Detecting Math-and-ICT Competence
Maria Shabanova
and Borislav Lazarov
Institute of Mathematics, Information and Space Technologies, M. Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University,
Arkhangelsk, Russia
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Socratic Style, Dynamic Geometry Software, Van Hiele’s Level, Synthetic Competence.
Theoretically DGS (dynamic geometry software) environment allows developing students’ critical thinking
via discovering some properties of the figures by exploring DGS applets. Our goal is to examine how this
theory works in teaching a new non-trivial geometry concept. We study which van Hiele’s level of geometrical
reasoning is covered by the students in two cases. The first testing group worked in Socratic style of teaching
without any time limit. The second one was restricted to the regular classroom parameters and the teacher
applied instructional mode of teaching. The topic is the introduction of a new locus not included in the
standard curriculum but in the students’ zone of proximal development. We are interested in the transition
of knowledge and skills developed in paper-and-pencil context to the DGS environment. The transition we
consider as an indicator of competence of synthetic type. As the outcomes of the study, some important details
of incorporating DGS in teaching-learning process in secondary school were clarified.
The last pan European initiatives to modernize the
secondary school math education refer to so called in-
quiry based education (Rocard et al., 2007). Key role
in the change of the paradigm play the outcomes of
the SINUS and SINUS-Transfer projects held in Ger-
many (Baptist et al., 2011) where the Dynamic Work-
sheets done in dynamic geometry software (DGS) en-
vironment occupied the central location in teaching-
learning process.
Meanwhile several initiatives to organize more at-
tractive and effective math education based on DGS
educational environment are taking place in the Rus-
sian Federation (Shabanovaet al., 2013). One of them
is with cooperation of Bulgarian Institute of Mathe-
matics and Informatics in the frame of the MITE (Me-
thodic and Information Technologies in Education)
project and it aims to design educational resources
and to prepare staff for implementation of these re-
sources in regular practice (see Note 1).
In general the goal of these movements is the re-
quirements of the key-competences defined in (Eu-
ropean Commission, 2004) to be covered after the
compulsory education (whatever it means). We adopt
the main idea of the key-competence-definition that
a key-competence should be a transferable, multi-
functional package of knowledge, skills and attitudes
(ibid.) Building such kind of packages separately for
any particular school subject reduces both its trans-
ferability and multifunctionality,this is why we advo-
cate considering the competence as a synthetic con-
cept (Lazarov, 2013). The study we present in this pa-
per is an attempt to clarify some parameters of incor-
porating DGS in the regular teaching-learning prac-
tice aimed to make possible the transfer of knowledge
and skills in a new context (decontextualization) (see
Note 2). More specifically - we are interested in the
level of transferability and multifunctionality of some
knowledge and skills elaborated in paper-and-pencil
technique into DGS environment and the potential ad-
vantages that this provides for heuristics and thus for
inquiry based approach of teaching-learning.
We consider the theory of Van Hieles level of geomet-
rical reasoning (VanHiele, 1984) as the most relevant
for describing the student’s progress in building a new
geometrical concept (a short description of the lev-
els is given in the Appendix). It is important for our
purpose the minimal initial van Hiele’s level of rea-
soning to be determined as either 3 or 4. The level 3
Shabanova M. and Lazarov B..
Detecting Math-and-ICT Competence.
DOI: 10.5220/0004840401530158
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 153-158
ISBN: 978-989-758-021-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
guaranties that the student can use DGS as an educa-
tional tool but not (only) for fun. Level 4 we accept as
the desired educational goal in the secondary school.
Our standing point is that a student has built the math-
and-ICTcomponent on a competence of synthetic type
when (s)he is able to apply DGS for solving new non-
trivial problems. This is of course in the context of
the high secondary school mathematics curriculum
(grade 8 and up). Since the education in geometry
is based on the traditional paper-and-pencil method-
ology the ability to present knowledge and skills in
DGS format properly ensures their transferability and
multifunctionality, i.e. the presence of a competence.
The objectives we stated were to examine the ex-
istence or lack of transfer of KSA (which indicates a
kind of competence) and to clarify the time needed
for elaborating a new concept applying inquiry-based
style of teaching-learning. We investigate the reason-
ing of a new which locus, is close to the basic core
of the curriculum but also requires the transfer of the
KSA in a non-trivial way. We adopt the following in-
dicators of detecting such kind of competence:
I1. Proper idea about the locus and design of a
proper DGS instrument.
I2. The construction is explored and the conjec-
ture is supported by examples; the statement is stated
and proved.
I3. Ability for independent work and the level of
the teacher’s intervention.
We integrate the DGS interface with the common geo-
metrical language of the van Hiele’s level 3, forming a
kind of metalanguage. It allows more effective com-
munication during the lesson but also more reliable
observation on the indicators. For instance measuring
the transfer of KSA includes the stability of a partic-
ular DGS construction. Meanwhile we keep an eye
on the student’s zones of actual and proximal devel-
opment (Vygotsky, 1935) when we evaluate his/her
Data collection was done during and after the les-
son: we gathered the sheets and the files of the stu-
dents; a video record of the lessons was made. How-
ever we also used the teacher’s observation on each
student in a longer period to clarify the van Hiele’s
level reached in similar matter.
3.1 Population
Our target group was 9th grade students of an ordi-
nary school. We organized the experiment in two
groups: the first one of 14 students and the second
of nine. All of them were familiar with GeoGebra
(they had more than 3 years experience in applying
it). The first group is a regular class; the second group
is formed by students attending a math circle.
3.2 Teachers
The teachers involved in the study were among the
best math teachers, experts in inquiry-based educa-
tion, authors of the textbooks and having both deep
math knowledge and excellent skills in GeoGebra.
3.3 Problems
We designed two problems for the study. Problem
1. Find the locus of points inside a quadrilateral with
minimal sum of the distances to the lines containing
its sides. Investigate the case:
a) square;
b) rhombus;
c) parallelogram.
Problem 2. Find the locus of points inside a quadri-
lateral with minimal sum of the distances to its sides.
Investigate the case:
d) square;
e) rhombus;
f) parallelogram.
Students were expected to pass through the fol-
lowing steps:
step 1: the locus is drawn correctly,
step 2: the conjecture is relevant,
step 3: the conjecture is confirmed by examples,
step 4: a proof is made,
step 5 (in Problem 1): a general proof for the
square, the rhombu and the parallelogram is made,
step 5 (in Problem 2): some particular shapes of
the locus are examined,
step 6 (in Problem 2): a new problem is stated and
3.4 Lesson Plan
Our experiment was held in a regular lesson (2 h 45
minutes) with the second group and an extended les-
son without time limit with the first group (2 h 24
min). Both lessons followed the next plan
(1) Declaring the objectives of the lesson
(2) Reminding some basic facts
(3) Stating Problem 1 and the type of the activities
(4) Individual work on Problem 1
(5) Solving Problem 1 with tutoring
(6) Plenary discussion on Problem 1
(7) Elaborating basic knowledge and skills for
Problem 2
(8) Stating Problem 2
(9) Individual work on Problem 2
(10) Solving Problem 2 with tutoring
(11) Plenary discussion on Problem 2
(12) Drawing conclusions
Let us note that the concept of distance between point
and segment is not introduced in the curriculum. This
is why the students were given in advance a home-
work to elaborate the locus of points at given distance
from a segment. The homework includes also prob-
lems about the sum of the distances to two parallel
segments. The solutions were expected to be written
in traditional paper-and-pencil style.
3.5 Benchmarks
The coverage of the indicators was registered as fol-
I1. The ability to construct a dynamically stable
quadrilateral; the examined segments are dynamically
stable; the sum of the segments is explicitly noted.
I2. Progress in the solution of the problems about
the square, rhombus and parallelogram: the student
gives argumentsthat support the conclusions up to the
rigor proof.
I3. The student works independently or (s)he
manage to obtain the required results after teacher’s
The lessons started with a brief review of the home-
work. For us it was a check of the initial level of rea-
soning of the new concept: distance between point
and segment. Students performed some experimental
work with the ready applets. This introductory part
showed that in the both groups the DGS language was
properly learned.
There were advanced students from Group 1 who
managed to perform the standard questions quickly.
After doing this, they went further and deeper in the
solution of the problems. The unlimited time for indi-
vidual work did not give any advantages to the others.
As a rule, the teacher was more interested in the per-
formance of the advanced students. She performed
an individual Socratic inquiry with some of them if
needed. After some time the rest of the class was
given ready applets (Figure 1) provided with some
short instructions.
Students of the second group were given ready ap-
plets and clear instructions what to do. This approach
allowed more uniform movement along the lesson.
Moreover, the teacher had direct view on the transfer
Figure 1: The main experimental applet prepared by the
teacher in advance.
of the student’s knowledge build in paper-and-pencil
mode to the DGS environment. As soon as students
performed the experimental work, she went to the
proof of the results.
Very important parts of the lesson in both groups
were the plenary discussions when the students pre-
sented their ideas to the class. We detected the com-
petence level (or lack of competence) of any partic-
ular student more clearly during these discussions.
The use of the metalanguage (natural language +
math expressions and drawings completed with DGS-
interface notation see Note 3) allowed students to
support their arguments better. We consider the abil-
ity to use properly such style of communication as
existence of some synthetic competence.
In this section, we present our observations on 3 stu-
dents. The first two are the marginal cases in Group
1: the most advanced student and the one with modest
abilities. The third student is from the more homoge-
neous Group 2.
Figure 2: The only DGS construction designed by StudentI
during the lesson.
StudentI (Group 1). StudentI’s geometrical rea-
soning was classified by his teacher as van Hiele’s
level 4 for the most topics. StudentI often has
nonstandard ideas and gives original solutions. He
skipped the first problem as not interesting - he im-
mediately guessed that the sum of the distances to two
parallel lines remains the same for any point between
them which answers the question in Problem 1.
StudentI designed a single DGS construction (Fig-
ure 2) but it was enough to explore the locus in the
most general case. He passed the steps 1-3 in a very
short time and decided he is ready. After the teacher
urged him, StudentI passed step 4 - he proved the as-
sertion without any enthusiasm (Figure 3).
Figure 3: StudentI’s P& P ”proof”.
StudentG (Group 1). The teacher determines Stu-
dentG’s geometrical reasoning as van Hiele’s level
1, but even he managed passing step 1. Further, he
used the applet provided by the teacher. StudentG did
not show any progress in Problem 2 after the individ-
ual work in the DGS environment. He passed step
1 in Problem 2 after some explanations given by the
teacher. It seemed to be that Problem 2 is beyond the
StudentG’s zone of proximal development (ZPD).
Figure 4: DGS applet provided by the teacher to StudentG
with his explorations.
StudentA (Group 2). She was classified by her
teacher as reasoning in Van Hiele’s level 3. StudentA
had some experience in a kind of research activities.
She was expected to pass all steps independently. In-
stead of this she asked the teachers instructions all
the time. But she went further than the other students
exploring some more cases. She did not prefer paper-
and-pencil drawing and made her proofs using only
the DGS applets for supporting her intuition.
Table 1 represents the progress made by students in
solving the problems. The columns a), b), c) stand for
the parts of the Problem 1; the numbers in the rows
show how many students covered the corresponding
step of the solution. Analogous are the columns d), e)
and f).
Table 1: The progress in the solution.
Progress in Group 1 Group 2
Problem 1 a) b) c) a) b) c)
step 1 14 14 14 9 9 9
step 2 8 8 8 9 9 9
step 3 13 13 12 9 9 9
step 4 11 10 6 1 1 1
step 5 1 1
Progress in Group 1 Group 2
Problem 2 d) e) f) d) e) f)
step 1 14 14 14 8 8 8
step 2 13 13 13 8 8 8
step 3 13 13 13 8 8 8
step 4 9 9 8 2 2 2
step 5 0 0 2 0 0 1
step 6 1 0
We refer the steps 1 and 2 to the indicator I1. The
success in steps 3 and 4 is related to the indicator I2.
The time elapsed by the individual work or working
with tutoring on the problems is connected to the in-
dicator I3. These times were as follows:
Group 1.
Individual work on Problem 1 - 40 min.
Individual work on Problem 2 - 30 min.
Solving Problem 2 with tutoring - 17 min.
Group 2.
Solving Problem 1 with tutoring - 27 min.
Solving Problem 2 with tutoring - 17 min.
In our study we use the homework and Problem1
mainly to clarify the metalanguage in which students
were going to communicate in Problem 2. The data
collected clearly showed that the students were fa-
miliar with all needed auxiliary concepts when they
started solving the Problem 2. The homework and
Problem 1 played another important role for students
according to the inductive character of the van Hiele’s
level - the connections between the components of the
figures elaborated during solving these two prepara-
tory problems in paper-and-pencil mode (P&P) were
the necessary initial cognitive status for starting Prob-
lem 2. We give the observed van Hiele’s level (the
number of students who achieved the corresponding
level) in table 2.
Table 2: The observed van Hiele’s level.
Van Hiele’s Group 1 Group 2
level P&P DGS P&P DGS
I 1 0 0 0
II 3 1 5 2
III 7 5 4 6
IV 3 8 0 2
We will skip advocating the obvious fact that the con-
text of paper-and-pencil is rather different from the
context of DGS environment and refer to (Marrades&
Gutierrez, 2000) for the review of the research of the
types of reasoning. We also agree with the findings
that rediscovering nontrivial math facts in classroom
practice is impossible even with most advanced stu-
dents (Lazarov&Sharkova,2013). So we are trying to
evaluate a significant part of the total price that should
be paid for incorporating DGS in regular teaching
practice - namely the time elapsed for considerable
progress in studying a new math concept. Further, af-
ter paying the price, do we get the expected quality of
the educational product - the competence?
The statistics from table 1 clearly shows that the
first indicator is covered by the students (with only
one exception) for the most trivial case. The conclu-
sion is that the students ”speak the DGS language flu-
ently”. There is full-scale transition of the basic con-
cepts from the paper-and-pencil context to the DGS
environment. In some intuitive level students feel the
The poor performance in deduction shows that the
DGS abilities have little impact on the deeper under-
standing of the matter. This is not a big surprise if
we take into account that the deductive justification is
characterized by the decontextualization of the argu-
ment used (Marrades& Gutierrez, 2000). From our
perspective the statistics indicates lack of synthetic
competence of 5 students of the Group 1 and 6 of
Group 2.
The StudetI’s case shows the existing of KSA
transferability from paper-and-pencil to DGS but the
lack of it in the reverse way. This means that the step
from empirical to deductive justification is not easy
even for the students with relatively high math abili-
The roots of the inquiry based approach are in the
Socratic style. This style was applied in the first group
after the individual work on Problem 2. The unlimited
time and the Socratic style provided some opportuni-
ties for creative work to the more able students, but
the tutoring instructional method applied in the sec-
ond group gave better statistics.
Our initial assumption that the Problem 1 is in the
zone of the actual development and Problem 2 after
the homework will be in the zone of the proximal
(and even actual) development of the students was too
optimistic, but our misunderestimation of these very
simple problems shows that the desired meaningful
inquiry-based approach in math education is nothing
more than a fiction for the regular classroom prac-
tice. In fact, during a regular lesson in traditional style
teachers consider at least 4-5 such simple problems
with rigor proofs.
On the contrary: the Socratic style is attractive
and effective way for new concepts to be introduced
and elaborated as extracurricular activity. During our
study we observed that Socratic style teaching geom-
etry enhanced with DGS environment does not lead to
van Hieles level 4 automatically, and in some cases
even reduces students’ critical thinking.
Note 1. A frame of didactical technology for the
Thales Theorem was among the outcomes of the 3rd
meeting of MITE held in October 2006 in Orya-
hoviza, Bulgaria. During a workshop initiated by
the second author an international team designed this
frame with elements of ICT, compatible with curricu-
lum in Bulgaria, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Note 2. We borrow the word decontextualization
from (Marrades& Gutierrez, 2000) but we do not use
it in the same sense.
Note 3. We use the word metalanguage to denote
an expansion of the common math language used by
the students on the DGS icons, operators etc. The
general idea follows the description of the plurilin-
gualism given in the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages (Language Policy Unit,
Strasbourg, In different sit-
uations, a person can call flexibly upon different parts
of this (communicative) competence to achieve effec-
tive communication with a particular interlocutor.
The Van Hiele’s level havespecific language (Van-
Hiele, 1984) which indicates the level. We observed
that the students working with DGS use also in spe-
cific manner the DGS interfacefor each level, i.e. they
’communicate’ with the computer in a manner that is
specific for the Van Hiele’s level reached. The com-
municative competence in this case is expressed via
metalanguage which is specific for the corresponding
Van Hiele’s level. A research to clarify the metalan-
guage is in progress in our team and an interim report
was given at the ITA 2013 Winter Session, Dec 18-19,
2013, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Baptist, P. et al. (eds.) (2011). SINUS international.
Bayreuth, University of Bayreuth.
European Commission (2004). Framework for key com-
petences in a knowledge-based society. http://ec.
(active in Nov 2013)
Rocard, M. et al. (2007). Science Education now. European
Commission, Directorate-General for Research, Sci-
ence, Economy and Society.
Lazarov, B. (2013) Socratic style teaching and synthetic
competence building of advanced students in mathe-
matics. DARYN, Astana, 18-19
Lazarov, B. and Sharkova, I. (2013). Two geometry illustra-
tions of the infinitesimal method. Education and Tech-
nology. Vol 4/2013, 174-180. (in Bulgarian)
Marrades, R. and Gutierrez, A. (2000). Proofs produced by
secondary school students learning geometry in a dy-
namic computer environment. Educational Studies in
Mathematics, 44, 87-125.
Shabanova, M. et al. (2013) Learning mathematics with us-
ing opportunities of GeoGebra. Pero Pblsh, Moskva,
p 127. (in Russian).
Van Hiele, P. M. (1984). A child’s thought and geometry.
In D.Fuys, D.Geddes and R.Tischler (Eds), English
translation of selected writings of Dina van Hiele-
Geldof and P.M. van Hiele, 237-241. Brooklyn Col-
lege, N.Y. 1984.
Vygotsky, L. (1935). Dynamics of cognitive development
in relation to student learning. Mental development of
children in the learning process. Moscow-Leningrad,
33-52. (in Russian).
We quote the definitions of the first four Van Hiele’s
levels as given by Michael de Villiers in Some Re-
flections on the Van Hiele theory (Invited plenary pre-
sented at the 4th Congress of teachers of mathemat-
ics of the Croatian Mathematical Society, Zagreb, 30
June - 2 July 2010).
Level 1 (Recognition). Pupils visually recognize
figures by their global appearance. They recognize
triangles, squares, parallelograms, and so forth by
their shape, but they do not explicitly identify the
properties of these figures.
Level 2 (Analysis). Pupils start analyzing the
properties of figures and learn the appropriate techni-
cal terminology for describing them, but they do not
interrelate figures or properties of figures.
Level 3 (Ordering). Pupils logically order the
properties of figures by short chains of deductions and
understandthe interrelationships between figures (e.g.
class inclusions).
Level 4 (Deduction). Pupils start developing
longer sequences of statements and begin to under-
stand the significance of deduction, the role of ax-
ioms, theorems and proof.
We did not detected the fifth level (Rigor) among
the students of our groups.