A Study on a Decision Support Model for Strategic Alliance in
Express Courier Service
Friska Natalia Ferdinand
, Ki Ho Chung
, Hyun Jeung Ko
and Chang Seong Ko
Dep.of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University, Daehak-ro, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, 609 – 735, Korea
Dep. of Management Information Systems, Kyungsung University, Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, 608-736, Korea
Dep. of Logistics, Kunsan National University, 558 Unversity Avenue, Gunsan, Jeonbuk, 573-701, Korea
Dep. of Industrial & Management Engineering, Kyungsung University, Daeyeon-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, 608-736, Korea
Keywords: Strategic Alliance, Express Courier Service, Multi-Objective Programming, Genetic Algorithm.
Abstract: The market competition of express courier service has become severe so that an express delivery company
is consistently under pressure to operate its service network as efficient as possible. In this regard, the
strategic alliance among small and medium companies can be a useful way in order to maintain their
competitiveness. To cope with such challenges, this study proposes a decision support model to examine the
feasibility of merging under-utilized courier service centers and collaborating consolidation terminals with
strategic alliances among them. The proposed models can be formulated as multi-objective programming
models maximizing the minimum expected profit increase of each participating company. A solution
procedure based on the maxmin criterion is developed by using a genetic algorithm. The applicability and
efficiency of the proposed models is demonstrated through illustrative numerical examples.
The market of express courier service in Korea has
been expanding 20% or higher annually, which is
much faster increase than in other industry areas. It
however becomes already saturated because a large
number of companies are entering into the Korea
market. As a result, they are facing with high
competition with respect to low margin and high
quality of customer service (Chung et al., 2011).
Therefore, to cope with these substantial competition
pressures, strategic alliance is proposed as an
effective solution to the challenges faced by small
and medium sized enterprises in express courier
service. In this paper, the network design models
with strategic alliance are proposed to improve the
efficiency of the logistics networks among small and
medium express courier service companies. An
express courier network generally consists of
customer zones, service centers, and consolidation
terminals. The proposed model adopts a win-win
alliance relationship for the participating companies,
and suggests how to increase the net profit of each
company by harnessing their low demand and under-
utilized service centers, and sharing consolidation
terminals with available processing capacities. In
order to do this, a multi objective programming
model and the solution procedure was developed
based on genetic algorithm approach and coded in
matlab 7.0 with numerical examples in this study.
There have been a few of researches on the topic
of strategic alliances in logistics. Some researchers,
such as Chopra and Meindl (2004), Min (1996), and
Simchi-Levi et al. (2003), pointed out that the
companies which owned and operated their facilities
independently may benefit from the strategic
alliance scheme which is conceptually similar to
facility sharing. And optimal capacity allocation as a
solution methodology for dealing with facility
sharing was proposed by Cachon and Lariviere
(1999). With respect to the cutoff time adjustments
in an express courier network design, a couple of
researches have been conducted (Ko et al., 2010);
(Ko et al., 2011).
In particular, a study related to the express
courier service network design reflecting strategic
alliance was performed by Chung et al. (2009), and
they proposed a network design model for strategic
alliances among express courier service companies
by monopoly of service centers. And then, Chung et
al. (2010) extended their previous study to the
problem of sharing service centers where an integer
Ferdinand F., Chung K., Ko H. and Ko C..
A Study on a Decision Support Model for Strategic Alliance in Express Courier Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004164406200625
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (OMDM-2012), pages 620-625
ISBN: 978-989-8565-22-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
programming model and its solution procedure
based on a fuzzy set theoretic approach were
developed, and their study was performed under the
assumption that only service centers selected as
candidates for strategic alliance are considered.
Later, Chung at al. (2011) proposed a nonlinear
integer programming model for strategic alliance for
the survival of multiple service centers and a fuzzy
set theoretic solution procedure is used. And,
Ferdinand et al. (2012) extended Chung et al.
(2011)’s work by applying a genetic algorithm
method in order to consider the efficient operations
of consolidation terminals with respect to strategic
alliance. They proposed a decision making model
which dealt with closing/opening multiple service
centers and sharing consolidation terminals
Therefore, this study extends Ferdinand et
al.(2012)’s work by considering the closing of
consolidation terminals, but taking the survival of
only single service center into account for strategic
alliance. In detail, it is first carried out that only a
single service center can survive in each merging
region, and then the opened service centers are
assigned to single or multiple consolidation
terminals within their capacity limitations.
This paper is one of the extension works based on
the previous studies by Chung et al. (2009, 2010,
2011) and Ferdinand et al. (2012) so that the
problem situation is similar to the ones described in
their studies but some additional factors are taken to
account. In a courier service network of a company
in Korea, there are some service centers where the
daily pick-up demands are very low. In particular,
the regions that have low volume shipments in
service centers are called as Type I indicating the
potential merging regions, and the other service
centers do not belong to any merging regions called
as Type II. In general, small and medium sized-
enterprises (SMEs) are operating some under-
utilized service centers in Type I, achieving only for
customer satisfaction not generating profits. As such,
the concept of strategic alliance between SMEs can
be applied to the regions, Type I, for not only
reducing the operation costs of under-utilized
facilities without hurting their current service levels
but also increasing their net profits. The strategic
alliance works such a way that they participate to
collaborate in pick-up operations at the open service
centers in Type I as well as to share the capacities of
consolidation terminals by reassigning all the service
centers to the appropriate terminals. The
assumptions are as follows:
a) Within a merging area, only single service center
can be opened and all the other service centers are
closed after the alliance.
b) All pick-up amounts of closed service centers
within the same merging area are assigned to the
opened service centers after the alliance.
c) At least one terminal for each company must be
opened and the remaining is closed within a region
after the alliance.
d) The open Type I service centers in each merging
area as well as Type II service centers should be
reassigned to partnering companies’ available
consolidation terminals within the capacity
Based on the setting, this paper proposes a non-
linear integer programming model which is designed
to maximize the minimum expected profit increase
of each participating company. The objective
function for the strategic alliance problem is maxmin
criterion, and genetic algorithm is developed to
solve the model. The mathematical formulation can
be described as follows:
Table 1: The rules for opening/closing service centers.
Open Service Center Reallocated Pick-up Amount
Cases SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC 1 SC 2 SC 3 SC 4
1 SC2+SC3+SC4
2 SC1+SC3+SC4
3 SC1+SC2+SC4
4 SC1+SC2+SC3
The proposed solution algorithm in this study is
designed based on the work by Ferdinand et al.
(2012), in which they used integer based genetic
algorithm so that the parameters used in this study
are similar. In detail, this study develops six steps to
solve the proposed model based on the genetic
algorithm where it firstly chooses which service
centers (only single service center is opened) will be
opened/closed in each merging area, and then, in the
second step, assigns all the daily pick-up amounts to
the opened Type I service centers. The third step
decides which consolidation terminals are opened or
closed for the allocation of shipments from service
centers, and then reallocates all of service centers to
the available consolidation terminals. Finally, it
calculates the profits of each company based on
maxmin criterion. In the proposed genetic algorithm,
four genetic operators are used such as cloning,
parent selection, crossover, and mutation operators.
The parameter values for genetic algorithm are: the
population size equals to 500; the maximum number
of generations is 150; the cloning rate is set at 2%;
the crossover rate and mutation rate are 60-70% and
4-7%, respectively.
3.1 Chromosome Design
In this study, we consider four companies for
strategic alliance for which the chromosome consists
of four parts dealing with decision variables shown
in Figure 1. The first through third parts are
designed for Type I where five regions of each
company are considered, and the last part is for Type
II where ten regions are considered in each company.
In addition, each company are currently running two
consolidation terminals. In the first part, the first to
the fifth genes describe which service center will be
opened in each merging region where one service
center is allowed to be opened according on the rule
in Table 1.
The values of five genes, considering that single
service center is opened in each merging region, can
be selected from 1 to 4 based on the available cases
shown in Table 1 since there four companies. For
example, Figure 1 shows that the first five genes
have integer values such as 1, 3, 2, 4 and 1 which
means, in region 1 through region 5, company 1’s
service center is opened (SC1), while in region 2, 3,
and 4, the opened service centers are company 3’s,
company 2’s, and company’s 4 (SC3, SC2, and SC4)
Figure 1: Chromosome representation.
The second part in Figure 1 describes which
consolidation terminals will be opened in each
region where single or two terminals are allowed to
be opened according to the rule in Table 2. The
value of five genes can be selected from 1 to 3 based
on the available cases. Case 1 and Case 2 show only
single terminal is opened, while, in Case 3, two
consolidation terminals are opened.
In Figure 1, the values of sixth through ninth
gens are randomly generated, in which the genes
have values such as 3, 1, 2, and 1. This means that
two terminals (Terminal 1 and 2) are opened in
Company 1, while in Company 2, 3, and 4 only one
terminal (Terminal 3, 6, and 7) are opened
respectively based on Table 2. The third and fourth
parts in Figure 1 show that the allocations of service
centers to consolidation terminals for the merging
and non-merging regions.
3.2 Crossover and Mutation Operators
This study applied a three-point crossover where the
first point is used to assign which service centers can
be opened; the second point is used to assign which
consolidation terminals will be available; the last
point is used for reassigning the Type I and Type II
service centers to the opened consolidation
terminals. The crossover process can be seen in
Table 2: The rules for opening/closing terminals.
Case Company 1’s Opened Terminal Company 2’s Opened Terminal Company 3’s Opened Terminal Company 4’s Opened Terminal
1 1 3 5 7
2 2 4 6 8
3 1 & 2 3 & 4 5 & 6 7 & 8
Figure 2.
For the first point, the general method that many
people already adopt is used. However, in the
second and third point, a different way should be
applied. For example, the gene 7 of parent 1, the
value is three, which means two the available
terminals are 3 and 4 in the company, while in
parent 2, the value is two, meaning that only
terminal 4 is available. As such, if a usual crossover
is directly used, it will cause some errors because the
numbers of available terminals are different.
Therefore, this process needs some restrictions to get
the possibility of searching a wider solution space.
Figure 2: Crossover method.
As mentioned before, the mutation process also
has some restrictions where not all of the genes can
be flipped by randomly. In particular, the sixth until
ninth genes will not have mutation process because
there is a dependency with the tenth until sixty-ninth
genes, dealing with which terminals will be
available. For avoiding the errors, the first step is to
select the six genes with random, where two genes
will be randomly selected from the section of service
centers, and the other four genes are selected from
the parts of merging and non-merging terminal
allocation areas. In doing so, the procedure is
divided it into three parts, the first part is from the
first until fifth genes; the second part is from the
tenth to twenty-eighth genes; the third part is from
the tenth to sixty ninth genes. In the second and third
parts, all of the genes depend on the distances
between the terminals and the service centers. In this
regard, the mutation performs one of the following
a) If both terminals are available based on distance
rules for merging region and non-merging region,
then they switch positions in the solution.
b) If both terminals are not available in distance,
then they are not changed randomly but it takes a
specially designed process.
For the numerical example, there are four express
courier service companies where each company has
two consolidation terminals with the different fixed
costs for all terminals in Table 3. The set of the
consolidation terminals of Company 1 is {1, 2}; the
set of Company 2 is {3, 4}; the set of Company 3 is
{5, 6}. The set of Company 4 is {7, 8}. Every
opened service center of each company should be
allocated to a consolidation terminal. The daily pick-
up amount for each Type I service center is
determined in the range between 10 and 50 units
while for each Type II between 100 and 500 units
through random-number generation. In addition,
service center closedown results in the reduction of
daily fixed cost for maintaining and operating the
service centers, so these cost reductions should be
converted into net profit value. These are obtained
by generating random-number between $50 and
$100 per day. Terminal capacity is equally assigned
to 3,500 units for the consolidation terminals of the
four companies.
In this scenario, all the terminals will not be
available for each company within the region
because of the terminal distance. The assumptions
for this scenario are as follows:
a) The consolidation terminal is available for its
b) If the other company’s terminal distance is more
than 70 km then it will be not available in that
The overall procedures are coded in Matlab 7.0 and
all the results are shown in the Figure 3. The optimal
solution for maxmin criterion can be obtained using
GA, and the result after GA implementation is
Table 3: Fixed operating costs of terminals for each company.
Company 1 Company2 Company 3 Company 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1672 1896 1337 1021 1714 1905 1483 1259
shown in Table 4(a) and 4(b). Only in the merging
region 1, Company 1’s service center is selected to
be open while in the region 3 and 4, company 4’s
service center is selected and company 2’s service
center is selected in regions 2 and 5 respectively.
The available terminals in this case are terminal 2, 3,
4, 6, and 7. Based on maxmin criterion, the total
profit of $134,567 represents the total sum of the
profit for each company, where the profits for each
company are $34,459, $26,128, $28,862, and
$45,119 respectively.
Table 4: The summary of test result.
a) Available Terminals for Each Company
Company Available Terminal
1 2
2 3 & 4
3 6
4 7
b) Type I Service Centers
Merging Region
Opened Service
1 1 2
2 2 3
3 4 6
4 4 7
5 2 3
c) Type II Service Centers
Terminal Allocation
C1 C2 C3 C4
1 2 6 6 2
2 7 7 2 7
3 6 7 3 3
4 4 3 6 6
5 2 2 2 6
6 6 3 6 2
7 2 6 6 2
8 2 3 4 2
9 6 3 6 6
10 2 3 7 7
This study developed a decision making model for
strategic alliance among express courier companies
Figure 3: The outputs by GA implementation.
by using GA and its efficient solution procedure
which aimed to maximize the expected profit from
express courier services by merging the service
centers. It also determined whether the existing
consolidation terminals were still opened or not in
Type I and Type II regions. The solution procedure
was developed using GA and coded in Matlab 7.0.
As a result, the model and solution procedure
enabled express courier companies to earn
maximized profit by merging the service centers and
also by reducing the number of consolidation
This research was supported by BASIC Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science Technology (2011-0027218).
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