Interpretation of Semantically Tagged Data using Fuzzy Linguistic
Mohammed-Amine Abchir
, Isis Truck and Anna Pappa
LIASD – EA4383, Université Paris 8, 2 rue de la Liberté
Saint-Denis, 93526, France
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Interpretation, PoS Tagging, Geolocation.
Abstract: We propose a natural language interface with interpretation of partially tagged semantically data in closed
question/answering domain (geolocation) using fuzzy linguistic 2-tuples. The interface is a tool of
configuration tasks such as alerts definition and modification, alerts messages, and other man-machine
dialogue. The aim is to respond with precision to user's query, expressed in natural language, taking into
account imprecision and vagueness. The combination of NLP techniques and fuzzy logic to interpret
linguistic variables helps elicitation of business-level objectives avoiding useless and costly computation of
middleware information. This paper introduces a methodology that deals with contextual fuzzy semantics in
natural language interfaces.
We start with some brief definitions about the
linguistic notions mentioned in this paper to help a
better understanding of the NLP techniques used, we
continue with a brief description of geolocation
issues, and finally with a detailed description of our
interface explaining the method with examples of
the geolocation domain.
We borrow from the Introduction in The
Philosophy of Language (Martinich, 1996) the
definition of Semantics as the study of the meanings
of linguistic expressions. The term “meaning” is
vague and ambiguous since one could give different
kinds of meaning as being part of the same
semantics. Linguists also refer to Pragmatics as a
semantic notion which does mostly with context
dependent features of language.
In Fuzzy Semantics, where semantics is
combined with fuzzy logic, an interesting approach
about what a fuzzy set represents in a theory of
natural language semantics could be the meaning of
a vague expression.
Semantic Interpretation (SI) for textual data is
the process of analyzing a tagged text to a
representation of its meaning, where the input is a
syntactically parse tree (Hirst, 1987) and the output
the meaning of that tree. Recently a novel method
for fine-grained semantic interpretation of
unrestricted natural language texts has been
proposed (Gabrilovich and Markovitch, 2009). In
nowadays SI is mostly used to develop tools for
speech recognition (see SISR version 1.0 by W3C
(Tichelen, 2007), and is the process of representing
and describing the meaning of natural language
utterance. Alternatives of semantic interpretation is
the model theory with ontologies, where according
to different propositional attitudes we find different
ontologies such as sense constructive ones with or
without cognitive agent (Hausser, 2001).
In Artificial Intelligence the research in Natural
Language Processing has long been to endow
machines with “understanding” ability, and the
difficulty has always been how to represent human
semantics for machines. Most approaches are based
on manually encoded text data helped by statistical
techniques to create lexical knowledge, without
solving the problems of polysemy and synonymy.
The geolocation applications, mostly concern
troubleshooting of delivery rounds (optimization
problems), fleet and vehicle tracking and also
personal tracking or child location. Usually there is
one server (a kind of hub) that coordinates
geoinformation on a single platform in order to be
able to track devices (vehicles, persons, mobiles or
tracking devices themselves are all considered as
devices in this paper). Ideally, clients should
configure themselves the hub either through a Web
Corresponding author:
Abchir M., Truck I. and Pappa A..
Interpretation of Semantically Tagged Data using Fuzzy Linguistic 2-Tuples.
DOI: 10.5220/0004158304290432
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (FCTA-2012), pages 429-432
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
interface or directly on the telephone, having a
phone conversation with a virtual assistant. For the
moment this is quite hard to do since it implies an
important expertise to be able to translate the needs
expressed in a natural language into a set of Forth
scripts and programs written in other languages. Our
method permits to create semantic dependencies in
both clearly explicitly stated expressions and vague
ones according to user's geo-information needs.
This paper is organized as follows: in next
section we give some works in NLP and fuzzy
semantics, then we explain our method and describe
the interface, we finally present a use case and
highlight the interest of this work.
At the first place to make discourse analysis, we can
use part-of-speech tagging (PoS) to (try to)
disambiguate words (e.g. “cross” can be a noun, an
adjective or a verb) (Winograd, 1971). However
these techniques permit to “understand” sentences
without ambiguity in a closed domain context but
they don't consider any imprecision or vagueness in
the meaning. The first approaches to deal with this
come from Zadeh when he introduced in 1965 the
fuzzy set theory, the fuzzy logic and the concept of
linguistic variables (Zadeh, 1965). The fuzzy sets
could be employed to integrate vagueness
throughout the relational structure of meaning
including both the concept of structure and reference
that a term denotes.
Since 1965, many models have been proposed,
mainly based on the empirical or possibility theory
which handling incomplete information (Zadeh,
1978). But recently, one seems the most appropriate
in our case: the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic model [9]
because it deals with words and uses a simple
internal representation of them. Indeed the idea is to
deal only with words or linguistic expressions in
translating them into a linguistic pair (s
,α) where s
is a triangular-shaped fuzzy set and α a symbolic
translation. If α is positive then s
is reinforced else s
is weakened. If the information is perfectly balanced
(i.e. the distance between words is exactly the same,
then all the s
values are equally distributed on the
axis). But if not – that may happen when talking
about distance, for instance, “almost arrived” and
“close to” are closer to each other than “near” and
“out of the route” – the s
values may not be equally
distributed on the axis. That is why another model
has been proposed by the same team to deal with
such information that they call multi-granular
linguistic information (Martínez et al., 2010) for a
deeper review of these models.
In next sections we explain the methodology
with a use case to show the interest of the approach.
In recent papers, it has been shown that despite its
advantages, the 2-tuple model or unbalanced
linguistic term sets doesn't fit our needs perfectly
especially when one (or more) linguistic expression
is far away from its next neighbor (Abchir and
Truck, 2011). The new model we propose fully takes
advantage of the symbolic translations α that
become a very important element to generate the
data set.
Our 2-tuples are twofold. Indeed, except the first
one and the last one of the partition, they all are
composed of two half 2-tuples: an upside and a
downside 2-tuple. The choice of our 2-tuple model is
relevant since the linguistic terms used in the
geolocation context are usually unbalanced.
The methodology we use to deal with
imprecision inside the natural language is inspired
by the Parts of Speech (PoS) recognition and tagging
(Pappa, 2009). We simplify the analysis using
semantic tags because the context (geolocation
software) is known. Here is an example: “I want to
create an alert when the truck gets very close to the
warehouse” (see below).
<token gram="PRON">I</token>
<token gram="NOUN" sem="ALERT">alert</token>
token gram="VERB" sem="ZONE_ENTRY">gets</token>
<token gram="ADV" sem="FUZZY_MODIF_+">very</token>
<token gram="ADJ" sem="DISTANCE">close</token>
A tree using a simplified tree-adjoining grammar
(TAG)-based is then created, where each leaf node
represents the semantic tag of a token from the
lexicon. This grammar describes the components of
a geolocation alert that can be created by the end
Once we defined the lexicon (list of tagged tokens)
Figure 1: The three partitions for Distance.
and the grammar of the target domain, we use them
in the natural language interface to parse, tag and
analyze each user answer.
In order to fit with the user's needs, a semantic
interpretation of his words is necessary all along the
NLP process. Important business data is modelized
as fuzzy partitions using linguistic 2-tuples
described in Fuzzy Control Language (FCL) scripts.
Thanks to the jFuzzyLogic (Abchir, 2011) library (a
Java FCL specifications IEC 61131-7
implementation), these FCL scripts are then used in
the semantic interpretation process. Thus, we are
able to create various FCL scripts for the same data
and we choose automatically at runtime the most
appropriate fuzzy partitioning. The choice of a fuzzy
partitioning depends on several criteria as the type of
the mobile, the type of alert, the global distance of
the route... We also support the use of semantic
fuzzy modifiers such as very, extremely, highly,
really... to take fully into account the users
preferences. These modifiers act on the symbolic
translation e of the linguistic 2-tuples (s
,α) to
modify their semantic value. For example, «far»,
«very far» and «extremely far» don't have the same
“meaning” semantically.
To illustrate the adaptive fuzzy partition
selection, we consider three mobile types: a car in
the city, a long distance delivery truck and a child
who gets home from school. For these three mobile
types, the expert of the domain chooses five terms to
qualify the distance measurements: close to, around,
near, far, faraway. If we consider these two
sentences: «notify me when my child is around
home» and «notify me when the truck is around
Paris», the term «around» will be associated to two
different linguistic terms having two different
semantic values. Thereby, we create three fuzzy
partitions in three different FCL scripts each one
corresponding to a mobile type.
Figure 1 shows the three different partitions for
the distance: Distance_Long the partition for long
distance routes, Distance_Short is the one for short
distance routes as city driving, city mail devilery...
and Distance_Person is used for human being
following as for children location, marathon runners
In this paper we have presented a methodology to
deal with natural language interfaces when data are
incomplete or vague. We mix NLP techniques with a
2-tuple representation model to express data within
their imprecision. The interpretation of the partially
semantic-tagged data provides the “closest” meaning
which helps avoiding useless and costly
computation. In a second part, we presented an
application of this methodology to the geolocation
domain using FCL scripts.
In our future works, we will explore further the
use of the fuzzy linguistic 2-tuples model in the
definition of word's semantic.
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