Natural-Language Scenario Descriptions for
Testing Core Language Models of Domain-specific Languages
Bernhard Hoisl
, Stefan Sobernig
, and Mark Strembeck
Institute for Information Systems and New Media, WU Vienna, Austria
Secure Business Austria Research (SBA Research), Austria
Domain-specific Modeling, Natural-Language Requirement, Scenario-based Testing, Metamodel Testing,
Eclipse Modeling Framework, Xtext, Epsilon, EUnit.
The core language model is a central artifact of domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs) as it captures
all relevant domain abstractions and their relations. Natural-language scenarios are a means to capture require-
ments in a way that can be understood by technical as well as non-technical stakeholders. In this paper, we
use scenarios for the testing of structural properties of DSML core language models. In our approach, domain
experts and DSML engineers specify requirements via structured natural-language scenarios. These scenario
descriptions are then automatically transformed into executable test scenarios providing forward and backward
traceability of domain requirements. To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we used Eclipse Xtext to
implement a requirements language for the definition of semi-structured scenarios. Transformation specifica-
tions generate executable test scenarios that run in our test platform which is built on the Eclipse Modeling
Framework and the Epsilon language family.
A domain-specific language (DSL) provides
tailored development support for a specific do-
main (Stahl and V
olter, 2006). In model-driven
development (MDD), a domain-specific modeling
language (DSML) allows for developing tailored,
platform-independent models. Their abstract syntax
is typically defined using metamodeling and it is ex-
posed to domain modelers in terms of a diagrammatic
concrete syntax (Sendall and Kozaczynski, 2003).
The process of developing a DSML, either from
scratch or by reusing existing DSMLs, involves an
initial phase of domain analysis (Lisboa et al., 2010;
Czarnecki and Eisenecker, 2000). A domain anal-
ysis aims at documenting the domain knowledge in
terms of the domain vocabulary and the domain re-
quirements (e.g., rules of applying the domain terms,
normative procedural guidelines). In the domain mod-
eling step, the data sources (e.g., code bases and ap-
plication documentation available for the domain) are
collected and reviewed to identify domain-specific
entities, operations, and entity relationships. In a
model-driven approach, this step yields a number of
model artifacts (e.g., the core language model with
accompanying optional constraints).
The core language model of a DSML captures
the abstracted domain entities and their relationships
(Strembeck and Zdun, 2009). This way, it defines the
abstract syntax of a DSML. A DSMLs core language
model is often defined as a metamodel conforming
to standards, such as the Meta Object Facility (Ob-
ject Management Group, 2013) or as an extension
to MOF-based general-purpose modeling languages
such as the Unified Modeling Language (Object Man-
agement Group, 2011). Supplementary models can
describe the commonalities and variations between
domain entities defined by the core language model
(variability models) and domain operations (e.g., rel-
evant business processes). After domain modeling is
finished, the resulting models are reviewed to validate
the conformance of these domain models with the do-
main vocabulary and domain requirements.
In a domain modeling activity, domain require-
ments are frequently documented using natural-
language descriptions (Neill and Laplante, 2003; Di-
ethelm et al., 2005). This is due to the fact that
domain requirements emerge and are often elicited
during interviews, discussions, and meetings where
different stakeholders are involved (Sutcliffe, 2002).
Whereas such natural-language requirements descrip-
tions are more accessible to non-technical stake-
Hoisl B., Sobernig S. and Strembeck M..
Natural-language Scenario Descriptions for Testing Core Language Models of Domain-Specific Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0004713703560367
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2014), pages 356-367
ISBN: 978-989-758-007-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
holders and stakeholders of diverse professional
backgrounds (Dwarakanath and Sengupta, 2012), a
natural-language description raises important issues
when it comes to validating model artifacts such as
the core language model against the domain require-
ments. A corresponding issue is, for example, the
ambiguity of natural-language descriptions (Sutcliffe,
2002; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
neers, 2011). This ambiguity can be caused by con-
textual details not being made explicit in the require-
ments narrative and/or by not being representable in
a core language model, for instance, due to lacking
expressiveness of the respective modeling language.
Adding to these issues, the core language model
is typically created in several iterations and is there-
fore not a static artifact. Changes of the domain re-
quirements trigger the evolution of the core language
model (Wimmer et al., 2010). Requirements can
change, for instance, due to additional functionality,
a modified legal situation in the corresponding appli-
cation domain, or the refactoring of software systems.
While the core language model is the primary arti-
fact of a DSML, there are other DSML artifacts (such
as model transformations or model constraints) which
directly depend on the core language model (Strem-
beck and Zdun, 2009; Hoisl et al., 2013). An un-
detected requirement violation in the core language
model may have severe effects on all dependent soft-
ware artifacts.
The creation of a DSML and its core language
model involves DSML engineers and domain experts.
Here, a domain expert is a professional in a particu-
lar domain, such as a stock analyst in the investment
banking domain or a physician in the health-care do-
main. While the domain expert provides the domain-
specific knowledge, the DSML engineer is responsi-
ble for the domain model specification and implemen-
tation (e.g., the creation of model artifacts, their at-
tributes, relationships). The challenge in the phase of
domain analysis and modeling is the establishment of
a common body of knowledge for both, the domain
expert, and the DSML engineer (i.e., a shared vocab-
ulary) and the correct abstraction and mapping of do-
main knowledge to a target modeling language.
A testing technique for evolving and heavily cou-
pled language models would offer a means for se-
lecting relevant, requirements-driven tests, to express
and to maintain these tests, and to automate the
testing procedure. Current testing approaches for
metamodels fall short in a number of ways: For
modeling-space sampling (Gomez et al., 2012; Mer-
ilinna et al., 2008), a sufficiently specified model un-
der test is needed, which is not available in an it-
erative development and evolution of domain mod-
els. The same holds true for metamodel-test models
(i.e., simulating a set of valid instance model alter-
natives), which require the full domain model under
test to be specified (Sadilek and Weißleder, 2008; Cic-
chetti et al., 2011). Metamodel validation approaches
(e.g., model-constraint evaluations) employ formal
expression languages (e.g., OCL), but do not consider
the structure of non-executable requirements spec-
ifications (Merilinna and P
arssinen, 2010). More-
over, approaches exist for tracing requirements (Win-
kler and Pilgrim, 2010) and testing natural-language
statements (Gervasi and Nuseibeh, 2002; Yue et al.,
2013), but lack an integrated model-driven tool-chain
to combine both, domain modeling capabilities and
requirements specification/validation.
We propose a testing approach that employs sce-
narios to describe system behavior, as well as to
bridge the gap between informal natural-language re-
quirements on the one hand and formal models (in-
cluding source code implementations) on the other
hand (Sutcliffe, 2002; Jarke et al., 1998; Uchitel et al.,
2003). Thus, in our approach, domain requirements
can directly serve as a normative specification for the
core language model of a DSML. The paper makes
the following contributions:
Semi-structured domain-requirements language:
We specify a semi-structured requirements lan-
guage that can be used by domain experts to
define scenarios via structured natural language.
These natural-language scenario descriptions are
then transformed into an executable scenario for-
mat. The executable test scenarios check the
conformance of (evolving) DSML core language
model definitions against the scenario-based re-
quirements specification.
Traceable mapping of domain requirements: In
this way, our approach supports a systematic,
semi-automated, and traceable mapping of do-
main requirements documented in natural lan-
guage to executable test scenarios for require-
ments validation. The mapping conventions are
defined in a reusable form applicable to different
Participatory requirements validation: In our ap-
proach, the domain expert uses scenarios to define
domain requirements (Sutcliffe, 2002; Jarke et al.,
1998). This way, the domain expert actively con-
tributes to defining and to validating the DSML
core language model, in close cooperation with
the DSML engineer.
As a proof-of-concept prototype, we implemented
a complete MDD-based tool chain in which the def-
inition of natural-language requirements, scenario-
based tests, and DSML model transformations are
supported. The prototype builds on top of the Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF) and the Epsilon lan-
guage family. It is publicly available at http://nm.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents a motivating example of
DSML integration. DSML integration exemplifies
the reuse of existing artifacts from two or more in-
dividual source DSMLs to implement a new DSML
(Hoisl et al., 2012). Section 3 introduces our ap-
proach for transforming requirements into executable
test scenarios. Section 4 specifies a language for
requirements-level scenarios, whose applicability—
in combination with transformation definitions—is
shown in a DSML integration case in Section 5. Sec-
tion 6 discusses how our approach contributes to ad-
dress the issues of natural-language requirements test-
ing raised in Section 2. At last, related work is re-
viewed in Section 7 and Section 8 concludes the pa-
When modeling a domain, textual use-case scenar-
ios are commonly employed for documenting domain
requirements. Consider the example of story-driven
modeling (Diethelm et al., 2005). First, use-case nar-
ratives are collected textually which are then refined
into diagrammatic models. During so-called object-
game sessions, the team of developers (e.g., DSML
engineers analyzing the domain) draw up sketches of
object diagrams cooperatively (e.g., using a white-
board). These diagrams are then translated into UML
collaboration diagrams and grouped into model se-
quences, the so-called story boards. From these story
boards, structural and behavioral specifications (e.g.,
unit tests) can be derived (see Figure 1).
Create natural-language
scenario descriptions
(e.g., use cases)
Run executable
(e.g., unit tests)
(e.g., object games, story boards)
Figure 1: Translating requirements into executable tests.
The transitions between different types of require-
ment descriptions (e.g., text and collaboration dia-
grams), as well as between requirement descriptions
and executable specifications (e.g., collaboration dia-
grams and unit tests) provide the opportunity to con-
tinuously elicit the requirements, by adding miss-
ing or by clarifying ambiguous details. At the same
time, however, each transition risks introducing in-
consistency between the requirements in their differ-
ent representations (see also Figure 1). For exam-
ple, a requirements detail documented in textual form
in a use-case description, might be simply omitted
accidentally when drawing up the collaboration dia-
grams. Then, once certain details have been clarified
in terms of UML collaboration, a diagrammatically
documented requirement might turn out to be con-
flicting with the early, textually recorded ones. Con-
sequently, each requirements representation must be
constantly maintained to reflect changes to other rep-
The risk of inconsistency between multiple re-
quirements representations and the maintenance over-
head, as exemplified for story-driven modeling above,
motivated us to investigate means of automati-
cally transforming natural-language scenarios at the
requirements level into executable test scenarios.
Throughout the paper, we will look at the develop-
ment of a language model from existing ones, the case
of DSML integration (Hoisl et al., 2012).
Consider the DSMLs A and B representing two
technical domains: system auditing and distributed
state-transition systems (see Figures 2 and 3). The
integrated DSML C should cover a new and an
integrated domain (i.e., auditable distributed state-
transition systems). This example is taken from an
integration case which is described in full detail in
(Hoisl et al., 2013).
data : EString
name : EString
Figure 2: Auditing event-based systems (DSML A).
name : EString
Figure 3: State/transitional behavioral system (DSML B).
The integration of the core language models of the
DSMLs A and B is achieved by turning Events propa-
gated in a distributed system into AuditableEvents
that can be tracked for auditing purposes (e.g.,
through a corresponding system-monitoring facility).
Table 1 shows an excerpt of a natural-language sce-
nario description for the integrated DSML C which
resulted from eliciting domain requirements during a
domain analysis (see also Figure 1). The description
is structured according to a one-column table format
as suggested by (Cockburn, 2001). From the descrip-
tion of test scenario 1 follows that the domain re-
quires all events to be audited and each audited event
shall issue a signal to the monitoring facility (see Ta-
ble 1).
Table 1: Example requirements-level natural-language sce-
nario description (excerpt).
Test case 1 Ascertain that each triggered AuditableEvent can be
sensed by the monitoring facility.
Primary actors System auditor, distributed-systems operator
Preconditions All metamodel constraints for the source DSMLs
shall hold for DSML C.
Trigger/Setup The model-transformation workflow to integrate the
metamodels of DSML A & DSML B is executed.
Test scenario 1 An AuditableEvent issued by a Transition shall
publish at least one Signal.
Preconditions AuditableEvent has all structural features of Au-
ditEvent and Event.
Expected result Instances of AuditableEvent shall refer to at least
one Signal instance.
From this natural-language requirements descrip-
tion, a DSML engineer then derives concrete com-
position steps which are performed manually or
via model-to-model transformations (Czarnecki and
Helsen, 2006). The resulting relevant core language
model fragment of the merged DSML C is shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Excerpt from merged DSML C core language
When turning non-executable requirements de-
scriptions into executable specifications (e.g., soft-
ware tests, transformation definitions; see also Fig-
ure 1), evaluating the natural-language requirements
against these evolving software artifacts poses impor-
tant challenges (Sutcliffe, 2002; Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, 2011).
Ambiguity of Requirements: In contrast to formal
specifications, natural language is prone to misinter-
pretation (Sutcliffe, 2002). The ambiguity of natural-
language statements may lead to erroneous or incom-
plete requirement implementations. For instance, the
definition of the scenario trigger in Table 1 can lead to
misinterpretations. It is ambiguous whether the sce-
nario is meant to be enacted either at the beginning,
at the end, or anywhere in between the integration of
the two core language models.
Consistency of requirements: A DSML core lan-
guage model may have to comply to a number of dif-
ferent requirements. When defining scenarios in nat-
ural language, it is difficult to check that the require-
ments are free of conflicts. Natural language allows
for expressing identical requirements differently, for
instance, the expected result from test scenario 1 in
Table 1 can be rephrased: The first structural fea-
ture of the metaclass AuditableEvent must never
have a lower bound of zero.
Singularity of Requirements: To allow for an easy
to understand and testable requirements specification,
a requirement statement should ideally include only
one requirement with no use of conjunctions. For ex-
ample, the test case 1 precondition from Table 1 de-
mands that the constraints for the composed DSML
C reference back to the individual constraint sets of
DSMLs A and B. This backward-dependent relation-
ship adds to the complexity of the requirements vali-
dation (i.e., constraints have to be checked twice for
the two source core language models and a third time
when applied in the context of the composed DSML
Traceability of Requirements: Requirements
should be forward traceable (e.g., to DSML core lan-
guage model source code artifacts; in our example the
implemented metamodels of Figure 2 and Figure 3)
and backward traceable (e.g., to specific stakeholder
statements a requirement originates from; in our ex-
ample the requirements described in Table 1). That is,
all forward and backward relationships for a require-
ment are identified and recorded (Institute of Electri-
cal and Electronics Engineers, 2011). This way, a re-
quirement can be navigated from its source (e.g., the
expected result in Table 1) to its implementation (e.g.,
a corresponding assertion statement in an automatable
test specification); and vice versa. Tracing of natural-
language requirements to their respective DSML ar-
tifact implementations (and vice versa) is non-trivial
because of different abstraction levels and specifica-
tion formats, for instance, natural language vs. source
code (Marcus et al., 2005).
Validation of requirements: Requirements have
to be validated in order to prove that they are satis-
fied by a corresponding DSML core language model
implementation. Acceptance testing is a common
method for the validation of software systems require-
ments (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
neers, 2011). Nevertheless, tool-supported and auto-
mated testing of natural-language statements is diffi-
cult due to their ambiguity and the lack of a formal
structure. Without adequate tool support, the valida-
tion of requirements from Table 1 in the context of the
merged DSML C core language model (Figure 4) can
only be done manually—a tedious and error-prone
task whose complexity increases with the amount of
involved metamodel elements, transformation state-
ments, and requirement specifications.
These challenges increase with the number of re-
quirements and scenario descriptions to be satisfied,
the transformation rules involved, and the DSML ar-
tifacts created.
Our approach of mapping natural-language require-
ments to executable scenario descriptions is sketched
in Figure 5. In this process, the primary actors are
the domain expert and the DSML engineer. In cer-
tain domains (e.g., software testing), both roles can
be taken by one subject at the same time. First, the
domain expert and the DSML engineer must agree on
a requirements specification format (Sutcliffe, 2002).
This is to assure that the requirements are captured
in a format which can be further processed. For
the specification of system behavior on the require-
ments level, natural-language scenarios are a suitable
choice (Sutcliffe, 2002; Jarke et al., 1998; Uchitel
et al., 2003). Scenarios can help to reduce the risk
of omitting or forgetting relevant test cases, as well
as the risk of describing important tests insufficiently.
A requirements-level scenario description establishes
the conditions under which it runs (Cockburn, 2001;
Strembeck, 2011): A trigger corresponds to the event
which sets off the scenario. Preconditions announce
the system state expected by the use case before start-
ing. The objective of the scenario defines the goal
which should be achieved. Important persons in-
volved are named as primary actors. Finally, a set
of validation or action steps specifies the scenario’s
expected outcome. Examples of two semi-structured
natural-language scenario descriptions on the require-
ments level are provided in Table 1 and in Listing 3.
Based on the scenario descriptions of the domain
Create natural-language
scenario descriptions
Run scenario
Step denitions
Figure 5: Transforming requirements into executable test
scenarios via step definitions.
expert, the DSML engineer has to translate these sce-
narios into executable tests (see Figure 5). Executable
tests allow for the automatic validation of DSML core
language models against requirement-level scenarios.
If each requirement-level scenario is checked via one
(ore more) executable test scenario(s), a critical test
coverage of the most relevant requirements can be
achieved. The scenario tests are reviewed by the do-
main expert and the DSML engineer. This ensures
that the executable scenario descriptions reflect the re-
quirements sufficiently.
Each natural-language description of a scenario is
called a step. In order to translate natural-language
requirements into executable tests, for each scenario-
step a corresponding step definition (Wynne and
Hellesøy, 2012) must be defined (see Figure 5; an ex-
ample is shown in Listing 4). We transform natural-
language requirements into executable test scenar-
ios via linguistic rule-based step definitions (Win-
kler and Pilgrim, 2010). A rule-based step defini-
tion deduces traces by applying rules to steps (in con-
trast to, e.g., approaches based on information re-
trieval). Linguistic rules overcome the limitation of
structural approaches by extending the analysis of a
step’s structure to the analysis of its language (via
natural-language processing techniques). In doing so,
step definitions serve as the connecting link between
the domain expert’s vocabulary and the DSML engi-
neer’s vocabulary.
After the step definitions have been defined, the
DSML engineer performs the domain modeling ac-
tivity; i.e., the DSML engineer constructs (fragments
of) the DSML core language model in a way that the
design decisions comply with the requirement speci-
fications. The test scenarios are then checked against
the core language model (fragments). If all tests suc-
ceed, the core language model (part) adheres to the
requirements. If a test fails, the domain expert and
the DSML engineer review the respective test scenar-
ios for their validity and iterate over the core language
modeling artifacts.
This process facilitates the step-wise refinement
of requirements as well as an iterative development
of DSML core language models. At first, a require-
ment specification may not capture all needs for the
whole DSML core language model (Sutcliffe, 2002).
Nevertheless, by performing domain modeling ac-
tions, the DSML engineer constructs a requirements-
conforming DSML core language model fragment.
As the requirements evolve, so does the DSML core
language model, for example, when integrating two
DSMLs (Hoisl et al., 2012). This test-driven method
of step-wise development and refinement of DSML
core language models helps detect requirements vio-
lations at an early stage. Furthermore, step definition
patterns are designed for reuse (e.g., in other core lan-
guage modeling scenarios; see Figure 5).
To specify natural-language requirements via scenar-
ios, we define a model-based scenario-description
language. Using this language, the domain expert
can express domain requirements on DSML core lan-
guage models via semi-structured natural-language
scenarios. At the same time, each scenario descrip-
tion can so be represented as a well-defined model to
facilitate further-processing of the scenario descrip-
tion. Figure 6 shows the metamodel of our scenario-
description language. The main concepts and con-
cept relationships were identified by studying related
work on requirements metamodels (Goknil et al.,
2008; Som
e, 2009) and acceptance testing (Wynne
and Hellesøy, 2012).
given : String [0..*]
when : String [0..*]
then : String [1..*]
name : String [1]
in_order_to : String [0..1]
as_a : String [0..1]
i_want : String [0..1]
Figure 6: Scenario-based requirements specification lan-
guage metamodel.
Abstract syntax: Requirements are specified in
terms of characteristic functionality (Features) the
stakeholders request and the DSML shall implement.
A Feature is described textually via four proper-
ties: A Feature has a name, is specified in order to
meet a certain goal (in order to), defines participat-
ing stakeholders (as a), and describes the feature’s
purpose (i want). A structural Feature of core lan-
guage models may describe relationships of domain
concepts or metaclass properties (e.g., inheritance re-
lationships, metaclass attributes).
Scenarios describe important action and event
sequences characteristic to a given Feature. We
use Scenarios to determine the details of language
model compositions. In addition to its name, a Sce-
nario is associated with one or more conditions that
trigger the scenario (given), define when alterna-
tive paths are chosen (when), and specify expected
outcomes (then). A RequirementsSpecification
has a name and documents as many Features as re-
quested and a Feature consists of as many Scenario
descriptions as needed.
Concrete syntax: Following related approaches
to textual use-case modeling and acceptance test-
ing (Wynne and Hellesøy, 2012; Goknil et al., 2008;
e, 2009), we provide a textual concrete-syntax
for the domain user of the requirements language. In
this way, the domain expert is able to define scenario-
based requirements via natural-language statements
(an example is shown in Listing 1). The syntax rules
allow for using synonyms for steps (e.g., And, But;
see Listing 2). This way, the domain expert can,
on the one hand, phrase requirements in a natural
and readable way and, on the other hand, concate-
nate multiple steps into composite statements (i.e.,
adding multiple steps to each Given, When, or Then
section). This allows the domain expert to define sce-
narios which are expressed over multiple, interrelated
Listing 1: A textual concrete syntax.
1 RequirementsSpecification: "..."
2 Feature: " ..."
3 In order to "..."
4 As a "..."
5 I want "..."
6 Scenario: " ..."
7 Given "..."
8 When "..."
9 Then "..."
In our proof-of-concept implementation, this tex-
tual concrete syntax is specified using an Eclipse
Xtext grammar (see Listing 2). The style of the tex-
tual concrete syntax can easily be adjusted to the
needs of a particular domain—we aligned our exem-
plary grammar definition with (Wynne and Hellesøy,
2012). Also note that this textual concrete syntax is
just one option to define instance models of the re-
quirements metamodel (Figure 6). Viable alternatives
can be realized for our implementation with small ef-
fort, including tree-based views (e.g., via the Sample
Reflective Ecore Model Editor), diagrammatic views
(e.g., via the Eclipse Graphical Modeling Frame-
work), or further textual views (e.g., via XML). In
this way, our implementation allows, on the one hand,
that the requirements specification document can be
tailored to the best suitable format for the domain
and, on the other hand, that formats and views can
be switched interchangeably.
Listing 2: Xtext grammar definition for semi-structured
scenario-based requirements.
1 grammar at . ac. wu . nm . dsml . sbt. S RL with o r g . e c l i p s e . x text .
common . T e r m i n a l s
3 import " h ttp :// r e q u i r eme n t s s p eci f i c a t ion / 0 . 1 "
4 import " h ttp :// w w w . e c l i p s e . org / emf / 2 0 0 2 / E c o r e " as e c ore
6 Re q u i r e men t s S p e cif i c a t i on returns R e q uir e m e n t sS p e c i f ica t i o n
7 { R e q u i rem e n t s S pec i f i c ati o n }
8 R e q u i rem e n t s S pec i f i c ati o n : name= EString
9 ( features += Feature ) *
10 ;
12 F e a t u r e returns F e a t u r e :
13 {Feature }
14 Feature : na m e = EString
15 ( I n order to in_order_to = E S t r i n g ) ?
16 ( A s a as_ a = EString )?
17 ( I wa nt i_want = E S t r i n g ) ?
18 ( scenarios += Scenario )*
19 ;
21 S c e n a r i o returns S c e n a r i o :
22 {Scenario }
23 Scenario : nam e = E S tring
24 ( G iven given += E String
25 (( Give n ’| And | But ’) given += E S t r i n g ) *)?
26 ( W hen whe n + = E S t r i n g
27 (( Whe n ’| And | But ) when + = E S t r i n g ) * ) ?
28 Then t h e n += EString
29 (( The n ’| And | But ) then + = E S t r i n g ) *
30 ;
32 E S t r i n g returns e c o r e :: EString :
33 STRING | ID ;
Platform integration: The requirements meta-
model as shown in Figure 6 and the correspond-
ing tool support provide the means to define non-
executable, requirements-level scenarios which are
independent from any metamodeling infrastructure
(Ecore, MOF) and from a test-execution frame-
work. To validate core language models against
these descriptions in a systematic and automated
manner, they must be transformed into executable
test cases by the DSML engineer using step defi-
nitions. Scenario-based testing approaches (Strem-
beck, 2011; Sobernig et al., 2013) provide the neces-
sary abstractions (e.g., test cases, test scenarios, pre-
and post-conditions, setup and cleanup sequences)
to represent scenario descriptions directly as exe-
cutable tests. For our proof-of-concept implemen-
tation, we use our scenario-based testing framework
published in (Sobernig et al., 2013) as test-execution
platform. This execution platform for scenario tests
is built on top of EMF and extends the Epsilon EU-
nit testing framework (Kolovos et al., 2013). In
the step of platform integration, instance models of
the requirements metamodel (see Figure 6) are trans-
formed into executable scenario tests supported by
this test framework. Table 2 shows the exemplary
correspondences between the metamodel concepts,
the scenario-based testing domain concepts (Strem-
beck, 2011), and the syntactical equivalents as pro-
vided by the test-execution platform (Kolovos et al.,
2013; Sobernig et al., 2013). Note that integra-
tion with alternative validation platforms for the sce-
nario descriptions (e.g., an OCL engine, a model-
transformation engine) can be achieved by provid-
ing a dedicated set of step definitions. We adopted
the scenario-based test framework (Sobernig et al.,
2013) because of its matching test abstractions and
for demonstration purposes.
Table 2: Correspondences between requirements language,
scenario-testing concepts, and EUnit concrete syntax.
Requirements lan-
Test concept Epsilon syntax con-
Test suite @TestSuite
Feature Test case @TestCase
Scenario Test scenario @TestScenario
Scenario.Given Precondition $pre
Scenario.When Test body operation’s body
Scenario.Then Expected result EUnit assertion
We demonstrate the scenario-based testing of DSML
core language models via a DSML integration case.
We build on the motivating example introduced in
Section 2 and show how the transformation from
natural-language requirements into executable sce-
nario tests is achieved via our software prototype.
To recall, in our integration scenario from Sec-
tion 2 we want to fully compose the core language
models of two DSMLs A and B (Figures 2 and 3).
The resulting merged DSML C covers an integrated
domain established through the conceptual weaving
of AuditEvents (from DSML A) and Events (from
DSML B) into AuditableEvents. The process steps
involved in this DSML integration are shown in Fig-
ure 7.
To scenario-test the DSML core language model
composition, the domain expert and the DSML engi-
neer first determine a requirements specification for-
mat (in our case through an Xtext grammar; see List-
ing 2). After the requirements specification format
ad: Scenario testing a DSML core language model composition
(domain expert)
Create natural-language
scenario descriptions
see Listing 3
(DSML engineer)
Transform scenario
descriptions into tests
(domain expert, DSML engineer)
Review scenario tests
(DSML engineer)
Run scenario tests
see Listing 5
[tests succeed]
[tests fail]
(domain expert, DSML engineer)
Determine requirements
specication format
see Listing 2
Match elements
Match trace
Copy elements
Merge elements
Composed metamodel
Match trace
Metamodel DSML 1
Metamodel DSML 2
Load models
(DSML engineer)
Perform domain modeling action
(DSML engineer)
Dene step
see Listing 4
[apply step denitions]
[reuse step
Figure 7: Scenario testing of DSML core language model integration.
has been determined, the domain expert can define
natural-language scenarios tackling the domain re-
quirements. Listing 3 shows an excerpt of such a re-
quirements specification conforming to the syntax of
our grammar. To support the domain expert in elab-
orating requirements, Xtext generates an editor sup-
porting, for example, syntax highlighting, auto com-
pletion, or error reporting. Due to space limitations,
we define a brief requirements-level scenario for only
one DSML integration feature (more examples can be
obtained from List-
ing 3 shows a refinement from the initial Table 1 sce-
nario and requires that all audited events shall issue a
signal to the monitoring facility.
Listing 3: Scenario-based semi-structured requirements ex-
1 RequirementsSpecification: " DSMLs A and B integrat i o n "
2 Feature: " M o n i t o r A u d i tabl e E v e n t "
3 In order to " a s c e r t a i n t h at each triggered
Aud i t a b l e E v ent can be sensed by the monitoring
facility "
4 As a " s ystem auditor and d i s t r i buted - s y s t ems o p e r a t o r "
5 I want " that Audit a b l e E v e nts shall publish Signals "
7 Scenario: " A u d itabl e E v e n t shall publish a t least on e
Signal "
8 Given " that Event S y s t e mSt a t e M a chi n e . A u d i t a bleEv e n t
has a ll features of EventSystem . A u d i tEvent and
Stat e M a c h i n e . E vent "
9 When " i n m e t a m o d e l E v ent S y s t e mSt a t e M a chi n e m e t a c l ass
Aud i t a b l e E v ent r e f e r e n c e s metaclass Signal "
10 Then " i n s t a n c e s of Event S y s t e mSt a t e M a chi n e .
Aud i t a b l e E v ent shall refer to at l e ast 1 S i g nal
instance "
11 ...
After this, the DSML engineer defines corre-
sponding step definitions for every requirements-level
scenario to allow for the translation into executable
test scenarios (an example is shown in Listing 4).
Our software prototype supports the specification of
step definitions by employing token-matching pat-
terns, i.e., string-sequences are recognized via regular
expressions—a linguistic rule-based approach (Win-
kler and Pilgrim, 2010). In addition, a step definition
can be composed of a unique and unordered collec-
tion of regular expression patterns (see lines 3–5 in
Listing 4). This is to aid the DSML engineer in the
process of matching steps which are not easily rec-
ognizable via a single regular expression statement.
In this context, a step definition can match multi-
ple scenario-steps of identical or different types (e.g.,
steps of types Given and When).
Listing 4: A scenario-transforming step definition.
1 var s t e p D e f : Map = Map {
2 -- t ests if m u l tiplic i t y >= 1 between two c l a ssifiers
3 Set {
4 "ˆ instan c e s of ( \ \ S +) \\.(\\ S +) ( ? : s h a ll | m u st ) r e f e r to
at l e a s t (\\ d +) ( \\ S +) instances ? $"
5 }
6 = " a s s e r t F a l s e (\ " An $ 1 shall publish at least $2 $3 .\" ,
$0! EClass . all -> select O n e ( c | c. n ame = \" $1 \ " ) .
eStructu r a l F e a t u r e s - > first (). lowerBound < $2 ) ;"
7 -- more step definit i o n s
8 };
Our software prototype implements an EGL-
based (Epsilon Generation Language) transformation
from requirements-level scenarios into executable
tests deployable in our extended EUnit testing frame-
work (Kolovos et al., 2013; Sobernig et al., 2013).
The transformation evaluates step definitions (Listing
4) against the requirements specification (Listing 3).
The generated EUnit test scenario resulting from the
requirement specification transformation is shown in
Listing 5.
Listing 5: Generated EUnit scenario tests.
1 - - DSMLs A and B integration
2 @TestSuite
3 operation ds m l s _ a _an d _ b _ i nte g r a t ion () {
4 -- M o n itor A u d i t a bleEv e n t :
5 --In o r d e r to ascertain that e a ch t r i g g e r e d
Aud i t a b l e E v ent can be sensed by the monitoring
6 --As a system auditor a n d distributed - s y s t e m s o p e r a t o r
7 --I w ant that Auditable E v e n t s shall publish Signals
8 @TestCase
9 operation m o n i t or_ a u d i t abl e e v e n t () {
10 - - A u d i t a b l e Event s hall publish at l e ast one S i g n a l
11 @TestScenario
12 -- G i ven that Event S y s t e mSt a t e M a chi n e . A u d i t a b leEve n t
has a ll features of EventSystem . A u d i tEvent and
Stat e M a c h i n e . E vent
13 $pre E v e n tSy s t e m S tat e M a c h ine ! EClass . all - > sele c t O n e ( a e |
ae. n a m e = " Audi t a b l e E v e nt ") . e S t r u ctu r a l F e a ture s .
size () = E v e n t S y s t e m ! E C l a s s . all -> selectOne ( ae |
ae. n a m e = " AuditEven t ") . e S t ruc t u r a l F eatu r e s . size
() + StateMac h i n e ! EClass . all - > s e l e c t O n e ( ae | a e .
name = " E v ent ") . e S t r u c tura l F e a t ures . size ()
14 operation
au d i t a bl e e v e nt _ s h a ll_ p u b lis h _ a t _l e a s t _o n e _ s ig n a l
() {
15 -- W hen in m e t a m o d e l E v e n t S y ste m S t a t eMa c h i n e meta c l a s s
Aud i t a b l e E v ent r e f e r e n c e s metaclass Signal
16 if ( E v e n t Sys t e m S t ate M a c h i ne ! EClass . a ll - > s e l e c t O n e ( c |
c. name = " A u d i table E v e n t "). eStructur a l F e a t u r e s
-> first ( ) . e T y pe . n a m e = " S i g n a l ") {
17 -- T hen instances of EventSy s t e m S tat e M a c h ine .
Aud i t a b l e E v ent shall refer to at l e ast 1
Signal instance
18 assertFalse(" An Au d i t a b l e E vent shall publish at
least 1 Signal ." , E v e ntS y s t e m Sta t e M a c h ine !
EClass . all - > se l e c t O n e ( c | c. n ame = "
Aud i t a b l e E v ent ") . e S t r u c t u r a l F e a t u r e s - > f i rst ()
. lowerBoun d < 1) ;
19 }
20 }
21 }
22 ...
23 }
Before the actual domain modeling composition
is performed, the domain expert and the DSML en-
gineer collaboratively review the executable test sce-
narios. This review is facilitated by maintaining the
requirement statements along with the corresponding
test cases (i.e., established trace links). For our exam-
ple, the core language model integration is executed
via an Epsilon-based workflow (e.g., matching, copy-
ing, merging core language model elements; see Fig-
ure 7).
Afterwards, the scenario tests (Listing 5) are run
against the integrated DSML C core language model.
If a test fails, the domain expert and the DSML engi-
neer review the corresponding test scenario accord-
ing to the error message shown via the EUnit re-
porting console to exclude an erroneous specifica-
tion. Figure 8 shows a failing test scenario because of
non-conforming multiplicity requirements in the inte-
grated DSML C core language model. In order to get
all scenario tests pass (Figure 9), the DSML engineer
needs to patch the composition specification until it
fully complies to the specified requirements (details
are omitted here for brevity).
In Section 2, we argue that natural-language scenarios
are useful to capture requirements, but have serious
Figure 8: EUnit scenario-test report: one test fails.
Figure 9: All scenario tests pass.
drawbacks when it comes to evaluating them against
DSML software artifacts. In this section, we discuss
how our work contributes to (partly) overcome this
Ambiguity of Requirements: Step definitions pro-
vide for the transformation of natural-language re-
quirements into formal specifications. Those formal
specifications render ambiguous natural-language re-
quirements explicit. In this sense, DSML engineers
play an important role as they serve as the inter-
face of mapping natural-language requirements to ex-
ecutable scenarios. A correct mapping (i.e., accurate
step definitions) can only be ensured in close collab-
oration with the domain expert. Still, the ambiguity
of natural-language requirements remains, but formal
specifications help to reduce the number of semantic
variation points.
Consistency of requirements: Executable scenario
tests add to the conflict-free definition of require-
ments. All test scenarios of a requirements specifica-
tion document are executed in the same context of one
test suite. This ensures, that each scenario is tested
against identical language model artifacts. Inconsis-
tent tests fail and are reported back to the DSML en-
gineer. Consequently, the requirements need to be re-
viewed by the domain expert.
Singularity of Requirements: If a scenario step
conjugates other steps of the requirements specifica-
tion, this can be recognized in a pattern-based step
definition approach. Composite steps match more
than one step definition pattern which indicates that
requirements singularity may not be satisfied.
Traceability of Requirements: In our approach, on
the one hand, requirements are forward traceable via
transforming step definitions. With this, it is possi-
ble to keep track of the requirements-level scenarios
to their executable test counterparts. On the other
hand, we provide support for the backward traceabil-
ity of executable test scenarios. In our transforma-
tion routines, the natural-language scenario steps are
copied as comments besides their corresponding ex-
ecutable test scenarios (see Listing 5). Furthermore,
the EUnit reporting console pairs passed/failed tests
to their respective executable scenario implementa-
tions. This allows to trace the natural-language re-
quirements from the scenario-test report.
Validation of requirements: In this paper, exe-
cutable scenario tests are employed to collect evi-
dence that proves that the system can satisfy the spec-
ified requirements. A test report is generated which
shows the conformance status of the DSML core lan-
guage model against the requirements specification.
In this sense, the requirements specification serves as
a documentation of the core language model devel-
opment activities which can be validated. Further-
more, step definitions are an important documentation
source as they provide for the generation of validation
specifications (i.e., executable test scenarios) from the
natural-language requirements.
Related work falls into three categories: testing of
1a) natural-language requirements and 1b) evolving
metamodels, requirements 2a) metamodeling and 2b)
traceability, and 3) available tool support.
Testing against natural-language requirements:
In order to test natural-language statements, they
need to be processed and transformed into an an-
alyzable representation. Several natural-language
processing techniques exists—keyword extraction,
part of speech tagging etc. (Winkler and Pilgrim,
2010)—for instance, to derive model-based (Santi-
ago J
unior and Vijaykumar, 2012) or functional test
cases (Dwarakanath and Sengupta, 2012), to check
model properties (Gervasi and Nuseibeh, 2002),
and to generate analysis models from textual use
cases (Yue et al., 2013). Our approach benefits
from these documented experiences on processing
natural-language requirements into processable and
executable artifacts, in particular linguistic rule-based
transformations (Winkler and Pilgrim, 2010). We re-
alize this processing, in contrast to related work, using
an integrated, model-driven tool chain. At the same
time, testing DSML core language models and their
integration has distinct requirements, for example,
navigating between different metamodels to capture
model transformations. Navigation between meta-
models is supported by our approach, for instance,
via a mapping of multi-metamodel requirements (e.g.,
line 8 in Listing 3) into executable test scenarios in-
volving individual and integrated DSML core lan-
guage models (e.g., precondition on line 13 in Listing
Testing evolving metamodels: We distinguish be-
tween three current metamodel-testing approaches to
test requirements-conformance objectives for evolv-
ing metamodels: 1) modeling-space sampling, 2)
metamodel-test models, and 3) metamodel valida-
tion. Modeling-space sampling (1) adopts techniques
of model-based testing, testing of model transforma-
tions, and model simulation to generate a sample of
potential metamodel test instantiations (Gomez et al.,
2012; Merilinna et al., 2008). Such a sample is pro-
duced in an automated manner by traversing the meta-
model and creating metamodel instances according
to the metamodel specification and pre-defined sam-
pling criteria. Metamodel-test models (2) aim at the
manual definition of potential metamodel instantia-
tions by domain experts and DSML engineers. Such a
procedure requires a generic, proxy metamodel from
which the test models are instantiated. Metamodel
validation approaches (3) employ model-constraint
expressions (e.g., specified via the OCL) to express
test cases on metamodels (e.g., specified as invari-
ants), defined at the level of the corresponding meta-
metamodel (Merilinna and P
arssinen, 2010). Our ap-
proach primarily extends metamodel validation tech-
niques to provide an explicit scenario abstraction,
both at the requirements and the testing level. In-
dividual steps (e.g., Given) are transformed, for in-
stance, into constraint-expressed preconditions evalu-
ated over the metamodels under test.
Requirements metamodels: The requirements
metamodel defined in Section 4 could be extended by
integrating it with closely related metamodels (Goknil
et al., 2008; Som
e, 2009). A consolidated require-
ments metamodel using the proposal by (Goknil et al.,
2008) would benefit from additional concepts such as
requirements relations, status, and priority. In addi-
tion, there is a first SysML integration available for
the metamodel in (Goknil et al., 2008). The require-
ments metamodel in (Som
e, 2009) would allow for an
alignment with UML-compliant use cases and a cor-
responding, alternative textual concrete syntax.
Requirements traceability: Requirements are
traced, for example, to prove system adequateness, to
validate artifacts, or to test a system (Winkler and Pil-
grim, 2010). Using traceability links in MDD has its
purpose, for instance, in supporting design decisions,
in managing artifacts’ dependencies, or in validat-
ing requirements via end-to-end traceability of MDD
processes (Winkler and Pilgrim, 2010). Recent ap-
proaches (e.g., based on structural rules or informa-
tion retrieval techniques) try to overcome the issues of
tracing natural-language requirements (as discussed
in Section 2). We contribute to the field of require-
ments traceability via a linguistic rule-based approach
for testing DSML core language models (and their in-
tegration) and provide for accompanying tool support.
Tool support: Acceptance test approaches provide
tool support for specifying executable test cases in
the domain expert’s language (Wynne and Hellesøy,
2012; Mugridge and Cunningham, 2005). These test
cases are commonly defined via structured text or ta-
ble formats. While our approach shares these design
decisions, we built our proof-of-concept implementa-
tion on top of an existing model-management toolkit
and a previously developed, general-purpose unit- and
scenario-testing framework (Sobernig et al., 2013) to
reuse their model management capabilities.
In this paper, we presented a linguistic, rule-based ap-
proach for a traceable translation of semi-structured
natural-language requirements into executable test
scenarios. This is motivated by the observed need to
foster the cooperation of the domain expert and the
language engineer when refining and validating the
core language models, i.e., the abstract syntaxes of
domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), iter-
atively. We exemplified the usage of our approach
by presenting a case for the scenario-based testing of
DSML integration. The feasibility of our approach is
demonstrated via a dedicated software prototype. We
discussed how our work can help to cope with prob-
lems that emerge when validating DSMLs against
their requirements recorded in natural language.
A benefit of our work is its design for reuse (see
also Figures 5 and 7). Step definitions provide a map-
ping convention for translating natural-language re-
quirements into executable test scenarios. These map-
ping conventions are separated from the transforma-
tion routines. In order to provide for further scenario-
based DSML core language model tests, the transfor-
mation routines do not change (as they are only de-
pendent on the requirements specification language).
The linguistic patterns as part of the step definitions
can be reused, as well.
In future work, we plan to extend the requirements
specification language (e.g., scenario outlines, nested
steps), in particular to cover (iterative) metamodel de-
velopment which differs from the coupled metamodel
evolution under DSML integration. In addition, we
will establish a repository of step definitions for test-
ing DSML core language models and their integra-
This work has partly been funded by the Austrian Re-
search Promotion Agency (FFG) of the Austrian Fed-
eral Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technol-
ogy (BMVIT) through the Competence Centers for
Excellent Technologies (COMET K1) initiative and
the FIT-IT program.
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