Average Speed Estimation for Road Networks based on GPS Raw
Ivanildo Barbosa
, Marco Antonio Casanova
Chiara Renso
and José Antônio Fernandes de Macedo
Military Institute of Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Keywords: Geospatial Data Mining, Smart Routing, Traffic Modeling.
Abstract: For applications involving displacements around cities, planners cannot count on moving at the legal speed
limits. Indeed, the amount of circulating vehicles decreases the average speed and consequently increases
the estimated time for daily trips. On the other hand, the number of available trajectories generated by GPS
devices is growing. This paper presents a methodology to compute statistics about a road network based on
GPS-tracked points, generated by vehicles moving around a city. The proposed methodology allows
selecting the most representative data to describe how speeds are distributed along the days of week as well
as along the time of the day. The results obtained may be used as an alternative to the shortest-path routing
criterion for route planning.
Large cities face the problem of balancing the traffic
demand and the existing road network capacity.
Whenever the traffic demand exceeds the network
capacity, queuing is expected, average speeds
decrease and traffic congestions occur, implying
longer trips, which is a relevant aspect to consider.
Traffic conditions are indeed relevant for route
planning to optimize the available resources. By
choosing the shortest path, we assume that the
speeds are the same at every road of a network.
However, different traffic demands, which are
typically time-dependent, lead to fluctuations on the
average speed value. It means that the shortest path
is not always the fastest option when planning a
By using both the average speed and the length
of the roads, travel time may be estimated, which is
highly relevant for planning applications with
predefined deadlines for displacements. These
values may also be used as benchmarks for
monitoring vehicles: low speeds may indicate that
replanning is required or that some kind of
emergency has to be mitigated (Albuquerque et al.,
The speeds may be computed from consecutive
locations captured by GPS receptors available as
independent devices or embedded in mobile phones.
Data from mobile phones must be carefully filtered
because the devices may be stopped inside the
buildings, stopped or moving slowly at sidewalks
instead of considering only the people inside the
vehicles. Moreover, inside a bus we could consider a
set of devices within a single vehicle supposed to
move slower and to stop more frequently. The
second alternative, GPS devices facilitate, in
principle, collecting data about any road along the
network at a low cost. Furthermore, a GPS attached
to a moving vehicle makes it possible to track the
trajectory of the vehicle. The main disadvantage in
this approach is the sample size required to model
real traffic conditions, which may be addressed by
increasing both the tracking ratio (spatially or
temporally) and the number of vehicles enabled with
GPS receptors capable of providing data.
This paper proposes a methodology to enrich a
road network database with statistics about the
actual speeds, based on an analysis of raw
trajectories relative to vehicles moving around a
city. The computed statistics consists of the average
speed, the standard deviation and the sample size
Barbosa I., Antonio Casanova M., Renso C. and Antônio Fernandes de Macedo J..
Average Speed Estimation for Road Networks based on GPS Raw Trajectories.
DOI: 10.5220/0004450904900497
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 490-497
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
used in computations assigned to individual
instances of roads and refers to predefined time
intervals. These average speed values are useful to
estimate the travel time for a vehicle along candidate
routes to assess how fast they are. The fluctuations
of speed values along the time are also considered.
To achieve the proposed objective, the
methodology performs three main steps: (1) map-
matching (2) temporal partition of GPS points and
(3) statistics computation and road segment
The purpose of the first step on map-matching is
to correctly match GPS points and road geometries.
This is indeed a problem due to: (1) inaccuracies in
the road geometries and the lack of information
about the road widths; (2) inaccuracies of GPS data.
When combined, these two sources of problems
imply that the GPS tracked points may not exactly
fit road geometries. Some points must not be
considered because they were tracked out of the road
(such as at parking lots, at private or at unmapped
ways). We introduce the direction analysis to
improve the results returned by this step.
The second step is the temporal partition of GPS
points. The partition criterion must model speed
fluctuations to compute consistent statistics based on
a representative amount of data. The larger the
sample is, the more representative the results will be.
We then discuss how to balance between these two
The last step refers to the computation of
statistics of the temporally partitioned GPS points
and adding these statistics to the original road
network data.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the problem statement and the model used
to address the proposed scenario. Section 3 explains
the methodology adopted to extract the average
speed information from the raw data. Session 4
reports on the experimental results of an application.
Session 5 presents related works. Finally, Section 6
contains the conclusions and final remarks.
The approach presented in this paper assumes the
following scenario. A generic moving vehicle is
tracked using a GPS device. The vehicle leaves a
location called the origin where the trip starts and
moves through a set of roads towards another
location called the destination where the trip ends.
The path from the origin to the destination is decided
by a plan. The roads in the path are represented by
polylines and the plan is supposed to consider that
every consecutive road is connected. The plan may
choose the route whose total length is minimal or
consider the route with minimum travel time, based
on the average speed the vehicles may achieve on
each route.
The input data, generated by the GPS devices, is
represented as a tuple
P = <i, p, t, v, s>
i is the (anonymous) user reference
p is the point geometry, in WGS-84 geodetic
t is the timestamp, with time zone, when the point
was tracked
v is the instantaneous speed value
s indicates the tracking status during a single trip: 0
for start point, 2 for end point and 1 otherwise (no
data is recorded when the vehicle is turned off,
even if it is parked along a road.
We assume that the instantaneous speed, location
and timestamp are simultaneously stored. Moreover,
we assume that the informed instantaneous speed is
Each road segment is represented as a tuple
R = <w, l, n, o>
w is a unique identifier of the road segment
l is the road segment geometry
n is the name of the road
o is the allowed traffic directions (one-way or two-
way road).
Therefore, a road segment corresponds to a
geometric element used to represent an entire road
or a part of a road (different directions or portions
between relevant crossings).
The problem we propose to solve is: given a
dataset containing the GPS tracks of moving
vehicles and a dataset containing road network data,
we want to compute, for each road, the time
dependent average speed, standard deviation and the
sample size computed. This additional information is
then attached to the original road data thereby
creating an enriched road segment.
An enriched road segment is a tuple
S = <w, l, n, o, k, h, a, d, c
The first four elements correspond to the
respective road segment R
= <w, l, n, o> enriched
k is the day of week (‘0’ for Sunday up to ‘6’,
h is the time interval (e.g., from ‘0’ to ‘23’ for 1-
hour time intervals along the day)
a is the average speed
d is the standard deviation
c is the number of points considered.
Figure 1 illustrates the process of building the
enriched road segments from the two raw datasets
containing GPS tracks and road geometries. The
first phase performs the map matching process. The
second phase performs the data analysis on the road
segments to both identify and eliminate the
mismatches returned by the previous phase by
analyzing the direction that vehicles move along.
The third step performs a temporal classification of
the GPS map-matched points into predefined
temporal intervals like the hour of the day and the
day of the week. Finally statistics are computed and
the road segments are enriched with them. In the
next sections we illustrate the details of each step.
3.1 Map Matching
Recall that the points were tracked along the
vehicles’ trajectories. Hence, since vehicles move
along roads, we may assume that they are associated
with a road segment, represented as a linear
This is a problem known in the literature as map
matching, where methods to assign GPS points to a
road segment are proposed. Modern techniques of
map matching have been developed. See
Brakatsoulas et al (2005) for some algorithms
proposed to deal the map matching process.
However, in this context, off-roads points must
not be considered due to the bias they may insert in
the statistics. It is necessary to select only the points
supposed to be moving along the instances of the
road database available and discard the off-road
points. The solution we adopted to address this issue
is to define a buffer zone around each road segment
and to associate each point to a unique road
segment, or to discard the point. Not only off-road
movements are discarded: this step removes low-
accuracy points tracked.
The main related issue is to define how wide the
buffer zone is: low width values potentially imply
discarding useful points to improve the statistics;
higher values imply the selection of points out of the
range of the road (such as vehicles on another near
road or stopped at the road shoulders). The width
value for these buffer zones should be compatible
with the respective real road width, when available.
Indeed, due to the lack of data about road widths,
during the experiments, we considered 3 meters, 5
meters and 8 meters wide buffer zones.
When the buffer zones overlap, the risk of a
point-road mismatching increases. Aiming at
minimizing the mismatches in contexts where an
individual vehicle and the traffic flow in opposite
directions, we propose to analyze the direction of
movement, as presented at the next section.
3.2 Direction Analysis
Directions are computed as the azimuth of the line
defined by an ordered pair of points O
= <P
, P
tracked by the same vehicle at the same trajectory
and ordered by their timestamp. By pairing
consecutive points, it becomes feasible to indicate
the direction of the movement of an individual
vehicle. From now on we refer to these pairs of
points as oriented points because of the implicit
orientation quantified by the azimuth.
As modelled in Section 2, each road segment has
information about the traffic direction: one-way or
two-way roads.
The direction analysis step considers three cases:
a) One-way Road and Single Geometry: all
Figure 1: Proposed process steps to enrich data about roads with statistics about speed.
Data Analysis Map Matching
Buffer zones
Filtering by
buffer zones
Road Geometries
with statistics
vehicles move along (or nearly along) the road
bearing, indicated as Az
, and the distribution of
those values reflects the road geometry.
b) Two-way Road and Single Geometry: the
bearing values are grouped close to the road
bearing indicated as Az
and to Az
± 180°.
c) Two-way Road and Distinct Geometry: the
bearing values are grouped close to the road
bearing Az
. However, due to the proximity of
the road geometries, some values close to Az
180° may occur, probably referred to another
buffer zone.
The Figure 2a illustrates the distribution of the
azimuth values along Via Lungarno Gambacorti, an
example of the first case. The continuous
distribution of values suggests that every vehicle
following the same direction even in curvilineous
The Figure 2b illustrates the distribution of the
azimuth values along Via Fratelli Rosselli, a two-
way road represented as a single line. It is possible
to identify two groups of values near Az
and the
opposite direction, Az
+ 180º, as consequence of
two-way traffic. It is also possible to identify the
ratio of vehicles flowing in each direction. By
computing meaningful statistics for the respective
road we must distinguish the traffic flow on opposite
The Strada di Grande Comunicazione Firenze-
Pisa-Livorno is an example of two-way road with
distinct geometries, i.e., each direction is represented
individually. The geometries are usually adjacent
and this therefore leads the risk of point-road
mismatch. The distribution illustrated at the Figure
2c refers to the points tracked along one direction of
the Strada. We can identify two groups, despite the
fact that the geometry is supposed represent one
single direction: a small number of outliers is then
detected and, by discarding them, statistics may be
As the directions are supposed to be opposite, the
method proposes to group the oriented points by
their azimuths: the first group, closer to the average
value (A), and the second one (with outliers), closer
to A plus 180°, considering the cyclic nature of
bearing as an angular measure. Azimuth values
closer to A were considered for statistics
However, this rule does not work when two-
ways roads are represented by a single geometry
(Figure 2b) because we do not know the traffic
distribution ratio between both directions. A
possibility to solve this problem could be to apply
Figure 2: Distribution of azimuth values for oriented
clustering techniques to group the azimuth values
into two groups, which would permit to identify the
traffic in each direction. This feature has not yet
been implemented in the system.
We call attention to the low ratio of oriented
points O
considered, as a consequence of taking into
account only the pairs tracked in the buffer zone and
along the same road R
. On the other hand, when we
assume that P
and P
may be assigned to different
roads, the number of oriented points O
For longer tracking rates, it would be necessary to
infer the path between consecutive points located on
different roads.
Another issue to handle is the overlapping of
buffer zones. If P
is located at the intersection of
buffer zones related to different roads, R
and R
, a
simple query may assign both roads to the point. The
preferred solution considers the buffer zone that
contains both points.
Since we aim at eliminating sources of
uncertainty, we adopted the approach that takes into
account only the pairs tracked in the buffer zone and
along the same road R
even if it reduces the number
of points considered for the computation.
3.3 Temporal Classification
One specific contribution of this work is to provide
time-dependent enriched road segments. This means
that the average speed associated with each road
segment is split into temporal intervals, which
represent the average speed in during that particular
time interval. This information improves the
planning of a route from an origin and a destination
by considering the traffic dynamics along the day
(and along the week). Therefore, to provide this
information, we need to classify the speeds in short
time intervals, either predefined or established based
on the amount of tracked vehicles.
3.4 Statistics Computation
At this phase, the original data are organized as
oriented points associated with the road segments
and classified according to the day of week and the
hour they were tracked. Arithmetic average,
standard deviation and the number of points
considered for the filtered data are then computed.
The average indicates the main reference for the
expected speed for the road; the standard deviation
indicates how the observed values may vary (high
values for the standard deviation may also indicate
some anomaly on the traffic). The number of points
considered for the statistics may be used to indicate
how reliable the computed values are or to support
the estimation of confidence intervals. The results
are then stored as new attributes of the respective
road segment, following the enriched road segment
model introduced in Section 2.
4.1 Application using Real Datasets
The datasets considered for the experiments are: (1)
points tracked by GPS receptors installed at 8,575
vehicles, in the period between May 1st and May
31st, 2011; (2) geometries of the roads in the region
analyzed, extracted from the Open Street Map
The points tracked in this region were ordered by
the users' identification and by timestamp, so as to
analyze the behavior of each vehicle.
The original dataset containing the raw GPS
points contained 163,278,486 records. This number
reduces to 1,020,909 when we consider the
predefined geographical extents. After the pairing
process, there were 783,622 oriented pairs of points.
The road network comprises 1,555 records, among
which only 1,057 are named (the unnamed roads are
bicycle or pedestrian ways). Among these, 309 are
one-way roads.
The results achieved after filtering the points by
the buffer zones are illustrated in Table 1. The first
column contains the values of the widths we
considered to compose the statistics. The second
column indicates the number of raw points within
the buffer zone, as well as the proportion when
compared to the number of the available points.
Analogously, the third column indicates how many
oriented points are within the buffer zone, as well as
the proportion when compared to the number of the
available oriented points. The fourth column refers
to the roads whose statistics could be computed
based on the existing points and the proportion
considering the existing roads on the network.
Table 1: Statistics for processing results.
Raw Points
Oriented Points
Roads with
enriched data
As expected, the number of points increases when
the buffer zone width increases. However, the ratio
is not constant: it is higher for lower widths.
Table 2 introduces further statistics. The first and
the second columns correspond, respectively, to the
first and third columns of Table 1. The values on the
third column represent the number of one-way roads
enriched with speed statistics: the proportion refers
to the number of one-way roads at the roads dataset.
The fourth column presents the number of oriented
points erroneously assigned to roads and the
respective proportion related to the number of
oriented points. These points were discarded for
statistics computations.
By considering the temporal classification, for
these tests, the points were divided in 1-hour
intervals based on their respective timestamps. To
analyze the fluctuation along the week, they were
also classified according to the day-of-week. Recall
that these data were partitioned by the days of week
and refer to 4 weeks. This means, for example, that
the four Mondays are collapsed into one day
representing the typical Monday in the observed
Table 2: Additional statistics for processing results.
Point - Road
After performing the distribution of average speeds
along the week, further to the main objective – to
use average speeds to estimate travel time, atypical
behaviors can be detected. An individual analysis is
necessary to assess whether the observed values
affects the meaning of the computed statistics.
For some roads, no points were tracked along
some time interval or were selected after the filtering
processes we described. Therefore, no statistics were
computed. For missing values, we suggest some
strategies: (1) assign the nominal speed for the road
– there is no traffic flow enough to justify lower
values for speed; (2) interpolate the values from the
nearest intervals – for isolated lacks of values; or (3)
assign zero as the speed value – travel time is too
high to be considered due to the uncertainty in speed
4.2 Travel Time Prediction
An example of application of the enriched road
segments is the travel time estimation based on the
pre-computed average speeds. A well-known
location has been adopted as the origin of a planned
trip, while the destination is a given address chosen
in the urban area across the city.
Three routes were proposed by the Google Maps
service, represented by the names of the roads and
the respective lengths (Figure 3). By considering the
travel time the sum of the ratios length / average
speed for every road, we compute the total travel
time in these three options. The computations are
summarized in Table 3 and the values refer to the
interval 4 – 5 p.m. for Tuesdays.
Table 3: Travel times based on pre-computed average
length (m)
Travel time for buffer width
3m 5m 8m
1 3402 13’ 48” 13’ 5” 13’ 48” 8’
2 3308 15’ 13” 14’ 32” 15’ 11” 11’
3 4015 15’ 35” 14’ 44” 15’ 14” 11’
By comparing routes #1 and #2, we highlight
that the shortest path is not the faster. Although
route #3 is the longest one, the average speed along
it is the highest, when compared to the other routes.
Moreover, route #3 could be considered because the
travel time along it is not much longer than that
along route #2. The results provided by the Google
service suggest faster displacements however we get
the same conclusions comparing the routes.
Therefore, planners may also consider the average
speed to support decision making.
By repeating the procedures for route #1 on
Thursdays in the interval of 3 – 4 p.m., the computed
travel time is 15’ 32”, approximately 2’ slower than
the result at the first time interval. For longer trips,
these delays may accumulate and achieve critical
values. In cities where traffic is heavier, fluctuations
for average speed values tend to be more noticeable.
(a) (b)………………………………………………………(c)
Figure 3: Options of routes for movement planning.
To provide reliable resources for planning involving
moving objects, methodologies were developed to
predict the movement dynamics in uncertain
contexts. In fact, by moving along road networks
(specially in urban zones), mobile users usually have
no idea about how many cars are moving with them,
where they come from and where they are going.
However, these users are free to choose another
route (unless it is mandatory, such as on the buses)
to try to find the shortest time solution.
Raw locations tracked by GPS receptors have
been used for controlled applications such as buses
and trucks private fleets. Masiero et al. (2011)
present a methodology based on Support Vector
Regression (SVR) to predict the travel time for
delivery trucks based on previous trajectories.
Sinn et al. (2012) describe another application
for time travel prediction from GPS points. In
addition, they present a method to automatically
extract bus routes, stops and schedules. In all these
cases, the analysis considered fixed trajectories
(stops and moves) and controlled speeds. Pang et al
(2011) proposed another methodology for time
travel prediction based in GPS data on buses.
However they use smart phones to gather data for
the analysis. In addition, they present a method to
automatically extract the bus routes, the stops and
the schedules. In all of these three cases, the analysis
considered fixed trajectories (stops and moves) and
controlled speeds. Hence, the tracked data is not
representative to model the global average speed for
a road network.
The method presented in Min and Wynter (2011)
is based on spatial-correlation matrices and average
speeds obtained from historical data of some
categories of roads and provides predictions of speed
and volume over 5-min intervals for up to 1 h in
The analysis presented by Yuan et al. (2011) is
based on GPS data relative to three months of GPS
trajectories collected from 33,000 taxis in Beijing to
detect anomalies on traffic behavior. Although taxis
trajectories are supposed to be more flexible, they
are influenced by the existence of either permanent
or temporary points of interest such as touristic
places, airports, hotels or convention centers.
On the other hand, in Biagioni et al. (2011), the
taxis drivers' intelligence in choosing faster routes is
modeled by analyzing the trajectories they usually
take. In this case, the traversing frequencies along
the road network are considered instead of speeds.
Therefore, this method ranks the streets by the
drivers’ preferences (as consequence of their
previous experiences).
Letchner et al. (2006) present a method that
considers the previous individual history (i. e., the
user’s preferences) to indicate routes for general
users (instead of taxi drivers).
Our contribution is the generation of more
representative statistics based on the actual behavior
of non-specific groups of drivers or categories of
We proposed a methodology to enrich a road
network database with statistics about the actual
speeds, based on the analysis of raw trajectories
tracked by usual vehicles during one month. These
results reflect how traffic flow behaves along the
days of the week and the hours of each day of week
– although the methodology allows different time
intervals. Moreover, they will support movement
planning by proposing routes based on the estimated
travel time instead of the travel length.
The method is based on three steps: (1) map-
matching (2) temporal partition of GPS points and
(3) statistics computation and road segment
enrichment. Because of inaccuracies on GPS
positioning and off-roads points, we limited the
analysis to the points tracked near the roads – the
buffer zones, which width must be compatible to the
real width of the respective road.
The combined analysis of tables 1 and 2 shows
that, by enlarging the buffer zones, the gain in the
number of oriented points is limited. Furthermore,
among these points, the ratio of outliers increases
fast. The direction analysis detected outliers, even by
reducing the size of the sample of GPS points.
Despite the mismatches, the number of one-way
roads with enriched data increases because most of
the additional mismatches occurred just in a few
Atypical behavior can also be detected. In these
cases, some observations must be discarded to keep
the statistics meaningful.
We emphasize that many of the computed
statistics considered too few points for each time
interval. By considering 3-meter wide buffer zones,
82% of the records are computed based on less than
10 points. The ratio for records, such as these, in the
5- and 8-meter wide buffer zones respectively are,
79% and 76% (we do not consider this a
representative gain). To increase this percentage, the
methodology must be improved to consider more
oriented points by adopting pairs of consecutive
points inside the buffer zones created near different
instances of road. However, some additional
discussion is necessary to filter inconsistencies and
ambiguities mentioned at the section 3.B.
In future research, the analysis used by Biagioni
et al. (2011) based on the frequencies may be
combined with the spatio-temporal distribution of
tracked points. Another approach to handle this issue
is to apply the algorithm presented by Lou et al
(2009) to propose candidate paths along low-
sampling-rate GPS trajectories.
We may also consider the adaptive fastest path
algorithm presented by Gonzalez et al. (2007) that is
based on the leverage of the hierarchy of roads, on
limiting the route search strategy to edges and path
segments that are actually frequently traveled in the
data, and on the road widths.
Another future improvement to be implemented
is the adaptive temporal classification by adopting
finer intervals (1-hour or 15 minutes) for larger
samples and wider intervals for smaller samples (the
entire day or morning-afternoon-evening). The lack
of data for these streets means that users prefer not
to use them in their trips due to the low speed or bad
As for future work, the results we achieved with
GPS raw trajectories may be combined with data
from other sources (such as loop detectors and
mobile phones) to obtain statistics based on larger
samples. Moreover, the functionalities to handle the
cases when two-ways roads are represented by a
single geometry, as indicated at the Section 3.2.
This work was mainly supported by EU project FP7-
PEOPLE SEEK (No. 295179).
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