Creating Interactivity inside eLearniXML
Educative Platform
Habib M. Fardoun
, Iyad Katib
and Lorenzo Carretero Gonzal´ez
Information Systems Department, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. Nowadays, the speed of response and interaction are very important
factors for most applications. In addition, institutions, educational or not, have
less Internet bandwidth due to the fact that they have to filter major information
quantity. In this paper, we present the design and development of a module for the
eLearniXML platform; this consists of its communication with the server, and the
use of technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript in order to improve the inter-
action between the user and the application. Thus, an improved user experience
is obtained with greater flexibility and efcient communication.
1 Introduction
The eLearniXML [1] platform is anchored in new methodological models associated
with the activities conducted within a determined classroom environment. By using
eLearniXML, students can access major resources repositories and instantly interact
with them leading to improved teaching and learning experience. This is because in
eLearning, teaching and learning heavily depends on underlaying technologies, and on
the network connections available in the specific institution, which in some cases, are
not the optimal ones [2].
Therefore, we have to take into consideration that the available Internet bandwidth
in institutions, in many cases, cannot satisfy the demanded quality. Part of this is be-
cause there is a need for filtering information, by-passed from any type of data towards
its destination inside that institution [3]. In some cases, this is because the technologies
used for any kind of resident application consequently produce a delay when they have
to provide the requested information to a user.
To alleviate such difficulty, we present a new module to include within the
eLearniXML platform. This module improves user interaction (teacher or student) of
the application to provide efficient management and communicationswithin the system.
The coherent system, in which the teaching and learning process is the users’ focused
point, prohibits side problems derived by bad usability or any bad synchronization and
update overall system mechanisms.
Fardoun H., Katib I. and Gonzaléz L..
Creating Interactivity inside eLearniXML Educative Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0004607001020108
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2013), pages 102-108
ISBN: 978-989-8565-65-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Fig.1. ADDIE Module.
2 State of the Art
The actual needs are determined by the use of mobile devices and Internet resources.
Consequently, and due to the great quantity of devices and different operation systems,
people work over solutions that can adapt to any kind of devices and existent operative
systems. With the inclusion of HTML5 technology [4], which is under the W3C (World
Wide Web Consortium) supervision, a new wide variety of possibilities are opened as the
creation of the multiplatform Web applications becomes easier to reach. In addition, it
is anchored in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) standard language, the most com-
monly used in existing Web pages facilitating the developer’s adaptation work. More-
over, technology provides students with the possibility to interact with the Web as a
desktop application using the “canvas” tag, which supports increasingly great perfor-
mance by the whole system, providing the capacity to interact with diverse elements
such as graphics.
Therefore, it is of great interest to improve the user experience. It is also noted
that the best potential is obtained with a flexible programming language like JavaScript
[5]. This programming language is based on the instruction execution on the client
side, which activates processing by the destination host and doesn’t produce additional
burden on the traffic in order to reach the server. Moreover, the obtained practical results
are also of great quality and supports user’s high experience due to increased speed.
But as in any actual application functioning within a network, we need an exchange
of information with the server. In order to avoid such exchange to be carried out with
an indiscriminate increase of traffic on the net, the object XMLHttpRequest [6] is
used to mediate the communication between the client side and the server side through
HTTP protocol requests [7]. This communication can be synchronous or asynchronous,
elevating the number of possibilities while designing a determined interface. In the next
sections, we focus on the ways the new module is included inside the eLearniXML
methodology and its main features.
3 ELearniXML Educative System Architecture
Based on the proposed structure by Fardoun, et al. in [1], we develop the new mod-
ule according to the ADDIE methodological model used for eLearniXML platform as
shown in Fig. 1. In this work, our intention is not to make changes in the initial analy-
sis module. Rather, we concretely focus on the design part where the proposed module
elements in this paper are established.
In this way, we take the eLearning system architecture as reference to present the
Fig.2. Structure of the interactivity model within the eLearniXML platform.
part related to user interaction with the system. This functionality is on the user in-
terface providing optimal performance in any type of environment. As in Fig. 2, the
user interface is divided into various modules with concrete functionalities inside the
platform. The HTML5 module is used for information visualization related to every
activity inside the platform. The language features provide the system with the capac-
ity to run under any actual device. With the canvas” tag the contents are much more
attractive and functional, also giving the application a better appearance and thus, im-
proving user experience. The JavaScript code provides the system with the necessary
interactivity flexibly without suffering lacks and gaps of time due to communication
problems with the server; this is because by definition, this programming language runs
at the client side, therefore improving user experience. On the top of that, JQuery li-
brary [8] facilitates the developer’s work with the activity models, thus content creation
and communication become easier.
The Web Services component provides the system with the functionality of content
visualization to get the information associated to each user and their interactions with
the activities. In addition, it provides great flexibility to make changes in the interface
layer closer to the user. Thus, we can create different types of contents using diverse
technologies. However, the functionalities of those presented here and the communi-
cation model determines the efficiency and final deployment. In this work, the com-
munication between the platform Web Services and the HTML5 module is conducted
by XMLHttpRequest requests to provide the possibility of a synchronous or asyn-
chronous communication and, consequently, provided the good practices; it uses small
quantities of Internet bandwidth. In Section 4 we present more details about its structure
and how to use it.
4 Communication Model within ELearniXML
The XMLHttpRequestobject request consists of an important part of the AJAX tech-
nology used to obtain server data without reloading the Web page. Therefore, usabil-
ity, interactivity and speed are enhanced and increased. This object provides access to
HTTP and HTTPS (Secured) requests through the client side code. Almost all current
browsers support this object either directly or indirectly. For instance, the following
code is used for creating an XMLHttpRequest object and is accepted by Firefox 1+,
Opera 8+, Safari 1.2+ and Internet Explorer 7+ browsers.
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
However, for versions 5, 5.5 and 6 of Internet Explorer, the XMLHttpRequest
object must be instanced by an ActiveXObject constructor as follows:
var xhr=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
Once we initiate this object on any browser, we will need the code related to the
communication model to incorporate it into the eLearniXML platform. For that, we
must establish a connection (open) to send the data (send). In the following method,
used as an example of sending HTTP type of data: POST, GET, HEAD, ‘url’ is the ad-
dress of the resource to establish the link, and ‘async’ is used to select an asynchronous
communication (true) or a synchronous communication (false).,url,async[,username,password]);
var r = xhr.responseText;
Once the connection is established and the data is sent, the variable r’ will receive
the requested information. This example would work correctly only if the communi-
cation is synchronous. If we request an asynchronous communication, we should also
establish an event handler to control the returned information. In the following code, a
function is established for the application to be ready instantly when the
XMLHttpRequest object state changes. Therefore, the request is correctly establish
through the HTTP protocol if (value 4) and its state is successful (200).,url,async[,username,password]);
xhr.onreadystatechange= function(){handleResponse(xhr);};
function handleResponse(xhr)
if (xhr.readyState==4 && xhr.status==200)
var r = xhr.responseText;
The user only sees the various activities by information visualization and the possi-
bility to save the information derived from conducted changes. For that, sending saved
data is realized asynchronously which allows for example the teachers and students
to continue with their teaching and learning process. Furthermore, a mechanism is es-
tablished to ensure that the system does not resend the information if the user has not
performed any changes. Hence, we avoid any unnecessary increment on the data traffic
which leads to burdening the Internet bandwidth.
Fig.3. Activity patterns inside eLearniXML platform.
5 How to Use the System
Given the resource patterns, shown in Fig. 3, and based on an existing plan developed
by the teacher so in a determined moment in time the teacher can establish the learn-
ing activities and resources shown to his/her students during a teaching lesson as for
example, video, bibliography and discussion.
At the same time, and within student’s user interface, the proposed activities in-
stantly appear. The student can interact with them as well as with the given environment
so to adapt them to own needs. The diagram related to the model running in that period
of time, is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 shows the ways each of the patterns comes determined by a set of elements
inside the HTML5 document. These elements use JavaScript functions to increase the
interactivity inside the platform. In addition, that code provides the needed communi-
cation with the rest of the system by the XMLHttpRequest object and Web services.
As each of the patterns comes determined for a set of elements tangibles inside the plat-
form, the content creation becomes much easier. The user who manages the activities
only will have to drag the abstract component and automatically (in that moment) it is
generated with the language that the browser can interpret. If a Web page is created,
that Web page will be totally dynamic where the addition or subtraction of components
will immediately modify its content, but this process will be transparent to the user who
manages the contents or uses them. That carries that the modifications of each pattern
become invisible to its creator (teacher) providing a more robust platform to use.
Fig.4. Model for activities that use video, bibliography and discussion patterns.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper is based on the eLearniXML platform and on the different models and pat-
terns used to manage an eLearning platform. Advancing the research work realized
for this project, a module for interactivity and communication with the student’s user
interface was created. In this module, we use current leading technologies related to us-
ability, speed and multiplatform capacity, enhancing user experience that promotes the
interaction with the system and facilitate the teaching and learning process. Currently,
we are working on the proposed module improvement, perfecting details and adapting
the platform so that the user has in hand what is needed to interact with the different
eLearniXML patterns. We are also taking into account the following system features:
Auto-save: Such system functionality to keep user’s work safe with special atten-
tion needed to sustain the system when traffic increases.
Familiarity: Including and adapting each pattern for the needed elements and mod-
ules for the users to interact by familiar ways (like activities of Facebook and Twit-
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