Benefits and Barriers of Older Adults’ Digital Gameplay
David Kaufman
, Louise Sauvé
, Lise Renaud
and Emmanuel Duplàa
Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
UER Éducation, Téléuniversité, Québec City, Canada
Départmentement de communication sociale et publique, Université de Québec á Montréal, Montreal, Canada
Faculty of Education,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
words: Digital Games, Videogames, Older Adults, Seniors, Aging, Survey, Social, Socio-emotional.
Abstract: Gerontology researchers have demonstrated that cognitive and social factors are keys that may sometimes
outweigh physical conditions in determining life satisfaction. Social interaction and cognitive challenge are
consistently identified as key elements to enhance older adults’ quality of life. Digital games can offer many
potential benefits to older adults in a motivating and playful way, such as increased social interaction and
maintenance of cognitive functioning. This paper describes some key results regarding socio-emotional and
cognitive benefits as well as barriers reported from an early survey of 463 Canadian older adults who play
digital games. The results demonstrate that a diverse group of older adults are actively playing digital games
on a regular basis and that players report numerous socio-emotional and cognitive benefits and few
difficulties. These results are promising and will be followed up with a variety of experimental studies.
1.1 Background
The proportion of people age 60 and over is growing
faster than any other age group and is predicted to
grow to two billion by 2050 (Aalbers et al., 2011;
WHO, 2002). Aging older adults face declining
physical and cognitive capacities, shifts from career
or family focus to different interests and activities,
loss of long-term companions and social supports,
changed living arrangements, and increasing
likelihood of chronic and debilitating illness
(Kaufman, 2013).
Successful aging - maintaining an independent,
positive, independent, healthy, and meaningful
quality of life - is a continual challenge for older
adults, yet it is essential for older adults and their
societies, which benefit both from older adults
continuing contributions and from reduced social
and care costs (Kaufman, 2013).
Although a single clear definition has not been
established for “successful aging” (Lee, Lan and
Wen, 2011), gerontology researchers have
demonstrated that cognitive and social factors are
keys that may sometimes outweigh physical
conditions in determining life satisfaction. Social
interaction and support are consistently identified as
key aspects of older adults’ quality of life
(Reichstadt, Sengupta, Depp et al., 2010). Declining
social capacities are linked with declines in physical,
cognitive and emotional functions (WHO, 2002) and
their associated implications for disease,
dependence, and poorer life quality. Digital games
offer many potential benefits to older adults for
improving social functions in a motivating and
playful way. Using a positive psychology approach,
Astell (2013) argues that games can contribute to
older adults’ happiness and life satisfaction through
social interaction, cognitive exercise, and physical
activity that motivates them to positively manage
their lives. It is well known that games are engaging
and promote flow experience (Csikszentmihalyi,
1990), support learning through graduated levels of
practice, and offer opportunities for social
interaction through group or online play (Kaufman
and Sauvé, 2010).
As people get older, the social circle they
developed through a lifetime will change and
sometimes diminish. People who continue to
maintain close friendship and find other ways to
interact socially have reduced risk of mental health
issues such as depression and live longer than those
who become isolated. The psychological effects of
social support in older adults have received a
Kaufman D., Sauvé L., Renaud L. and Duplàa E..
Benefits and Barriers of Older Adults’ Digital Gameplay.
DOI: 10.5220/0004792302130219
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 213-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
substantial amount of attention during the last two
decades. A consensus view has been reached that the
more opportunities an individual has to interact with
other people, the more social support will be
available, which, in turn, will have a beneficial
effect on general wellbeing. For example, Glass, et
al.’s study (2006) found that higher levels of social
support were associated with lower levels of
A study conducted by Forsman et al. (2012)
showed the effectiveness and subjective importance
of social activities for the maintenance of mental
health and well-being among older adults.
Individuals derive positive outcomes and resources
from personal relationships and interpersonal
Maintaining older adults’ vitality, independence
and quality of life well into old age helps both older
adults themselves and their societies. The potential
for technology to support older adults to live well
and experience the things that make life worth living
has received much less attention than the physical,
mental and social challenges they face. However,
evidence suggests that technology can provide
people with meaningful and engaging activities that
are stimulating, enjoyable and fun (Sixsmith et al.,
2007). In particular, technology-based games
promise many benefits to older adults, but research
evidence is sparse about whether and how these can
be realized. The evidence and guidelines for practice
that will result are expected to benefit not only
individual older adults, but also their families,
communities and societies-at-large.
1.2 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this survey was to explore the
opinions and experiences of older adults (55 years
and older) who play non-digital and digital games. It
explored issues such as which games they play, with
whom they are playing, how frequently they play,
the reasons they play, and their perceived benefits
and barriers. There also were questions about their
ratings of social, emotional and cognitive changes
through game play. Older adults’ backgrounds and
patterns of use were examined and compared with
their opinions and experiences to search for
The survey will help to inform future studies that
may investigate the use of digital games as a way to
stimulate cognitive functioning and enhance
psychosocial aspects that may help individuals to
age more successfully.
1.3 Research Questions
1. What are the patterns of digital gameplay
reported by older adults?
2. What are the socio-emotional and cognitive
benefits of digital gameplay reported by older
3. What are the difficulties in digital gameplay
reported by older adults?
2.1 Social Interaction and Successful
It is well established that social engagement is seen
as an important component of successful aging
(Ristau, 2011; Von Faber et al, 2001). Prior
epidemiological, cross-sectional and longitudinal
research has shown that older adults with high
engagement in social interaction report more
positive wellbeing. Glei et al. (2005) examined how
changes in cognition over time are related to social
participation and the extent of social networks. Data
draw from this population-based, longitudinal study
revealed that respondents who engaged in one or
two social activities failed 13% fewer cognitive
tasks than those with no social activities, and those
who participated in three or more activities failed
33% fewer cognitive tasks. Glei et al. (2005) also
indicated that social interaction outside the family
may have a bigger impact on cognitive function than
social contacts with family. In addition, social
engagement provides opportunities for older adults
to deal with stress and receive social support and
connect with friends. Eisenberger et al.’s (2007)
study with 30 participants yielded supportive
evidence that individuals with regular social
interaction during 10 days showed diminished
neuroendocrine stress responses and distress of
social separation.
2.2 Cognitive Functioning and
Successful Aging
While physical and cognitive decline is generally
thought to be a natural trend of aging, emerging
evidence from social and cognitive neuroscience
suggest that appropriate training or therapeutic
techniques could not only slow, but also actually
reverse this trend (Green & Bavelier, 2006). For
example, Ball et al. (2002) examined the
effectiveness of three cognitive training
interventions on the mental abilities and daily
functioning in independent-living older adults. In
comparison to baseline, participants in experiment
groups exhibited immediately improvement in
processing speed, reasoning and verbal episodic
memory after 19-month intervention period, which
were maintained at the two-year follow-up.
Empirical evidence suggests that cognitive decline
that is part of the natural aging process could be
slowed or reversed by getting the elderly involved as
active users of video games. Basak, Boot, Voss, and
Kramer (2008) reported the use of a real-time
strategy video game for the enhancement of
executive control processes of older adults. They
found that after a period of 23.5 hours game playing
participants in the experiment group improved
significantly more than participants in control group
in executive control functions, such as task
switching, working memory, visual short-term
memory, and improving. Maillot, Perrot and Hartley
(2011) assessed the potential of physically simulated
sport games that could have cognitive benefits for
older adults. The experimental group participated in
a total of 24 hours of game training. In comparison
to the control group, the experimental group
underwent significant changes in executive control
and processing speed.
Although these studies suggest that video games
could be a powerful tool in slowing or reversing the
age-related declines in perceptual, motor, and
cognitive skills among older adults, some
contradictory findings have been reported.
2.3 Digital Games and Older Adults
Older adults use many leisure activities offered by
Information and Communications Technologies
(ICTs), one of which is digital games (e.g. video,
computer, and online games). DeSchutter (2011)
investigated the use of digital games among 124
older gamers. He found that 16.1% are heavy
gamers who play digital games more than 2.5 hours
a day; 29.5% are moderate gamers who play 1 to 2.5
hours a day; 44.4% are light gamers whose time of
digital game playing is less than one hour a day. The
mean playing time is 1.45 hour a day (SD=1.14). In
2005, 18% of gamers (about 1.7 million) in UK were
aged between 51 and 65 (Pratchett et al., 2005).
Both heavy and light gamers are significant in this
age group. In 2011, 29% game players in America
were aged 50 and over (Entertainment Software
Association, 2013).
Digital games hold a significant promise for
enhancing the lives of older adults (Ijsselsteijn et al.,
2007). Games that require progressively more
accurate and more challenging judgments at higher
speed, and the suppression of irrelevant information
can drive positive neurological changes in the brain
systems that support these behaviors. Also, in most
digital games, hand-eye coordination, sustained
attention to the task, as well as the ability to quickly
locate a proper area of the screen is required. As the
players practice and become proficient at these
tasks, it is expected that their visual-spatial skills
will be developed. What’s more, digital game
playing is increasingly becoming a means for social
interaction (Mahmud et al., 2010). It has been
hypothesized that digital game holds great promise
for enhancing the quality of life in older people by
improving their subjective well-being, enhancing
their social connectedness, and offering an enjoyable
way of spending time (Whitcomb, 1990).
Older adults have recently begun to experience
the benefits of online communities as a medium for
fun social interactions. In two studies of online
communities, the majority of posts were part of
online social games, including cognitive,
associative, and creative games (Nimrod, 2010,
2011). He concluded that because online
communities offer both leisure activity and an
expanded social network, participation in these
settings may contribute to the well-being of older
adults. Recent research suggests that training in
technology use can enhance older adults’ cognitive
functions as well as facilitate their social interaction
and support. Astell (2013) suggests that games and
social/interaction technologies offer both cognitive
stimulation and social connection, particularly for
older adults with dementia. Many older adults are
already active technology users and should be able
to readily learn and use digital games. (Pew Internet
and American Life Project, 2011). ELDERGAMES
(Gamberini et al, 2006) and HERMES (Buiza et al,
2009) show promise for improving cognitive
function, although we are not aware of controlled
studies measuring their impact. Regarding older
adults’ social interactions, Whitcomb (1990)
identified several early studies in which older adults
had positive social experiences when playing
computer games. Participants in the ELDERGAMES
project identified social interaction, defined as the
“opportunity to create and maintain new
relationships” as that game’s biggest benefit.
Researchers agree that much additional work is
needed to establish whether and in what forms
digital games can best and most efficiently benefit
older adults. This issue has been addressed by
Ijsselsteijn et al. (2007), who identified four
potential areas for games to contribute to improving
the quality of life for older people: (1) relaxation and
entertainment, (2) socializing, (3) sharpening the
mind, and (4) more natural ways of interacting. The
socializing and cognitive areas represent two of the
three foci of this study. Very few rigorous
experiments have been conducted, and our current
knowledge of older adults’ needs suggests that
today’s commercial games pose usability challenges
for many older adults (Buiza et al, 2009; De
Schutter, 2011). Yet new platforms such as the iPad
and mobile devices offer great opportunities for ease
of use (e.g.,
Conclusions are difficult to draw from current
empirical studies because inconsistency is related to
many factors, including the demographic
information of participants (e.g., age, education
level, etc), the ratio of male vs. female, research
design, the wide variety of outcome measures used,
control variables in multivariable models,
appropriateness of the selected video games, training
interventions, etc. For example, Laver et al.’s (2011)
study recruited 21 participants, 86% of whom were
female. The large proportion of female participants
may lead to the preference of conventional therapy
programs over Wii Fit programs because there are
more male gamers than female gamers
(Entertainment Software Association, 2011;
Entertainment Software Association, 2012). One
tangible way to assess the effects of video games on
the motor and cognitive functions in older adults is
through the incorporation of outcome measures
across available quantitative studies and taking into
account the methodological characteristics and
various outcome measures by conducting several
moderate analyses (Borenstein et al., 2009).
3.1 Participants
The population that was targeted comprised older
adults, age 55 or more, who play digital games. We
included both those who have and those who haven’t
retired since many people work part- time, or do
voluntary jobs after retirement. Also a non-retired
older adult group added an interesting comparative
group. This involved 891 participants recruited from
assisted living and community centres, shopping
malls, and other public venues as needed. 463 of
these responded to the digital gameplay section of
the survey and are the focus of this paper.
3.2 Instrument
This study used a print-based, mainly closed-ended,
questionnaire that consisted of questions that asked
older adult gamers about their background
characteristics, demographics, patterns of use,
opinions, and experiences. A small number of open-
ended questions were asked to gain a deeper
understanding of some issues. The survey asked
about background information, digital game playing
patterns and experiences, and opinions regarding
social, psychological, cognitive and educational
aspects. Respondents required 15-20 minutes to
complete the survey and received a $5 coffee card
for their participation.
3.3 Recruitment and Data Collection
Recruitment occurred through four methods. Firstly,
a number of older adults independent/assisted living
centres were targeted. Secondly, centre directors
were contacted to assist in recruitment in local
community centres and older adult centres. Thirdly,
directors of local shopping malls were approached
for permission. Finally, directors of independent and
assisted living facilities were contacted. Each
potential participating organization was sent a
Recruitment letter and if they agreed, they replied in
writing by email or letter. As recompense for the
time involved, participants were offered a gift
certificate of $5 for their participation, and offered
entry into a draw for three chances to win $100 upon
completion. If they agreed, respondents were given a
separate postcard to provide their contact
information in order to maintain their anonymity.
Respondents also were asked whether they would be
willing to be contacted later for a short interview.
Six months after the draw was completed and the
prizes awarded, all cards were shredded.
3.4 Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using the SPSS software
(version 19). The descriptive statistics are reported
A total of 463 completed questionnaires were
received from older adults who play digital games.
Selected findings from the analysis of their
responses are reported below.
4.1 Participant Backgrounds (N=463)
1. Sex: Male, 39%; Female, 63%
2. Age: 55-64, 37%; 65-74, 36%; 75+, 25%
3. Where do you live?: Home, 83%; Assisted
living, 8%; Nursing home, 0%; Other, 9%
4. Are you retired? Yes, 80%; No, 20%
Almost two-thirds (63%) of respondents were
females; respondents ranged in age from 55 to 89
years and were fairly balanced across the three age
categories. Most (83%) lived at home and 80% were
4.2 Participant Gameplay Patterns
1. How many years have you been playing
digital games?
Less than 1 year. 20%
1-4 years, 30%
5-10+ years, 50%
2. Have you played digital games in the past
Yes, 84%
No, 16%
3. During the past month, during how many
days per week on average have you played
digital games?
0 days, 12%
1-4 days, 54%
5-7 days, 34%
4. During the past month, when you played
digital games, how many hours per day on
average did you play?
1 hour or less, 0%
2-5 hours, 92%
6-8+ hours, 8%
5. Have you played social games online with
other players? (e.g., bridge, chess, scrabble,
Facebook games)
Yes, 27%
No, 73%
About half (50%) have played for 5 years or more.
Most (88%) reported that they had played at least
one day or more per week on average. It is
interesting to note that almost all respondents (88%)
played digital games every day or every other day
and almost all (92%) played between 2-5 hours per
day when they did play. More than one-quarter
(27%) had played social games with other players.
4.3 Reported Social Benefits (N=463)
Table 1 lists the greatest benefits of playing digital
games reported by participants.
Table 1: Greatest benefits of playing digital games.
% Selecting
Mental exercise 83
Social interaction 26
Enjoyment, fun 71
Escape from dail
life 26
Respondents could select more than one benefit.
Most (83%) of respondents reported that ‘mental
exercise’ was the greatest benefit of playing digital
games. The next greatest benefit was
‘enjoyment/fun’ (71%). Social interaction was
reported as a benefit by more than a quarter (26%)
of respondents.
Table 2 below shows the self-reported socio-
emotional benefits of playing digital games (n=463).
Table 2: Socio-emotional benefits of digital games.
% Reporting
an Increase
new friendships 26
Connecting with current friends 27
with famil
Connecting with various age
confidence 42
Dealing with loneliness 35
with depression 24
Almost no one reported a decrease. Some reported no
From about a quarter (24%) to almost a half (42%)
of respondents reported socio-emotional benefits.
The greatest benefits reported were developing self-
confidence, dealing with loneliness, and connecting
with family.
The results in Table 3 show that the great
majority (between 58% and 72%) of respondents
reported an increase in cognitive skills as a result of
playing digital games.
A further finding (not in a table) was that 61%
reported an increase in computer skills and 54%
reported an increase in internet skills as a result of
playing digital games.
‘Too complicated’ was the greatest difficulty
reported, but by only about one fifth (21%) of
Table 3: Cognitive benefits of digital games.
% Reporting an
attention 72
Reasoning 58
Problem solvin
Speed in reacting/
Almost no one reported a decrease. Some reported no
Table 4: Difficulties in playing digital games.
Difficulty % Selecting
Difficult to see/ hea
Too complicate
Difficult to use controlle
Limited/ no access to
Respondents could select more than one difficulty.
These results demonstrate that a large and diverse
group of older adults are actively playing digital
games on a regular basis. Many players reported a
number of socio-emotional benefits, and almost
three-quarters reported some type of cognitive
benefit. These results are encouraging for using
digital games to enhance the aging process of older
adults. However, it should be emphasized that these
results are preliminary. The next step will involve
further data analysis to investigate whether there are
particular groups that benefit more from playing
digital games, e.g., older adults, expert players,
active players. Then a series of experiments are
being planned to directly address the socio-
emotional and cognitive benefits of digital games for
older adults. These experiments will include
research to clarify whether gameplay is effective or
not based on objective evaluation criteria.
Overall, this study provides a positive starting
point for determining whether digital games may
improve the quality of life in older adults. Improving
lives through play is an appealing idea, and play
itself also has been shown to lead to powerful
learning (Kaufman & Sauve, 2010). The potential
for digital games to provide benefits to older adults,
even when they may be homebound or isolated, is
exciting. It may be that in our technologically
focused culture, digital games are a way to assist
older adults in feeling more connected with the
world, while providing a enjoyment as well as a
social and stimulating environment. Play is not only
for the young, but can be used throughout the life
cycle to connect and bring joy at any stage.
We wish to thank the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
for supporting this project financially through a four-
year Insight grant.
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