A Unified Approach for Context-sensitive Recommendations
Mihaela Dinsoreanu, Florin Cristian Macicasan, Octavian Lucian Hasna and Rodica Potolea
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Gh. Baritiu st. 26-28, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: (Dynamic) Content Context Match, Classification, Topic Model, Parallelization, Text Mining, Taxonomy,
Design and Implementation, Evaluation.
Abstract: We propose a model capable of providing context-sensitive content based on the similarity between an
analysed context and the recommended content. It relies on the underlying thematic structure of the context
by means of lexical and semantic analysis. For the context, we analyse both the static characteristics and
dynamic evolution. The model has a high degree of generality by considering the whole range of possible
recommendations (content) which best fits the current context. Based on the model, we have implemented a
system dedicated to contextual advertisements for which the content is the ad while the context is
represented by a web page visited by a given user. The dynamic component refers to the changes of the
user’s interest over time. From all the composite criteria the system could accept for assessing the quality of
the result, we have considered relevance and diversity. The design of the model and its ensemble underlines
our original view on the problem. From the conceptual point of view, the unified thematic model and its
category based organization are original concepts together with the implementation.
Nowadays, in an information centric society, we are
flooded with data (the so called “deluge of data”
(The Economist, 2010)). In this context, an
automatic identification of entities that satisfy the
user’s information needs is paramount. Our goal is
to expose only meaningful information (relevant and
of interest) to the user. More important it has to be at
the right time and in the right context (Garcia-
Molina et al., 2011).
We propose a model capable of providing
context-sensitive content based on the underlying
thematic similarity between an analysed context and
the recommended content. We expose this relation
with the help of a unified topic model that extracts
the topics describing both the context and the
content. This process is fuelled by the portions of the
analysed entities having the highest descriptive
value. Once these entities are annotated with
thematic information, their reciprocal affinity, within
the unified topic model, can be measured. Using
such values, a topic based coverage aims to improve
diversity and achieve serendipitous
Our main objectives are:
Extracting the highest descriptive valued n-
grams among the analysed entities;
Attaching thematic information to the analysed
Maximizing diversity of the recommended
We will adopt, as proof of concept, the online
advertising’s problem of the best match (Broder and
Josifovki, 2011) between an active context (web
page), suitable content (advertisements) and the user
that is currently interacting with that context, which
will be referred as OABM. We argue that this
problem can be mapped on our model by using a
double instantiation of the context-to-content
similarity relation. One instantiation describes the
relation between a web page representing the context
and an advertisement that maps on the content. The
second has the same mapping for the content but
describes the context as being the user, moreover
his/her historical information. The combined, triple
recommendation between an active context, the
content and the dynamic context is constructed by
further processing the two instantiations.
A common approach in literature is to describe the
Dinsoreanu M., Macicasan F., Hasna O. and Potolea R..
A Unified Approach for Context-sensitive Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004141700850094
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 85-94
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
matching content with relevant keywords. These
keywords are compared with the descriptors of the
ads (bid phrase) hence obtaining a lexical similarity
(Manning et al., 2008); (Yih et al., 2006). Such an
approach follows a pipeline with a few, well-defined
stages. A pre-processing stage is proposed (Yih et
al., 2006) to prepare the content by sanitizing,
removing stop words, stemming and extracting some
keyword candidates (words from the context,
annotated with some descriptive features). Then the
annotated keyword candidates are processed, in a
Monolithic Combined approach, by a binary
classifier. This is how the keywords are selected and
the keyword selection step is completed.
Such an approach is generally enhanced with
additional models that sustain the semantic
similarity between web pages and advertisements
(Broder, 2007); (Zhang et al., 2008); (Ribeiro-Neto
et al., 2005). This association generates a semantic
score which, combined with the lexical, consolidates
the match. This semantic information can be
embedded in a taxonomy (Broder, 2007) and used to
score the similarity based on the distance to the least
common ancestor, if both the context and the
advertisement can be mapped on it.
The third aspect to be considered in such a model
consists of the particularities of an actual user. The
associated historical information, if present, will
influence the final match (Ahmed et al., 2011)
(Chakrabarti et al., 2008). User information can be
attached to the advertisement or to the page
(Chakrabarti et al., 2008) but, recent research
explores the idea of user interest and behavioural
trend (Ahmed et al., 2011). Such a model can extract
the dynamics of behaviour and make better
The concept of a “topic” is described using a
specialized mixed membership model called topic
model. Such a model describes the hidden thematic
structure (Blei, 2011) in large collections of
documents. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
(Blei et al., 2003) is such a topic model. Its
distinguishing characteristic is that all documents in
the collection share the same set of topics, but each
document exhibits those topics with different
proportions (Blei, 2011). These topics are defined by
a distribution over the whole set of available words
(within the document corpus). The documents are
described by a distribution over topics. This
distribution was subconsciously modelled by the
author of the document, who intended to transmit a
message (collection of words) about an area of
interest (the document’s distribution over topics)
using area specific words (distribution of topics over
words). All the used words are just sampled from the
topic’s word distribution. In a model like that, the
only observable data are the document’s words. The
topics, their distribution in documents and the
distribution of words between topics need to be
inferred. Direct inference is not tractable so
approximation techniques are used (Heinrich, 2009).
Many systems produce highly accurate
recommendations, with reasonable coverage, yet
with limited benefit for practical purposes (such as
buying milk and bread from the supermarket), new
dimensions that consider the “non-obviousness”
should be considered. Such dimensions are coverage
(percentage of items part of the problem domain for
which predictions are made), novelty and
serendipity, dimensions for which also (Ziegler et
al., 2005) advocates. Since serendipity is a measure
of the degree to which the recommendations are
presenting items that are attractive and surprising at
the same time, it is rather difficult to quantify. “A
good serendipity metric would look at the way the
recommendations are broadening the user’s interests
over time” (Herlocker et al., 2004), so, again the
need for introducing timing and sequence of items
analysis for RS.
In the following we formally define the notions used
throughout the article.
A word is the basic unit of discrete data (Blei,
et al., 2003), defined to be an element of a
vocabulary V;
A topic
is a probability
distribution over a finite vocabulary of words where
1. Let T be the set of all topics;
A document 
is a sequence
of N words. Each document has an associated
distribution over topics
A keyword 
is an element of a document
having high descriptive value. Let 
represent all the keywords of a
A context 
is a specialized document which
is not necessary to have a well-defined structure;
A dynamic context Δ
is a specialized context
that evolves over time due to system interactions;
An active (or analysed) context 
is a
specialized context analysed during an iteration;
A content 
is a specialized document that is to
be associated with a context;
A corpus 
is a collection of
D documents;
A unified topic model is a 5-tuple 
describes the set of
all the topics T, their distribution over words
, the
underlying vocabulary V, all the documents C and
their distribution over topics
A category is an abstraction over the topic
adding semantic value. It has an associated
distribution over topics denoted
and is organized
in a category taxonomy Ψ;
An contextual relevance 
the similarity of the analyzed context with a content;
A dynamic relevance 
measures the
similarity of the dynamic context with content.
Functional Description of the Modules: Our
architecture (Figure 1) consists of four main
modules that interact to generate recommendations.
The first module, Keyword Extractor (KE),
identifies and extracts the elements of the context
with the highest descriptive value. Those elements
represent keywords, which outline the significance
within the analysed context. This module performs a
pre-processing step that prepares the candidates for
keyword status by annotating them with the features
used in the classification step. The result of this
module is a set of n-grams that best describe
(summarize) the initial context. They are used as an
input by the next module. Formally, KE is described
as follows:
The Topic Identifier (TI) is responsible for
associating topic information to the analysed context
based on the keywords that describe it
The association is accomplished using the TI’s
underlying topic model. At this point the topic level
unification takes place by associating to
distribution over topics
. From now on, all the
analysed entities are modelled by a distribution over
topics within the unified topic model. Formally, TI is
described as follows:
The Category Combiner (CC) is responsible for
computing the similarity between the topic
distribution generated by TI (
) and the
distribution associated to the managed content (
or dynamic context (
). The main limitation of
the topics discovered by TI is anonymity (topics
have no semantic information). To overcome this
shortcoming we added an abstraction layer above the
topics called category. Such categories are nodes in
a taxonomy having a pre-computed topic
distribution. In CC we also analyse the dynamic
context that describes the evolution of the interaction
based on previously acquired data. The output of this
module is a set of advertisements (Υ) with two
associated relevance values. One is computed from
the perspective of the active context (
and the other, from the perspective of the dynamic
context (
). Formally, CC is described as
With the constant growth of online data,
Recommendation Systems face the problem of
dealing with huge information spaces. Thus
selecting a small representative subset of items,
which are not just simply relevant for the user, but at
the same time offer an element of novelty, is rather
difficult. The diversity measure of the system is
focusing to offer users the pleasant surprise of
finding an unexpected item of great interest, beyond
“obviousness”. Overall it is searching for a solution
preserving the high quality of retrieved items
obtained and offering diversity, therefore serendipity
of results.
The Ranker (R) is responsible for filtering the
output according to the actual performance criteria
(Γ). Such criteria can range from relevance to
diversity or trustworthiness. In the case of diversity,
we aim a low thematic overlap between
recommendations while maintaining their relevance
to the considered context (whether it is
This reduced overlap induces an increased context
thematic coverage that is more likely to produce
serendipitous recommendations. Formally, R is
described as follows:
Figure 1: Conceptual architecture.
We instantiate the model to propose a system
capable of providing a context-sensitive
recommendation to a user based on the triple
similarity relation between the active context, the
advertisement and the user’s historical information.
The OABM problem can be decomposed in two
context-to-content relations defined based on the
same underlying unified topic model. Due to this
common reference, the values describing the
similarity within the context-to-content relation can
be extrapolated, at model level. This way, the two
relations unify in a high level, OABM independent
topic model. We formally specialize the generic
terms to OABM specific concepts:
A web page 
is a specialized active context;
An advertisement 
is a specialized content;
A user interaction is a specialized dynamic
context that is described by its overall interest I.
The contextual relevance maps at OABM level
to 
A behavioural relevance
is a
specific dynamic relevance that describes the user’s
similarity with an advertisement.
The active context is represented by a web page that
can be described by a set of keywords extracted
from it. The advertisements have associated bid
phrases that are considered keywords. We consider,
as historical information, the context (both web page
and advertisement) with which the user interacts.
This interaction defines the user’s current interest.
This is why the keywords that describe the context
can also describe the current user interest. For a
personalized content-to-context match, the dynamic
characteristics of the interests are considered.
From the conceptual point of view, we employ a
unified technique for the recommendation of
relevant advertisements. We extend the concept of a
topic to describe all the three components of OABM.
An advertisement is described by a single, targeted
topic. The active context is modelled by a static set
of topics. A user is described by a dynamic set of
topics due to the evolution of interests over time.
Thus, the tree components can be defined, at topic
level, based on a common reference i.e. the unified
topic model in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The unified topic model.
We define 
a function accepting as input the set of keywords
describing the entity e and returning its distribution
over topics θ
We define the active’s context topic distribution
We also define the content topic distribution as:
We claim that ∃ s.t. argmax
where p
hence the content is
described by a dominant topic.
The dynamic set of interests is defined based on
three lever hierarchy: short (I
), medium (I
) and
long (I
) term (Ahmed et al., 2011).
We define the user’s overall interest (I) based on
a convex combination between the three sub-
interests. Let ∈
and Κ
Now let
be one of the three sub-
interests and
set of all accessed contexts during the interval
associated with the sub-interest. At this level, we
may employ the following definition for
and describes the sub-interest as the distribution over
topics of a pseudo-context described by the union of
the keywords associated to a context accessed during
the sub-interest interval.
5.1 Keyword Extractor
In this step we perform the processing needed to
extract the components of the context with the
highest descriptive value. Its internal structure is
presented in Figure 3.
The Feature Extraction (FE) sub-module is
responsible for the initial pre-processing of the
analysed context. A succession of steps is performed
to bring the context’s elements in an annotated
candidate state. We first perform stop-word removal
and stemming. The remaining candidates are
enhanced with features that underline their status
within the context. We associate to each candidate
its occurrences statistic information together with
other characteristics dependent on the context’s
nature like the candidate’s localization within the
context, its styling information or its inner structure.
The candidates with features generated by the FE
sub-module are persisted in a repository.
The Keyword Selection (KS) sub-module uses a
binary classifier for selecting the keywords from the
candidates. The classifier is chosen based on the
specific criteria required by CA. From the business
point of view an advertisement recommendation that
is out of context is worst then no advertisement at
all. Thus, the specific need of our problem is to
increase precision as much as possible, by allowing
moderate degradation of recall.
The keyword classification process needs to use
features that differentiate between the components
of the analysed text and filter out bad candidates.
Such features can range from statistical descriptors
of the occurrences of a word based on both its local
and global statistics to localization markers or
unique style definitions. Their ultimate goal is to
best describe the classification category to which the
membership relation is in question.
Figure 3: Keyword extractor detailed view.
5.2 Topic Identifier
The Topic Identifier (TI) module employs a method
of extracting the thematic structure in a corpus of
The Latent Dirichlet Allocation generative model
proposed in (Blei et al., 2003) is formally described
by the graphical model in Figure 4. This model
describes a corpus of D documents on which a
number of K topics are defined with a β
distribution for topic k.
Figure 4: Graphical model representation of LDA.
Each document has a θ
distribution over topics
from which, for each of the N words in the
document, a topic Z
is sampled followed by the
sampling of the word W
from β
. The α
parameter controls the sparsity (Heinrich, 2009) of θ
while η influences β. A decrease of α causes the
model to characterize documents with a few topics
but high weight. A decrease of η means that the
model prefers to assign fewer words to each topic.
Shadowed nodes define an observable variable
hence all the information we have are the words
. The rest need to be inferred.
Direct inference of the latent (unobservable)
variables is not tractable (Heinrich, 2009). This is
why approximation techniques must be used. We
chose to employ a collapsed Gibbs sampling
approximation technique (Griffiths and Steyvers,
We adopted, as a starting point, the Java
implementation proposed in (Phan and Nguyen,
2008) and extended it to a parallel Gibbs sampling
LDA implementation. We employed an input
decomposition technique by dividing the documents
analysed during each of the Gibbs iteration in evenly
distributed work packages for the parallel processes.
We use a shared memory model. Its consistency is
maintained by a synchronization mechanism that
controls the access to the critical section in which
the underlying topic model is updated. Using such a
technique we obtain an average 1.85 relative speed-
up for 2 processing elements.
5.3 Category Combiner
The CC module is responsible for computing the
similarity between the analysed context and both the
managed advertisements and user’s interests based
on their distribution over topics within the unified
topic model. The internal structure of CC is
presented in Figure 5.
The Category Assigner (CA) receives as input
the distribution of topics for the given context and a
taxonomy of categories (with their topic
distribution) to construct the mapping between a
category and a topic. In order to quantify the
similarity between two probability distributions we
use the Hellinger distance (Nikulin, 2011). We
search categories that minimize the distance to the
input distribution. The module returns the list of
candidate categories ordered by their relevance. A
subset of these categories is processed by the next
These categories are further combined with the
dynamic context to select a final subset of
advertisements that qualify for the next processing
The dynamic context generation is a process
enforced by the Dynamic Behaviour Modeller
(DBM). This sub-module aggregates the user
information (in the form of interests). This
information is used to enable behavioural
Figure 5: Category combiner detailed view.
The Category-Based Ad Selector analyses ads
associated to categories, in a reduced search space
due to the category set cardinality reduction yielded
by CA and DBM. We further compute, for each
advertisement, two similarity scores based on the
Hellinger distance between their probability
distributions. The first score is related to the
contextual relevance and the second to the
behavioural relevance. Both scores will be further
integrated in the ranking module.
5.4 Ranker
At the level of R, we have the possibility of
recommending advertisements from two different
perspectives due to the double instantiation of the
context-to-content relation. The first, that maximizes
the similarity between the topics describing the
active context and the advertisement, is considered
to be a contextual recommendation and will
influence the page topic coverage. The second, that
considers the best match between the user’s interests
and an advertisement, named a behavioural
recommendation (Ahmed et al., 2011) and it
improves the user interest coverage. The page topic
coverage and user interest coverage may be
antagonistic by nature because they compete for the
same page advertisement slots. Balancing them by
choosing the ones with the maximal relevance in the
given overall context is recommended.
These two approaches are specific to the
marginal values of the correlation coefficient. We
represent the overall recommendation as:
In (10) the triple similarity
is represented as a
convex combination of the behavioural relation and
the contextual relation. Moreover, the behavioural
recommendation maps on similarity
and the contextual recommendation maps on
We chose the classifier candidates from the ones
offered by Weka (Witten et al., 2011). For the
experiment we used a 1333 instance subset of the
dataset with 75%/25% class distribution. The
training and test subsets were selected randomly
with a 66% Train/Test Percentage Split with a total
of 10 repetitions.
Table 1: Classifier comparison for the Keyword Selection
False Positive
Bayes Network 89.73 0.96 0.12 0.93
Naïve Bayes 86.44 0.92 0.24 0.91
91.17 0.95 0.14 0.94
SMO 86.24 0.90 0.31 0.91
Bagging (J48) 92.04 0.96 0.13 0.94
Decision Table 89.40 0.93 0.22 0.93
J48 91.70 0.95 0.14 0.94
Decision Stump 79.20 1.0 0.0 0.84
AdaBoost M1 87.81 0.93 0.22 0.92
SPegasos 87.70 0.92 0.24 0.92
The results in Table 1 show that the best
performing classifiers are the Multilayer Perceptron
(MLP), J48 and a Bagged Predictor with underlying
J48 (BJ48). The MLP’s training time is greater than
the others with at least an order of magnitude and
grows with the dataset. Hence it is discarded as a
candidate. The remaining candidates have the same
underlying classifier but BJ48 performs additional
replications and voting with a minimal improvement
of the target measurements. Thus our final choice is
the J48 classifier.
The largest computational effort appears during
the computation of the topic distributions. This
process is dependent on the number of words that
describe the topic model hence it is in a perpetual
growth as we acquire new data. We chose to adopt a
parallel implementation for this critical area of the
flow. We measured the relative speedup (S) while
varying the dimension of input parameters like the
number of topics to be discovered (#T), the number
of iterations to approach convergence (#I) and the
number of analysed documents (#D) for the
estimation and inference (inf.) use-cases. For the
experimental results covered in Table 2 we used two
processing elements. Further investigation showed
proportional growth of S as the number of
processing elements increases.
Table 2: Improvement of parallel LDA.
#T #I #D
Sequential [s]
Parallel [s]
30 20 2246 5.52 3.05 1.81
50 20 2246 8.02 4.40 1.82
50 40 2246 16.26 8.74 1.86
100 40 2246 30.39 16.46 1.83
100 100 2246 77.72 40.47 1.92
50 40 1123 8.23 4.40 1.87
Inf. 100 100 1123 25.38 14.03 1.81
We can observe that the growth of a single
measure of interest with a controlled increment will
generate a proportional growth in both sequential
and parallel results by maintaining the relative
speedup in a constant range. But when we increase
multiple measures of interest with significant
increments we observe a spike in the relative
speedup hence favouring the parallel
Two processing elements prove to bring a
significant boost for our needs, but we would like to
further evaluate our approach while considering an
increasing number of such resources. We further
considered a fixed workload scenario where we
varied the processing units. Our findings are
summarized in Figure 6. We observe 82% efficiency
by the time we consider four processing elements
and 70% as we get to eight, our available maximum.
In a highly parallelized environment, intensive topic
model interactions will generate contention on our
critical section that makes us slowly converge to our
Amdahl limit.
Another aspect of interest is represented by the
benefit introduced by the usage of categories as an
additional abstraction layer above topics.
Figure 7 shows the evolution of execution time
as the number of analysed contexts grows both with
and without the usage of categories. This behaviour
appears in the CA sub-module of the CC. Our
category taxonomy has 100 nodes organized on 6
levels. We can see that even if the category based
approach starts with a default overhead, as the
number of advertisements grows, the two curves will
intersect when the total number of advertisements
equals the number of categories combined with the
number of ads in the top categories and from that
point on, their growth patterns differ with almost a
Another important aspect is the evaluation of the
provided recommendations. Due to the subjective
nature of the underlying problem and to the lack of
annotated benchmark datasets we chose to employ
an end user evaluation of the recommended
advertisements. A comparison with similar systems
from literature is unavailable because researchers do
not publish their datasets. We considered the manual
inspection performed by a group of users that were
asked to assess, on 1-10 rating scale, the similarity
of a content with a designated context. The
representative results are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: User evaluation compared with thematic
User Average
Points (UAP)
Distance (HD)
HD per
A26 8 0.63 0.079
A910 9 0.57 0.064
A867 2 0.88 0.441
A283 3 0.93 0.309
A736 6 0.77 0.130
A882 7.5 0.70 0.099
A801 2 0.86 0.427
A884 6 0.77 0.127
A128 2 0.88 0.438
Figure 6: Relative speedup evolution.
Figure 7: Evolution of category-based selection.
We aim to minimize Hellinger distance, hence
lower values are welcomed. This is why the lower
the HD per UAP is the better. We can see good
recommendations like A26 and A910 for C27
having an 8 and 9 UAP with smaller than 0.1 HD
per UAP. This shows a good correlation between the
user evaluation and the results of the Hellinger
Moreover we explore the influence of the
correlation coefficient on the recommendations.
We assess the marginal cases for which we have
fully contextual or fully behavioral
recommendations and the case in which the two are
combined. We consider a user and a web page
having their top three topics illustrated in Table 4.
Table 4: Top three topics of analysed context (user and
web page).
T21 25% T22 17% T44 50% 92%
Web Page
T5 35% T27 18% T48 15% 68%
The topics in Table 4 cover, in different
proportions, the context but their combined coverage
is sometimes enough to describe them. We consider
a set of recommended advertisements for which we
compute the degree of coverage and the combined
similarity, using different versions of the correlation
coefficient (λ).
Table 5: Full behavioural (λ=0) recommendation
T21 (%)
T22 (%)
T44 (%)
HD to User
A26 4 12 21 13.05 0.88 3
A910 8.8 80 8.8 22.05 0.68 1
A867 32 14 9.4 15.40 0.73 2
Table 6: Full contextual (λ=1) recommendation
T5 (%)
T27 (%)
T48 (%)
Coverage (%)
HD to Web
A26 11.2 16.7 35 12.17 0.63 2
A910 26.4 44.4 8.8 18.5 0.57 1
A867 4.7 40 4.7 9.52 0.88 3
Table 7: Combined (λ=0.5) recommendation comparison.
Content HD2User HD 2 WP HD2Overall Rank
A26 0.88 0.63 0.75 2
A910 0.78 0.57 0.71 1
A867 0.86 0.88 0.83 3
We observe that, there is a correlation between
the low values of the Hellinger distance and the
associated coverage from both the perspectives.
This correlation spiked our interest for exploring
what would be the relation between the Hellinger
distance and the user’s evaluation. To this purpose
we constructed the curve representing the relation
between the score of an association and its distance.
Figure 8 depicts our findings. At the lowest end of
the evaluation interval (ranging between 0 and 4)
one can observe a strong variation between the
actual distance and the score. But at this level is
difficult to assess the correlation because users see
content within this band from different perspectives.
The important aspect is that content in this range is
not desirable. On the other hand, at the other
extremity of the interval one can observe an
evolution of the distance to ever-decreasing values.
The area of confusion is between 4 and 7. Here, the
distance varies with small increments making it
harder to discriminate.
We concluded that Hellinger values above 0.9
have a higher chance of being bad content and
values below 0.7 of being good content. If we
consider that this measure is theoretically bound
between 0 and
this results seems promising.
Figure 8: Hellinger evolution with user evaluation.
This paper proposes a model capable of providing
context-sensitive content based on the similarity
relation between the analysed context and the
recommended content.
The similarity is measured at thematic level by
mapping both the context and the content within a
common reference system, the proposed unified
topic model. In order to achieve topic information,
we analyse the underlying thematic structure
induced by the keywords of the considered entities
using a parallel topic extraction approach. We also
consider the influence of continuous system
interactions by modelling them as the dynamic
context. The content search space is reduced using
the category abstraction and the quality is measured
based on relevance and diversity.
We applied the model on the OABM problem
considering as context a web page, as content an
advertisement and as dynamic context the user
interacting with them.
We are currently evaluating feature selection
mechanisms in order to identify a (near) optimal
feature set. We are also considering other
approximation techniques to tackle the intractability
of the inference associated with LDA.
We aim to integrate serendipity as a metric in our
ranking module. Thus we need means of quantifying
this desirable feature. In this regard we intend to
explore the use of the NDGG-IA compound metric
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