The Granularity of Collaborative Work for Creating Adaptive
Learning Resources
Dade Nurjanah
Telkom School of Engineering, Telkom University, Jl. Telekomunikasi 1, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Collaborative Authoring, Learning Designs, Pedagogical Knowledge, Asynchronous, Authoring
Granularity, Notes, History.
Abstract: Recent developments in the field of learning systems have led to adaptive learning which considers learner
models when performing pedagogical decisions. Problems emerge in providing knowledge spaces of
adaptive learning systems. As a knowledge space consists of pedagogical model, learner model, and
adaptation model, teachers need much effort to create it. This paper focuses on the authoring of the
knowledge spaces of adaptive learning systems and proposes a collaborative authoring approach for creating
pedagogical, learner, and adaptation models. The proposed approach combines asynchronous collaborative
work with Notes and History to support implicit coordination and workspace awareness. It applies IMS
Learning Design to represent the aforementioned models. To validate it, qualitative and quantitative
experiments were conducted. The experiment results indicated the high granularity of authoring, which
means that learning designers can efficiently and effectively work in an asynchronous collaborative
environment with Notes and History.
Learning is a process to build knowledge and
enhance skills through studies, practices,
experiences, social interaction, lectures, or tutorials.
With many students registering in a course, teachers
are faced with various learners’ characteristics
differs. To accommodate the diversity, recent
developments in the field of learning systems have
led to adaptive learning which considers learner
models when performing pedagogical-related
Along with its advantages, adaptive learning
system gives teachers or learning designers a
consequence to prepare a sheer sized and complex
learning space, consisting of domain, pedagogical,
learner, and adaptation models. Hence, it is difficult
for just one or two teachers to develop such a space.
Teachers need to work collaboratively to reduce
individual effort. Although teachers can work
individually on preparing courses, they should team
up with other teachers to check material consistency
and reliability, or to maintain learning resources
which are not fixed at certain stages, and to be kept
continuously updated.
A very common collaboration among teachers or
learning designers is on creating and reusing
learning content. It rarely happens on creating
pedagogical knowledge regarding how learning
content is delivered. This is contrary to the premise
suggesting that learning must be socially developed
(McDaniel and Colarulli, 1997). The collaboration
of learning designers involves multiple dimensions
(pedagogical, social, disiplinary, competency,
cultural, et cetera) which potentially improve
learning and benefit learners. Learning designers
themselves can get advantages from the
collaboration as they can learn new knowledge on
respective fields from their colleagues.
The collaboration, however, potentially fails
when learning designers can not gain concensuses
on various pedagogical preferences (Eisen and
Tisdell, 2013). Considering the potential advantages
and the possible failure of learning designer
collaboration, this paper discusses our study on the
collaborative work for authoring adaptive learning
resources. The study is motivated by a basic
question whether learning designers can or cannot
collaboratively work on authoring pedagogical,
learner, and adaptation models.
In this paper, we propose a collaborative work
Nurjanah D..
The Granularity of Collaborative Work for Creating Adaptive Learning Resources .
DOI: 10.5220/0004722701650173
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 165-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-020-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
model for authoring learning designs. In the rest of
this paper, we discuss former studies on computer-
supported collaborative work (CSCW) and IMS
Learning Design (IMS LD) which is the only
learning standard supporting adaptation and
personalisation. Afterwards, research questions,
experiments, and data analysis results are described.
The contribution of this paper is presented in the
form of a demonstration showing that learning
designers can efficiently and effectively work in an
asynchronous collaborative environment with Notes
and History for creating adaptive learning resouces
represented in IMS LD.
This paper concerns two issues in authoring learning
designers: learning standards to represent adaptive
learning resources and computer-supported
collaborative work to be applied.
2.1 Computer-Supported Collaborative
Work for Learning
CSCW has been successfully applied in various
areas for authoring various objects, such as
hypermedia documents (Haake, 1993), courseware
(Dicheva et al., 2002; Ras et al., 2008), academic
writing (Dimitrova et al., 2008), papers (Liccardi et
al., 2007), and ontology (Noy and Tudorache, 2008).
CSCW in particular enables social collaboration and
evolves knowledge on a large scale. It reduces
individual efforts, provides different insights, and
enhances the quality of output by enabling authors
from different expertise to work together (Noël and
Robert, 2004). Multiple persons who collectively
contribute their thoughts could surpass the
achievements of someone who works individually
(Dicheva et al., 2002; Posner and Baecker, 1992).
However, collaborative work may potentially
generate less positive output than individual work.
This would be more likely to be the case when
inappropriate communication and coordination
mechanisms are applied or workspace awareness is
limitedly supported (Gutwin and Greenberg, 2002;
Kittur et al., 2009; Lowry et al., 2005).
Communication and coordination methods
applied in online authoring are different from those
applied in traditional collaboration. In a traditional
collaboration, careful planning is important. It is
supported by face-to-face meeting, which is
beneficial to the authors as it offers interactive and
direct communication. In contrast, a careful plan is
not considered necessary in an online collaboration
where contributors have the freedom to do what they
consider important. Until recently, there have been
numerous research studies into how communication
mechanisms affect the authoring process and output.
It was found that the proper use of communication
method could improve the quality of artefacts (Kittur
and Kraut, 2008).
Workspace awareness is important for managing
coupling between working alone and working
together, simplifying communication, coordinating
actions, anticipating other authors’ actions, and
assisting authors (Gutwin and Greenberg, 2002).
Workspace awareness must be maintained, not only
in synchronous collaborative work, but also in
asynchronous collaborative work. Research on
workspace awareness in asynchronous collaborative
authoring was carried out with the same motivation
as in synchronous collaborative authoring (Dourish,
1997). Workspace awareness in asynchronous
collaborative work is related to the history of
occurrences, including actions, artefacts, events, and
authors’ presence and locations (Gutwin and
Greenberg, 2002).
2.2 IMS LD Supports for Adaptive
Learning design is motivated by a pedagogic
consideration that learning is not merely about a set
of learning objects, or simply content to be presented
to learners, but learning is also more about how the
materials are delivered to learners and how learners
can gain knowledge. People learn better if they are
actively involved in learning processes (Bonwell and
Eison, 1991). Hence, learning is carried out
according to a flow of learning activities, called
learning design, which consists of a structured set of
learning activities to be done by learners and support
activities to be carried out by teachers.
The need for learning design standards emerges
along with requirements to keep learning designs
consistent for all students. In addition, the use of
technologies for learning has raised the need for
reusable and interoperable digital learning designs.
Learning design standards, such as IMS SS and IMS
LD (Grocott et al., 2012), present some advantages
as they have well structures and abilities to include
learning objects as materials in order to support
lessons or learning activities.
In term of adaptive learning, IMS LD offers
wider adaptation and personalisation than IMS SS. It
supports flow-based adaptation, content-based
adaptation, and interactive problem solving-based
adaptation (Kravcik et al., 2008). ‘Hide’ and ‘Show’
are applied to lessons and activities for flow-based
adaptation and to resources for content-based
adaptation. Furthermore, they are applied for
adaptive problem solving assistance which is an
extension of flow-based adaptation. It provides
incremental-adaptive assistances, for example, by
applying time and/or the number of remediation.
The structure of IMS LD is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The structure of IMS LD (Grocott et al., 2012).
There has been an authoring tool of IMS LD. It is
called ReCourse (http:// tencompetence-, that provides
functionalities for authoring and visualizing IMS
LD. In addition, there is CopperCore for validating
and delivering IMS LD.
Regarding the organisation of IMS LD which is
hierarchically structured, asynchronous collaborative
authoring with implicit coordination was considered
suitable. Former research has proved that implicit
coordination is more suitable for hierarchical tasks
or documents rather than explicit coordination
(Lowry, 2002; Lowry et al., 2005). Hence, we
hypothesise that learning designers do not need
intensive communication for coordination. The
hierarchical structure of IMS LD will make
authoring task division and assignment not too
complicated. In addition, standard meanings and
formats for all types of adaptive learning artefacts in
IMS LD will prevent a learning designer from
missunderstanding other authors’ work.
To test the suitability of the proposed method,
two experiments were conducted. They addressed
two research questions.
Question 1. With IMS LD that is hierarchically
structured, in which level of granularity is the
collaborative authoring carried out?
The proposed collaborative method is suitable for
authoring IMS LD if learning designers can
collaboratively work on the high and low levels of
learning designs, and also on adapting materials.
Accordingly, the observation identified the
contribution of authors in authoring three kinds of
pedagogical elements:
1. Plays and acts. Plays and acts are IMS LD
elements for pedagogical knowledge. Learning
designers’ contribution in authoring these
elements indicates that they can work
collaboratively on the high level of pedagogical
knowledge, which means that the granularity of
authoring is low.
2. Activities and Role-parts. In designing role-parts,
learning designers have to assign learning roles to
activities. Updates on learning activities, support
activities, activity groups, and role-parts indicate
that learning designers can work collaboratively
on the low level of pedagogical knowledge. It
means that the granularity of authoring is high.
3. Properties and conditions. Participants’
contribution in authoring properties and
conditions indicates that they can work
collaboratively on adapting materials. An
example of conditions is presented in Figure 2.
<imsld:not> <imsld:or>
<imsld:property-ref ref="P-completion-test-
<imsld:property-ref ref="P-completion-test-
</imsld:or> </imsld:not>
<imsld:then> <imsld:show>
<imsld:learning-activity-ref ref="LA-request-
<imsld:environment-ref ref="E-background"/>
</imsld:show> </imsld:then>
Figure 2: An example of adaptation rule in IMS LD.
Question 2. Are Notes suitable for implicit
coordination and, with History, suitable for
workspace awareness in collaborative authoring of
Experiments to answer this question would refer to
former studies on CSCW which have confirmed that
coordination mechanisms are group sized-specific.
They have examined the influence of the number of
contributors and the independency of collaboration
tasks (Kittur et al., 2009). Kittur and Kraut (Kittur
and Kraut, 2008) highlighted the correlations
between implicit coordination, early stages of
authoring, and the quality of articles. The advantages
of implicit coordination are greater during the early
phases of authoring, when the article is in its earliest
versions. During these phases, outlining the article
structure by a subset of authors will lead to greater
increases in quality. When the authoring work is
carried out by the small subset of authors, the quality
of articles will increase and is better than articles
produced by group where the work is evenly divided
amongst all authors.
Two experiments were conducted to answer the
research questions: a qualitative inquiry with
observation and interview and a between-group
quantitative inquiry with questionnaires. The
proposed collaborative authoring model was
implemented by extending ReCourse, a stand-alone
open sourced tool, The main functionalities of
ReCourse can be classified into five groups:
1. Manage domain model implemented in
2. Manage goal model implemented in learning
objectives, pre-requisites, course overview, role,
plays and acts, learning and support activities,
activity groups, role-parts, conditions, and
3. Manage learner model implemented in global-
personal properties for learners’ profiles and
local-personal properties for learners’ progress.
4. Manage adaptation model implemented in pre-
defined and user-defined conditional rules.
5. Validate learning designs.
For the experiments, ReCourse was extended
with supporting functions for collaboration. The new
functionalities in Collaborative ReCourse consist of
(Nurjanah, 2013):
1. User group management. The first author is
assigned as the coordinator who has an authority
to add new members into the group; the others
are called members. These are the only role
assignments in the proposed authoring method.
2. Notes. Notes were provided in three types based
on the types of comments possibly posted by
learning designers. First, Note is attached to the
whole learning design. It is provided for learning
designers to share comments about the learning
design itself, learning objectives, pre-requisite
courses, completing rules, or other general
comments. Second, Note is attached to History,
called History’s Note, which is aimed to
maintain learning designers’ comments
regarding updates they made. Third, Notes are
attached to IMS LD elements, called objects’
Notes. One object’s Note attaches to one play,
act, learning or support activity, activity group,
property, condition, role, role-part, or resource.
Objects’ Notes aim to maintain authors’
comments regarding particular elements. The
Observation investigated which type(s) of Notes
participants prefer.
Figure 3: A screenshot of Collaborative ReCourse prototype
with objects’ Notes.
3. History, a feature to record provenance
information about changes, the types of changes,
the affected objects, and the learning designers
who made the changes.
4. Existing learning content gallery. This is an
additional feature in which authors can select,
add, or tag learning materials. This feature aims
to decrease authors’ effort when creating
learning content and to enhance authors’
awareness of the availability of learning
materials to be reused.
The architecture of Collaborative ReCourse
prototype can be found in Figure 4.
4.1 Qualitative Inquiry: Observation
and Structured Interview
This experiment aimed to observe the granularity of
collaborative authoring of learning designs. It
investigated how learning designers did
collaborative work and on which elements the
collaboration was carried out. It investigated
whether they could collaboratively work only on the
top level of pedagogical resources (plays and acts)
or on the low level (role-parts) as well. Furthermore,
it observed authors’ contribution in authoring
adapting materials (conditions and properties). At
Figure 4: The architecture of Collaborative ReCourse.
the end, a structured interview was conducted after
the observation to gather participants’ opinion about
the authoring process and the collaboration features:
Notes and History.
As this is a qualitative experiment, a limited
number of participants were required; too many
participants will lead to divergent results (Marshall
and Rossman, 2006). There were 12 people
participating in the experiment. They were recruited
by personal email invitation. To select participants,
purposeful sampling as opposed to random sampling
was used. Participants were selected by considering:
Gender. Since collaborative authoring of
learning designs is not gender specific, male and
female participants in a balanced composition
were involved in this experiment.
Teaching experience. Participants were those
who had teaching experience in classrooms or
Java knowledge. It was needed because
participants were required to develop a learning
design of Java programming.
Observation. All participants were assigned to work
in asynchronous collaborative authoring
environments. They were divided evenly into four
groups. In the observation, participants 1 to 3
worked as group A, participants 4 to 6 worked as
group B, participants 7 to 9 worked as group C, and
participants 10 to 12 worked as group D. Each group
was required to create a learning design of Java
programming in nine sessions of 60 minutes. Each
participant was required to work in three non-
consecutive sessions. There was no authoring
scenario to be followed by participants; they were
free to make any update.
All participants worked in the similar environment:
asynchronous collaboration. The only difference is
that group C and D were supported by workspace
awareness features in the forms of Notes. They
could communicate through Notes and access
provenance information (History), such as what
recent updates that have been made, by whom and
when. Such features were disabled for group A and
B. Although participants worked collaboratively, the
focus of the observation is individual actions in the
collaborative work.
Results. The results obtained from the observation
were presented in the following graphs. First, the
contribution of authors in authoring the
aforementioned three kinds of pedagogical elements
is presented in Figure 5. As shown in the graph, all
participants contributed in the authoring. However,
there were two participants in group A and B,
participants 2 and 4, dominant over the others in
their own groups.
Figure 5: Participants’ contribution in authoring all
pedagogical resources.
Second, we broke down the data to see the
granularity level of authoring which is indicated by
the contribution of authors in authoring learning
activities and role-parts. As we have discussed, the
contribution of authors in authoring learning
activities and role-parts indicates the high
granularity level of authoring. As shown in Figure 6,
all participants participated in authoring learning
activities and role-parts in various contribution. Like
in the previous finding, there were participants who
contributed more than fifty percents in group A and
The last focus of the observation is authoring
learner model in the form of properties and adapting
elements which consist of predefined- and user-
defined conditions. As shown in Table 1, all
participants contributed in the authoring. However,
participants 7 to 12 supported with Notes and
History presented better contribution as there were
not properties and neither rules which were
individually authored by sole participants.
Figure 6: Participants’ contribution in authoring activities
and role-parts, the lowest level pedagogical resources.
Table 1: Participants’ contribution in authoring learner
model and adaptation rules.
Learner model and adapting materials
1 25.0% 100.0%
2 60.0%
3 75.0% 40.0%
4 81.0% 100.0%
5 100.0%
6 19.0%
7 16.7% 50.0% 14.3%
8 50.0% 50.0% 57.2%
9 33.3% 28.5%
10 33.3% 50.0% 18.0%
11 40.0% 64.0%
12 66.7% 10.0% 18.0%
Discussion. The observation has investigated how
learning designers work in asynchronous
collaborative enviroments with features for limited
communication (Notes) and awareness supports
(Notes and History). It revealed a fact that learning
designers can work collaboratively in authoring all
IMS LD elements. The granularity of authoring is
high as they can work collaboratively from plays to
role-parts and from non-adapting to adapting
materials. In term of the usability of Notes, the
observation shows that among the aforementioned
three kinds of Notes, History’s Note is the least
accessed one. Participants prefer to use Note and
objects’ Notes as they thought that the function of
History’s Note has been covered in Note.
4.2 Quantitative Inquiry: Between-
Group Questionnaires
IMS LD offers advantages for adaptation and
interoperability. IMS LD, however, does not provide
an element or any space for learning designers to put
notes or comments, such as to explain what the
objectives of learning activities, why a particular
topic is important, et cetera. We proposed Notes to
enable learning designers to put comments regarding
the authoring process or the authored artefacts and
History that, with Notes, describes how the
authoring process is going on. The second
experiment aimed to investigate whether Notes and
History give positive impacts in authoring IMS LD.
Method. Adaptation model is one component of
adaptive learning resources that is considered to be
more difficult to understand than other resources. In
this study, a comparison between Group 1 and
Group 2 was drawn to see if implicit coordination
and workspace awareness features is suitable for
authoring adaptive learning resources. Both groups
are assigned to work in asynchronous collaborative
environments, but Group 2 was supported with
features for communication and workspace
awareness, while Group 1 was not. It could be
concluded that Notes and History give positive
impacts to authoring, if Group 2 presented better
workspace awareness than Group 1.
There were 44 participants who participated in
the experiment. The number of participants was
estimated by G*Power software (Hendrix et al.,
2008). They had teaching experience and Java
knowledge. Like in the first experiment, they were
required to involve in collaborative authoring of
learning designs in asynchronous-collaborative
Participants were divided into two groups. One
group was supported with Notes and History, while
the other group was not. To guarantee that
participants have the same profiles regarding their
teaching experience, IMS LD authoring experience,
and Java knowledge, we conducted a MANOVA test
to see if there is a significant difference between the
groups. The test comprising Pillai's Trace, Wilks'
Lambda, Hotelling's Trace, and Roy's Largest Root
confirmed that there is no significant difference
between the profiles of Group 1 and Group 2.
Table 2. The MANOVA results for participants’ profiles.
Effect Value F df Error df Sig.
Pillai's Trace
Wilks' Lambda
Hotelling's Trace
Roy's Largest Root
Contrary to the first experiment, this experiment
required participants to follow artificial authoring
scenarios. To give participants knowledge about
IMS LD and ReCourse, we arranged a 45-minute
introduction session that all participants had to
attend. In this session, participants were free to
explore the tool and examples of IMS LD.
The questionnaires were reviewed by two senior
experts and one junior expert from related fields.
The aim of this review was to ensure that targeted
information could be gained through all the
questions, and to avoid ambiguity of words in the
questionnaires that possibly cause misunderstanding.
All reviewers had similarity profiles with
participants that they have teaching experience as
well as educational backgrounds in engineering. As
this experiment was carried out not only in the UK,
but also in Indonesia, it was essential that at least
one reviewer was fluent in both Indonesian language
and English.
Results. All participants were required to find
information in a predefined unit of learning of Java
Programming. They were free to explore the UoL.
There was no guidance given to Group 2 participants
as to where to find notes written by previous
learning designers. Afterwards, all participants were
asked a number of questions related to adapting
materials. The questions covered five cases; each
case employed simple rules and logic that learning
designers could easily follow. Participants were
required to observe the case and answer questions
related to the case. One example of the questions is
presented below:
Please find rules. You will find one rule:
“Rule 1”. What is the objective of the rule?
Participants’ answers indicated their workspace
awareness. The questions used three nominal values
to classify users’ answers: wrong answers, no
answers, and correct answers. A comparison
between the number of correct answers given by
Group 1 and Group 2 is described in Figure 7
(Nurjanah and Davis, 2012). In each case, Group 2,
which supported with Notes and provenance
information, gave a higher percentage of correct
answers than Group 1.
Figure 7: A comparison of users’ understanding between
Group 1 and Group 2.
Further study was carried out to Group 2. The
same approach was conducted to Group 2 in
authoring two other courses: Introduction to Biology
and Web Programming. A classification of authoring
processes were applied to find out whether the
proposed authoring approach is suitable only for a
particular stage or for all stages. Authoring Biology
and Web Programming were in early stages of
authoring, while authoring Java Programming was in
an advance stage. The experiment result shows that
the proposed authoring approach is suitable for both
early and further stages of authoring.
Figure 8: Participants’ awareness.
Discussion. In the second experiment, learning
designers were required to make some updates in
ongoing collaborative authoring. They were required
to understand how the authoring was going on.
Group 1 could gain awareness only from the curremt
states of the authored learning designs, while Group
2 could also learn from the provided Notes and
History. The experiment result presents an evidence
that Notes and History give positive implication to
learning designers’ awareness in early and further
stages of authoring.
The granularity of authoring indicates that implicit
coordination is appropriate for collaborative
authoring of IMS LD. The data analysis results
showed that participants worked collaboratively in
authoring pedagogical knowledge, including
adapting materials. The granularity of authoring is
high since they did collaboration in authoring all
IMS LD elements, including plays and the
underlying elements (acts and role-parts),
learning/support activities and activity groups,
properties, and conditions. As former studies on
adaptive learning have proved that people can work
collaboratively in authoring learning content, this
experiment confirms that they also can
collaboratively work in creating pedagogical
knowledge (Conclusion 1).
Second, the usability of Notes and History was
tested through a between-group quantitative study.
The study compared the workspace awareness and
Gavewronganswers Gavenoanswers Gavecorrectanswers
Group1 Group2
Gavenoanswers Gavewrong
Earlystagesofauthoring Furtherstagesofauthoring
the contribution of two groups of learning designers;
one group was supported with Notes and History,
while the other was not. Learning designers
supported with Notes and History presented better
contribution and higher workspace awareness than
the others. They understood what updates had been
made, what other authors had done, what the reasons
of updates, and who made update. To conclude, the
experiment results present evidence that Notes and
History give positive impacts in authoring IMS LD
(Conclusion 2). Another finding was about the
importance of Notes. Learning designers considers
that Notes and objects’ Notes are more necessary
than History’s Note (Conclusion 3).
Finally, although the experiments have
confirmed that asynchronous collaborative authoring
method with features for limited communication
(Notes) and workspace awareness (Notes and
History) is suitable for authoring learning designs,
further studies to compare this approach with other
approaches are required to find the best approach for
collaborative authoring of IMS LD.
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