Seeding the Cloud with Students from Every Computer Science
Undergraduate Program
Joel Hollingsworth and David J. Powell
Department of Computing Sciences, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Platform as a Service, Enterprise Programming, Server Side Programming, IBM
Smartcloud Enterprise, Google App Engine.
Abstract: The introduction of enterprise-level cloud computing to the computer science curriculum is necessary to
remain consistent with the industry. Cloud computing is rapidly being used throughout industry and there is
a current and projected shortage of IT developers with cloud computing skills. University computer science
curricula need to provide cloud computing courses to prepare graduates to enter the work place. This paper
describes a required cloud based enterprise-level programming course at Elon University that used free
cloud based software and hardware and free training materials. This cloud based development course
provides an example that could be immediately used at any university to give their students the cloud based
skills needed to be successful in the IT market.
The two major survey results released by IDC
(International Data Corporation) and IBM in
December 2012 indicated a severe talent shortage in
cloud computing skills in the IT workplace (Helms,
2012; IBMb, 2012). The Microsoft commissioned
IDC surveyed 600 hiring managers from around the
world. The study predicted the IT market to grow
roughly 1.1 to 2.7 percent through 2020 and cloud
related skills to be the primary growth opportunities
in IT employment. The surveyed managers indicate
that finding people with the right skill mix of cloud
skills will be the #1 challenge for companies as the
work force around the world lack cloud computing
skills. The IBM survey had two parallel portions
with one directed to 1200 IT and business decision
makers and the other to academia consisting of 450
students and 250 faculty members from around the
world. The IT decision maker results indicated a
25% major skill gap in hiring cloud computing skills
and a 60% moderate to major skill gap. The
Academia results are even higher with 46%
reporting a major skill gap and 78% a moderate to
major skill gap. Only 6% of graduates have the skills
needed in cloud computing to be successful. The
IBM survey indicated that Academia is moving
slowly to shrink the existing gap with 31 percent of
institutions having no plans to teach cloud
computing and 20 percent planning to teach cloud
computing in the next two years. The biggest
obstacles are cost and lack of access to training.
The hypothesis of this paper is that all
undergraduate CS programs should be immediately
offering a core course in cloud computing. Elon
University has taught a core course in cloud
computing since 2010. There are no obstacles
involving cost as both hardware and software are
free. There are no obstacles in training as training
resources are also freely available. The only
requirement is a faculty member with the desire to
learn and teach cloud computing. This paper
discusses a core course in cloud computing at Elon
University that other institutions may emulate to get
started. The acquisition, the use and the advantages
of free state of the art hardware and software are
enumerated. The course curriculum is then presented
and discussed in terms of format, free instructor
training, student materials and assessment. Finally,
the paper concludes with a brief discussion of a
follow on elective cloud computing course that
builds off of faculty expertise teaching the core
course and future directions.
Hollingsworth J. and J. Powell D..
Seeding the Cloud with Students from Every Computer Science Undergraduate Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0004451705130518
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 513-518
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Google is a fast moving leader in web innovation
and open standards. Starting in 2008, Google has
held an annual Google IO developer conference at
the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Each annual
conference has started with a keynote address by the
Google Senior Vice President of Engineering, Vic
Gundotra, in which he presents a high level
overview of Google’s vision of the web and the key
trends and tools that they are encouraging
developers to use to move the web forward. Two
Elon University faculty attended the 2009 annual
conference and were immediately impacted by the
keynote address that the “web has become the
dominant platform of our era” and that since 2004,
there have been no popular desktop applications
developed other than games and browsers used by
millions of users. Application development had
clearly moved to web applications such as Gmail,
Facebook and Wikipedia. Three key trends and tools
described at the 2009 conference were increased
user access to cloud computing, increased client
functionality with HTML5 and increasing numbers
of mobile devices accessing the web. After
attending the 2009 conference, Elon University
changed the content and description of a junior level,
required Computer Science III course to be based on
enterprise programming using a PAAS Cloud. The
course has been successfully taught and continually
updated based on industry trends for the past three
years and has proven to be spot on in preparing the
students with the skills needed by employers as
shown in the IDC and IBM 2012 surveys and recent
data provided at the Google IO 2012 conference that
the App Engine cloud had 1,000,000 active
applications with over 7.5 billion page hits daily
(Magnusson, 2012).
The Elon Computer Science III course is a junior
level course and students entering the course have
already had two programming courses using Java SE
and are familiar with the Eclipse Interactive
Development Environment. The enterprise
programming course was designed to focus on the
most recent industry client standards of HTML, CSS
and JavaScript, the most recent Java EE 6
JavaServer Faces standard and the SQL standard for
creating, retrieving, updating and deleting data from
a persistent data store. Students learn how to
develop, test and debug on the cloud using three
separate processes representing the client process,
the server process and the datastore process. The use
of multiple languages and multiple processes is a
significant increase in complexity for the student.
PAAS allows the course to focus on development
and not on system administration and configuration.
This section describes the goals, acquisition,
software, configuration and advantages of PAAS for
Computer Science III.
3.1 Goals
Elon University wanted to offer the previously
described course using state of the art software and
hardware. Elon University identified the following
goals for the platform:
1. The client process, server process and data store
process must run on different physical or virtual
machines. The client should have the latest
Firefox and Chrome browsers. The server should
support a fully compliant Java EE 6 Application
Server and the database should support the SQL
standard and be network accessible.
2. The software and hardware must be available
24x7 and accessible from both on an off campus
with no firewall restrictions.
3. The software must be pre-installed and not
require any installation, system administration or
configuration by the student or by the instructor.
4. The software must be widely used in industry
and recognized as an industry leader.
5. The ability to create user accounts for students
should be under the control of the faculty
member, easy to do with a short turnaround time
less than 24 hours from request to receipt of user
6. Each student account should be in a sandbox and
not visible by other members of the class.
7. The IDE must be based on Eclipse and support
development, testing and deployment from
within the Eclipse environment.
8. The software and hardware must be free or at a
very low price.
For 2010 and 2011, the Google App Engine came
the closest to meeting all of these goals. It is a
superb PAAS offering and was very successfully
used in the Computer Science III course
(Hollingsworth, 2010). The only minor limitations
1. It did not fully support Java EE 6. JavaServer
Faces 2 (JSF) was not provided with App
Engine. However, there were workarounds that
allowed third party libraries to support most of
JSF 2. Threads were not supported.
2. It did not have free support for SQL but rather
supported an underlying NOSQL Google Big
Table database with a partially compliant JPA
1.0 interface.
3. The local testing environment was a subset of the
deployment environment. Students could have
code run in a local Jetty environment but fail
when deployed to App Engine.
Elon University would still be using App Engine
today if IBM did not provide us with a better PAAS
through the IBM Academic Initiative and the IBM
SmartCloud Enterprise in 2011. This environment
was successfully used in 2012 and fully meets all of
the course goals. The IBM environment will be the
focus for the remainder of this paper.
3.2 Acquisition
For many years, IBM has offered universities an
IBM Academic Initiative program that provides
access to download and freely use course materials
and software. Faculty can quickly register and gain
access through a simple online application. A
drawback of this program was that the faculty
member had to download, configure and administer
the software on university hardware. However,
starting in 2010 with 20 institutions and expanding
in 2012 to 80 institutions in 17 countries, IBM added
the ability through the Academic Initiative program
for faculty and students to gain access to the IBM
Academic Skills Cloud (IBMa, 2012). The
Academic Skills Cloud provides access to the IBM
SmartCloud Enterprise and allows faculty and
students to create virtual machine instances from
over 20 pre-configured IBM images running the
latest versions of IBM software such as Rational
Application Developer and WebSphere
In 2011, Elon University became part of the pilot
program on the IBM Academic Skills Cloud. After
using the Google App Engine PAAS for two years,
Elon faculty knew exactly what they wanted and
needed in a PAAS from IBM. The IBM Academic
Initiative Relationship Manager worked with Elon
faculty and had an IBM image created and
configured with the software needed to specifically
meet the goals of the Computer Science III course.
Elon faculty had the ability to use a simple IBM
SmartCloud Enterprise web form to request the
creation of a virtual machine instance of this image
running on the IBM cloud. Within minutes after
submission, the virtual machine is created. A key
aspect of the cloud instance is that the development
environment is on the cloud and the deployment
environment is on the cloud.
3.3 Virtual Machine Software
and Configuration
For the Computer Science III course, faculty
members created a separate, individual virtual
machine for each student on the cloud running
preconfigured software to provide a PAAS for
developing enterprise Java EE 6 applications. Each
student had their own machine IP address with
associated login and password for developing and
deploying enterprise web applications. All of the
needed course software was pre-installed and
configured to eliminate any need for software
installation or configuration by each student. Each
student’s virtual machine was identical so faculty
knew each machine was properly configured and
could focus on the application and not installation
related issues. The student could access the virtual
machine through Remote Desktop Connection, bring
up Rational Application Developer and immediately
start development. Remote Desktop Connection is a
software program that allows the students to access
and develop code on the cloud virtual machines with
the impression that they are developing on their own
computer. Remote Desktop Connection is free and
comes preinstalled on every Windows machine. For
Apple machines, Remote Desktop Connection is
automatically installed with Microsoft Office 2011
for Mac.
The IBM cloud offers a choice of a Linux or
Windows Virtual Machine. Elon chose a Windows
Virtual Machine since the Elon students were most
familiar with Windows and the ease of access to the
virtual machine using Remote Desktop Connection.
Each virtual machine has 60 gigabytes of disk space.
The software pre-installed on each machine included
DB2 Database, Derby Database, WebSphere
Application Server (WAS), Rational Application
Developer (RAD), and Firefox. The DB2 database
software and Derby database software fully support
SQL. The lightweight Derby database was the focus
in Computer Science III as it is simpler to use in
learning database skills. The DB2 database is
provided with the anticipation of using it in follow
up elective courses and student projects. The DB2
database automatically starts upon machine startup.
The Derby Database has a desktop shortcut for the
user to manually start. WebSphere is one of the
leading fully compliant Java EE 6 Application
Servers. To get a sense for its industry acceptance,
there are more job opening requiring WebSphere
skills on as shown in Figure 1 for five
consecutive years than any other Java EE 6
application server (e.g. JBoss, WebLogic or App
Engine). WebSphere is installed to automatically
start at Windows start up. Rational Application
Developer is an Eclipse Based Interactive
Development Environment. For the second
consecutive year, it has been rated the Best Software
Development Platform in the annual Evans Data
Corporation survey (Taft, 2012). RAD is installed
and has a desktop shortcut for easy access. RAD has
been preconfigured to start up with the Java EE
perspective with two available WebSphere servers to
which RAD can deploy an enterprise application
project with a simple mouse click. One WebSphere
server is running on the current cloud virtual
machine. The other WebSphere server is running on
a course deployment machine in the cloud. Two
WebSphere servers were provided to give the
student the chance to develop and test locally and to
then deploy to a course deployment server. RAD has
had the data perspective configured with database
connections to a DB2 database and Derby database
on the same virtual machine and connections to a
DB2 database and Derby database on the course
deployment server. The preconfigured connections
facilitate the development and testing of SQL code
to create, read, update and delete tables.
3.4 Advantages
The IBM SmartCloud Enterprise PAAS provides the
course instructor and student with many advantages.
It provides free hardware and software and removes
the largest obstacle of cost reported in the IBM
survey. It does not require any software installation
or configuration which allows the student to focus
on the challenging task of learning enterprise
programming and not becoming frustrated with
many lost hours due to an IT configuration issue. It
is available 24x7 from on and off campus. Students
have their own virtual machine so any mistakes
made by others will not impact them and any
mistakes they make will not impact others. It is a
Windows virtual machine and when accessed from
Remote Desktop Connection will have the same
look, feel and familiarity of their own laptop. The
WAS Application Server and RAD IDE are industry
leaders. The RAD environment provides many
wizards, editing and development tools that aid a
student to develop code in SQL, HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and Java within a single IDE.
Figure 1: Current job postings for Java EE server skills.
The course was a very fast paced course and covered
a lot of concepts and languages. The fall 2012
semester course was held three times a week for
approximately 14 weeks. The course was structured
into a client segment followed by a server segment
followed by a data persistency segment. The client
segment was the first one-sixth of the course (8
classes) and covered HTML 5, CSS and JavaScript.
The intent was to quickly cover these languages as
they would be re-used and reinforced during the
server segment of the course. The server segment
was the largest segment of the course and took the
next four-sixths of the course (20 classes). The
server segment covered JavaServer Faces and
Primefaces. The final segment for the last one-sixth
of the course (8 classes) was the data persistency
segment and covered database design and
programming using SQL and the JDBC API.
According to the IBM Survey, the second leading
obstacle to introducing cloud computing is lack of
access to training. There are many sources of free
training available to faculty that can be subsequently
used to provide many of the student materials for a
course. This section discusses the free training
resources used by Elon faculty to learn the materials
to offer the class.
The client segment of the course consisted of
HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There are many free
web accessible resources available for learning these
technologies. Elon University has free access to
tutorials at The faculty used three
videos titled “HTML Essential Training”, “CSS for
Developers” and “JavaScript Essential Training
supplemented by tutorials at W3Schools on HTML,
CSS and JavaScript to learn these languages. Each
of the video tutorials is approximately 5 hours in
length. If your university does not have access to then you can take these three tutorials
using the free one week Lynda trial or pay 25 dollars
for a one month membership.
The server segment of the course, which is the
largest segment, highly leveraged the outstanding
tutorials provided by Marty Hall. Marty is the
president of a training and consulting company
focusing on Java EE, Rich Internet Applications and
Android Development (Hall, 2012). In this role,
Marty teaches on site courses around the world to
major corporate and government customers in many
disciplines (e.g. Energy, Healthcare, Finance, and
Automotive). Each year, he typically teaches at least
two courses on Java Server Faces and two courses
on JavaScript and Ajax Basics. Each course contains
a complete set of PowerPoint slides, Eclipse project
code of examples used in the slides, course
exercises, Eclipse course exercise solutions and links
to key JSF references. Marty makes all of this
material freely available to course instructors. After
each course presentation, Marty updates the
materials and format of the course to make it better.
Elon University faculty have used the continually
updated JSF and JavaScript course materials for
three years to learn JSF 2, Primefaces and
JavaScript. Marty’s code is extremely well written
and was ported to run in RAD and WebSphere
without any modifications.
The database segment of the course leveraged
the 14 article tutorial series on the Derby database
by Robert Brunner (Brunner, 2006). Each article in
the series contains downloadable code and builds off
previous articles. SQL is sequentially covered
starting with using it in Derby as a data definition
language to create tables to using it as a data
manipulation language for writing queries. After
covering SQL, Brunner discusses JDBC and the
design concepts of using a Data Access Object. The
JDBC section is nicely complemented by the
materials on “Accessing Databases with JDBC”
provided by Marty Hall as a module in’s Java 7 course. Two additional
web sites that proved valuable in learning SQL were which has interactive tutorial exercises
For the most part, the same materials used for
instructor training were used for student learning.
The first client segment of the course used the same videos and on-line resources and was
supplemented by instructor developed PowerPoint
There is only one required text book for the
course. The text book is Core JavaServer Faces
Third Edition and is used for the second segment of
the course (Geary, 2010). The text book is superbly
complemented by the Marty Hall JSF slides. In fact,
in the Marty Hall on line references, he lists the Core
JavaServer Faces book as his favorite JSF reference.
The text book stresses good programming practices
and continually builds on previous practices in each
example. Instead of following the text book chapter
by chapter, Elon followed the topic order used by
Marty Hall in teaching his JSF 2 course and mapped
the reading assignments in the book to each topic.
The slides provided by Marty Hall were customized
and slightly enhanced for RAD and WAS.
The final database segment of the course used
the Derby tutorial series by Brunner which contained
14 articles and was supplemented by instructor
developed slides.
Each of the three course segments was assessed by a
comprehensive exam at the end of each segment and
with multiple homework assignments. The exam at
the end of each segment was developed in a
multiple-choice format similar to that used on
certification exams and comprehensively tested the
segment topics. During each segment, multiple
homework assignments were assigned. For each
segment, students used pairwise programming. Pairs
were randomly assigned for the segment and then
changed for the next segment. Pairwise
programming was not used in 2010 and 2011 but
was very successfully used in 2012 and proved to
increase productivity, increase quality, reduce
frustration, increase knowledge sharing, develop
interpersonal skills and increase confidence. Elon
has found pairwise programming to be extremely
beneficial in enterprise programming. The
complexity of developing in multiple languages and
multiple processes is significantly increased over
simple Java application development in Computer
Science I and Computer Science II. Pairwise
programming enabled students to more effectively
deal with the complexity. The average homework
assignment grade using pairwise programming
increased from 85 in 2011 to 91 in 2012.
Cloud based computing is rapidly being used
throughout industry and there is a current and
projected shortage of IT developers with cloud
computing skills. University computer science
curriculums need to provide cloud computing
courses to prepare graduates to enter the work place.
This paper described a required cloud based
enterprise programming course at Elon University
that used free cloud based software and hardware
and free training materials. This cloud based
development course provides an example that could
be immediately used at any university to give their
students the cloud based skills needed to be
successful in the IT market.
The computing field is extremely dynamic and
constantly undergoing rapid change. Elon University
will keep up with the rapid change by continually
monitoring the Google IO annual conference and
Industry trends to update the core Computer Science
III course and to use the core course as a building
block for new elective offerings. Near term
enhancements to the core course will be to use the
upcoming, 2013 Java EE 7 release which has an
upgrade to JSF to better support HTML 5. In
addition, an elective cloud computing course will be
offered in spring 2014 focused on HTML 5, Servlets
3.1, Restful Web Services and NOSQL data
Brunner, R. (2006) ‘Developing with Apache Derby’
[Online] Available from:
index.html[Accessed 12/03/2012].
Geary, D. and Horstmann, G. (2010) Core JavaServer
Faces. Third Edition. Prentice Hall.
Hall, M. (2013) [Online] available from:
html. [Accessed 12.20.2012].
Helms, R. (2012) IT Workforce Can’t Meet Demand For
Cloud Skills. CIO. [Online] available from:
n_t_Meet_Demand_For_Cloud_Skills [Accessed
Hollingsworth, J and Powell, D. (2010) ‘Teaching Web
Programming Using the Google Cloud’. Proceedings
of the 48
ACM Southeast Conference.
IBM. (2012) Academic Skills Cloud. [Online] available
cloud/asc_index.html [Accessed 12.10.2012].
IBM. (2012) ‘Fast Track to the future, The 2012 IBM
Tech Trends Report’ [Online] available from:
[Accessed 1.12.2013].
Magnusson, P. and D’Alesandre, G. (2012) ‘Google I/O
2012 – App Engine Overview’ [Online] available
EAM4 [Accessed 1.15.2013].
Taft, D. (2012) ‘IBM Rational Repeats as Top Dev Tools
Platform: Survey’ [Online] available from:
Survey-135226/ [Accessed 1.12.2013].