Nintendo Wii as a Training Tool on Quality of Life in Elderly
Josimara Cristina Alves, Gustavo Augusto Alves Rodrigues, Eric Fernandes Dias, Elisangela Silva,
Wagner Zeferino Freitas, Fabiano Fernandes da Silva and Renato Aparecido de Souza
Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Ciência da Saúde, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas
Gerais, Câmpus Muzambinho, Rua Dinah,75, Canaã, Muzambinho, Minas Gerais, Brazil
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life
data of non-institutionalized and functionally
independent elderly submitted to an exercise training
protocol using virtual interactive games generated
by Nintendo Wii.
This is an interventional and self-controlled study.
Participated in the study, 10 elderly (58 ± 6.4 years,
63.8±13.6 kg, 152 ± 6 cm and BMI 27.4± 4.7),
members of the Family Health Program (PSF) of the
Muzambinho city, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Experimental Routine. The experimental procedures
were performed at the Laboratory of Physical
Activity in Virtual Environment (LAFAV,
IFSULDEMINAS, Campus Muzambinho, Minas
Gerais, Brazil). This laboratory has six Nintendo Wii
consoles with their accessories and let the training
was conducted in a group. Each volunteer had a
physical area to carry out the training of
approximately 25 m
and was 1.5 meters in front of
to the television set that reproduced the virtual
environment. The experimental routine consisted of:
(a) a preliminary assessment of the parameters of
quality of life, (b) training protocol with virtual
reality (VR) promoted by interaction with the
Nintendo Wii console (Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan) and
(c) final evaluation of same parameters previously
evaluated. In addition, all training was monitored
individually by a researcher.
Assessment of Quality of Life. The quality of life was
assessed with the questionnaire SF-36 (Medical
Outcomes Study 36 - Item Short Form Health
Survey). The SF-36 consists of 36 items grouped
into eight domains: 1 - Functional Capacity (FC) 2 -
Physical Aspects (PA), 3 - Emotional Aspects (EA)
4 - Pain (P), 5 - General Health Status (GHS) 6 -
Vitality (V) 7 - Social Aspects (SA) and 8 - Mental
Health (MH). Each of these domains has received
scores from 0 to 100, where zero corresponds to the
worst score and 100, the best score. Moreover, it
was evaluated the dimensions related to general
mental health (SA + EA + MH; maximum 300
points) and physical health (FC + PA + P + V +
GHS; maximum 500 points). The SF-36 was
administered through individual interviews (Ware et
al., 1993).
Environment and Virtual Training. The virtual
environment was simulated by the console Nintendo
Wii. The input devices that allowed the interaction
process Wii-elderly were: (a) Wii Remote, which is
equipped with an accelerometer capable of detecting
motion in three dimensions and communicates via
wireless (Bluetooth) with the Sensor Bar, which is
responsible for detecting and transmitting to the
console infrared signals generated by the Wii
Remote, (b) Wii Motion Plus adapted to Wii
Remote. Thus, the movements are reproduced more
accurately, in real time (1:1) and faithful
reproduction of the player's movements on the
projection screen virtual environment (Wii, 2011),
(c) balance board, which is a validated clinical
instrument and high reliability when compared with
the force platform (Clark and Kraemer, 2009), (d)
software Wii Fit Plus, which has about 50 different
exercises grouped into five categories: yoga, balance
exercises, aerobic exercises, muscle strength
exercises and training plus. The VR training
consisted of 8 sessions lasting 60 minutes each and
frequency of 2 times per week. All exercise training
had 4 weeks. Each session was structured with the
application of 16 virtual games in three stages: warm
up, training and cool down, necessarily in that order.
The training was performed in groups of five
volunteers each.
Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis was
performed using paired T-Student test. Data were
expressed as mean± standard deviation and were
considered statistically significant those with a value
Alves J., Alves Rodrigues G., Fernandes Dias E., Silva E., Freitas W., Fernandes da Silva F. and de Souza R..
Nintendo Wii as a Training Tool on Quality of Life in Elderly.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of p <0.05.
Table 1 shows the results of assessment of quality of
life prior and post the VR training. Post After
training with VR, it was observed a significant
improvement in the pain (77.8%) and general health
(16.7%) domains (p <0.05). Although the remaining
domains showed improvements, it were with no
statistical significance (p>0.05). By analyzing the
dimensions of SF-36 questionnaire, it was identified
significant improvement in physical health
dimension (16.19%) (p <0.05).
Table 1: Assessment of life of quality.
Variables Experimental Time
Domains Prior Post
Functional Capacity 75 ± 21,0 81,6 ± 13,0
Physical Aspects 88,8 ± 13,2 86,1 ± 33,3
Pain 45,6 ± 24,2 81,1 ± 20,0*
General health
59,7 ± 15 69,7 ± 16,6*
Vitality 66,6 ± 20,9 71,6 ± 17,7
Social Aspects 93,1 ± 16,7 88,8 ± 19,2
Social Aspects 93,1 ± 16,7 88,8 ± 19,2
Emotional Aspects 74,1 ± 43,4 74,1 ± 36,4
Mental health 71,5 ± 20,0 71,1 ± 20,3
Dimensions Prior Post
Physical Health 335,9 ± 58,1 390,3 ± 99,1*
General Mental
238,7 ± 68,4 234,1 ± 63,4
* Indicates p<0.05 (Post vs. Prior)
The aging favours the onset of functional limitations
and reduces the availability and motivation for
physical activity (Elward and Larson, 1992). Several
studies attribute to regular physical activity, as a
positive factor that favours longevity, reduction of
prescription drugs, prevention of cognitive decline,
maintain functional status, reducing the frequency of
falls and the incidence of fractures, in addition to the
psychological benefits such as improved self-esteem
(Elward and Larson, 1992).Moreover, it is justified
the inclusion of tools that seek to promote physical
activity by the elderly. Thus, the purpose of this
study was to investigate the effects of a exercise
training protocol in a virtual environment with the
Nintendo Wii games, on quality of life in elderly
healthy and not institutionalized.
The main findings of the present study are
associated with a better perception of the elderly as
their quality of life after use of the Nintendo Wii. It
was observed after the protocol with the Wii, a
significant improvement in the pain (ie, the elderly
reported less pain after study) and general health
domains and physical health dimension. Similarly,
Sposito et al., (2013) observed favourable results in
the quality of life of elderly women undergoing
training with the Nintendo Wii. Moreover, it has
been reported the possible benefit of Nintendo Wii
on physical and vitality (Cindy, 2008); (Graves et
al., 2008).
In summary, the results of this study support the
hypothesis that training with Nintendo Wii is
beneficial to improve the quality of life of elderly
healthy and functionally independent.
The authors thank the Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG -
APQ-02744-11) and the Instituto Federal de
Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas
Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS) for financial support.
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WII. Disponível em: