Information Retrieval in Collaborative Engineering Projects
A Vector Space Model Approach
Paulo Figueiras
, Ruben Costa
, Luis Paiva
, Celson Lima
and Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
UNINOVA, Centre of Technology and Systems, Campus da Caparica, Quinta da Torre,
2829-516 Monte Caparica, Portugal
Faculade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Monte Caparica, Portugal
UFOPA / IEG / PSI, Federal University of Western Pará, Santarém, Brazil
Keywords: Information Retrieval, Ontology Engineering, Knowledge Representation.
Abstract: This work introduces a conceptual framework and its current implementation to support the classification
and discovery of knowledge sources, where every knowledge source is represented through a vector (named
Semantic Vector - SV). The novelty of this work addresses the enrichment of such knowledge
representations, using the classical vector space model concept extended with ontological support, which
means to use ontological concepts and their relations to enrich each SV. Our approach takes into account
three different but complementary processes using the following inputs: (1) the statistical relevance of
keywords, (2) the ontological concepts, and (3) the ontological relations. SVs are compared against each
other, in order to obtain their similarity index, and better support end users with a search/retrieval of
knowledge sources capabilities. This paper presents the technical architecture (and respective
implementation) supporting the conceptual framework, emphasizing the SV creation process. Moreover, it
provides some examples detailing the indexation process of knowledge sources, results achieved so far and
future goals pursued here are also presented.
The World Wide Web has had a tremendous impact
on society and business in just a few years by
making information instantly and ubiquitously
available. During this transition from physical to
electronic means for information transport, the
content and encoding of information has remained
natural language. Today, this is perhaps the most
significant obstacle to streamlining business
processes via the web. In order that processes may
execute without human intervention, documents
must become more machine understandable.
The Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001) is a
vision of a future web of machine-understandable
documents and data. On a machine understandable
web, it will be possible for programs to easily
determine what documents are about. For instance,
people, places, events, and other entities that a
document mentions will be canonically annotated
within it.
This work addresses a knowledge representation
approach that enables the user to express his
information needs in terms of keywords, but at the
same time uses the semantic information regarding
the domain of the application to obtain results that
are not possible in traditional searches. In traditional
searches, a document is usually retrieved when at
least one of the keywords in the query string occurs
within it. The approach here is to obtain all concept
instances that are related to a given word even if that
word does not appear inside the concept.
One of the novelties of presented work is not
only to analyse the relatedness between concepts,
and ultimately, documents, but also to enhance such
relatedness using semantic relations between
The idea presented here is to enrich the
representation of knowledge sources, related with
the building and construction sector, using a domain
ontology with concepts and relations related with the
construction sector. One of the novelties addressed
by this work is the adoption of the Vector Space
Model (VSM) (Salton et al., 1975) approach
combined with the ontological concepts and their
semantic relations represented by the domain
Figueiras P., Costa R., Paiva L., Lima C. and Jardim-Gonçalves R..
Information Retrieval in Collaborative Engineering Projects - A Vector Space Model Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004139302330238
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 233-238
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Knowledge representation of documents, using
the VSM, often comes in the form of semantic
vectors. Semantic vectors are usually called matrixes
of frequencies, as they define the probabilistic
frequency of the existence of a concept on a
document and, hence, the relevance of that concept
on the representation of the document.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents the related work. Section 3 defines the
process addressed by this work for knowledge
representation. Section 4 illustrates the empirical
evidences of the work addressed so far. Finally
section 5 concludes the paper and points out the
future work to be carried out.
In relation with the problematic to be addressed by
this work, (Castells et al., 2007) proposes an
approach based on a ontology and supported by an
adaptation of the VSM, just as in the presented
work’s case. It also uses the TF*IDF algorithm,
matches documents’ keywords with ontology
concepts, creates semantic vectors and uses the
cosine similarity to compare created vectors. A
major difference between this approach and the
presented work is that semantic relations are not
considered, nor the hierarchical relations between
concepts (taxonomic relations).
(Li, 2009) presents a way of mathematically
quantifying such hierarchical or taxonomic relations
between ontology concepts, based on relations
importance and on the co-occurrence of
hierarchically related concepts, and reflect this
quantification in documents’ semantic vectors. This
work’s aim is to create an Information Retrieval (IR)
model based on semantic vectors to apply over
personal desktop documents, and has no relation to
Web IR applications, as is the case of the presented
work. Nevertheless, this work addresses some
manual operations, where this work tries to
(Nagarajan et al., 2007) propose a document
indexation system based on the VSM and supported
by Semantic Web technologies, just as in the
presented work. They also propose a way of
quantifying ontological relations between concepts,
and represent that quantification in documents’
semantic vectors. There is a major difference
between this work and the presented approach,
though: (Nagarajan, et al., 2007) does not
distinguish between taxonomic and ontological
relations, as the presented approach does.
The approach proposed by this work (depicted in
figure 1), is composed by several stages: the first
stage (knowledge extraction) deals with the
extraction of relevant words from documents, with
the support of a text mining tool and preforms a
TF*IDF score for each relevant keyword within the
corpus of documents that constitutes our knowledge
base (knowledge sources repository); the second
stage is semantic vector creation, referred as
Knowledge Source Indexation; and the third stage is
document comparison and ranking processes,
denominated Knowledge Source Comparison.
Figure 1: Document indexation and comparison process.
3.1 Knowledge Extraction
Knowledge extraction is usually a process
comprising three stages: word extraction and regular
expressions filtering to achieve statistic vector
Statistic vector creation is the process that builds
the statistical representation of the documents in the
form of a matrix composed by expressions, or
keywords, and by the statistical weight of each
keyword within the document, based on the
frequency and place of the keyword in it, as
presented in Table 1.
Some frameworks and applications already treat
knowledge extraction issues to the extent which our
approach needs. This approach uses RapidMiner
(Rapid-I GmBH, 2011) to fulfil the needed
knowledge extraction tasks and to create documents’
statistical vectors, which are then stored in a
An example of such statistic vector for a test
document is given in Table 1. The presented values
are low, due to the nature of knowledge sources:
analysed knowledge sources reflect different topics
under the Building and Construction domain.
Table 1: Concepts and weights of a document’s statistic
vector (incomplete).
Keyword Statistic weight (rounded values)
Agreement 0.550
Fund 0.376
Provis 0.317
Advanc 0.311
Record 0.250
Found 0.212
Feder 0.196
Local 0.166
Govern 0.153
… …
3.2 Semantic Vector Creation
Semantic vector creation is the basis for the
presented approach, it represents the extraction of
knowledge and meaning from documents and the
agglomeration of this information in a matrix form,
better suited for mathematical applications than the
raw text form of documents.
A semantic vector is represented as a matrix with
two columns: The first column contains the concepts
that build up the knowledge representation of the
document, i.e. the most relevant concepts for
contextualizing the information within the
document; the second column keeps the degree of
relevance, or weight, that each term has on the
knowledge description of the document.
The presented approach takes into account tree
different, but complementary procedures for
building up the semantic vector, each of which
considered a more realistic iteration of the
knowledge representation of a document: Keyword-
based, taxonomy-based and ontology-based
semantic vectors.
3.2.1 Keyword-based Semantic Vectors
The next step deals with matching the statistical
vector’s keywords with equivalent terms which are
linked with the ontological concepts presented in the
domain ontology. Equivalent terms for concept
“Engineer” are shown in Figure 2.
Each concept in the domain ontology has several
keywords associated to it that present some semantic
similarity or some meaning regarding that specific
concept. Since keywords in the statistical vector
comprise only stemmed words, several ontology-
related keywords can be matched to one statistical
vector’s keyword. This issue will be further analysed
in the future work section.
For each ontological concept that was extracted,
the weights of all keywords matched with that
concept are summed in order to get the total
statistical weight for that ontological concept.
Figure 2: Ontological keywords and equivalent terms for
concept "Engineer".
The next step to be performed, deals with the
attribution of semantic weights to each of the
concepts. The presented approach uses an
approximation to the TF*IDF family of weighting
functions (Jones, 1972), already used on other
research works (Castells et al., 2007), to calculate
the semantic weight for each concept resultant from
the concept extraction process. The TF*IDF
algorithm used is given by the expression:
In Equation 1,
is the statistical weight for
concept in document ’s statistical vector,
is the statistical weight of the most
relevant concept, , within the statistical vector of
document , is the total number of documents
present in the documents’ search space,
is the
number of documents present in such search space
which have concept in their semantic vectors, and
is the resultant semantic weight of concept for
document .
Statistical normalization is performed for the
upcoming vector comparison result ranking
processes, because it will ease the computation
processes needed and the attribution of relevance
percentage to the results.
Table 2: Example of a keyword-based semantic vector
(incomplete): Matched ontology concepts and keywords,
and respective weights.
Concept Keyword
record recording 0.189
Foundation found foundation 0.134
Association feder federation 0.124
Territory state state 0.095
Issue compli
Request request request 0.063
Consultant author authority 0.057
… …
The keyword-based semantic vector is then
stored in the database in the form
, where is the number of
concepts in the vector,
is the syntactical
representation of the concept and
is the semantic
weight corresponding to concept. The creation
process for keyword-based semantic vectors is
represented in Table 2 for the same test document
used before.
3.2.2 Taxonomy-based Semantic Vectors
The taxonomy-based semantic vector creation
process defines a semantic vector based on the
relations of kin between concepts within the
ontological tree. Specifically, the kin relations can
be expressed through the following definitions (Li,
Definition 1: In the hierarchical tree structure of
the ontology, concept and concept are
homologous concepts if the node of concept is an
ancestor node of concept . Hence, is considered
the nearest root concept of .
Definition 2: In the hierarchical tree structure of
the ontology, concept and concept are non-
homologous concepts if concept is neither the
ancestor node nor the descendant node of concept ,
even though both concepts are related by kin; If is
the nearest ancestor of both and , then is
considered the nearest ancestor concept for both
and concepts.
As referred before on this section, if two or more
concepts are taxonomically related, this underlying
relation may trigger two different processes
(Nagarajan et al., 2007):
Process 1: When
(an ontology concept
that belongs to the semantic vector) is taxonomically
related to
(another ontology concept), and
also present on the semantic vector.
In this case, the weights corresponding to
are boosted within the semantic vector. Such
weight boost is only performed if the taxonomic
relation’s importance is greater or equal than a
certain threshold. This constraint only accepts the
weight boost if the two related concepts are linked
by a relation that is strong (i.e. both concepts are
taxonomically near in the ontology tree).
Afterwards, the semantic vector’s weights have
to be normalized again, so that each weight
represents a percentage of relevance on the
knowledge representation of a document again.
Process2: When
(an ontology concept that
belongs to the semantic vector) is taxonomically
related to
(another ontology concept), and
not present on the semantic vector.
In this case,
is not modified and
is added
to the semantic vector. The system has to calculate
the TF*IDF weight for concept
, which
brings a conceptual problem:
does not possess
any statistic weight resulting from the Knowledge
Extraction process. The chosen approach in this case
is to apply only the IDF term of Equation 1. As in
the previous process, the new concept is only added
to the taxonomy-based semantic vector if the
taxonomic relation’s relevance is greater or equal
than a threshold. For the example document, the
concepts that were not present in the input semantic
vector but had some taxonomical relation with
concepts within such vector are presented in bold in
Table 3, along with their respective weights (values
are rounded).
Table 3: Old keyword-based weights and new taxonomy-
based weights for the test document (incomplete).
Concept Keyword weight
0.189 0.095
Foundation 0.134 0.067
Association 0.124 0.062
Inspector 0.114 0.057
Territory 0.095 0.048
… …
It is important to notice that the threshold for
considering both homologous and non-homologous
relations was decreased, for the sake of clarity
within this example, to visualize the concepts that
were “boosted” and also new concepts that were
included by the knowledge enrichment processes.
It is obvious that “Design_Actor” gained more
relevance than all the other concepts, because the
concept “Design_Actor” has a strong taxonomic
relation with (i.e. is taxonomically near to) several
3.2.3 Ontology-based Semantic Vectors
Other iteration of the semantic vector creation
process is the definition of the semantic vector based
on the ontological relations’ patterns present in the
documents corpus.
The first step is to analyse each ontological
relation between concepts present on the input
semantic vector. In this case, both keyword and
taxonomy-based semantic vectors are used as inputs
for this analysis. As in taxonomy-based semantic
vector creation, there are two processes involved on
the ontological relationship analysis: the first boosts
weights belonging to concepts within the input
semantic vector, depending on the ontology relations
between them; the second adds concepts that are not
present in the input vector, according to ontological
relations they might have with concepts belonging to
the vector (Nagarajan et al., 2007).
As in taxonomy-based semantic vector creation,
the new concept is added to the semantic vector only
if the ontological relation importance is greater than
or equal to a pre-defined threshold, for the same
constraint purposes. The ontological relation’s
importance, or relevance, is not automatically
computed; rather, it is retrieved from an ontological
relation vector which is composed by a pair of
concepts and the weight associated to the pair
In the case of the second process (ontological
relation between one concept within the input
semantic vector and another concept not comprised
in that vector), and again as in the taxonomy-based
semantic vector creation process,
is not modified
is added to the semantic vector.
This chapter illustrates the assessment process of the
proposed approach within this work. First, the
knowledge source indexation process will be
assessed. And finally, an example of a query and its
results is exemplified.
4.1 Treating Queries
As mentioned before, queries are treated like
pseudo-documents, which means that all queries
suffer an indexation process similar to the one
applied to documents.
For the purpose of this assessment, it was used a
corpus of sixty five knowledge sources randomly
selected but all having a strong focus on the building
and construction domain. Just as an example, a test
query search for “door”, “door frame”, “fire
surround”, “fireproofing” and “heating” is inserted
in the interface’s keyword-based search field,
meaning that the user is looking for doors and
respective components that are fireproof or that
provide fire protection. In this case, keyword “door
is matched with concept “Door”, “door frame” is
matched with “Door Component”, and so on, as
shown in Table 4. Weights for matched ontological
concepts are all equal to 0.2, because each concept
only matches with one keyword. Hence, the
semantic vector for this query will be the one of
Table 4.
Table 4: Example of a query's semantic vector.
# Keyword Ontology concept Weight
Door Door 0.2
door frame Door Component 0.2
fire surround Fireplace And Stove 0.2
Fireproofing Fireproofing 0.2
Heating Complete Heating System 0.2
4.2 Comparing and Ranking
Our approach for vector similarity takes into account
the cosine similarity (Deza and Deza, 2009) between
two vectors, i.e. its cosine, which is calculated by the
Euclidian dot product between two vectors, and the
sparse-matrix multiplication method, which is based
on the observation that a scalar product of two
vectors depends only on the coordinates for which
both vectors have nonzero values.
The cosine of two vectors is defined as the inner
product of those vectors, after they have been
normalized to unit length. Let be the semantic
vector representing a document and the semantic
vector representing a query. The cosine of the angle
between and is given by:
where m is the size of the vectors,
is the weight
for each concept that represents and
is the
weight for each concept present on the query vector
(Castells et al., 2007) (Li, 2009).
A sparse-matrix multiplication approach is
adopted here, such as the cosine similarity, because
the is one of the most commonly used similarity
measures for vectors and and it can be
decomposed into three values: one depending on the
nonzero values of , another depending on the
nonzero values of , and the third depending on the
nonzero coordinates shared both by and .
Document ranking is based on the similarity
between documents and the query. More
specifically, and because the result of the cosine
function is always 0 and 1, the system extrapolates
the cosine function result as a percentage value.
The first results for the documents’ test set is
very satisfactory: The first search-resultant
knowledge source presents a relevance of 84% to the
query, out of a total of sixty five documents. The
relevance of the document corpus representation
against the user query is presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Five most relevant results for the user query. 1 2 3 4 5
relevance %
190 0.093 0.093 0.077 0.077 0.0803 84
179 0.181 0.182 n.a. n.a. n.a. 57
201 0.121 0.122 0.013 0.013 n.a. 55
197 0.017 0.017 0.109 0.110 n.a. 52
172 0.045 0.045 0.035 0.037 0.012 48
It is easily comprehensible that, for the first
result (doc. id 190), all concepts have higher
semantic weight, with values near to 0.10 (or 10%).
Furthermore, all concepts of the query are contained
in the first result’s semantic vector.
Our contribution targets essentially the
representation of knowledge sources which can be
applied in various areas, such as semantic web, and
information retrieval. Moreover, it can also support
project teams working in collaborative
environments, by helping them to choose relevant
knowledge from a panoply of knowledge sources
and, ultimately, ensuring that knowledge is properly
used and created within organizations. Using
semantic information from external ontologies is
proven to enhance the representation of knowledge
sources, but there is still some space for future
As future work, some improvements to the
proposed approach within this work still needed to
be carried out. It is proposed as future work, to
perform the creation of statistical vectors using a
batch mode, where all documents are previously
grouped in clusters of domain area using clustering
algorithms as the k-means algorithm.
Additional work can also be driven in order to
apply learning mechanisms into the domain
ontology. The domain ontology is seen as something
that is static and doesn’t evolve over time as
organizational knowledge does. One possible
approach is to extract new knowledge coming from
knowledge sources (new concepts and new semantic
relations) and reflect it on the domain ontology.
The idea of capturing user context (user
profiling, type of platform being used by the end
user, background information on past projects, etc.)
in order to better enhance user experience and
searching and ranking process of knowledge sources
and must also be taken into account.
The results achieved so far and presented here,
do not reflect the final conclusion of the proposed
approach and are part of an on-going work.
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