A Development and Integration Framework for Optimisation-based
Enterprise Solutions
Rodrigo Lankaites Pinheiro and Dario Landa-Silva
School of Computer Science, The University of Nottingham, Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, U.K.
Optimisation Development Framework, Decision Support Systems, Academia-industry Collaboration,
Workforce Scheduling, Routing.
The operations research literature includes some papers describing collaborative work between researchers and
industry. However, not much literature exists that outlines methodologies to guide the development of a de-
cision support module and its integration into an existing information management system. Here we describe
a framework to aid the collaborative development of an optimisation solution by researchers and information
system developers. The proposed framework also helps in the effective integration of the information manage-
ment system and the decision support module. The framework is divided into three main components: a data
model, a data extractor and validator, and a solution visualisation and auxiliary platform. We also describe
our experience and positive results from applying the proposed development and integration framework to a
project involving the development on an optimisation-based solution for workforce scheduling and optimisa-
tion problems. We hope that this contribution would be particularly useful for less experienced researchers and
practitioners who embark on a collaborative development of a decision support module based on optimisation
Decision support systems are pieces of software in-
tended to aid humans in making decisions regard-
ing specific problems in given domains. Over the
past few decades, research and development of such
systems have increased considerably (Power et al.,
2011). Nonetheless, due to their complexity, decision
support systems are mostly developed jointly by col-
laborative teams. Academics often enter into R&D
projects in partnerships with practitioners to develop
decision support modules – which may consist of one
or more optimisation algorithms, simulation modules,
inference engines, etc. – for solving a given problem
(Fontana et al., 2006).
As with every software development environment,
collaborative development of decision support sys-
tems presents its difficulties. The software engineer-
ing literature describes many methodologies for soft-
ware development such as applying basic software
paradigms (Pressman, 2010), or adhering to the Ra-
tional Unified Process (RUP) (Kruchten, 2004), Ag-
ile methodology (Martin, 2003) or Concurrent Engi-
neering (CE) (Prasad, 1996). However, the general
scope of these methodologies, often fails to address
the unique challenges of R&D development.
The literature provides few works that propose
general methodologies to aid the development of
R&D projects (Barnes et al., 2002; Guarnaschelli
et al., 2013). Some commercialtools exist to aid R&D
projects development, such as the IBM ILOG ODM
Enterprise (IBM, 2013). However, adhering to such
tools implies adopting black-box algorithms (which
may not be in the interest of researchers), limitations
in technology (as compatibility issues arise) and often
a considerable cost.
Here we present a data-centric development
framework to assist in the collaborative develop-
ment of optimisation-based enterprise solutions. The
framework is a tool to facilitate the communication
between development teams and to foster progress on
the research of the optimisation problem being tack-
led. Moreover, it provides a layer between the in-
formation management system and the decision sup-
port module being developed. Hence, the practitioner
does not need to force the use of specific technologies
and methods and the researchers focus on the devel-
opment of algorithms. We stress that the proposed
framework is not intended to substitute software en-
gineering methodologies and frameworks. Instead, it
Lankaites Pinheiro R. and Landa-Silva D..
A Development and Integration Framework for Optimisation-based Enterprise Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004833802330240
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2014), pages 233-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-017-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is designed to provide both the researchers and prac-
titioners with enough independence while still aid-
ing them in the collaborative development. We also
describe the application of the proposed framework
to a real scenario involving the development of an
optimisation-based enterprise solution.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Sec-
tion 2 outlines the Workforce Scheduling and Routing
Problems Project which is used to illustrate the ap-
plication of the proposed framework. Section 2 also
reviews previous related works. Section 3 presents
the framework while section 4 presents the obtained
results. Section 5 provides some insights and the con-
clusion of this work.
Part of the focus in our currentresearch is the develop-
ment of algorithmic solutions for workforce schedul-
ing and routing problems such as home healthcare ser-
vices. Workforce scheduling and routing problems
(WSRP) are a class of problems in which workers
(nurses, doctors, technicians, etc.) have to be allo-
cated to tasks scattered in a geographical area, hence
workers need to travel between locations. Work-
ers have their own skills, availability, preferences,
etc. while tasks have required skills, associated client
preferences, etc. This class of problems combines
features from scheduling problems and routing prob-
lems. For an overview of WSRP please refer to
Castillo-Salazar et al. (2012).
We are engaged in a R&D project in collabora-
tion with an industrial partner in order to develop the
optimisation engine for tackling large WSRP scenar-
ios. The existing information system collects all the
problem-related data and provides an interface to as-
sist human decision makers in the process of assign-
ing workers to visits. We are in charge of developing
the decision support module that couples well with
the information management system being developed
and maintained by the industrial partner.
The use of methodologies, frameworks and guide-
lines aid the process of elaborate software develop-
ment and can help to reduce risks and problems. In
Section 4) we discuss in detail some of the risks and
problems that the proposed framework has helped
us to address in our project. The literature de-
scribes several methodologies and guidelines to help
on the development of both decision support systems
(Connors, 1992; Bui and Lee, 1999; Elgarah et al.,
2002) and information management systems (Prasad,
1996; Martin, 2003; Kruchten, 2004). However, only
few works refer specifically to R&D projects and
in our opinion, even fewer could be applicable to
optimisation-based problems. We highlight the fol-
lowing ones:
Several works focus on the management aspects
of R&D projects. They discuss the advantages
of a collaborative project between researchers and
practitioners, how to assess such partnerships and
how to evaluate the benefits. Among them, we can
list the works of Balachandra and Friar (1997),
Huchzermeier and Loch (2001), Santiago and Bi-
fano (2005) and Fontana et al. (2006).
There are some case studies of R&D projects that
aim to identify characteristics of the software de-
velopment process in such R&D projects to then
propose a few general guidelines. Among these
works we can highlight those by Pinto and Covin
(1989), and Pillai et al. (2002).
Barnes et al. (2002) presents a general good prac-
tice model for R&D projects, but not a methodol-
ogy or framework. Hence, we recommend to ad-
here to their model while applying our framework,
as both methodologies can be fully integrated.
Their partner evaluation factors and university-
industry issues practises can be addressed prior to
the application of our framework. Our data mod-
elling contributes to fulfill several of their project
management topics, such as the clearly defined
objectives and responsibilities, realistic aims, col-
laborative agreement, progress monitoring and ef-
fective communication. Besides,our data model
helps in managing the cultural gap issue and our
proposed solution visualisation and auxiliary plat-
form aids with the outcome factors they defined.
Guarnaschelli et al. (2013) proposed a general
methodology for integrating the development of
decision models with model driven software de-
velopment. They divide the methodology in four
parts, namely the business modelling, the decision
problem definition, the service modelling and the
reference modelling. The framework proposed in
this paper can be integrated with their methodol-
ogy since the elements we propose match the el-
ements proposed in their suggested timeline. Our
proposed data modelling starts after their sug-
gested business modelling and progresses through
the decision model identification and specifica-
tion. Our data extractor and validator contributes
to their decision problem realisation and the do-
main elements reference modelling. Finally our
solution visualisation and auxiliary platform aids
with the implementation step.
Figure 1: Overview of the development and integration framework.
The framework consists of three components to help
with the communication of teams, the understanding
of the problem being tackled and the integration of the
algorithmic solution. The first component is a data
model understandable to both researchers and practi-
tioners. The second component is a data extraction
and validation mechanism. The third component is a
solution visualisation and auxiliary platform. Figure
1 presents an overall diagram of the framework. Alto-
gether,these elements create a layer between the prac-
titioners and the researchers to assist them in achiev-
ing a common understanding of the problem and ob-
taining a higher communication level.
3.1 First Component: Data Model
The data model component applies data-centric de-
velopment concepts (Bhattacharya et al., 2009; Cohn
and Hull, 2009) to optimisation scenarios. The data
model is a data abstraction in a file format capable
of representing an instance of the optimisation prob-
lem. It serves as a layer between details of the prob-
lem domain and details of the algorithmic solution so
that those building the model approach the problem
from their own perspective. The purpose of the data
model building process is that both practitioners and
researchers work in collaboration to create the file for-
mat and improve mutual understanding.
3.1.1 Modelling the Data
The data can be modelled into a set of files or a single
file, depending on the characteristics of the optimisa-
tion problem. Ideally, the set of files contains all the
information needed to run the solving algorithms. We
recommend to have in each dataset all the informa-
tion required to solve one problem instance instead of
having data common to several instances in one file.
This is because the time required for executing the op-
timisation algorithms is usually higher than the time
required for data processing. More importantly, hav-
ing all the data for a problem instance available in this
way helps researchers to better understand the prob-
lem instance.
The WSRP scenario used to illustrate the frame-
work in this paper contains a large dataset, hence we
decided to split an instance into six files, each one
containing a list of some sort. Figure 2 presents a
simplified version of the dataset. Each file contains a
list of the element that defines the file. Also, each file
is linked to the mathematical model in order to show
the correlation between the optimisation problem and
the data files.
The use of a data model at the centre of the de-
velopment process helps to improve the communi-
cation between researchers and practitioners (Cohn
Figure 2: The files set for the WSRP project. Each file contains a list of the named elements and each element contains several
fields related to the optimisation problem.
and Hull, 2009). The data files should preferably be
human-readable and as self-explanatory as possible.
This also allows researchers to easily alter the data in
order to generate different test cases.
When developing the framework we opted to
use eXtensible Markup Language (XML) (Harold
and Means, 2009) as the file format for the model.
We have chosen XML because it is easily readable,
XML parsers are widely available, and XML offers a
schema model. Such schema allows the creation of
XML files that model other XML files and files at-
tached to XML schemas are easily validated. Also, in
the case of our WSRP project, both researchers and
practitioners were already familiar with XML. How-
ever, an alternative is to use YAML (2013), which
is clearer and more human-readable than XML. Be-
sides, several YAML libraries are available for the
most common programming languages.
Like in any other software development process,
the development of a decision support system may
be subject to many changes during the development.
This must be considered when modelling the files, for
example, by using required and optional fields. The
required fields should be used for very basic data that
must exist in order to validate the data for a problem
instance. The optional fields are used to capture sec-
ondary constraints and objectives such as preferences.
In the modelling stage, the format used to rep-
resent a solution should help researchers to verify
that the solution is valid, i.e. meets the problem
constraints and additional requirements. This also
helps practitioners and researchers to understand each
other early in the process, on what constitutes a good-
quality solution.
The final data model obtained is a layer between
researchers and practitioners. This means that practi-
tioners can work on the information management sys-
tem using the data model to interact with the decision
support module (even though it may not have been de-
veloped yet). Similarly, researchers can work on the
algorithmic techniques without any specific knowl-
edge of the information management system. Fur-
thermore, this layer helps to ensure that any solution
methodology developed by the academic team can
be incorporated into the company’s information sys-
tem by only handling the corresponding model files.
Therefore, the data model plays a crucial role when
integrating the company’s information system and the
developed optimisation algorithms.
3.2 Second Component: Data
Extraction and Validation
The sooner the academic team have access to data in
the model format, the sooner research on the solv-
ing algorithms can begin. Then, sample datasets or a
mechanism to efficiently assist in extracting the data
would be useful. Figure 3 shows the schematic for
the data extractor and validator developed as part of
the framework. The figure also shows the interaction
of this component with the database in order to gen-
erate the file set in the model format.
3.2.1 Data Extractor
The data extractor is the tool that retrieves the data
from the information system and converts it to a set
of files according to the data model. This data extrac-
tor plays an important role in the development of the
decision support module. This is because a typical in-
formation system is likely to contain a large amount
of data that is not needed for the optimisation prob-
lem and that should be filtered. Clearly the model
itself helps to eliminate some of such data, but as ex-
pressed above, it is highly desirable that each dataset
only contains the data required for a single problem
instance. In our WSRP project, we only extract the
visits/jobs for a given planning period. This helps to
eliminate the processing of unnecessary data and im-
prove the overall system’s performance. Filtering the
data at the retrieval stage is usually easier, more reli-
able and more efficient, specially in a SQL server en-
vironment. Figure 3 outlines this process of extracting
and collecting raw data, sending it to the data valida-
tor, retrieving the validated data and finally generating
the corresponding file set in the model format.
Figure 3: The data extractor and validator.
3.2.2 Data Validator
After the data extraction, data should be validated
to account for missing and inaccurate entries in the
database plus other considerations. In the database
for our WSRP project, this means for example, fil-
tering out staff members that are not available in the
planning period considered, or those whose skills are
not appropriate for the given scenario, or those only
available to work on different geographical locations.
We also filter out data about locations and skills not
used in the given scenario. Hence, the first step of
the data validator is to trim data as much as possible
and ensure that data references broken as result of this
data trimming are also fixed.
Moreover the validator also checks for inconsis-
tent data, such as mistyped postcodes, which if not
detected can negatively affect the performance of the
solving algorithm. For example, the data validator
for the WSRP project checks for wrong postcodes by
comparing them to the postcodes of other locations
in the same geographical area. It also checks for any
numerical value that deviates too much from the ex-
pected range of values. Figure 3 presents the proposed
flow diagram for the data validator. The extractor and
validator provides researchers with problem instances
to assist the algorithm development, while also pro-
vides practitioners with a guiding mechanism to con-
tinue the data gathering and preparation.
3.3 Third Component: Solution
Visualisation and Auxiliary
The third component of the framework is a solution
visualisation and auxiliary platform, a feature that is
almost entirely designed to help researchers in the
development. There are many information system
development methodologies well consolidated in the
software engineering literature. However, these are
usally not fully applicable to the development of de-
cision support systems, for which well established
methodologies and frameworks are not easily identi-
fied in the literature.
This third component aims to be a communica-
tion layer between researchers and later between re-
searchers and practitioners. Figure 4 presents a di-
agram to illustrate how the visualisation and auxil-
iary platform interacts with the solver and the actors
in the scenario, the company and the academic team.
The solutions generated by the algorithmic solver can
be stored into the repository, can be displayed in the
visualisation platform and can be compared to other
stored solutions. Through this visualisation platform,
Figure 4: The visualisation and auxiliary platform.
researchers and practitioners can have feedback from
the solver and can evaluate the progress in the devel-
opment of the solving algorithm.
3.3.1 Solution Visualiser
In an algorithm development team where each mem-
ber works in a semi-independent manner with its own
knowledge, tools and techniques, having a common
solution visualiser can help to conduct a fair com-
parison between the different solution methods devel-
oped. Moreover, a mean to visualise solutions is a
useful tool for algorithm developers that can help to
save development time. Furthermore, having a com-
mon solution visualiser allows to present results ob-
tained by different optimisation algorithms in a stan-
dardised format for practitioners to evaluate. There-
fore, the visualiser is also a communication asset for
the company and a tool by which researchers can
present progress in their development.
Ideally the solution visualiser should be platform-
free (able to run on any operating system),
programming-free (not dependant of a specific pro-
gramming language) and based just on the modelled
format (not require extra files, configuration or pa-
rameters). To achieve these goals we can resort to
some options which are a standalone application, a
network-based application or a web-application. It is
clear that a web-based environmentpresents many ad-
vantages like easy-access, good presentation and flex-
ibility. The decision usually depends on the nature of
the problem and preference of the development team.
Furthermore, web-based and network applications are
preferred since they make it easy to integrate with the
auxiliary platform. In our scenario, we opted to de-
velop a web-based visualisation platform.
3.3.2 Auxiliary Platform
The auxiliary platform is another tool specially con-
ceived to aid on the research of the optimisation tech-
niques. It consists of a repository of problem in-
stances and solutions, plus an automated comparator
of solutions. To compare solutions is fairly easy for
single-objective problems in which the optimisation
objective is a single scalar value. However, research
on multi-objective approaches has expanded consid-
erably and it is now common to apply such approach
to real world problems, thus making the comparison
between solutions more difficult. The specifics of the
comparison are subject to the problem nature and to
what the decision makers aim to achieve in a solu-
tion. The auxiliary platform should preferably pro-
vide charts showing strong and weak points of the
solution as well as a detailed table containing useful
information. In our WSRP project, the solution com-
parator is able to handle a pair of solutions or two sets
of solutions. For the WSRP we display the distance
travelled by the workers, the distance time, the travel
cost, the payroll cost, and preferences. Also, an inte-
gration between the visualiser, the comparator and the
repository is highly desirable since the usability of the
tools escalates.
In this section we present the results obtained by ap-
plying the proposed framework to the WSRP project.
We highlight the problems found during the develop-
ment process and how applying the framework helped
us to tackle these problems.
4.1 Better Collaboration between
Researchers and Practitioners
Communication Issues. Our experience showed that
communication between the actors of the scenario
can potentially be problematic. Information, require-
ments and expectations can be different from the
perspective of researchers and practitioners, leading
to misunderstandings and misconceptions. The data
model building process played a major role in the re-
searchers’ understanding of the optimisation problem
details. During the process we were able to identify
gaps in our conceptualisation and fill them during a
phase where changes caused minimal drawbacks. We
were able to identify more constraints for the optimi-
sation problem as well as alter some features to better
suit the needs of the practitioner.
Knowledge Background Issues. There is obvi-
ously difference between the background knowledge
of the company developers and that of the academic
team. Moreover, researchers in the team may have
different expertise including maths, management sci-
ence, computer science, statistics, etc. This variety
could lead to some difficulties such as different in-
terpretation of problem data, unfamiliarity with cer-
tain technology and different assessment of results.
With the data model we created a structured set of
files in which researchers were able to easily browse
the problem data without knowing any specific tech-
nology employed on the information system. Be-
sides, the visualisation platform proved to be a valu-
able asset to give feedback to the company. Thus,
the framework aided the academics on minimising the
knowledge-gap difficulties.
Integration Issues. Integrating a decision support
module to an information management system can be
difficult and tricky. The first issue is the problem data
retrieval. The second issue is applying the developed
algorithms to an existing information management
system. Integrating the solver can be difficult, spe-
cially if it uses a specific tool, such as mathematical
solvers or specific software libraries. The data model
provided a layer between our developed algorithms
and the information system and the researchers found
themselves in a comfortable environment where they
employed different technologies from the ones used
by the company.
4.2 Better Research and Development
Teamwork. In our example project, the academic
group was formed by several PhD students, each one
using the WSRP as a backgroundfor its PhD research.
The application of the frameworkhelped considerably
to improve communication among academics. The
optimisation problem was discussed and a common
understanding achieved. Besides, building the tools
in the proposed framework provided a good opportu-
nity for teamwork and knowledge sharing.
Rework. When developing algorithmic solutions
for a given optimisation problem, researchers tend to
create their own versions of tools such as file models,
data retrieval API’s, solution viewers and representa-
tions, etc. It is rarely the case that researchers reuse
these types of tools developed by other researcher. In-
stead, they tend to reuse algorithms in their quest to
develop improved versions of those. In our WSRP
project, the data extractor and the solution visualisa-
tion and auxiliary platform were employed by all aca-
demics. Although the deploymentof these framework
tools required some time, reusing these tools saved
considerable time and effort overall by eliminating re-
work. Along with the data model we also developed a
Java API to handle the XML files and access the data.
This API further extended the usefulness of the model
by providing the users with an easy way to access the
problem data.
Benchmarking. In real world problems, a good
benchmark dataset to evaluate the solutions achieved
during the research stage, is often difficult to ob-
tain. Sometimes it is possible to estimate some close
enough targets, but as the complexity of the prob-
lem grows, such approaches become less practical.
Hence, it is necessary to have a fair and clear way to
benchmark solutions to the real world scenarios, ob-
tained with different algorithmic techniques. In our
WSRP project, the auxiliary platform provided the
team with a valuable asset to compare solutions more
fairly and improve the overall benchmarkingprocess.
Research and development projects involving univer-
sities and companies are common in decision support
systems development scenarios. Development teams
around the world usually find their own solutions to
such problems, based on experience, trial and error.
However, despite the frequency of this situation, to
the best of our knowledge few specific methodolo-
gies can be found in the literature to help researchers
and company alike to efficiently develop decision
support systems in such circumstances. In particu-
lar, no previous publications seem to exist proposing
a methodological approach to develop optimisation-
based decision-support systems.
In this paper we have presented a methodologi-
cal framework to aid on the development and integra-
tion of optimisation-based decision support modules
and information management systems. The proposed
framework combines a collection of good practices
along with a data-centric development. The proposed
development and integration framework helps to: 1)
promote communication between the research team
and the company, 2) provide an interface for the inte-
gration of the solving algorithms and the information
management system and, 3) provide tools to develop
and evaluate different algorithmic solutions. More-
over, the framework aims to bestow the academic
team full independence to use whatever methods and
technologies they choose and an easy manner to inte-
grate the designed algorithms to the management in-
formation system.
We also described our experience on applying the
framework to an ongoing project for an optimisation-
based decision support system involving workforce
scheduling and routing problems (WSRP). By adher-
ing to the proposed framework, we were able to iden-
tify several features related to the optimisation prob-
lem prior to the implementation of algorithmic tech-
niques. We also were able to save development time
by avoiding work being redone since the extractor,
validator and visualiser tools were available for the
development team. Furthermore, we were able to im-
prove communication and collaboration between re-
searchers and practitioners and among researchers.
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