The Interestingness Tool for Search in the Web
Iaakov Exman, Gilad Amar and Ran Shaltiel
Software Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of Engineering,
POB 3566, Jerusalem, 91035, Israel
Abstract. Interestingness – as the composition of Relevance and
Unexpectedness – has been tested by means of Web search cases studies and
led to promising results. But for thorough investigation and routine practical
application one needs a flexible and robust tool. This work describes such an
Interestingness based search tool, its software architecture and actual
implementation. One of its flexibility traits is the choice of Interestingness
functions: it may work with Match-Mismatch and Tf-Idf, among other
functions. The tool has been experimentally verified by application to various
domains of interest. It has been validated by comparison of results with those of
commercial search engines and results from differing Interestingness functions.
1 Introduction
Commercial web search engines are quite powerful and have achieved widespread
usage. Typically one starts interactive search with a set of input keywords, and after a
few search cycles, by gradual modifications of the input set, one halts search with a
result set considered satisfactory by some subjective criteria – not explicitly
The introduction of the idea of Interestingness within web search allows one to
achieve two different benefits: a- to focus results on a certain domain of interest,
disambiguating domain overlaps; b- to offer explicit quantitative criteria for the
unexpectedness aspects of interestingness.
This work embedded these potential benefits into a flexible and robust search tool,
and validated the tool in various dimensions.
Next one finds references to related work.
1.1 Related Work
The literature on measures of Interestingness is very extensive and appeared in a
variety of contexts. Here we provide selected pointers to related work.
An introductory survey on Interestingness measures can be found in references
McGarry [6] and Klosgen and Zytkow [4].
More specific papers on Interestingness include Piatetsky-Shapiro and Matheus,
[8] and Tuzhilin [9]. The latter refers to integration of different measures of
Interestingness. Unexpectedness is explicitly mentioned as a measure of
interestingness for knowledge discovery by Padmanabhan and Tuzhilin [7].
Exman I., Amar G. and Shaltiel R..
The Interestingness Tool for Search in the Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0004178900540063
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Software Knowledge (SKY-2012), pages 54-63
ISBN: 978-989-8565-32-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Interestingness within Web search is discussed e.g. in Lin, Etzioni and Fogarty [5].
Data mining is a field in which Interestingness plays an important role. See e.g.
the paper by Geng, L. and Hamilton [2] and the book by Guillet and Hamilton [3].
Another potential source of Interestingness measures is the field of Exploratory
Search. As an example, see the paper by Webb [10].
In the remaining of the paper we introduce Interestingness measures (section 2),
describe the tool’s software architecture (section 3), deal with the tool’s
implementation (section 4), describe in detail experiments done to validate the tool
(section 5) and conclude with a discussion (section 6).
2 Interestingness Measures
Interestingness has been defined by Exman [1] in terms of composition of two
functions, relevance R and unexpectedness U as in the next formula:
 °
where Int is the Interestingness and the operator ° stands for composition.
Relevance is an expression of the fitting of a certain search result to a domain of
interest chosen a priori.
Unexpectedness is an expression of the rarity or surprising properties of certain
search result relative to the common properties of the referred domain of interest.
In this paper we deal with two Interestingness measures obeying the definition in
formula (1).
2.1 Match-mismatch
Our first Interestingness measure, proposed in the same ref. by Exman [1], is the
match-mismatch function:
 
where * is just the numerical multiplication operator.
Match is a numerical expression of the fitting between a specific search result and
a formal characterization of the chosen domain of interest. This characterization can
be given by a set of keywords or by an ontology of the domain. The numerical
expression can be say, Boolean or Integer.
Mismatch is a numerical expression of the lack of fitting of a specific search result
and a formal characterization of the referred domain. Mismatch points out to results
that, while still belonging to the chosen domain of interest, they are not the most
typical ones. For instance, a penguin does have wings as all birds, but it is not a
typical bird, since it does not fly.
2.2 Tf-Idf
Another measure of interestingness obeying definition (1) is the well-known Tf-Idf
function, which has been used for information retrieval:
  
Tf is the term frequency, viz. the frequency of appearance of a term in a given search
result. The higher the frequency of a term that belongs to the characterization of a
domain of interest, the more relevant is the result to the chosen domain.
Idf is the inverse document frequency. In our case a document is a search result
containing terms belonging to the domain of interest. The rarest are such documents,
the most interesting they are.
3 The Interestingness Tool – Software Architecture
In this section we overview the software architecture of a flexible and generic tool for
web search based on Interestingness functions.
We first deal with architectural considerations. The Interestingness Tool should be
flexible and generic along a series of dimensions.
The tool is supposed to work based upon rearrangement of the order of results
obtained from commercial search engines. Therefore, the tool should be independent
of particular search engines and accept search engines as parameters.
In order to calculate the Interestingness function values for search results, the tool
needs files containing characterizations of a chosen domain of interest. The tool
should be able to read files provided by external sources.
The internal mechanisms of the tool should be capable to work with different
Interestingness functions. One should easily plug-in new functions, without having to
re-write any other parts of the referred mechanisms.
Finally, the tool should be accessible as a client from anywhere in the internet.
3.1 Overall Architecture
Following the above considerations the Interestingness Tool is actually built in a
client-server architecture to allow its use throughout the internet.
The tool client displays a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The respective Server has two well separated upper level modules:
Web Search – with pluggable API's for different Search Engine (SE) API's;
Interestingness functions – with independently pluggable algorithms.
The interestingness functions’ module performs reordering of search results obtained
by the Web Search module.
A schematic overall architecture of the Interestingness tool is shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. The Interestingness Tool Software Architecture – There are three upper level modules: a
client GUI (green) at the r.h.s.; WEB search and Interestingness Functions in the Server (blue)
at the l.h.s. The WEB search module has an API-interface for each of the different Search
Engines (SE). The Interestingness Functions have an interface for Match-Mismatch (MM) and
TfIdf algorithms.
4 The Interestingness Tool - Implementation
In this section we describe implementation decisions for the Interestingness Tool.
The tool was developed in a client-server format, and encoded in the C# language.
There are two input files for each chosen domain of interest. These are:
Target file – contains the characterization in terms of keywords, possibly from a
given ontology, of the domain of interest;
Competitor file – contains terms that may belong to the domain of interest, but
may also appear in different domains; the purpose of this file is to avoid domain
A third file needed – which is not specific to a domain of interest – is a Stopwords
file. These are generic words that do not contribute any specificity to the
Interestingness calculation and are eliminated.
The target and competitor files are especially prepared for each domain. They may
evolve in time as a consequence of experience gained with the tool. The stopwords
file used is downloaded from the internet.
4.1 Interestingness Function Computations
Given the above files, the Match-Mismatch computation is an extension of equation
(2) as follows:
where Competitors is a sum of the appearances in the given search result, of keywords
found in the Competitor file; Normf is a normalization factor needed to make the
computation independent of the size of the given search result.
The Match value is a sum of the appearances in the given search result, of
keywords found in the Target file.
The Mismatch value is computed by the symmetric difference expression between
the set of terms in the given search result S and the set of terms in the Target file T:
For the TfIdf function, one takes into account the Target file for the computation of
Tf, in a very similar fashion to the computation of the Match value.
The computation of Idf
for search results containing a given keyword k is given as
usual by:
where N is the total number of search results under consideration and df
is the
number of search results containing the keyword k.
5 Validation
Here we describe a sample of experimental results. These are obtained as part of
preliminary investigations with the Interestingness Tool, beyond normal quality
assurance of the tool. Essentially, below are shown two kinds of comparisons for the
order of search results:
The Interestingness Tool vs. commercial search engines – such as Google, Bing
and Yahoo;
Different Interestingness Functions – say, Match-Mismatch vs. TfIdf.
These comparisons were done for a variety of domains of interest. Here only a small
sample of the domains is displayed.
5.1 Experimental Results
We first deal with comparisons of the Interestingness Tool with commercial search
engines. Then we compare Interestingness functions. Fig. 2 displays a partial Target
File for the chosen domain of interest Space Stars in astronomy.
Fig. 2. Target File input for Space Stars – This is a partial Target File manually input into the
GUI of the Interestingness Tool. One can also automatically input whole files.
The Interestingness Tool vs. Commercial Search Engines. Table 1 shows the first
ten search results given by the Interestingness Tool (with the TfIdf function) against
the order of the same results given by Google search. The interest domain is “Space
Stars” with search keyword “Mars”. The same results are graphed in Fig. 3.
Table 1. Search results order – space stars.
Interestingness Tool Google
1 133
2 310
3 99
4 40
5 614
6 498
7 18
8 44
9 334
10 181
Fig. 3. Search Results Order for Space Stars – In the small (red) front columns are the
Interestingness results. In the big (blue) back columns one sees the respective Google results.
One can see that the reordering of the Interestingness Tool is very significant. For
instance, result 5 in the Interestingness Tool, which is calculated as very interesting, is
found in the place 614 in the Google search. This implies that the chances of a person
to manually find this result by quickly reading the search result pages are minimal.
Comparison of Tf-Idf with Match-Mismatch. We now show results for the
comparison of the Match-Mismatch function with the TfIdf function, for different
domains of interest.
Table 2 shows the order of the first ten search results given by the Interestingness
Tool, comparing the order of Match-Mismatch function against the order of the same
results given by the TfIdf function. The domain of interest is “Musicals” and the
search keyword was “Cats”.
The same results are graphically shown in Fig. 4. One sees that the order of TfIdf
results is just a simple permutation of the order of the Match-Mismatch results.
Table 3 again shows the order of the first ten search results given by the
Interestingness Tool, comparing the order of Match-Mismatch function against the
order of the same results given by the TfIdf function. Now the domain of interest is
“Space Stars” and search keyword was “Mars”.
Table 2. Search results order – musicals.
Match-Mismatch TfIdf
1 2
2 1
3 3
4 5
5 4
6 6
7 10
8 9
9 8
10 7
Fig. 4. Search Results Order for Musicals – The upper (red) horizontal in each pair of columns
shows the Match-Mismatch results. In the lower (blue) horizontal columns one sees the
respective TfIdf results.
Table 3. Search results order – space stars.
Match-Mismatch TfIdf
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 2
5 7
6 4
7 20
8 6
9 14
10 15
The same results are graphically shown in Fig. 5. The order of TfIdf results is
almost a permutation of the order of the Match-Mismatch results, up to the 6
From the 7
until the 10
place there are slightly higher positions, but still with a
difference of the order of 10 places.
Fig. 5. Search Results Order for Space Stars – The upper (red) horizontal in each pair of
columns shows the Match-Mismatch results. In the lower (blue) horizontal columns one sees
the respective TfIdf results.
Finally, Table 4 again shows the order of the first ten search results, comparing the
order of Match-Mismatch function against the order of the same results given by the
TfIdf function. Now the domain of interest is “Basketball” and search keyword was
“Michael”, just a frequent name for basketball players.
Table 4. Search results order – basketball.
Match-Mismatch TfIdf
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 4
6 6
7 8
8 7
9 9
10 560
The same results are graphically shown in Fig. 6, discarding the last row in the
table which is an obvious outlier.
Fig. 6. Search Results Order for Basketball – The upper (red) horizontal in each pair of
columns shows the Match-Mismatch results. In the lower (blue) horizontal columns one sees
the respective TfIdf results.
One sees that the order of TfIdf results is once again an exact permutation of the
order of the Match-Mismatch results, up to the 9
place. The 10
result is an outlier,
as stated above.
Thus, results from three completely different domains consistently show that both
Match-Mismatch and TfIdf can serve as interchangeable Interestingness functions
6 Discussion
This paper has described a tool for Interestingness based search of the web.
The software architecture of the Interestingness Tool is such that one obtains
flexibility and robustness with respect to several dimensions.
The tool was validated by a series of experiments for a variety of domains of
interest, diverse interestingness functions and against most common commercial
search engines.
An important result obtained by this preliminary investigation is that the generic
definition of Interestingness, as a composition of Relevance and Unexpectedness
functions, is corroborated by the consistent equivalence of quite different functions as
Match-Mismatch and TfIdf, as seen for diverse domains of interest.
6.1 Future Work
A fundamental issue to be investigated is the demonstration of the correctness of the
empirical results obtained, by means of an Interestingness criterion independent of the
idea of composition of Relevance and Unexpectedness.
It is worthwhile to propose new Interestingness functions. It would be desirable to
have some systematic approach to generate such functions.
We plan to significantly extend the current preliminary investigation, by opening
the Interestingness Tool for general use as a Web Service, and accumulate evidence
by collaboration with users outside of our group. In particular, we intend to make
comparisons with additional search engines.
6.2 Main Contribution
The main contribution of this work is an empirically demonstrated Interestingness
Tool for web search. It displays enough flexibility and robustness to be a production
tool for thorough and systematic investigation of Interestingness issues.
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