Integrated Data Management
A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government
Sergio Assis Rodrigues
, Marlon Alves
, Allan Freitas Girao
, Ricardo Silva
Miriam Chaves
and Jano Moreira de Souza
COPPE – Computer Science Department, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, Brasilia, Brazil
Keywords: Data Integration, Heterogeneous Data Sources, Web Services, Government Management.
Abstract: Typically, governments deal with huge masses of data generated by a variety of agencies at different
hierarchical levels. Generally, this information is organized into different data sources resulting from legacy
and heterogeneous systems. This lack of integration leads to management difficulties, since without a set of
consolidated information; decisions are made lacking the proper grounding. Therefore, this work presents
two initiatives of integrating data, based on service oriented architecture, from heterogeneous sources in the
Brazilian Government aiming at better management and information usage.
Government agencies maintain many databases that
commonly contain data related to planning,
budgeting, costs, work progress, and other relevant
information. Generally, these data are spread over
heterogeneous data sources like databases, files or
other forms containing unstructured and
semistructured data (Domenig and Dittrich, 2000).
In modern e-government operations, all these pieces
of information need to be consolidated for the
appropriate management and evaluation.
However, this information generated by different
government agency levels and stored in
heterogeneous data sources makes management a
challenging task. Even within one simple agency, a
variety of databases are maintained by different
administrative departments representing the same
kind of data.
Depending on the data collection and
representation done by a government agency, the
values can be differently measured hindering the
data consolidation and even leading to
inconsistencies. The rapid changes taking place in
globalized world and the evolution of technology
has brought the need for an e-government
development (Fei Ye et al., 2011).
The focus of e-government construction has
changed gradually from just business ideology to the
incorporation of information resources integrating
and sharing ideias (Fei et al., 2011). The key point to
the e-government success is how to realize this
information sharing and systems integration, with an
effective data exchange, through several
heterogeneous data sources.
This article presents case studies about two
initiatives within a Brazilian program to promote the
data integration inside the government agencies. The
first one deals with data that represent the agencies
hierarchy and responsibility while, the second, with
data related to the cost and progress of government
works. The main goal of this study is to develop
tools to achieve better information control and
consolidation for management improvement.
2.1 e-Government and Integration
e-Government normally refers to the use of
information and telecommunication technologies by
government agencies to offer services to citizens and
enterprises, focusing on information exchange.
This interaction between the government and the
country stakeholders has become a relevant way of
economic growth and human development (Rahman,
Assis Rodrigues S., Alves M., Freitas Girão A., Silva R., Chaves M. and Moreira de Souza J..
Integrated Data Management - A Case Study in Heterogeneous Data Sources in Brazilian Government.
DOI: 10.5220/0004557203160321
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 316-321
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2007). This can be so impactful that the gap between
countries that have access to information and
communication technologies (ICT) and those which
do not, was named global digital divide, and reflects
great educational, cultural and income differences.
However, to achieve a management level of
efficiency and flexibility as same as developed
countries needs a great use of ICT's and a planned
way for information exchange. The experience in
developed countries shows that this is possible if
governments decentralize their responsibilities and
processes, in the same time they integrate their data
for a consolidation management (PCIP, 2002).
Therefore, in order to promote e-government, data
integration and information exchange are considered
key features for success.
2.2 Web Services
With the advent of internet and telecommunication
technologies, the world has interconnected itself and
dramatically increased the amount of information
exchanged. In this scenario, web service is a
technology used to facilitate the automated
integration between distributed and/or
heterogeneous systems, aiming to support the
information exchange, collaboratively tasks
execution and business processes interconnection
(Benslimane et al., 2005).
Thus, the use of web services as a way to integrate
applications and data is quite broadcasted in the world
and has changed the way organizations project their
systems and data. With standards used by large
organizations, componentization and reuse features,
favoring the cost reduction and rapid feature
composition, web services are an integration
technology from simple scenarios to highly complex
2.3 Model Driven Integration Strategy
The development of web services was envisioned as
the architectural solution for modularisation and
integration both between and intra companies,
promising that the service-oriented architecture
(SOA) would offer easy integration by different and
independent services over the internet. However, its
construction ends up not being automatic and requires
a large human effort (Brambilla et al., 2007).
To change this scenario, the semantic web
services concept emerged, i.e., web services
centered on the web semantic ideology, where one
glimpses a web not only for humans but also
designed for automatic interaction between
machines. Thus, research (Brambilla et al., 2007;
Bensaber and Malki, 2008) has sought ways in
Software Engineering to raise the abstraction of
these mechanisms’ construction in order to make its
creation faster and simple and facilitate their reuse.
In this context, the Model Driven Engineering
theory aims at reusability, portability and
interoperability through the separation of
architectural concerns between the system
specification and implementation. Thus, on this kind
of approach, the focus is on the model creation
based on industry standards such as XML and UML,
representing the requirements, processes and
information flow to be managed by an application.
In this paper, considering the great mass of
information produced inside the Brazilian
Government agencies, we looked up and used a
methodology based on models just to contribute to
building web services that increase the data
availability and integration.
This methodology, called MDArte, is based on
the MDA architecture and is supported by UML -
Unified Modelling Language (OMG, 2003). From
the use of a standard language such as UML scale is
gained, spread and supported as there is a diverse set
of tools for UML modelling.
Addressing the web service development issue,
the first step is to establish the service principles,
i.e., what it will provide; the procedures involved,
the return patterns, as if a contract was being
established. Figure 1 shows an example of
modelling a web service for managing employees.
+ getEmployee() : void
Figure 1: Developing web services using MDArte.
In the example, an operation is available to get
an employee's list. For this specification, the web
service is modelled as a class with "Service" and
"WebSrv" stereotypes, where the first refers to the
construction of a standard service used for code
separation into a business layer, where the business
rules reside, while the second tells the engine that
this service should be available as a web service.
With this stereotype addition, the approach is in
charge of building and inferring the needed
components and dependencies, besides making its
composition, organization and packaging, removing
this responsibility and effort from the developer.
Analogously, the web service operation parameters
are also modelled with a "WebServiceData"
stereotype like Figure 2 shows.
- id: int
- name: string
Figure 2: Developing WS parameters using MDArte.
This parameter information will be used by the
web service operations, so that the approach can
generate all artifacts needed for the service call and
execution, like description, stub classes and etc.
On the other hand, to build a mechanism to consume
an existent web service, the approach helps by
simply modelling again a class using stereotypes.
However, the stereotypes used are "Service" and
"WebService-Client" as Figure 3 presents.
- @andromda.web.service.wsdl.location : String
Figure 3: Configuring a web service client using MDArte.
Furthermore, through the tagged value named as
@andromda.web.service.wsdl.location, it is
specified where the service WSDL is that one
wishes to create a client. From this, the MDArte is
responsible for interpreting the service description
and generate the classes and operations necessary to
use the web service transparently to the developer.
Fill the fields
Search employee
Search results
se arc h
Figure 4: Modelling for generating pages in a web
application with MDArte.
The MDArte approach extends its activities to
building web applications in general, following the
MVC architecture, being able to generate the entire
structure of folders, classes, pages and libraries
necessary for a web system implementation. For
this, it takes use case diagrams and activity diagrams
specifying the information flow through the system
pages, as illustrated in Figure 4.
Again, stereotypes are used to specify behaviors,
such as that used to specify activities that will
become web pages. In this case, the stereotype
"FrontEndView" represents that kind of behavior.
With the MDArte approach context, the next
section presents two integration initiatives designed
in the Brazilian Government context to support
information management and exchange. Considering
the size and complexity, the use of model driven
web services with the MDArte's approach support
aims accelerating and reducing team development
effort on the integration mechanisms.
This work seeks to improve the relationship between
the government and the society that surrounds it.
The integration techniques and tools described
above were applied aiming to achieve a more
efficient management of government information.
Noting the complexity of Brazilian government
and the vast integration needs, this work focused on
two initiatives in areas of large mass of data and
relevant information to the government
The first initiative deals with data on the
definition, creation, extinction and competence of
various bodies that comprise the Brazilian
government. The latter, in turn, comes to tracking
and monitoring the progress of government projects.
3.1 Ghelos Integration System
The publication of the decree 6944 of August 21,
2009, which institutionalizes the Organizational
Information System of the Federal Government -
SIORG, defined it as responsible for establishing
information flows between agencies forming part of
the Brazilian Government, aiming to support
decision making processes, coordination of
government activities and administer the registration
of agencies and entities of the Federal Government.
This decree also established the SIORG as
reference for other structural systems (Integrated
Human Resource Management - SIAPE, Integrated
Data Budgetary - SIDOR, Financial Management
System of the Federal Government - SIAFI,
Integrated General Services Administration -
SIASG, Management Information System and
Planning - SIGPLAN, Flights and Daily Award
System - SCDP, Computer Information Resources
and Administration System - SISP and all systems of
corporate use of the Federal Executive sphere which
will be established) that need to use the registry of
organs and administrative units.
In this situation of centralization and unification
of the organizational units’ registration and
management in the Federal Government, the need
for a single view between the SIORG's structural
reference and the multiple structuring systems arose.
To achieve this goal, an integration system
named GHELOS (Management System for Organs
Harmonization) provides the possibility of a single
view of systems to be integrated in order to establish
the relationship of the various systems that are not
mapped to the SIORG’s organizational structure.
Using the MDArte technology, described in
section 2.3, service oriented architecture (Figure 5)
was developed and three layers can be detailed:
Integration Layer: in this step, the information
from the structure systems are evaluated and
treated in a special apuration. Then, this data is
loaded into the GHELOS harmonization
database. At the same time, data from the
SIORG structure system is loaded using a web
service into the harmonization base;
Management Layer: this module is responsible
for consolidating all the organizational
information from SIORG and the structure
systems in a single view with their mapping;
Client Layer: different stakeholders like
agencies directors, politicians and government
employees can consult the consolidated
information and use them for decision making.
Agencies users will access the GHELOS system
through a Web Application and obtain information
about the mapped and unmapped organs through
interfaces supported by the application.
Figure 6 illustrates the mapping bulletin
functionality, where the GHELOS system shows the
amount of mappings carried by the government
organizational units. This information can be filtered
by the government unit administration type, like
direct and indirect or the power sphere, as executive,
legislative and judiciary.
Other feature of this system is the mapping view
where the organizational map between SIORG and
the structure system is visualized aiding the
stakeholder to relate the organs and unifying data.
Periodically, GHELOS sends notifications to
government agencies representatives informing the
Load Process (ETL)
Special Apuration
Structure System
Management Interface
Client1 Client2 Client3 Client4
«flow» «flow»
«flow» «flow»
Figure 5: GHELOS architecture.
Figure 6: GHELOS mapping bulletin functionality shows the integration level of adherence.
mapping of their respective units, to remember the
importance of this mapping constant review for the
correct integration and data quality.
All development made in the GHELOS system,
using the MDArte approach, took 8 domain classes
representing the necessary entities to model the
integration map between SIORG and the structuring
systems. The normal flow involves around 60000
organs in the SIORG structure (by web service)
while the structure systems like SIAPE generate
above 120000 entries (by ETL).
With GHELOS, Brazilian government organs
obtained from the tool assistance in the integration
and unification process determined by decree 6944.
In addition, the system offered means of monitoring
the entire integration progress to those responsible,
in order to support decision making.
3.2 Helos Integration System
Currently, there are two systems called PACINTER
(PAC Integration) and SISPAC (PAC System),
which deal with the same projects, but have different
identification (project code). These systems deal
with government projects developed along all over
the country, from bridges, roads to airports and
The proposal of this integration system is that
these systems are synchronized, but for this they need
the mapping of their ventures. In order to provide this
feature, HELOS (Venture Harmonisation System)
was created. This application has as main objective to
map the projects managed by the PACINTER base
with the SISPAC base.
Currently, this scenario makes it difficult to
analyse these projects progress for the Federal
Government, which frustrate preventive measures on
their administration to be taken.
The application consists of four software
elements that implement its functionality. They are:
the Web Service for mapping (WS-
DeparaPACInterSISPAC), the PACINTER base
Query Web Service (WS-EspelhoPACINTER), the
interface screens, the Web Services orchestrator.
The Web Service was developed by making use of
the standard architecture MDA (Model Driven
Architecture) with the MDArte Framework. The
screens through which users interact with the
application were developed using JSP and were
incorporated into the process model defined on the
service orchestration environment.
Agencies users will access all these integration
services for mapping the projects through a Web
Application (the HELOS system) and fill the details
of the mapping process through the application
Figure 7 shows the HELOS architecture
illustrating the layers designed to support the
integration desired for the project management
between PACINTER and SISPAC. The clients use
their preferred browser (in computer, laptop, phone,
tablet, etc) to access the web application layer that,
behind the scenes, uses a service orchestrator to
collect the mapping between both legacy systems.
The integration system offers a functionality to
observe the general mapping status per project type.
It is a relevant mechanism to analyze the integration
level acquired at that moment.
The main feature, otherwise, is the possibility to
make the mapping between data from both systems.
An expert of the project's information can associate
them using the integration system and, all this
information, is disseminated beyond all government
organizational units.
There is also a management view to describe all the
ventures that have not had a map yet. An agency
director can take advantage of this information to
demand the responsible for that data to realize that
HELOS development, using the MDArte approach
Internet Explorer
Web Application Service Orchestrato
pplication Integration
Figure 7: HELOS architecture.
approach, requires just the use of two web service
clients that access the PACINTER base and the
SISPAC base. While the SISPAC service already
exists, the PACINTER web service was also
developed using the MDArte tool leading to more
than 58 domain classes that were exposed by a web
service interface automatically generated through the
model that contained their specification.
Brazilian Government has had several
heterogeneous systems leading with the same kind
of information which make consolidation and
management analysis difficult. To improve this
scenario, two preliminary initiatives were built to
support better information environment with more
integration and availability.
As any kind of integration initiative in a complex
case, like the Brazilian one, leads to huge effort of
development. Therefore, this paper presented a
different approach based on a model driven
architecture, where the focus is on the specification
level to build integration systems that comprises the
needs described with less effort.
Both initiatives, GHELOS and HELOS were
developed with this technology and have proved to
be a great tool for promoting integration in
Government. This led the Brazilian Government to a
better management environment where the
consolidated information was available and allowed
the stakeholders to make better decisions when
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