tion and confirmed by the online comments and the
survey to the current users.
The management of multiple tabs in a ‘project’
proved to be very valuable. Most users found this
idea so compelling that they ranked the management
of context switching within our tool the most valuable
feature. Being able to organize their activity with tabs
and being able to stop and resume work seems to suc-
cessfully address the fragmentation that naturally oc-
curs on the web as users access multiple websites for
We realize that we failed to address information
fragmentation as it relates to users’ social circle. Sev-
eral users wanted to be able to access the context in-
formation from another computer
. Participant U4
(in stage one) used two computers (desktop and a lap-
top) interchangeably, and wanted to be able to link
them and have the same projects at both places.
In addition, two participants wanted to be able to
share their projects with groups of people, and be able
to accomplish tasks in a project together with their
collaborators. Clearly the information fragmentation
is not just across information silos and devices, but
also across collaborators.
Thus, we can say that we solved the information
fragmentation that we set about to study only par-
tially. The project management features were clearly
well received and might account for the broad use of
the tool in the Chrome Web Store. Users liked being
able to group tabs as a single unit and being able to
save that group and reopened it later. The other set of
features (e.g., integration of information with email,
task and bookmarks) not only did not seem to get
much comments, we found little evidence that users
used it.
6.1 Implications for Future Work
With our study we also gained insights into other ar-
eas that might allow future researchers and develop-
ers to better address the problems we explored. We
would like focus on two of them here. First is the
idea of what a user considers a ‘project. The second
is how ‘information views’ address information frag-
This feature is now part of the tool
6.1.1 What is a project?
First, we provide some insight onto what users con-
sider a ‘project. People have vastly different con-
cepts as to what a ‘project’ is and designs of similar
tools should provide for this variability. A system that
seeks to improve support for knowledge work should
be able to blend in with this existing ecosystem of
There is a wide variability of what users call a
project. Typically we consider a project as a set of re-
lated activities with a particular goal in mind. But we
found that users have a much broader definition. In
some cases, users considered several ‘projects’ as all
part of the same task at hand, thus requiring multiple
active projects at once. In those cases, one or more of
the projects were really collection of resources that
were reused in similar tasks(e.g., having a project
with reference websites for web development).
In addition, we have identified two types of
‘projects’ based on why and when users create them.
‘Preparatory’ projects are projects that allow users to
organize their work, including creating tasks to be
performed later in time. These projects are often cre-
ated a priori of the work to be done. The second type
of project, ‘opportunistic, are projects that emerge
from work that is being done. These projects might
or might not have a specific goal, and instead emerge
from users’ work. Opportunistic projects seem to ben-
efit from capturing the context of work for suspension
and resumption of work.
6.1.2 Information Views
The second lesson learned is how ‘information views’
addresses the problem of information fragmentation.
In our tool, we had three ways to integrate informa-
The first and most simple form for information
views to address information fragmentation is to
develop a program that actually supports multiple
sources of information all into one service. We did
this for the collection of todos, bookmarks, and peo-
ple. All of the information for those three categories
were collected by our tool and stored locally in our
tool. The problem with this approach is one of adop-
tion. In our data, we found that most users did not
use this feature. In the use logs that we captured, we
found that most users did not even configure this fea-
The second approach, exemplified by our presen-
tation of email in the project page, is to show enough
information from an external source without requiring
going to other websites. This is the example used in
the web today of ‘content embedding. Google Maps,
for example, allows users and developers to embed a
map view in other sites. Instead of having a link and
requiring navigation to another site/tool, the informa-
tion is presented in place with some minor restric-
tions. Our tool did this by presenting unread emails
in the context of a project. This approach requires ex-
ternal services to provide access to their data via some
API or protocol (e.g., IMAP access to email).
The last one and the one that holds the most
promise is to make use of direct links to outside repos-
itories thus providing in different tabs direct access to
related information. Our tool captured a direct link
in each project to an external service (e.g., a link to a
folder in Dropbox). These links are then presented as
short-cuts in the project home page. But more inter-
esting, within the context of the project, clicking on
a generic top level to an external service is automati-
cally redirected to the internal location for the project.
The only requirement to integrate external tools with
Contextinator is to provide unique URLs to its inter-
nal data.
These three approaches to building integrated in-
formation views allow us to at least begin to address
the information fragmentation that occurs on the web.
A tool like Contextinator has the potential to create
(or re-create) the context lost amid information frag-
mentation in today’s web-based tools.
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