A Pragmatic Approach to Conceptual Negotiation Support
Cristóvão Sousa
, Carla Pereira
and António Lucas Soares
CIICESI - ESTGF, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Rua do Curral, Casa do Curral-Margaride,
4610-156, Felgueiras, Portugal
INESC Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200, Porto, Portugal
Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto,
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, s/n 4200, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Conceptualisation Process, Ontology Engineering, Conceptual Negotiation, Knowledge Representation.
Abstract: Collaborative conceptualisation processes are pervasive to most technical and professional activities, but are
seldom addressed explicitly due to the lack of theoretical and practical methods and tools to support it.
However, it seems not to be a popular research topic in knowledge representation or its sub-areas such as
ontology engineering. Our view is that collaboration between stakeholders for specifying an ontology
should be addressed at the conceptual, semi-formal level, in order to foster a collective learning of the
domain and reaching agreements about its representation. We developed a method to support conceptual
integration based in the conceptual blending theory - ColBlend - and implemented it in a collaborative
modelling environment. This "conceptual modelling environment - conceptME" supports teams of specialist
and facilitators in eliciting conceptual structures with the help of collaborative model editing and
terminology services. Conceptual integration and agreements are achieved through the ColBlend method.
This paper overviews ColBlend and ConceptME and describes in detail a test case.
Representing knowledge through ontologies usually
requires domain experts to commit to some
particular formalism, which could derail or at least
delay the overall process of achieving a shared
representation of concepts and relationships between
concepts. Unfortunately, is evident that "While
different degrees of formalization have been well
investigated and are now found in various ontology-
based technologies, the notion of a shared
conceptualization is neither well-explored, nor well-
understood, nor well-supported by most ontology
engineering tools (Staab, 2008). We confirm that
current knowledge about the early phases of
ontology construction is insufficient to support
methods and techniques to support collaborative
conceptualisation processes. Trying to address the
above identified gap, our research focus on the study
and support to collaborative conceptualisation
processes. In relation to an individual, a CP is a set
of cognitive activities that has as inputs information
and knowledge internally or externally accessible,
and as the output an internal or external conceptual
representation. Furthermore, a “collaborative
conceptualisation process” (CCP) is a CP that
involves more than one individual producing an
agreed conceptual representation. It involves social
activities that include meaning negotiation and
practical management activities for the collaboration
(Pereira et al., 2012). CP should account for
mechanisms to deal with the inputs for the process
once they are crucial to support the
conceptualisation tasks. The research reported in this
paper addresses the support to the CCB. From a
methodological approach developed in previous
research (Pereira and Soares, 2008), the so-called
ColBlend method, we developed a modelling
environment - conceptME - supporting the
collaborative creation, editing, discussion and
negotiation of conceptual representations (e.g.,
concept maps, topic maps, UML diagrams). Besides
being based on informal knowledge representation
notations, more close to the users cognitive
representation of a conceptualisation, our approach
also provides support to the externalisation of
concepts and relations. For this, conceptME
provides a suite of terminological services allowing
the users to get help from the processing of a
previously setup textual corpus about the domain to
Sousa C., Pereira C. and Lucas Soares A..
A Pragmatic Approach to Conceptual Negotiation Support.
DOI: 10.5220/0004158603490354
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (SCOE-2012), pages 349-354
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be worked out. More specifically, this paper
illustrates the use of the ColBlend method (see
section 2), contributing to its improvement and
refinement, in particular to what concerns to the
implementation of the blend space by means of
terminology based techniques assisting users in their
conceptualisations activities - more specifically
concept elicitation and concept discussion.
2.1 Revisiting ColBlend Method
ColBlend method (see fig. 2) was designed to
support a collaborative conceptualisation process,
based on conceptual blending theory (CBT)
(Fauconnier et al. 1998) (see fig. 1). In practical
terms ColBlend aims at supporting the co-
construction of an agreed set of conceptual models,
which could be translated into taxonomies,
glossaries or ontologies.
Figure 1: CBT.
In (Pereira et al., 2012) ColBlend is detailed. In
an overview, the process comprises a set of virtual
spaces: a) the input spaces - where each party build
models representing their conceptualisation of the
domain; b) the blend space - containing the results
from the analysis of the input spaces presented for
discussion. Moreover, it propose new concepts from
a global analysis of the current spaces content and;
c) the generic space - which contains the common
domain model composed by the all parts of the
proposals that were accepted by all and "published"
to the this shared space.
ColBlend led to the development of the
conceptME (www.concepme.pt). In this paper, we
Figure 2: ColBlend method.
present the results of the implementation of the
blend space (negotiation support and decision-
making space) using coordinated corpus-analysis
and knowledge representation tasks (the CP main
concern). The implementation of blend space is
achieved by means of techniques to retrieve
immediate contexts of terms, assisting users on their
conceptualisations activities - more specifically
concept elicitation and concept discussion
(designation according to the conceptualisation
framework described in (Sousa et al., 2012).
2.2 ConceptME Approach
The core of conceptME platform is on supporting
collaborative modelling, focusing on graphical
knowledge representations and terminological
methods, accommodated into a Library of services.
The platform is organised as follows (see fig. 3): a) a
set of functionalities to manage collaborative
modelling projects; b) a collaborative modelling
environment, allowing users to build their models
individually or editing them collaboratively (either
on their own or through available templates), while
discussing around concepts; c) a set of
terminological services, supported by a domain
specific textual corpus, allowing users to associate
relevant resources to their projects, performing
extraction operations to retrieve candidate terms that
can be used in their CP.
At this level, conceptME provides: i) means for
corpus organisation and classification; ii) real-time
term contexts to detail existing representations; d) a
model negotiation baseline to ensure simple
negotiation mechanisms, towards a common shared
model. This module provides the interface and
ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Conceptme high-level architecture.
environment conditions, allowing to connect other
advanced negotiation mechanisms, despite of their
nature and/or domain.
2.3 Discussing and Collaborating
through Concepts
In accordance with the principles of the CBT (see
fig. 1) and the ColBlend method (see fig. 2), the
blend space is implemented by means of three key
activities (Fauconnier et al., 1998): composition,
completion and elaboration. With the goal to
supporting the discussion and collaboration in a
collaborative conceptualisation process these
activities were designed as follows: The composition
activity comprises the identification of the
“counterpart” elements (concepts of the input spaces
subsumed by concepts of the generic space) of the
individual proposals. This calls for specific
algorithms to cope with the analysis of common
elements between the available models. Available
methods in ontology merging perform a one-to-one
approach (Doan et al., 2004). Within collaborative
settings, where multiple proposals could be
available, the question about which pair of models
should be analyzed arises. This issue could be
mitigated by following a clustering based approach
(Araujo et al., 2010). Right before individual
proposals appear in the blend space, an intermediate
action is triggered whose goal is to provide
assistance on defining the order in which
composition is performed over the input conceptual
structures (ICS) - conceptualisation proposals
according to figure 2. Having the elements of each
proposal indexed, clustering techniques categorize
the ICS into clusters, and then the composition
activity will start from the cluster with the highest
score. The user could either select the ICS to be
analyzed for counterpart elements identification or
could accept the platform suggestions. These
clustering techniques are available through Solr
(http://lucene.apache.org/solr/) by means of carrot
clustering engine (http://project.carrot2.org/). As
mentioned before, the first step towards blend space
is performed by a composition activity. Regarding
the conceptME approach, this is accomplished by
merging the individual proposals and placing, at the
blend space, a model containing the common
elements. The other elements are highlighted,
becoming potential negotiation targets. Hereafter,
comes completion activity comprising a cross-
checking corpus-based validation over the elements
contained in the ICS. The goal is to provide data to
support the decision about the inclusion of the non-
shared but non-conflicting elements of the ICS in the
blend space. The elaboration activity, by its turn,
aims at new concept discovery. This is accomplished
by a broader context retrieval, whose focus goes
beyond the scope of the elements enclosed in the
ICS. Term contexts could be immediately retrieved
in order to get clues on possible new concepts or
relations related to the current concepts and to the
corresponding conceptual representation. Moreover,
term contexts could additionally support discussion
around a specific concept, justifying its use by
showing evidence about term occurrence in corpus
or infer on concept semantic metadata (using an
RDF triple store) or even highlighting patterns
(<noun><verb><noun>) within text, indicating the
incompleteness of the overall conceptual structure
and suggesting new elements to negotiation. The
goal is to identify terms (nouns) that co-occur with
some other term in the available structures and
possible linking phases to connect them. The linking
phases are typically verbs or expressions that match
the following lexical patterns: i) verb preceded or
followed by a preposition or subordinating
conjunction; ii) a verb preceded or followed by a
coordinating conjunction; iii) a verb preceded or
followed by a “TO”; iv) a verb preceded or followed
by a determiner and; v) a verb preceded or followed
by another verb. These patterns are implemented as
xml queries (Xquery/Xpath) and/or regular
expressions. A practical experiment resulting of the
blend space execution is presented in the next sub-
Some experiments were performed exploiting the
creation of a corpus about the domain of urban
rehabilitation (http://www.h-know.eu/). Three
documents selected from the urban rehabilitation
corpus were posted (and indexed) on Solr. During
A Pragmatic Approach to Conceptual Negotiation Support
the conceptualisation process, users added concepts
and relationships, either on their own or calling upon
extraction services or even through available
templates. After the release of a term on canvas,
several tasks may follow: a) Provide a definition for
the term; b) complete the structure adding another
term and a linking phrase between two terms.
Context-analysis could help on both. Still in the
scope of urban rehabilitation domain, at a certain
stage of the CP, the definition of the conceptual
structure around the Moisture Control concept was
started and a set of input structures were achieved
(see fig. 4a 4b 4c).
Figure 4a: Input conceptual structure 1.
From the available proposals, Input conceptual
structure 1 (fig. 4a) and Input conceptual structure 2
(fig. 4b) are those containing the largest number of
counterpart elements, thus, composition will perform
over them in first place, unless user has decided
differently. In a first iteration, a set of elements was
found as being common (Moisture Load, Climate
Conditions, Construction Type, Moisture Control
and the linking phrase depends on) and was
proposed to be merged.
Figure 4b: Input conceptual structure 2.
Figure 4c: Input conceptual structure 3.
Figure 4d: Blended conceptual structure.
The elements Internal Source, External Source,
Construction Moisture and the linking phrases has
and is a, were proposed to be appended to the
resulting structure. The elements in conflict
(responds to and controls) were proposed for
discussion. Afterwards, completion will perform and
the blend space begins to emerge. Grounded on
corpus, completion activity checks the composition
result performing analysis over the common base
information such as: source documents, co-
occurrences of the terms in corpus through context
retrieving and available definitions, but focusing
only on the elements of the ICS. Regarding context
analysis information depicted in table 1, the
elements: Construction Moisture, Climate
Conditions, Internal and External Sources, remained
in the blend space. Moreover, Moisture Control
prevails over Moisture Control Strategies, since the
first term appears in corpus unlike the second one
ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(see table 1). The same happened to responds to and
controls linking phrases. Once “responds to” was
found as contexts were retrieved, it prevails over
“controls” relation. Regarding the structure
“Moisture control acts on Building Constructions”, it
emerges along with the elaboration activity, whilst
contexts are processed to reveal specific patterns in
the form of <noun>[prefix]<verb>[suffix]<noun>
(prefix and suffix are optional and regards to the
lexical patterns mentioned earlier in section 3.2). In
order to avoid uninteresting results, pattern
discovery services considered that, at least a <noun>
was already in use in some input structure. Further
iterations could disregard such requirement.
Table 1: Excerpt of Moisture control contexts.
Textual corpus Context for Moisture Control concept
Effective moisture control has to respond to the exterior as
well as the interior moisture
loads acting on building constructions.
However, good moisture control design depends on a
variety of parameters such
as climate conditions and construction type which changes
from region to region.
Rehabilitation guidelines and moisture
control Some heritage constructions are more vulnerable
to moisture loads than modern buildings.
The work on ontology engineering methodologies
has been extensively discussed and compared in
(Corcho, 2003), (Fernández-López, 2002), (López et
al., 1999) and (Gasevic et al., 2006). We can
conclude that the ontology-engineering field has laid
a lot of emphasis on the “specification of the
conceptualization” as an engineering task.
Nevertheless, the early phases of the ontology
development life-cycle have been poorly addressed.
In particular, the importance of the social processes
involved in the formation of a collective
conceptualization (e.g., of a domain) has not been
recognized. Dealing more directly with collaboration
in ontology development (see (Simperl et al., 2006),
(Kotis et al., 2006), (Aschoff, 2004), (Zhao, 2005),
(de Moor et al., 2006), (Staab et al., 2001), (Sure,
2002), (Gómez-Gauchía et al., 2004), and (Pinto et
al., 2004) for a complete account of those
approaches), lead to the conclusionthat few research
works recognise the importance of supporting the
collective construction of a conceptualization. Some
particular questions come out from this review: (i)
the importance of representational tools and user
interfaces for interacting with knowledge
representations are generally underestimated; (ii)
negotiation and consensus building regarding the
conceptualization content has not been a priority
either; there are a few proposals that claim to
support the process of reaching consensus or
agreements, but only one addresses the issue of what
conceptual content should be included in the shared
conceptualization; (iii) the reutilization of existing
ontologies is an obvious requirement; nevertheless,
there is not any approach that integrates reutilization
with the conceptualization building in a systematic
This paper addresses the support to collaborative
conceptualisation processes, an overlooked research
topic in ontology engineering and knowledge
representation in general. It showed that conceptual
agreements within a group developing initial models
for the creation of an ontology, can be improved
through the semantic processing of input models
based on the Conceptual Blending Theory.
Furthermore, the combination of this conceptual
integration with basic terminological approaches,
providing assistance in concept elicitation and
validation, makes this approach quite innovative.
The conceptME platform is already available, is free
to use and we are planning to realise it as an open
source project. Future work will be focused on the
running of empirical experiments with two aims: (i)
to deepen the knowledge about collaborative
conceptualisation processes and (ii) to continue the
development of conceptME, specifically in the
terminological support and conceptual negotiation
techniques. As someone said (Floridi, 2008),
"humans are the only semantic engines available",
thus we are strongly embracing a socio-semantic
perspective in the development of tools for
collaborative knowledge representation.
This work is funded by the ERDF through the
Programme COMPETE and by the Portuguese
Government through FCT - Foundation for Science
and Technology, project PTDC/EIA-EIA/103779/
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ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems