Improving Web Search Results with Explanation-aware Snippets
An Experimental Study
Andias Wira-Alam and Matth
aus Zloch
GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences, Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8, 50667 Cologne, Germany
Knowledge Extraction, Wikipedia, Information Filtering and Retrieval, Experimentation.
In this paper, we focus on a typical task on a web search, in which users want to discover the coherency between
two concepts on the Web. In our point of view, this task can be seen as a retrieval process: starting with some
source information, the goal is to find target information by following hyperlinks. Given two concepts, e.g.
chemistry and gunpowder, are search engines able to find the coherency and explain it? In this paper, we
introduce a novel way of linking two concepts by following paths of hyperlinks and collecting short text
snippets. We implemented a proof-of-concept prototype, which extracts paths and snippets from Wikipedia
articles. Our goal is to provide the user with an overview about the coherency, enriching the connection with a
short but meaningful description. In our experimental study, we compare the results of our approach with the
capability of web search engines. The results show that 72% of the participants find ours better than these of
web search engines.
The Web is a great resource for everyone. A search
process on the Web means finding useful information
in an efficient and simple way. It is for us a fascinating
problem to investigate explaining why two concepts
are related to each other and how these two concepts
can be connected.
The Web evolved to (and still is) a huge knowl-
edge base, where everyone who is connected to it
may search for information. But as this huge pot of
data grows new methods and algorithms have to be
invented to face this vast and increasing availability of
data. From the very beginning of the Web, search en-
gines build an interface to the available data. Probably
none of the Web search engines nowadays work like
the ones from the beginnings, whose first attempts to
display adequate results to a users query were finding
exact matches in text fragments of one search engine’s
Website index.
Today, search engines stop at nothing to find
more sophisticated methods, e.g. Google Knowledge
, to display more adequate results. Moreover,
a Web search engine is even more integrated in our
everyday life, to answer such complex questions, e.g.
“Who is the 44th President of the USA?”. Beside
that, people investigate to find a connection between
two terms/concepts that potentially have something in
common. A typical scenario is a user reading a news-
paper article about some specific topic. At first sight,
it is not uncommon that in comprehensive articles or
scientific papers readers cannot comprehend the con-
nection between two concepts, mentioned in a sen-
tence or paragraph, especially for young readers.
On the Web, for instance, an article about fire-
works might mention chemistry in one sentence and
gunpowder in an other, where the direct coherency be-
tween the two concepts is not obvious. One might
wonder, what does chemistry and gunpowder have in
common? As from the information retrieval point of
view this challenge can be seen as a retrieval prob-
lem, in which users want to discover the coherency
between two concepts on the Web.
Based on this assumption, we explore a novel way
to build a bridge between the information gaps. Our
intention is to provide the users with a quick overview
showing the connection of two concepts. By the same
analogy with web surfers’ behavior, our approach lies
on the hyperlinks and the augmenting texts surround-
ing the hyperlinks. Generally, a web document is
structured into logical parts. A web surfer follows the
hyperlinks in order to get more detailed explanation
about what the surfer is looking for. As an illustration,
Figure 1 shows a typical walk of a surfer discover-
Wira-Alam A. and Zloch M..
Improving Web Search Results with Explanation-aware Snippets - An Experimental Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0004372504590464
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 459-464
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ing the connection between Artificial Intelligence and
Semantic Web (in Wikipedia). The text excerpts sur-
rounding the hyperlinks might give a quick overview
about the connection without reading through all arti-
cles. These texts also indicate which hyperlink will be
followed and whether the target information will be
found in the end. Our contributions in this paper are
as follows: (a)Proposing a novel but efficient way of
enriching the search engine results with explanation-
aware snippets; (b)Performing user studies to validate
our proposed approach. The results show that 72%
of the participants find ours better than these of web
search engines.
Figure 1: The snippets collection as an expected result in
explaining the connection between two concepts: Artificial
Intelligence and Semantic Web(Wira-Alam et al., 2010).
As mentioned above, the Web is a great learning re-
source for everyone, especially Wikipedia. The ma-
jority of Web users use Wikipedia as their entry point
for learning. For instance, if a user is interested in
a particular topic, the user may also be interested in
its connection to other topics. In order to localize the
problem scenarios easier, we focus in this paper on
school-related subjects
since the participants in the
user studies are mainly school students, college stu-
dents, or graduates. This also helps us to have relevant
judgments from the participants.
According to the study presented in (Weller et al.,
2010), 95.2% of students from across disciplines use
Wikipedia as an entry point to seek information. In
our own study, 92.5% of 200 participants stated that
they use / have used Wikipedia for learning. Most of
the participants in this study have college degrees, 3
have high school diplomas and 17 have attended col-
lege with no degree. Based on this fact, we use the
English Wikipedia articles as our primary knowledge
One can also say e-Learning scenarios.
For Web search engines, a result list is a set of doc-
uments. Each result consists of a link and a snippet
of a document. In Figure 2, we show the results list
provided by Google answering the query ”Vitamin C
Health”. A document may not cover all information
needed by users. Some important points may be miss-
ing or spread arbitrarily across the found documents.
In this matter, the results seem uncomprehensive and
therefore it is quite likely that users are not satisfied
before clicking of the documents that might answer
the query. What if the answers to this query reside
in more than one document? Users need to click on
each document and read through all the contents in
the selected documents.
Figure 2: Google’s search results for the keywords “Vitamin
C Health”.
We conduct an initial user study to legitimate this
problem before we move to the details of the proposed
approach. In addition to the list of documents as pro-
vided by Web search engines, we measure the quality
of the result provided by our approach by asking 100
participants to rate the following text snippet:
“The richest natural sources are fruits and vegetables, and of those, the
Kakadu plum and the camu camu fruit contain the highest concentration of
the vitamin. It is also present in some cuts of meat, especially liver. Vitamin
C is the most widely taken nutritional supplement and is available in a va-
riety of forms, including tablets, drink mixes, crystals in capsules or naked
Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells
and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support
life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a
healthy diet.
The results show that 18 participants gave it the
best rating and 44 participants the second best. Over-
all 18 participants rated with “very high” confidence,
57 with “high” confidence, and only 2 rated with
“very low” confidence. Thus, we prove our claim that
the users’ information needs may also be filled in this
In order to focus on the user studies to validate
our approach, we choose altogether five concept pairs
that are considered to be relatively known subjects.
The pairs can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Concept pairs, paths length, and number of ex-
tracted paths.
Concepts #Path / Length
Vitamin C, Health 1 / 2
Mathematics, Computer Science 14 / 2
Chemistry, Gunpowder 8 / 3
Biochemisty, DNA 13 / 2
Computer Science, Bioinformatics 5 / 2
2.1 Extracting Paths and Snippets
We extract all possible paths between concepts / terms
based on the hyperlinks-graph, as described in (Wira-
Alam and Mathiak, 2012). However, in order to filter
out only the relevant articles, we use the selected ti-
tles provided by the 2008/9 Wikipedia Selection for
. Since we only need relevant titles, we ig-
nore articles that are not listed in the selection. This
reduces the number of extracted paths drastically
In order to choose the best paths, we first calcu-
late each similarity between two terms using a cosine
similarity as follows
sim(A, B) =
× B
where term vectors A and B are calculated with tf-
idf. The articles are preprocessed by stripping punc-
tuations and symbols, as well as removing stopwords.
Afterwards, we define a reachability score for
each path as follows
i j
, term
) (2)
where j is the number of terms in a path. This score
describes a “probability” of reaching a target docu-
ment given a source document.
A snippet is a text excerpt surrounding a hy-
perlink, which is more than anchor text, using co-
occurrence term windows. A window size is in this
case a paragraph. The cosine similarity measure tells
us which terms are most highly relevant and therefore
can be used to score words. Based on the cumulative
score of each snippets, we rank the extracted snippets
to be shown to the users. The snippets are extracted
by using RelWik Extractor
(Mathiak et al., 2012).
The problem of finding paths is that the time complex-
ity is very high. The worst-case complexity tends to be
O( ¯n
max path length
), such that ¯n is the average number of
outlinks of an article. Currently, it works reasonably with
maximum path length of 3.
The RelWik Extractor tool is accessible: http://
Figure 3: A high-level overview of the proposed approach.
Overall, an overview of the proposed approach is de-
picted in Figure 3.
First, for the next four pairs, we evaluate the best ex-
tracted paths based on the reachability score against
the popular votes from the participants. For each pair,
we asked 100 participants to vote the best path and
the best extracted snippets according to their subjec-
tive point of view. In Table 2, we see the details of the
evaluation for the pair “Mathematics” and “Computer
Science”. The fourth column of the table shows the
ratings for the extracted snippets. Moreover, we also
show the agreement between the algorithm and the
popular votes from the participants by using Kendall’s
W score
. The other evaluation details can also be
found in Table 4, 5, and 6 in the Appendix.
For almost all pairs there is also an interesting fact
that some of the snippets extracted from the unfavored
paths are rated high. The reasons for this are not ob-
vious and therefore are left for discussion. One of our
hypotheses is that unfavored paths share snippets with
the favored ones. Another hypothesis, in addition to
the background knowledge of the participants, is that
the texts could influence the participants’ opinion.
Based on the results of the previous experiment,
we compare our approach with the results provided
by popular search engines
. Initially, we start with
examining search engine results by giving the 5 con-
cepts we use for the experiment as search queries. We
found that to almost all given keywords the Wikipedia
articles appeared in the first top 10 results. Only Bing
did not show Wikipedia articles in their top 10 list for
the keyword “Vitamin C Health”.
We ranked the scores of columns 2, 3, and 4, to
calculate the Kendall’S scores using this tool: http:// KendallW Pgm.php.
Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
Table 2: Results for the first ve paths voted by the users
for the pair {Mathematics, Computer Science}. Of 100 par-
ticipants, 3 are high school students, 11 attend college with
no degree, 44 are students in computer sciences, and 10 in
mathematics. (Kendall’s W score = 0.73).
Paths r Score / Votes (%) / Rating
Mathematics, Applied
Mathematics, Computer
0.54 / 35 / 3.56
Mathematics, Computer
0.69 / 15 / 3.16
Mathematics, Calculus,
Computer Science
0.44 / 7 / 3.35
Mathematics, Linear
Algebra, Computer
0.47 / 7 / 3.39
Mathematics, Operations
Research, Computer
0.34 / 7 / 0
We perform a second user study to compare the
results of search engines and our approach given the
pairs as in Table 1. For each pair, we ask 20 par-
ticipants with related knowledge background to do
the following instructions: (a)Given two concepts, as
given in Table 1, each participant is asked to find the
possible best answer on the Web using the partici-
pant’s favorite search engine by formulating an own
query; (b)Each participant is given time to find the
possible best answer on the Web, and then asked to
compare the snippets we provided: Which one is bet-
ter? (c)Finally, the participants are asked to give rat-
ings (from 0 to 10) on how helpful the snippets are as
an entry point to understand the relationships between
the given terms.
Overall, about 90% of the participants used
Google as search engine and point to Wikipedia, re-
search papers / journals, eLearning resources / Wikis,
or lecture notes as their destination. Some of the par-
ticipants that favor our solution also stated that the
snippets help to understand and give proper informa-
tion about the relationship, instead of reading several
documents. Otherwise, participants that did not favor
our solution stated that the snippets are not well writ-
ten, difficult to understand, and lack of details. As
seen in Table 3, we present an overview about the re-
sults. For the given scenarios, 72% of the participants
find our results are better than these of web search en-
gines. Besides, our results are also rated as helpful
at about 7.5 out of 10, which can be seen as a sig-
nificant improvement. The whole experiments in this
paper had been conducted online. We use Amazon
Mechanical’s Turk as online platform to recruite the
participants for the experiments.
Table 3: Evaluation of comparing our approach with search
Concept Pair Better? Helpful?
(scale: 0-10)
Computer Science
Yes: 17, No: 3 Median: 8,
Mean: 7.9
Yes: 13, No: 7 Median: 8,
Mean: 7.2
Biochemistry, DNA Yes: 18, No: 2 Median: 7,
Mean: 7.45
Computer Science,
Yes: 10, No: 10 Median: 7,
Mean: 7.05
Previous research explored a variety of different
methods to compute semantic relatedness between
terms. There is a large number of semantic dis-
tances that had been investigated e.g. in (Strube and
Ponzetto, 2006; Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007), just to
name a few. In (Islam and Inkpen, 2008), the Se-
mantic Text Similarity (STS) has been developed as a
variety of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)
algorithm and a combination of other methods. It
is optimized on very short texts, such as single sen-
tences and phrases; it was evaluated by using defini-
tions from a dictionary. Snippets extraction was also
studied here (Li et al., 2008); however the authors fo-
cused on the variable length of snippets resulting out
of a query, not on the relationships.
In (Auer and Lehmann, 2007), the authors
make use of the structured information contained in
Wikipedia template instances. These templates are
analyzed and converted into triples: the Wikipedia
page title corresponds to the subject, the template at-
tribute constitutes the predicate and the correspond-
ing attribute value is the object. In addition, class
membership of each Wikipedia page is determined.
This information can be represented visually as an in-
formation map that allows browsing the extracted re-
lations. Alternatively, extracted information can be
queried using a graph pattern builder. By querying
which relations have been found between two terms,
the semantic relatedness between concepts can be de-
termined indirectly. However, since only structured
information contained in pattern instances is used, no
snippets for explaining the relationships between con-
cepts can be extracted using this approach. Further-
more, only a small part of information concerning two
concepts is represented by template instances. Un-
common relations may therefore hardly be found us-
ing this method.
The link-based measures have also been applied to
graph structures derived from Wikipedia. In (Strube
and Ponzetto, 2006), the authors use the Wikipedia
category system as the underlying semantic network.
(Yeh et al., 2009) uses the links between Wikipedia
articles. Articles serve as vertices, links as edges in
their graph. Semantic relatedness is then computed by
performing random walks with personalized PageR-
ank. Similarly, (Islam and Inkpen, 2008) determines
the shortest path on the link structure between arti-
cles for semantic relatedness estimation. These meth-
ods yield quantitative measures of relatedness but give
no insights on how concepts are related to each other
qualitatively. Beyond these distance measures, other
authors additionally use the anchor texts of links as a
knowledge source(Milne and Witten, 2008).
Recently, (Shahaf and Guestrin, 2010; Shahaf
et al., 2012b; Shahaf et al., 2012a) introduce a
methodology to find a chain of documents that is best
suited to guide users from one document to another
that describes a related and thematically dependent
topic. However, the users need to read through all
extracted documents in order to figure out the whole
topics. In (Nuzzolese et al., 2011), the authors ex-
plain how to use Wikipedia paths popularity in order
to describe things or objects. However, they only in-
vestigated the paths of length 1. As in (Mathiak et al.,
2012), we work in the same direction, however the
authors focused only on the concepts that are directly
connected. The use of text excerpts have been stud-
ied with human judgement about the relationship be-
tween terms. In this paper, however, we explore fur-
ther about the usefulness of text excerpts to solve a
retrieval problem, in particular for the concepts that
are not necessarily directly connected.
We see that explaining the relationship between con-
cepts in an automatic way, by displaying clear and
logic paths and text snippets as an overview, is a novel
problem. In this paper we describe our approach
shortly and examine this method that we have imple-
mented as a prototype-system. The experiments we
have made show examples of extracted paths together
with snippets and user ratings, which were conducted
in several user studies. Furthermore, comparing the
user ratings with our implemented scoring function,
we were able to shed some light on the quality of it.
We let the users compare our results to those ob-
tained by their favored web search engines and gained
positive feedback. It points out that, in the majority
of the cases the rating for paths and snippets was not
equal to those computed by our scoring function and
these of the users. But obviously, the majority of the
users find the extraction of the paths and text snippets
helpful, as shown in Table 3. However, based on the
current results, we have to investigate further to de-
velop a better ranking algorithm.
The experiments arranged in this paper lead us
to the following conclusions: web users do find
this method of connecting two unknown concepts by
paths and short text snippets useful. We received good
feedback for the extraction of some example con-
cepts. Since there are only a few researchers address-
ing this problem, we believe that our work can con-
tribute to the development of the World Wide Web,
particularly the Information Retrieval model on Web
However, our approach has also limitations, since
we currently only consider terms found in Wikipedia
and there is no suggestion for term disambiguation.
So far, our algorithm works with Wikipedia URLs
and topics. It would be promising to investigate in a
more generic API, thus it could be applied to other
document corpora. We believe that our approach
would be suitable for more general scenarios in the
Web search, thus we plan to build an interactive user
interface for leveraging user feedback to refine the re-
sults. Moreover, we also plan to further investigate
our approach with other domain-specific document
corpora for a more extensive user study.
We thank V
ıctor Manuel Mart
ınez Pe
na and Sigit Nu-
graha for the implementation and enhancement of the
tool RelWik Extractor. We also thank Matthias Krautz
and colleagues for the fruitful discussions as well as
the useful inputs and advice on improving this work.
Auer, S. and Lehmann, J. (2007). What have Innsbruck and
Leipzig in common? extracting semantics from wiki
content. In Proceedings of the 4th European confer-
ence on The Semantic Web: Research and Applica-
tions, ESWC ’07, pages 503–517.
Cilibrasi, R. L. and Vitanyi, P. M. B. (2007). The google
similarity distance. IEEE Trans. on Knowl. and Data
Eng., 19(3):370–383.
Islam, A. and Inkpen, D. (2008). Semantic text similarity
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larity. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data, 2(2):10:1–
Li, Q., Candan, K. S., and Yan, Q. (2008). Extracting rel-
evant snippets for web navigation. In Proceedings of
the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence
- Volume 2, AAAI’08, pages 1195–1200.
Mathiak, B., Mart
ınez Pe
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(2012). What is the relationship about? - extracting
information about relationships from wikipedia. In
WEBIST, pages 625–632.
Milne, D. and Witten, I. H. (2008). Learning to link with
wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM con-
ference on Information and knowledge management,
CIKM ’08.
Nuzzolese, A. G., Gangemi, A., Presutti, V., and Ciancar-
ini, P. (2011). Encyclopedic knowledge patterns from
wikipedia links. In Proceedings of the 10th interna-
tional conference on The semantic web - Volume Part
I, ISWC’11, pages 520–536.
Shahaf, D. and Guestrin, C. (2010). Connecting the dots be-
tween news articles. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge dis-
covery and data mining, KDD ’10, pages 623–632.
Shahaf, D., Guestrin, C., and Horvitz, E. (2012a). Metro
maps of science. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM
SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge dis-
covery and data mining, KDD ’12, pages 1122–1130.
Shahaf, D., Guestrin, C., and Horvitz, E. (2012b). Trains
of thought: generating information maps. In Pro-
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Wide Web, WWW ’12, pages 899–908.
Strube, M. and Ponzetto, S. P. (2006). Wikirelate! com-
puting semantic relatedness using wikipedia. In pro-
ceedings of the 21st national conference on Artificial
intelligence - Volume 2, AAAI’06, pages 1419–1424.
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Perez, R. (2010). Social software in academia: Three
studies on users. acceptance of web 2.0 services. In
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snippets graph: First step to build a new knowledge
base. In First International Workshop on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data,
Heraklion, Greece, 2012.
Wira-Alam, A., Zapilko, B., and Mayr, P. (2010). An ex-
perimental approach for collecting snippets describ-
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A. (2009). Wikiwalk: random walks on wikipedia
for semantic relatedness. In Proceedings of the 2009
Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Lan-
guage Processing, TextGraphs-4, pages 41–49.
In this Appendix, we show the evaluation details for
term pairs: “Chemistry” and “Gunpowder”, “Bio-
chemistry” and “DNA”, and “Computer Science” and
Table 4: Results for the first ve paths voted by the users
for the pair {Chemistry, Gunpowder}. Of 100 participants,
5 are high school students, 13 attend college with no degree,
10 are students in chemistry and 6 in physics. (Kendall’s W
score = 0.762).
Paths r Score / Votes (%) / Rating
Chemistry, Chemical Reaction,
Potassium Nitrate, Gunpowder
0.22 / 38 / 3.45
Chemistry, Chemical Reaction,
Sulfur, Gunpowder
0.23 / 19 / 3.37
Chemistry, Chemical Bond,
Nitrogen, Gunpowder
0.21 / 9 / 3.44
Chemistry, Oxygen, Nitrogen,
0.29 / 5 / 0
Chemistry, Sodium Chloride,
Iodine, Gunpowder
0.21 / 5 / 0
Table 5: Results for the first ve paths voted by the users
for the pair {Biochemistry, DNA}. Of 100 participants, 7
are high school students, 11 attend college with no degree, 7
are students in chemistry, 11 in biology, and 3 in medicine.
(Kendall’s W score = 0.49).
Paths r Score / Votes (%) / Rating
Biochemistry, Genetic code, DNA 0.58 / 44 / 3.19
Biochemistry, Cell (biology),
0.51 / 25 / 3.59
Biochemistry, DNA 0.74 / 12 / 2.86
Biochemistry, Organism, DNA 0.46 / 10 / 0
Biochemistry, Antibody, DNA 0.35 / 4 / 0
Table 6: Results for the first ve paths voted by the users
for the pair {Computer Science, Bioinformatics}. Of 100
participants, 4 are high school students, 11 attend college
with no degree, 35 are students in computer science and 10
in biology. (Kendall’s W score = 0.29).
Paths r Score / Votes (%) / Rating
Computer Science, Computer
Programming, Bioinformatics
0.61 / 28 / 2.64
Computer Science, Information,
0.51 / 24 / 3.05
Computer Science, Computational
Chemistry, Bioinformatics
0.44 / 17 / 3.42
Computer Science, Statistics,
0.45 / 16 / 0
Computer Science,
0.78 / 15 / 0