Multiple External Representations in Remediation of Math Errors
Maici Duarte Leite
, Diego Marczal
and Andrey Ricardo Pimentel
Computer Science Department, Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Technology Systems for Internet Department, Federal Technology University of Paraná,
UTFPR, Guarapuava, PR, Brazil
Keywords: Multiple External Representations, Remediation of Math Errors, Learning Object.
Abstract: The proposition of error remediation is a widely used feature in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, but the use of
Multiple External Representations to assist it, is a research subject. This paper presents (or discuss) the use
of Multiple External Representations contribution in error remediation in Learning Objects. To perform this
study, we present an architectural model, a conceptual framework for mathematical error classification and
Multiple External Representations, using a cognitive remediation for errors. Following is presented the
application of contextual remediation of error based on Multiple External Representations in a Learning
Object. And finally, we present the performance of students during the application of an experiment
consisting of the following steps: pre-test, test and post-test.
The analysis of mathematical errors is a great
challenge, once specific knowledge of the content as
well as the factors that originated them are required.
The variety and the complexity of mathematical
errors demand specific knowledge, fact that makes
this task more difficult in regard of error
classification (Peng and Luo, 2009). Nowadays,
mathematical error is considered a natural stage on
knowledge construction (Fiori and Zuccheri, 2005);
(Peng and Luo, 2009), ie, it is a common
phenomenon in the scholar trajectory of the student,
wich is independent of age and/or performance
level.ned the manuscript must be appropriately
The classification of an error can become an
enhancer agent in the acquisition of a concept by the
student when applied in the proper way. Some
studies applied to Learning Objects (LO) as
(Marczal and Direne, 2011); (Bazzo et al., 2011);
(Leite et al., 2011); (Leite et al., 2012) have already
discussed this issue and presented some approaches,
so that the error can assist the learner in the learning
The discussion presented in this study concerns
the use of mathematical classification errors in order
to provide its remediation through Multiple External
Representations (MER) on LOs. The contribution is
that the error made by the student, can provide a
more appropriate remediation using a MER. This
provides a better direction of learning, since the
study focuses exclusively on the individual needs of
each student.
The error remediation present in Intelligent
Tutoring Systems (ITS) aims to provide students
with the most appropriate feedback, which may be
linked to the student profile or the path that they are
following, interfering even before the learner makes
a mistake. Moreover, the LOs tend to provide
standard feedback to the learner regardless error
itself. Just as educational games has the philosophy
to become learning fun, but in reality usually
provide less care explicit and harsher penalties than
intelligent tutoring systems (Milk et al., 2010;
(Easterday et al., 2011).
The MERs are providing relevant results and
present themselves increasingly involved in
educational materials, as well as the use of MERs
have benefits when incorporated into STI, because
they provide a systematic interaction (Rau et al.,
2012). Other studies conducted in Brazil, also have
shown results in this direction (Leite et al., 2010);
(Leite et al., 2011); (Leite et al., 2012).
The aim of this proposal is to provide support to
remediate student errors through MREs, which can
be tables, lists, pictures, simulations, diagrams,
maps, natural language text, among others. This
Duarte Leite M., Marczal D. and Ricardo Pimentel A..
Multiple External Representations in Remediation of Math Errors.
DOI: 10.5220/0004568105190523
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 519-523
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
support is obtained through the identification and
classification of mathematical errors and the
functions of the MREs, allowing the student to
review and create new strategies during the learning
In this paper, we present the results of an
experiment that used the error remediation from the
errors classification and functions of MER applied to
a LO involving mathematical concepts. The
architectural model that supports this study is
discussed as well as the modular composition.
To discuss classification of errors present in the
literature were chosen authors (Radatz, 1979);
(Vergnaud, 1986); (Movshovitz-hadar and
Zaslavsky, 1987); (Peng and Luo, 2009), which had
in their research subject, the study of the
mathematical error. From the cited authors, an error
categorization was organized and presented by Leite,
Pimentel and Oliveira (2011), with the following
nomenclature: (1) misinterpretation of language, (2)
directly identifiable, (3) indirectly identifiable and
(4) non-categorizable solution. The rationale for the
study of a mathematical classification of errors is the
bond and the complexity required when proposing
an MER as remediation.
The study presented by Ainsworth (2006)
defined a MERs functional taxonomy, emphasizing
the distinct functions of learning (and
communication), used to illustrate the advantages of
MERs. The External Representations (ERs) are
divided in three key functions: complementary roles,
to constrain interpretation and to construct deeper
understanding. This classification was also
incorporated into this study in order to choose an ER
more related to a specific error.
Applying the approach in remediation of errors
in LOs using MERs requires the LO to be
implemented with a functionalist architecture (see
Figure 1). The architecture consists of three main
modules: the error classifier module (1), which aims
to identify and classify the error by comparing the
solution of the learner with the ideal solution, using
production rules; the MER classifier (2), responsible
for binding the proper MER function to the error,
also explores the production rules; and the MRE
Manager Module (3), to identify the most
appropriate MER and present it to the learner in the
learning session.
In order to validate this study two LOs with
distinct profiles were consolidated. These LO were
developed to be applied in Brazil, and this is the
reason why their screenshots are presented in
portuguese. The Pythagoras Max (sess Figure 2) and
Pythagoras Mix (see Figure 3). The former had all
the assumptions of the study to apply the MER-
based remediation, and the latter had only the
mathematical problem in structured form of
statement, signaling that the answer was incorrect or
Figure 1: Functionalist architecture of the LO developed.
Figure 2: Pythagoras Max with MER Error Remedion.
Figure 3: Pythagoras Mix without MER Error Remedion.
For the experiment 20 students from 9th grade of
elementary school of a public school were taken as
subjects, they were divided into two groups, the
experimental group and the control group. The
experimental group used the Pythagorean Max LO,
which explore the process of remediation of error
based on MER. The control group used the
Pythagoras Mix LO, with identical questions, but
without remediation of error process with MER.
The students were distributed according to the
pre-test results, this test consisted of 6 questions
involving concepts related to the Pythagorean
Theorem, which were defined by the success
percentage, and thus group they belong to. In order
to make more precise and formal, pre-test grades
were turned into hit percentage.
The experiment was conducted in 4 lessons, with
50 minutes long each. In the first lesson, we
performed a pre-test in order to identify the prior
knowledge about the content covered. In another
day, participants were invited to interact with the LO
in the proposed activities, to take the post-test,
followed by the application of a satisfaction
questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 12
questions regarding aspects related to the use of
Learning Objects, 6 questions about ease of use,
three questions regarding the feedback provided to
the student and, finally, 3 issues covering the impact
of using LO to learn a concept.
Figure 4: Pythagoras Max with MER Error Remediation:
First question.
The paired t-test was used for data analysis in order
to identify any significant gain in learning.
Additionally, we applied a satisfaction questionnaire
to the learners. Figure 4 shows an example of the
Pythagoras Max problem and the respective MERs
presented to remedy the error. Thus, for each type of
error made (misinterpretation of language; directly
identifiable; indirectly identifiable and non-solution
categorizable), it is identified and classified by the
Error Classification Module. Following the MRE
classifier module selected the MRE function
compatible with the classification error
(complementary roles, barring in understanding
construction and deep knowledge). Subsequent to
the manager module MRE selected the most
compatible representation.
For the experiment 20 students from 9th grade of
elementary school of a public school from Brazil
were taken as subjects, they were divided into two
groups, the experimental group and the control
group. The experimental group used the Pythagorean
Max LO, which explore the process of remediation
of error based on MER. The control group used the
Pythagoras Mix LO, with identical questions, but
without remediation of error process with MER.
The students were distributed according to the
pre-test results, this test consisted of 6 questions
involving concepts related to the Pythagorean
Theorem, which were defined by the success
percentage, and thus group they belong to. In order
to make more precise and formal, pre-test grades
were turned into hit percentage.
The experiment was conducted during 4 (four)
lessons, with 50 minutes long each. In the first
lesson, we performed a pre-test in order to identify
the prior knowledge about the content covered. In
another day, participants were invited to interact
with the LO in the proposed activities, to take the
post-test, followed by the application of a
satisfaction questionnaire. The questionnaire
consisted of 12 questions regarding aspects related
to the use of Learning Objects, 6 questions about
ease of use, three questions regarding the feedback
provided to the student and, finally, 3 issues
covering the impact of using LO to learn a concept.
The paired t-test was used for data analysis in
order to identify any significant gain in learning.
Additionally, we applied a satisfaction questionnaire
to the learners. Figure 4 shows an example of the
Pythagoras Max problem and the respective MERs
presented to remedy the error. Thus, for each type of
error made (misinterpretation of language; directly
identifiable; indirectly identifiable and non-solution
categorizable), it is identified and classified by the
Error Classification Module. Following the MRE
classifier module selected the MRE function
compatible with the classification error
(complementary roles, barring in understanding
construction and deep knowledge). Subsequent to
the manager module MRE selected the most
compatible representation.
The experiment aimed to find a positive
confirmation on the use of MERs in the remediation
of error. Thus, we expected to find significant results
in the use of Max LO, by proposing remediation of
error with MERs. Students' grades, the average and
standard deviation of pre-test and post-test are
shown in Tables 1.
The results confirm the hypothesis, the use of
remediation of error supported in MERs from the
classification error contributed to increased the
student knowledge. The hypothesis of the
experiment is that the Max LO helps the learner
learn concepts providing a significant gain.
The performance of participants in the
Pythagoras Max LO can say that it is possible to rule
out the Null Hypothesis, which reached 0.05% of
significance, concluding with 95% confidence that
the LO brought gains to the acquisition of
mathematical concepts.
Table 1: Results of Pythagoras MAX and MIX.
MAX Pythagoras MIX Pythagoras
Student Pretest(%) Postest(%) Student Pretest(%)
A1 66,7 100,0 A1 93,3 100,0
A2 50,0 66,7 A2 56,7 96,7
A3 80,0 83,3 A3 66,7 66,7
A4 96,7 96,7 A4 93,3 100,0
A5 50,0 83,3 A5 96,7 100,0
A6 83,3 100,0 A6 93,3 100,0
A7 66,7 83,3 A7 83,3 83,3
A8 67,5 90,6 A8 100,0 66,7
A9 75,5 85,9 A9 96,7 100,0
A10 68,5 86,3 A10 79,2 93,7
Average 70,5 87,6 Average 85,9 90,7
14,3 10,0
14,4 13,7
The null hypothesis of Pythagoras Max LO is the
average of the post-test is less than or equal to the
average of the pretest. Furthermore, the claim
whether the post-test average was significantly
higher than the average pretest identifying a gain in
student learning. For this purpose, we used a paired
t-test, since the sample size is smaller than 30. With
a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05), we obtain p =
0.000412178 (t = 4.9202, df = 9). Thus, as p < α, we
can deny the null hypothet hypothepants s in the
acquisition of concepts.
The null hypothesis of Pythagoras Max LO is the
average of the post-test is less than or equal to the
average of the pretest. Furthermore, the claim
whether the post-test average was significantly
higher than the average pretest identifying a gain in
student learning. For this purpose, we used a paired
t-test, since the sample size is smaller than 30. With
a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05), we obtain p =
0.000412178 (t = 4.9202, df = 9). Thus, as p < α, we
can deny the null hypothesis in the acquisition of
The null hypothesis of Pythagoras Mix LO is the
average post-test is less than or equal to the average
of the pre-test. With a confidence level, concluding
that there is evidence to say with 95% confidence
the Pythagoras Max LO helped the particiof 95% (α
= 0.05), we obtain p = 0.20834 (t = 0.8527, df = 9).
Thus, as p > α, it can not rule out the null
hypothesis, concluding that there is no evidence to
say that Pythagoras Mix LO assisted the participants
in the acquisition of concepts. This perhaps is the
fact it is a reproduction model of didactic classroom,
composed solely of the problems statements.
This highlights the importance of paradigm shift
when migrating from the traditional approach to
computer-mediated. If LOs are not built with proper
care can not help the learner and even more may end
up hindering their learning.
As for satisfaction questionnaire applied to the
end of the interaction with the LOs, Pythagoras Max
and Pythagoras Mix: 48% of the group of questions
regarding the ease of use found fully satisfactory
aspects regarding the ease of use of the LO. In the
other group, independently, analysing aspects related
feedback, 42% manifested in a fully satisfactory as a
form of feedback displayed. While the group solving
tasks using the LO also analysed independently,
54% considered fully relevant using an LO for the
acquisition of a concept.
There are many advantages in using a diagnosis
followed by an intervention, may be mentioned
detection and remediation of errors in the same
context, also is possible, in ITS, analyse partial
solutions of the learner.
The MRE offered in LOs through the remedies
are intended to provide further insight apprentice
path to which it is following, from diagnostic error.
The aim of the proposal was to provide support to
students through an MRE, which can be a sentence
of natural language, tables, lists, pictures,
simulations, diagrams, maps, etc.
The use of remediation enables an intervention
on the learner before progression on a particular
error, thereby avoiding a complete solution, but
misguided. As a consequence there is a reduction in
the number of errors that can occur, this aspect was
considered in the relevant proposal of the study.
The average found in MIX LO pre-test is bigger
than the MAX LO pre-test, but in post-test we can
see this difference between averages was decreased.
This, is more one signal that indicating that the LO
MAX positively influenced the learner acquisition of
The architecture presented allowed facilitate the
remediation of errors made by the learner, through a
more specific categorization error, which is to be
split in more categories, providing opportunities for
a range of varieties that allows the learner to acquire
mathematical knowledge. As a way to meet a higher
level of granularity regarding appropriate
presentation of MER, we used the classification of
MERs functions.
In conclusion, the present study extends the
concepts involving ITS and concept acquisition,
classification of errors linked to MERs. Still want to
do more experiments with a larger sample of
students, expanding the validation study. This
experiment was aimed to validate assumptions.
Future works, we intend to apply the architecture
of remediation of errors based on a classification of
errors, in the other areas of knowledge, in order to
validate the modularity of the architecture and the
use of MREs in remediation of errors in LO.
We thank CAPES (Coordination of Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel), the Federal University
of Paraná and School Good Shepherd for their
support for the development of this work.
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