A New Approach for the Glottis Segmentation using Snakes
G. Andrade Miranda, N. Saenz-Lech
on, V. Osma-Ruiz and J. I. Godino-Llorente
Dep. de Ingenier
ıa de Circuitos y Sistemas, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid,
Ctra. de Valencia km. 7, 28031 Madrid, Spain
Snakes, Gradient Vector Flow, Glottis Segmentation, Anisotropic Filter.
The present work describes a new methodology for the automatic detection of the glottal space from laryngeal
images based on active contour models (snakes). In order to obtain an appropriate image for the use of
snakes based techniques, the proposed algorithm combines a pre-processing stage including some traditional
techniques (thresholding and median filter) with more sophisticated ones such as anisotropic filtering. The
value selected for the thresholding was fixed to the 85% of the maximum peak of the image histogram, and
the anisotropic filter permits to distinguish two intensity levels, one corresponding to the background and the
other one to the foreground (glottis). The initialization carried out is based on the magnitude obtained using
the Gradient Vector Flow field, ensuring an automatic process for the selection of the initial contour. The
performance of the algorithm is tested using the Pratt coefficient and compared against a manual segmentation.
The results obtained suggest that this method provided results comparable with other techniques such as the
proposed in (Osma-Ruiz et al., 2008).
Currently, there are many works concerning the prob-
lem of the automatic detection of the glottal space as
a prior step for the analysis of different phonation pa-
rameters. Roughly speaking, these works use two dif-
ferent approaches for the segmentation: region, and
model based approaches. In the first one we find
methods based on thresholded histograms and region
growing ((Mehta et al., 2011), (Yan et al., 2006)).
Within the model-based approaches are the ac-
tive contours, also known as snakes (Marendic et al.,
2001). The snakes are thin elastic bands which are
coupled appropriately to non-rigid and amorphous
contours. To do that, the snake is required to be placed
near the desired object (initialization), and then it
is guided by external forces of the image, and once
there, any additional development will not produce
any change (Acton and Ray, 2009).
The snake model is controlled by two kinds of
energies: external and internal. The external energy
is generated by processing the image I(x, y), pro-
ducing a force that is used to drive the snake towards
features of interest. Whereas the internal energy E
serves to impose a piecewise smoothness constraint
(Kass et al., 1988). For simplicity the α(s) and β(s)
parameters weights are assumed to be uniform and
equal; α(s) = α = β(s) = β. The total energy of the
snake is obtained by the sum of the external and inter-
nal energies:
= E
+ E
For the evolution process, the equation (1) must be
minimized to find the minimum. In our case we use
the gradient descent rule to reduce the computational
The rest of the work is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 develops the methodology implemented for the
glottis segmentation using snakes; pre-processing, fil-
tering and external forces. Section 3, evaluates the
results obtained using the new approach, and section
4 presents some conclusions.
The proposed method allows us to individualize the
glottis in laryngeal images following the scheme pre-
sented in Figure 1. The function of each block is de-
tailed next:
2.1 Pre-processing
Before we begin the pre-processing, it is necessary to
convert the original image (RGB) to a grey scale one
Andrade Miranda G., Saenz-Lechón N., Osma-Ruiz V. and I. Godino-Llorente J..
A New Approach for the Glottis Segmentation using Snakes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004238503180322
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 318-322
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Diagram used for the glottis detection.
through a transformation according to the model YIQ
(Russ, 2002). After such conversion, the luminance Y,
is used to generate the new image in grey scale (see
Figure 2). The goal of the pre-processing is to soften
Figure 2: Laryngeal image in grey scale and its histogram.
the image and to highlight the pixels that correspond
to the glottis; in this way we can avoid the snake
to adjust to non desired characteristics. The pre-
processing block is formed by three stages: thresh-
olding, anisotropic diffusion and median filter.
The purpose of the thresholding stage is to reduce
the contrasts obtained in the images to facilitate the
job of the anisotropic filter. Based on the knowledge
that the glottis is always darker than the background
surrounding it, we can reassign the value of the pixels
that surpass a certain amount of intensity. The se-
lected threshold belongs to the 85% of the maximum
peak at the left. This threshold was chosen to reduce
as many dark pixels as possible not belonging to the
glottis, and to even out the intensity in the image’s
background. Figure 3 shows the image obtained with
its respective histogram.
Even after the thresholding step, some dark pixels
continue in the surrounding of the glottis (see Fig-
ure 3), which would cause that the snake converges
in wrong local minima. Therefore an extra smooth-
ing step is necessary to even out the grey tones in the
Figure 3: Thresholding and histogram of the Figure 2.
background and distinguish it from the glottis.
The objective of the anisotropic diffusion (Perona
and Malik, 1990) is to soften the regions delimited by
edges without affecting them, which permits us to dis-
tinguish the glottis from the background of the image.
Based on (Guti
errez-Arriola et al., 2010) we can get
the desired effect in all the pixels of the obtained im-
age during the thresholding stage. Figure 4 shows the
results when we apply the anisotropic diffusion after
the thresholding.
Figure 4: Anisotropic diffusion output.
A median filter replaces the grey value of a point
for a median of the grey levels of its vicinity. The
main goal of the median filter is to force the points
isolated with intensity values that are very different
from their neighbors (which in image processing is
know as salt and pepper noise) to have values closer
to them. Figure 5 shows an example of an image
in which a salt and pepper noise appears after the
anisotropic diffusion and its respective output after
the median filter.
Figure 5: Anisotropic diffusion output with salt and pepper
noise and median filter output.
The pre-processing reduces drastically the number
and size of the local minima that don’t belong to the
glottis. Therefore, the problem is reduced only to seek
the local minima with the biggest area to initialize the
2.2 Gradient Vector Flow (GVF)
The external force GVF (Xu and Prince, 1998) is a
variable of the force proposed in (Kass et al., 1988).
The main idea of this force is to spread the vectors
generated by (Kass et al., 1988) to its neighbors, and
the neighbors at the same time to theirs. This process
is done interactively along each image pixel maintain-
ing the direction of the neighbor that generated it, and
reducing its module, as it gets farther away. The GVF
increases the range of the snake’s movement in the
image. The vector’s fields that are generated through
the GVF force, are used from the initialization pro-
cess and evolution of the snake (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Vector field generated by GVF forces.
2.3 Initialization
The initialization is based on focusing on the inverse
problem. In other words, what we pretend to do is to
estimate the external energy from the external force
GVF. The module of the vectors of the external force
indicates to us how close we are to the salient feature
of an image. Nevertheless, the module of the vec-
tor is not sufficient if we want to find the exact place
where the glottis is located, but it is very useful when
it comes to the initiation of the snake. Selecting a
value of the module depends on how close from the
glottis we want to initiate the snake. The experimen-
tation let us conclude that to avoid the noise produced
after the pre-processing stage, the best approach is an
initialization near the glottis. The procedure is based
on generating a mask with a value of 1 in those pix-
els that are over a threshold (0.09) and zero for the
remaining ones. Thereafter, we extract the borders of
the new obtained images, select the border with a big-
ger area, and finally we extract the coordinates corre-
sponding to this border to place the border over the
laryngeal image. Figure 7 summarizes the procedure
2.4 Snake Evolution
Once we determined the initial contour, we proceed
to the evolution of the snake using the lines of the
GVF field. The number of iterations necessary for the
snake to reach the glottis is about 50; therefore this
value was used as the ending point of the iteration.
The Figure 8 shows the final result of the segmenta-
The methodology described in the previous section
has been tested with 110 images, taken from 15
videos that were recorded by the ENT service of
the Gregorio Mara
non Hospital in Madrid using a
videostroboscopic equipment. All the images used
showed the vocal folds open.
To verify the validity of our system, we did two
different trials using the same database. In the first
one we compared the algorithm proposed against a
manual segmentation. Meanwhile, in the second one
we compare with other automatic technique based
on the watershed transform (Osma-Ruiz et al., 2008)
against the same manual segmentation. Finally, both
outcomes are compared, and the feasibility of the
method proposed is discussed. The algorithm used
to compare the segmentations is the Pratt algorithm.
This algorithm calculates a figure of merit that mea-
sures the similarity between boundaries (Abdou and
Pratt, 1979). The Pratt algorithm gives values be-
tween 0 and 1, where 1 indicates that the two edges
are equal and 0 that there is no similarity at all.
Figure 7: Initialization process.
While testing of the proposed method with the real
data, we obtained 11 images with values lower than
0.5. Most of the problems that leaded to such segmen-
tation errors were originated in the pre-processing
stage. Figure 9 shows two images wrongly seg-
mented. In the left part of each image we can observe
the manual segmentation. In both images the snake
only segmented a part of the glottis, this happens be-
cause the snake can not distinguish correctly between
the glottis and the background.
Figure 8: Final result of the segmentation.
Figure 9: Errors in the glottis detection.
The values obtained are summarized in Figure 10,
through a dispersion graphic that showed the differ-
ent values of the Pratt coefficient obtained for the 110
images. The images with the highest values of the
coefficient are showed in Figure 11, where we can
see that the difference between the manual and snake
segmentations are minimal.
After testing the method based on the watershed
transform, we can observe that all the Pratt coeffi-
cients are higher than 0.5 (see Figure 12). Intuitively
Figure 10: Summary of the Pratt coefficient obtained using
method proposed.
Figure 11: Images with the highest Pratt coefficient.
we would think that the aforementioned method is
better than the proposed one. However this method
needs to adjust the merging cost threshold in 25%
of the images, whereas ours uses the same parame-
ters for all the images. Additionally, the watershed
method needs a second classification stage to detect
the glottis among the rest of the objects present in the
image after the merging process. Our method avoids
the use of a classifier due its pre-processing step, in
which the most of the objects have been deleted or re-
duced in size compared with the glottis. Therefore,
there is no need that the system will know the shape
of the glottis; identifying the object with the biggest
area is enough for a successful process.
Figure 12: Summary of the Pratt coefficient obtained using
method based on watershed transform (Osma-Ruiz et al.,
The present work proposes an alternative to the ex-
istent methods for the glottis segmentation in laryn-
geal images. Despite of the poor illumination in most
images, this methodology provided good results in
the majority of the tested images. Only 11 images
had Pratt coefficients lower than 0.5. The errors in
the segmentation process are attributable to the pre-
processing stage that causes the glottis to lose de-
tails and to be confused with the background. This
in turn complicates the work of the snake that only
segmented part of the glottis which was not affected.
To resolve this inconvenience is necessary to ad-
just the parameters involved in the pre-processing for
each image that presented errors in the segmentation.
Other inconvenience presented in the method pro-
posed, its the hard dependence of the pre-processing.
All of the subsequent stages are closely related with
it. Therefore a wrong setting in the parameters in the
first stage could affect the remaining.
One of the most important achievements reached
is the fact that we do not need to incur in heuristic cri-
teria as the mentioned in the previous work such as:
“the glottis is the darkest object in the image” or “the
glottis is always centered in the image”. We avoid
them, based on the fact that the glottis is always sur-
rounded by grey tones. Taking this account, we can
even out the pixels that belong to the background and
highlight the pixels that belong to the glottis. Lastly,
but not least important is the fact that the snake can be
used for tracking, whereupon the algorithm proposed
could be extended to real time videos.
The solution proposed is very promising even
more if we consider that can be extended to tracking
of the vocal fold in real time; however this algorithm
need to be tested in more different conditions in order
to ensure its generalization capabilities.
This research work has been financed by the Span-
ish government through the project grant TEC2009-
The authors would also thank the ENT service of the
Gregorio Mara
non Hospital for the acquisition of the
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