Domain Specific Sign Language Animation for Virtual Characters
Marco Romeo, Alun Evans, Daniel Pacheco and Josep Blat
GTI (Interactive Technology Group), Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Tanger 122-140, Barcelona, 08018, Spain
Keywords: Animation, Sign Language, Avatar, News Generation, Automatic.
Abstract: This paper describes the design, implementation and results of a system to animate a virtual character to
sign in International Sign (IS) By automatically parsing the input data, the system blends animations
smoothly together in order to create a coherent and understandable presentation in sign language, with equal
importance assigned to both hand and facial animation. Following the blending step, a video is rendered in a
variety of formats suitable for distribution. The system was created in collaboration with groups of people
with impaired hearing who were fluent in IS, and who were able to validate the results. We present a test
case of the system in the shape of ‘Borja’, a virtual character who signed biweekly updates of the Barcelona
World Race sailing regatta 2010/2011.
The internet has transformed the way we access
news. Be it a sports event, a major news story, or a
conference or trade-show presentation, there are
frequently several internet portals dedicated to
providing live and interactive reports at a moment’s
notice. Indeed, this trend was visible as far back as
2004, where a survey of American internet users
indicated that 53% checked sport news daily, and
55% of them did so through internet(Fallows, 2004).
This increase in news consumption has driven an
equal rise in the number of services(Miesenberger et
al., 2010)(Othman et al., 2010)that aim at creating
news (and sports news) automatically from
numerical data; generating stories which appear
attractive to readers, while requiring minimal
manual effort to maintain and update. Furthermore,
this approach is particularly appealing for coverage
of minority sports events, which typically do not
receive the attention of more mainstream sports.
One disadvantage of this increased focus on
automated news is that there is frequently no effort
to make the news accessible for those users
requiring more specialised services, such as those
from the deaf community. According to the World
Federation of Deaf, only 20% of the 70 million Deaf
people in the world receive an education in spoken
language(World Federation for the Deaf 2013), so
the remaining 80% is not able to easily read and
understand text written in spoken language (which is
quite different from written sign language). While
some effort is occasionally made on television to
show expert signers providing translation of the
news for deaf viewers, the limited resources
available mean that this is rarely, if ever, duplicated
across to internet-based media outlets.
In this paper, we present a virtual signing avatar
designed to update users on the status of live events
in a specific domain, such as sports events. The
initial data sources are XML-based, featuring
information such as the current score, competitor
position in the event, or current prevailing
conditions such as the weather. These data are sorted
to fill a series oftemplates, which are input into our
animation system. The system then automatically
creates a video clip, with the data translated into
animated sign language, and structured into logical
sentences and phrases. Although the application of
the system is domain-restricted, our work forms an
important contribution to the on-going challenge of
providing a fully automatic text-to-sign translation
Our system was tested live for a major sporting
event, the Barcelona World Race sailing regatta
2010/2011. For the regatta, we designed an avatar
and created a series of animation templates in IS. A
fully automatic system parsed data from the race
and, twice a week, rendered a video which was
displayed on the website of the Spanish National
broadcasting company, Radio Televisión Española
(RTVE). Results showed the pages featuring the
Romeo M., Evans A., Pacheco D. and Blat J..
Domain Specific Sign Language Animation for Virtual Characters.
DOI: 10.5220/0004688104870494
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2014), pages 487-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-002-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
animated clips to be the most popular in the Section
focusing on coverage of the Barcelona World Race.
Our paper is organised as follows. Section 2
presents related work in the field of automated
signing avatars. Section 3 details the methodology
used to create our system. Section 4 presents Borja,
the signing avatar designed for the Barcelona World
Race. Finally, Section 5 summarises the paper and
draws conclusions.
Several studies(Dehn & Van Mulken, 2000; Johnson
& Rickel, 1997; Moundridou & Virvou, 2002) found
that rendering agents with lifelike features, such as
facial expressions, deictic gestures and body
movements may rise the so called persona effect. A
persona effect is a result of anthropomorphism
derived from believing that the agent is real and
authentic(Van Mulken et al., 1998; Baylor &
Ebbers, 2003).
During the last decade there has been extensive
research and development carried out with the goal
of automating the animation of sign language for
virtual characters. TheViSiCast and eSIGN
projects(Elliott et al., 2007) focused on the
development of a comprehensive pipeline for text-
to-sign translation. Using text written in English and
German as input, the system translates it into written
text in sign language (English- ESL or German -
DGS, respectively). The translation, though, is very
literal and liable to produce unnatural results.
Written sign language is translated into signs using
the HamNoSys (Hanke, 2004) notation which
describes signs as positions and movements of both
manual (hands) and non-manual (upper-torso, head
and face) parts of the body. This notation enables
signs to be performed by a virtual character
procedurally, using inverse kinematic techniques. In
this sense the animation system is procedural and,
thus, flexible and reusable compared to others that
use motion captured data or handcrafted animation.
The HamNoSys notation, however does not include
any reference to speed and timing, and ignores
prosody. This has been considered one of the
reasons of low comprehensibility (71%) of signed
sentences using HamNoSys(Kennaway et al., 2007).
This is a particularly serious disadvantage given that
recent studies have demonstrated that prosody is as
important in spoken languages as in signed ones,
activating brain regions in similar ways (Newman et
al., 2010), and has a crucial role in understanding the
syntax of a signed message.
Automatic Program Generation is a field of
natural interest to the commercial domain, but which
has seen little academic research(Abadia et al.,
2009).The most recent integrated attempt to
disseminate sport news using a virtual signer has
been the SportSign platform (Othman et al., 2010). It
is a partially automatic system that needs an operator
to choose the kind of sport and specify other relevant
data,such as the teams playing match, the number of
goals or points scored etc. Then the system generates
a written version of the news in sign language
(specifically, American ASL) that a human operator
has to validate. Finally, a server-based service
generates a video with an animated character that is
then published on a web page. The workflow needs
extensive interaction by a human user, in order to
guide and validate the results of the system, meaning
that it wouldnot meet the important goal of reducing
the costs to make signed sport news feasible.
3.1 System Overview
Our animation system is designed to build a
complex signed animation with a virtual character
by concatenating, blending and merging animated
clips previously prepared to digitally mimic the
gestures of expert signers. The system relies on a
series of XML-based templates indicating which
signs should be used to build certain content, and
which type of data is needed for the relevant
information (numbers, text, etc.). Figure 1 shows a
schematic overview of how the system constructs an
The parser receives the data and decides whether
is a known phrase, a number or a custom word. If it
is a known phrase, it is retrieved directly from
adatabase that stores the animation data for that
entire phrase. If it is not a phrase, the system falls
back and looks for a number or word. In this case,
the sign elements that are used to compose that
number or word them are taken individually and
merged together to build a single new sign. This fall
back is very useful when dealing with names of
people or cities, or even with numbers of more than
one digit.Finally, each of the clips is merged using
animation blending. How each clip has to be blended
is specified in the metadata description associated
with that clip in the database. Each clip has its own
length, start time, end time and in-out trim points
which specify the boundaries for the blending.
3.2 Lexical Structure
Sign languages are complete languages with their
own grammar and vocabulary. Communication
occurs via a complex interrelation between manual,
body and face gestures. These three elements
cooperate as a whole to provide terms, grammar
structure and intention (through prosody), and thus
meaning.Even when written, sign languages are
different from spoken languages. In fact, it can be
difficult for pre-lingually deaf people to understand
written English or other languages, as the
grammatical structure of the spoken language is
different to the structure of the sign language.
As many other languages, vocabulary and
grammar also change depending of the country
(ASL is different from Spanish Sign Language LSE)
and it may also adapt to the characteristics of a
certain zone inside a country (non coastal regions of
a country may lack the term "boat"). In an attempt to
provide a common standard of communication for
the world deaf community, in 1975 the World
Federation of Deaf proposed a unified system which
included the most common terms used in the
majority of different sign language. It also included
signs that are easy to understand. Since then,
International Signhas evolved and is now used in
conferences around the world and for sport reviews
(as in the 2010 Fifa World Cup).
In this sense, the lexicon of International Sign
System is quite poor but its grammar is as reach and
complex as for any other language(Newman et al.,
3.3 Data Parser
The goal of any automatic news system is that it
should be able to take data from automatically
updated sources, and transform that data into a
manner such that it can be broadcast and easily
understood by users. Our system parses XML data
with a specific format (see Figure 1 below) and uses
it to fill in a series of data templates. These
templates are structured in a similar way to the
lexical structure of IS as mentioned above. The data
is now in suitable format to be converted to
3.4 Animation Database
There are three possible sources for the animation
data suitable for our system:
1. Motion Capture Systems, where an actor’s
performance is digitally captured
2. Procedural Systems: where the actual animation
is generated by a fully automatic system
3. Manual recreation from video,where a human
animator manually creates animations using a
video of an actor as a reference.
Standard Motion capture systems do not provide
detailed information on the movements of the
fingers and of the facial muscles: both essential for
accurate representation of sign language. Sign
language makes use of incredibly subtle movements
of the arms, fingers and facial muscles, which
requires considerable effort to capture
accurately.Although full performance capture
technology is being developed (Weise et al., 2011),
Figure 1: The animation system receives an XML file that contains the description of the clips that has to be concatenated in
order to build the complete animation. Depending on whether it's a pre-made phrase, a number or a word, the system
retrieves and merges the appropriate animated clips to build the signed contents.
combining facial and finger systems to the required
standard is beyond the scope of this work.
Furthermore, raw motion capture data contains many
small errors and rarely can it be used in its native
form. The effort required to manually ‘clean’ the
capture data, adapting it to a virtual character and
enhancing it with the missing pieces (commonly
face and fingers) is a highly time-consuming
process. Thus, we discarded motion capture as an
animation source.
Procedural animation has also been recently used
for automated sign language generation (Elliott et al.
2007). It is a flexible solution as it doesnot require
an expert to sign the contents, and any sign can be
generated using a sign notation like HamNoSys
(Hanke, 2004). Unfortunately, as mentioned above,
animations generated with sign notations suffer from
a notable lack of prosody, a very important factor in
sign languages.
Figure 2: Screenshot of a signing expert (prelingually
deaf) with virtual character overlay.
This means that every animation clip used by the
system has to be animated by hand by following
video references of signing experts recorded on
video. We created a skeletal animation rig for the
character body which uses both forward and inverse
kinematics. We use blend shape animation for the
facial expression as this gives us greater control on
the precise shape of the face – an essential
component for the understanding of sign language.
While this requires initial manual effort, the main
motivation behind the choice of this technique is the
freedom and accuracy that hand-made animation can
provide. Furthermore, as the ‘library’ of animations
is created, adding to it becomes progressively easier,
as many previous animations can be reused. Figure 2
shows a screencapture of the animation process.It is
important to note that, from a technical point of
view, our system is capable of working with both
manually created animations, motion-captured
performances, and procedural animation.
For animation purposes, we definefour different
semantic levels:
1. Phrases: where the actor signs a complete or
partial phrase e.g. “My name is…”
2. Words: where the actor signs an entire word e.g.
3. Letters: individual letters of the alphabet
4. Numbers:single digit numbers only.
We distinguish between words and phrases
because, frequently, sign language will employ a
single sign to encapsulate an entire phrase of spoken
language. The advantage of these distinctions is that
they are designed to work very effectively with the
‘trickle down’ animation
composing/blending.Animation clips are designed to
unequivocally communicate a single chunk of
information, which can be understood in isolation,
which is essential for composition and blending (see
Once recorded and animated, each clip is stored
in an Animation Database along with its associated
metadata (mainly the spoken language equivalent of
the animation).
3.5 Composing and Blending
To compose a sign language clip from spoken
language input, our system is split into three
components (the Classifier, Blending Queue and
Composer) which process any input ready to be
passed to the renderer (see Figure 3). The Classifier
first analyses the input template according to the
four semantic levels defined above. From this
classification, the system searches the Animation
Database in a trickle down manner, (as shown in
Figure 1 above). Let us take the example “My name
is John”. The classifier first parses the entire
template to search for a known phrase in the
database. It finds the phrase “My name is” and adds
it to the Blending Queue, but does not find the
phrase “John”. It then drops down a semantic level
to look for any numbers. In this case, there are none,
so it drops down another level to search for the word
“John”. If it does not find the word, then it drops
down a final level and adds the individual letters ‘J’,
‘O’, ‘H’ and ‘N’ to the Blending Queue.
In order to concatenate each clip to conform a
complete discourse, The Composer must blend the
clips in the Blending Queue together to perform
Figure 3: The flow of information through the different
processes that create an animation clip from input.
smooth transition between different animations.
Blending can be performed in two different ways:
Additive blending, where an animation clip is added
on top of an underlying clip, offsetting it by means
of differences between each other; and Override
blending, which substitutes a given animation clip
with the content of another one.Furthermore, the
blending can be performed either between two clips
or across two clips (see Figure 4).When working
with sign language, it is important to consider that
even minor modification of the sign could change
themeaningfor the viewer (potentially drastically).
To avoid this, we decided to concatenate phrases
performing override blending between clips. In this
way we guarantee that the signed content is 100%
accurate and that no undesired signs are produced in
the transition between one clip and the other.On the
other hand, words and numbers are built by blending
together multiple short clips of letters and digits. In
this case, we blended across clips, which produced
smooth and continuous (not robotic) signs
Figure 4: Figure shows how blending can be made
between two clips. Left: interpolating from last frame of
Clip A to first frame of Clip B; or Right: cross fading from
Clip A to Clip B.
3.6 Rendering Output
The system is designed to render a video output
using standard algorithms from Autodesk Maya.
Background can be static or animated in a pre-
rendering step. This approach provides acceptable
quality results with a relatively low rendering times,
which is crucial for providing large amount of
content in a reasonable time.
Our system was tested in a real environment for the
Barcelona World Race sailing regatta, 2010/2011.
The Barcelona World Race is a non-stop, round-the-
world regatta, where crews of two people
circumnavigate the globe in an IMOCA 60 racing
boat, competing to be the first to return to Barcelona.
Apart from being a challenging regatta, the event
also has at its heart a commitment to research and
development, education, and science and the
environment. In that sense it was an ideal
opportunity for us to test our system in a real-world
context.The race was forecast to last 3 months, and
consisted of 14 boats. Our goals, therefore, were to:
Design and animate a virtual character suitable for
presenting news from the regatta, in sign language;
Adapt our system to be used for automatic creation
of news from a sailing regatta;
Create an automatic, server-based system that
would output a video of the current animated
news, twice a week, and make it available for
public dissemination;
4.1 Character Design
Any virtual character has to be designed in a way
that makes it believableand, for a virtual newsreader,
in a way that helps conveyinformation to the
audience. The character design should match the
characteristics of the sport and adapt to different
context, for instance changing clothing, depending
on external factors such as the weather.
Another aspect, particularly important for virtual
signers, is the believability of the movements and
gestures of the character. It has to look convincing
(and not necessary realistic), in order to encourage
the audience to engage with theprovided news. This
insistence on believability was a major factor in our
deciding to create personalized hand-crafted
animations for the character, rather than
procedurally animated signs that lack prosody and
Another crucial aspect is the size and proportions
of the hands. The automatic contents generated with
our method were going to be viewed mainly through
a video streamed on a web page, meaning that the
playback area wouldnot be large enough to ensure
that the hands and fingers will be clearly visible all
the time. On the other hand, larger hands assist in
driving attention toward such an important
communicative item. Thus, we ran several tests with
experienced signers in order to decide on the correct
proportions for all aspects of the body.After several
iterations, we settled on a blond male, dressed in
typical sailor garb (varying depending on current
weather), and christened him Borja.
Figure 5: Art design for Borja. Design includes different
clothing for different weather conditions. The design
shows a sporty style for the character to make it closer to
the sailing world, bigger eyes to empathize with audience
and big hands to make signs more readable through
streaming videos.
4.2 Input Data and Template Creation
There were three main data sources used for this
application, all provided under license by the race
Boat XML information, with direct information
about each competitor boat and race info per boat,
such as GPS location, speed, course, ranking place,
distance covered etc;
The GRIB weather data, updated every 30
Tertiary information regarding the race e.g.
historical information regarding previous races,
skipper biographies etc.;
The system groups the data needed for each news
and ranks the ‘relevance’ of each set of data. The
relevance is calculated according to criteria pre-set
by expert news writers focusing on sailing regattas.
For example, a change of leader is considered highly
relevant, while a change at the bottom of the ranking
is less relevant. Once these criteria are set, no further
expert input is required, and the system generates
rankings automatically.Based on the calculated
ranking, the system picks the three most relevant
items of news, and adds opening and
closuresectionsto build the complete template for
animation (see Figure 6). In the case where the third
less relevant news is below a relevance threshold,
the system provides information about the skipper,
the boat or the geography.
Figure 6: Scheme of the news generation system.
Figure 7: Webpage of the Spanish National Radio showing
Borja's videos for the Barcelona World Race.
4.3 Scheduled Output
During the course of the regatta, the system
compiled the data twice a week, every week during a
period of three months (the length of the regatta).
From this data, the system reads the prominent
weather condition and configures Borja to wear
different clothes (wet jacket, t-shirt, etc.) depending
on it. Then, the system concatenates a sequence of
animations to represent the desired news in IS and
launches the rendering. All the information about
how to build the animation sequences and the
database of available animations is stored in XML
Once the rendering is completed, the video (in
Adobe Flash .flv format) and the equivalent written
news in Spanish is sent to the server of RTVE to be
is played on their webpage (see Figure 7). Figure 8
shows a larger screenshot of Borja in action.
Figure 8: Screenshot of Borjain action.
In this paper, we present the design and
implementation of a system capable of automatically
transforming input data into sign language, given a
specific, restricted domain. The system is designed
to automatically create reports for live events such
as sports events, and we present a successfully
prototype, implemented to create automatic signed
news for the Barcelona World Race 2010/2011.
25 videos featuring Borja were created during
the Barcelona World Race and featured on the
RTVE website. These 25 formed part of a total of 91
multimedia entries concerning the Barcelona World
Race 2010/2011. The ‘popularity’ of the multimedia
entries is habitually measured by RTVE by
measuring web traffic on each page. The results
show that the mean popularity rating for the 25
Borja videos was 38.96%, 15.8% greater than the
mean popularity of all 91 multimedia videos. This
increased in popularity is marginally greater than the
dataset standard deviation of 15.6%.
Figure 9: Screenshot of RTVE ranking page showing
Borja popularity.
Figure 10: Chart showing the 15.8% greater in popularity
of Borja’s videos over all other Barcelona World Race
multimedia. Also shown in the Standard Deviation bar.
The output of the system was validated as
“consistently correct” by the expert signers involved
in the project, but future work is now focused on
obtaining more quantitative results as the quality of
the animated output. A study featuring a statistically
valid sample of deaf users is being carried out in
order to ascertain statistically whether the animated
sign language produced by the system is capable of
being understood naturally in different countries
around the world. If the results of this analysis are
positive, we plan to develop our system and use for
different scenarios such as rolling news and other
live events.
We would like to acknowledge the support of the
organisers of the Barcelona World Race,
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