AMICO: The Asset Management for Industrial Complex Enterprise
Stefano Alì
, Giulio Cantali
, Salvatore Cavalieri
, Ferdinando Chiacchio
, Liberina Guarnaccia
Fabio Scibilia
and Alfio Scuderi
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Catania, Viale A.Doria, 6, Catania, Italy
Xenia Progetti s.r.l., Via Acicastello, 71, Catania, Italy
Keywords: Factory Automation, Information Management, Workflow, Expert System.
Abstract: Asset management plays a crucial role in productive activities of an industrial factory. Several commercial
softwares exist but they generally present some limitations, among which the closed nature towards
integration. The paper presents the AMICO project, a software platform conceived to overcome traditional
limits of existing commercial solutions. A research investigation has preceded the definition of the system;
it allowed to highlight the current state of the market related to the asset management softwares and pointed
out the technological enhancements which could have been implemented. Among them, it highlighted the
importance of a central information system able to synchronize information flows and activities. Thanks to a
centralized architecture, powerful and innovative features like a cooperative workflow engine and an expert
system has been introduced in the AMICO project.
This paper presents the first results achieved inside a
research project called AMICO (The Asset
Management for Industrial Complex plant). AMICO
is an ongoing project carried on by XENIA Srl, a
SME Software Company located in Catania, and the
DIEEI (Department of Electrical, Electronic and
Computer Engineerings) of the University of
Catania with the contribution of the Regione Sicilia
(ITALY), based on European Regional
Development Fund (P.O. FESR Sicilia line
The main objectives motivating the development
of AMICO take the cue by the matters of the Digital
Factory (Wenzel, S., Jessen U. and Bernhard J.,
2005) which set the integration of the activities
characterizing modern enterprises as one of most
important goal to reach.
In the past few decades, ICT has offered several
software tools but only recently holistic solutions
(such as ERP, MRP, etc.) able to fulfil the
requirement of digital integration have started to
take place (Umble, E. J, Haft R. R and Umble M.
M., 2003), (Aloini D., Dulmin R. and Mininno V.,
2007). Such type of software solutions aim to be
easy scalable, agile in customization and modular.
The software solution proposed by AMICO has to
be framed within this context. AMICO wants to
offer an innovative solution for the management of
the industrial factory assets and corresponding
documentation, able to integrate the workflows of
the associated industrial processes and provide an
environment of co-design and interoperability
among the people involved in the work-orders
The initial requirements of the projects have
been determined according to the result of a detailed
survey of the current art of market aimed to
generalize and extend, as much as possible, the
scope of the platform. In this direction, innovative
features like a cooperative workflow and an expert
system to support the management of the work-order
activities have been highlighted and implemented.
The paper is organized as it follows. Section 2
presents a short survey about some of the most
diffused commercial solutions of asset management
software and it points out the enhancements
proposed within the project AMICO. In Section 3 an
overview of the AMICO platform is presented with
particular emphasis on its main features, i.e. the
cooperative workflow engine and the expert system.
Finally, in Section 4 conclusions involving the use
of the AMICO platform in real industrial scenarios
are discussed.
Alì S., Cantali G., Cavalieri S., Chiacchio F., Guarnaccia L., Scibilia F. and Scuderi A..
AMICO: The Asset Management for Industrial Complex Enterprise.
DOI: 10.5220/0004416704230429
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 423-429
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
One of the most important activities inside an
enterprise consists in the management of existing
asset documentation; such an activity has to
warranty freshness and consistency of all the
documentation containing information about
productive processes and corresponding equipment.
In general, these types of information are not
homogeneous and can vary depending on the type of
activity and equipment (i.e., the number of
documents, certification, reports and so on);
moreover, information’s stakeholders may be either
internal or external to the enterprise organization
(i.e., collaborative design).
Asset management software has to be conceived
to support this critical activity. Currently, several
commercial solutions are available on the market;
they support asset documentation management in
different ways. For this reason, a preliminary survey
concerning the main features of some well known
commercial software of asset management was
conducted. This investigation was used to determine
what improvements can be valuable in respect with
current state of art. The analysis was focused on the
core functionalities (e.g. presence of an unified
platform of document and asset management, the
main features of the repository and the workflow
management) and some advanced functionalities
(like use of expert systems, dynamic workflows,
RFID support and so on).
More than 10 well known and commonly used
asset management tools have been considered; their
references have been intentionally omitted. The
results of this investigation are summarised in Table
1; for each of the functionalities considered in the
analysis, the table shows if it is generally supported
(), partially supported (P), and not supported at all
One of the main limits observed is that
commercial products do not fully support centralized
repository. Traditionally, the very different
functional departments of an enterprise rely on
different specific tools (electronic spread sheets, text
editor, etc.) for the implementation of their activities
and workflows. In these scenarios, departments
independence and activities parallelization lead to
sacrifice the consistence and freshness of the
information knowledge.
The drawbacks of not having a centralized
database are that:
information are fragmented into several
repositories, if not even maintained into a paper
due to unreliability of databases, activities
concerning new developments and updating
must be preceded by on-site inspections;
report activities concerning status of the
equipment are difficult and the impossibility to
access reliable and fresh information increases
the risk of non-compliance with security
standards and legal requirements.
On account of what said, the adoption of a
central database is one of the most challenging
features to realize; the implementation of a unique
common information repository represents one of
the key features of the AMICO project.
Table 1: Functional Requirements offered by several
existing commercial solutions.
Functional Requirements Availability
Unified platform of document
and asset management P
Centralized repository
(documents and asset) P
Integrated management of workflow P
Dynamic/flexible workflows P
Expert system for the verification
of assets consistency N
Co-design environment supported
by synchronized workflow N
Management of concurrent updating N
RFID support
Browsing of CAD files N
Wireless client
LEGEND: : Available; P: Not fully supported; N: not
supported at all.
Another limitation of the available solutions in
the market is relevant to the “Integrated management
of workflow”; this limitation consists in the lack of
workflow management platforms to favour a
collaborative approach for the execution of the
work-order activities. Traditional software solutions
offer workflow platforms of management which are
just able to track and monitor the status of work-
order activities; in these solutions, more complex
operations (like authorizations to create, access,
update documentation, etc.) have to be performed
outside the workflow environment by the operators
involved in the activity. Another important goal
aimed to reach within the AMICO platform, is the
implementation of a collaborative workflow
environment, realized thanks to the availability of
the above mentioned centralized repository (which
maintains assets status and work-orders information
fresh and consistent) and by the use of customizable
rules of permission which enable the operators to
access secured resources and asset documentation.
Considering the advanced functionalities shown
by Table 1, the analysis carried on has highlighted
that none of the main software solutions implement
any type of Expert System for the verification of
assets consistency. This feature would be of valuable
support for software of asset management since it
can help users in the preparation of work-orders or
in the activity of co-design with third-party
The features listed so far can contribute to the
achievement of another important goal, namely the
realization of a quite general asset management
platform, easily adaptable to a wide variety of
industrial enterprises (Jordan, W. C. and Graves S.
C., 1995), (Jenkins G. P and Wright D. S., 1998),
(Chase, R. B. and Aquilano, N. J., 1977),
(Brandolese A., Brugger G., Garetti M. and Misul
E., 1985). In fact, the adoption of a centralized
architecture in support to a co-design workflow
management environment allows adaptability to any
type of asset management activities and guarantees
independence from a specific implementation.
The AMICO projects aims to the implementation of
a centralized information system for the integrated
management of the enterprise, supporting all
functional areas activities providing a unified vision
of data, documents and equipment and warranting
information freshness and consistency.
The initial objectives of the project were inspired
by requirements identified in large industrial
enterprises to have a centralized tool warranting the
alignment of assets and documentation and
integrating the operating workflows with the work
order activities.
The main idea behind the project AMICO is
based on the definition of asset, intended as any type
of element which contributes to the enterprise
activity, be it a physical object or an immaterial
element. In this way, assets are the main objects
handled by the integrated software platform: they are
stored and kept updated inside a central database
which supports all the process activities for the
entire life of the equipment.
In order to satisfy the project requirements, the
following activities must be performed:
creation of a functional and organisational
model for asset and documentation
implementation of an integrated information
system warranting integration among data and
processes activities performed by distinct
enterprise functional areas (i.e., people of
different teams);
integration of a co-design environment for the
management of workflows, related to enterprise
process activities;
the implementation of innovative applications
able to automatically control, verify and
warranty consistency of database information
with the real status of assets either stored or
checked out.
Figure 1 shows the functional blocks which
constitute the AMICO platform: it is possible to
highlight two distinct functional information flows
which are interfaced by both “Engine workflow
management” and “Expert System” entities. On the
left, the functional blocks handling production
server’s repository of the production server are
shown; asset and documentation can be accessed and
managed by the authorized personnel the System
Administration panel; moreover high level functions
of search and update are provided by the related
functional blocks. Consistency and congruence is
maintained by the functional blocks “Asset
Integrator” and “Asset Consistency Check”. On the
right part of Figure 1, a generic order workspace is
presented: when a work order has to be processed,
the most fresh asset’s status to be used (i.e.,
information and documentation about the elements
of the process involved) is retrieved (Check out) and
transferred into the so called “order’s workspace”.
This workspace is the information environment,
within the production server, used by all team units
authorized to operate on the work order; in this way
modifications of the work order are carried out in a
safe way, as the coherence of the asset is maintained
in the repository of the production server (as shown
in the left part of Figure 1).
Publishing and check-in operations are
performed during the work order activities, with the
support of a powerful workflow engine guaranteeing
a step by step verification of asset modifications’
and implementations.
In order to realise this important feature, the
platform includes a software module implementing a
collaborative workflow management and co-design
environment to monitor and support the
authorization processes on for external contractors
involved in work-orders operations. The latter (as
shown in Figure 1) is positioned between a generic
workspace of order, typically managed by personnel
of a contractor team, and the Public Repository of
Asset and Documentation (i.e., the central
Figure 1: Functional Blocks constituting the AMICO Platform.
repository): in this way, when a documentation
stored in the central repository is required by the
contractor, the request is automatically taken in
charge by authorized personnel.
The next subsection will describe the workflow
management here implemented.
The other novel feature of AMICO is the
implementation of an Expert System supporting
documentation management activities. As it will be
shown in the following, the Expert System
implements a Business Rule Management System
(BRMS) to provide users with a list of possible
relationships among all documents related to a work-
3.1 Workflow Management
As well as the internal know-how of the enterprise is
well maintained inside the public repository of the
AMICO platform, so robust protocols for the
execution of work-orders are ensured by the
definition of appropriate dynamic workflows
(Biegus L. and Branki C., 2004), (Dogac, D.,
Kalinichenko, L., Özsu, T. and Sheth, A., 1998).
AMICO fulfils this requirement by providing an
engine implementing a collaborative environment
for the design of workflows (Held M., Blochinger
W., 2009); such workflows gurantee the integrity of
the entire work order process and related know-how.
This feature is implemented through a continuous
synchronization among internal and external
enterprise resources (i.e., management and teams in
charge to perform the operations).
The basic principle is to map any type of work-
order into an electronic workflow. Through a user-
friendly design tool, the authorized personnel will be
able to create the workflows associated to any types
of work-order process: these workflows will be
collected in a catalogue populated and maintained in
the central database. More complex workflow
structures can be designed by also involving
multiple actors and granting different level of
These workflow models can be instantiated and
executed when a work-order (or a set of work-
orders) is going to be processed. A dedicated
runtime environment will maintain and concurrently
execute all instantiated workflows, while data
congruency will be guaranteed through
synchronization with the central database.
Check-in and check-out operations are required
to access the workspace related to the work-order
(right side of Figure 1, where publishing
corrensponds to check-in operation). Centralized
repository (left side of Figure 1) will not be modified
until the work-order is completed or updating
operation (scheduled in the workflow) has been
authorized. In order to ensure integrity of multiple
accesses, mechanisms of automatic communication
among the actors accessing the same resources are
used (e.g. automatic emails, etc.).
3.2 Expert System
The activity of asset and documentation
management requires specific skills, related to the
different processes and domains of the enterprise.
Such competence acquisition requires a long and
wide experience. A deep knowledge about enterprise
processes may be not sufficient to have a
comprehensive view of the relationship occurring
among large amount of assets.
The utilization of an Expert System (Malhotra
Y., 2001) has to be framed within this context; it
may solve the aforesaid limitation. The use of an
Expert System provides two main advantages: the
first is that it can partially replace the role of the
expert user, supporting and training inexperienced
personnel; the second is that it can also support
expert users when operating on activities
characterized by a large amounts of inter-
AMICO’s Expert System is providing also
support for documentation management in the
preparation of work-orders or co-design with third-
party companies. The Expert System, by processing
of relevant rules and input parameters, will be able
to suggest a set of documents to be included as part
of the work-order. This process and the achieved
results are similar to the analysis that an expert user
would apply. In addition, the Expert System is
scheduled in order to process data periodically,
providing a result that is always synchronized with
the changes of the database.
The Expert System will make use of the central
database (through appropriate views or other data
structures) to access data concerning work-orders,
assets and documents as required by the inferential
algorithms. The output of the Expert System (i.e.,
the list of suggested documents and the set of
information provided) will be stored inside
dedicated data structures within the central database.
The inferential engine is based on two main
broad categories of rules:
rules related to relationships which exist in the
work-order management model, as inferred by
the analysis of the historic;
rules not directly related to existing
relationships, but obtained by "experience"
through the analysis of the historic.
For each document in the recommended list, the
Expert System will provide an indication of the
proposed criteria and the level of criteria reliability
(likelihood) calculated through the analysis of the
The Expert System behaviour is based on the
concept of Facts and Rules. Facts are information
used to verify whether or not particular events or
conditions occur. Rules are more complex criteria
that look for the occurrence of a combination of
facts and indicate the actions to execute.
These actions can, in turn, modify the status of
the system and trigger the execution of other actions.
Figure 2 shows the Expert System Architecture
defined and implemented inside AMICO platform.
As it can be noticed, the Expert System is deployed
within an Application Server and can be interrogated
by a generic Client application through a Web-
service. The Expert System includes the following
key components:
Working Memory: where System knowledge is
stored. Each element of knowledge is called
"Fact". Facts can be inserted, updated, and
removed from the Working Memory. In our
specific implementation Facts are data related
to documents, checklists, contracts, taxonomies,
facilities, assets, etc...;
Production Memory: it contains the guidelines
used by the Inferential Engine to verify the
conditions stored into the Rules and related
actions have to be undertaken;
Inference Engine: it is composed by the Pattern
Matcher and by the Agenda. The former is in
charge to verify matches among Rules and
Facts, while the latter handles the order of
execution of actions, being capable of solving
the conflicts raising from simultaneous
matching of multiple Rules.
The Expert System is based on the Drools Open
Source Framework (JBoss Community, 1), a
Business Rule Management System (BRMS)
distributed by the application server JBoss (JBoss
Community, 2).
Drools implements an object oriented formalism
to describe information knowledge: data can be
mapped into a JAVA object, through the Object
Relational Mapping (ORM) Hibernate (JBoss
Community, 3) and exposed to the Expert System
inside the Working Memory.
Drools implements and extends the algorithm
RETE, RETEOO (Sottara D., Mello P. and Proctor
M. A., 2008), (Sottara D., Mello P., Proctor M. A.,
Figure 2: Architecture of the Expert System.
In this paper the AMICO platform, a software for
the asset management of complex industrial
enterprise, has been presented.
Key features of the platform were pointed based
on the results of a preliminary research activity
highlighting the main limits of existing commercial
The implementation of a unique centralized
database able to store and ensure consistency among
all the enterprise information has been targeted as
the main key feature to be provided. The effort
required by the implementation of the centralized
architecture is justified by the advantages which
such an architecture provides, i.e., a powerful
workflow engine for co-design, able to coordinate
internal and external teams and an Expert System
supporting management of the work-orders
In order to implement such centralized
architecture for the information knowledge
management, the concept of asset was introduced
and used to create a functional and organisational
model of taxonomy.
Some big companies operating in the Oil/Energy
industrial sectors have already expressed interest in
the AMICO Platform. One of these companies is
Raffineria di Milazzo, an oil refinery based in Sicily,
which has declared its availability to act as a pilot
site for the global validation of the system, once it
will be completed. The company has also expressed
the willingness to subsequently adopt the system as
the reference platform for document and asset
management activities. So far, it has acted as
external consultant of XENIA and has provided
much of its information content and business data in
order to create a development environment which
will be used later on and exploited as test
environment for further experimentation. In such
context, the system will handle approximately
60.000 to 70.000 assets and 40.000 to 50.000
documents, it will manage complex workflows
involving co-design activities with third party
companies and will integrate with the existing IT
infrastructure (SAP, etc.).
The research results presented in this paper have
been achieved inside the AMICO project (Asset
Management for Industrial COmplex plant), carried
on by Xenia Progetti srl and University of Catania-
DIEEI with the contribution of European Regional
Development Funds (P.O. FESR line by
Regione Sicilia (Italy); the AMICO project is
identified by Regione Sicilia by the code CUP:
A special thanks has to go do Dr. Raffaele
D’Angelo, IT Manager of Raffineria di Milazzo, for
his fundamental support, guidelines and
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