Node Positioning
Application for Wireless Networks Industrial Plants
Pedro H. G. Coelho, Jorge L. M. do Amaral and José F. do Amaral
Rio de Janeiro State University, UERJ, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications,
Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 – Sala 5027E, 20550-900, RJ – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Wireless Networks, Node Positioning, Artificial Immune Systems.
Abstract: This article discusses the positioning of the nodes of a wireless network of an industrial plant for the
network to meet the application requirements, particularly with respect to coverage characteristics and
reliability. Issues involving these two parameters are investigated and it is intended to submit proposals
using the concepts of computational intelligence to solve the problem.
The possibility of using wireless network has been
widely discussed in the areas of industrial
automation, environmental monitoring, and location
of road vehicles among others. The great advantage
of not using cable for data transmission is the ease of
network installation in all environments, including
those where it is not possible to lay cables, be for the
difficulty of access, or for being a dangerous area or
not allowed access. Another advantage is the ease of
maintenance of equipment. In the listed applications,
it is of paramount importance the safety, reliability,
availability, robustness, and network performance in
carrying out the monitoring and process control.
That is, the network cannot be sensitive to
interference or stop its operation because of an
equipment failure, nor can have high latency in data
transmission and ensure that the information is not
lost (Zheng and Myung, 2006), (Santos, 2007).
A network of wireless smart sensors is
responsible for conducting the monitoring of a
process or an environment, process the collected
information and send it to other sensors or routers
closer to the gateway. The sensors are powered by
batteries and positioned according to the process to
be monitored (Gomes, 2008).
Data transmission in a wireless network in
today's industrial automation is faced with the
problem of interference generated by other
equipment and obstacles. In an attempt to minimize
these effects, various methods of intermediate nodes
positioning are used. The intermediate nodes or
routers are responsible for making the routing of
data, generated by sensors in the network to the
gateway through hops, directly or indirectly. Such
devices are responsible for meeting the safety,
reliability and robustness criteria of the network and
are of paramount importance in directing data
transmission. However, they can leave all or a great
part of the network dead, if they have any fault
(Hoffert et al., 2005).
Most of the presented solutions to this problem
use optimization algorithms to find the smallest
number of routers needed to make the network meet
the criteria related to the decrease of energy
consumption of each node. Moreover, monitoring
the total area, simplifying the network with the
lowest cost, meeting the traffic demand not evenly
distributed, reducing the latency of the data, the
reduction of computational complexity, minimizing
the burden placed on the nodes and maximizing the
number of nodes that can communicate with the
gateway are also key issues in the problem (Youssef
and Younis, 2007), (Molina et al., 2008). These
solutions typically face problems of scalability and
changes of the network configuration the over the
years. Thus, for each network configuration it would
be necessary to develop a specific solution in
accordance with new obstacles, positioning of the
sensor nodes and, consequently, new positions for
the routers.
This article is divided into four sections. This
section is an introduction to the problem of
positioning nodes in wireless networks. Section two
discusses the importance of studying node
H. G. Coelho P., L. M. do Amaral J. and F. do Amaral J..
Node Positioning - Application for Wireless Networks Industrial Plants.
DOI: 10.5220/0004095402910294
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 291-294
ISBN: 978-989-8565-10-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
positioning. In section three possible solutions to the
problem using computational intelligence (CI) are
discussed. The forth section closes the paper
presenting research directions and preliminary
This section briefly discusses the positioning of
nodes characteristics and its main constraints.
Why study the positioning of the nodes? For the
network to meet the application requirements,
especially regarding reliability and coverage issues.
Positioning of the nodes can cause a dramatic impact
on the efficient operation of networks.
The positioning of the nodes can be static, which
is done before the network operation, or dynamic,
where the repositioning of nodes continues on the
network in operation.
Static positioning of the nodes depends on the
method of nodes distribution, for instance controlled
or randomized. It also varies with the optimization
objective which may include the coverage area,
connectivity, longevity or data fidelity. The role of
node in the wireless network should also be taken
into account in the positioning process e. g. the node
can act as a sensor repeater, a base station or cluster-
head node. Questions such as where and when to
relocate nodes naturally arise and the characteristics
of the network also play an important role in the
whole process.
One has to define the network coverage or in
other words the accessibility to the gateway. The
critical nodes are those for which its load is
overwhelming and the sensitivity of the network to a
loss of such a node is high. Fault tolerance is also a
key issue and it is of paramount importance to know
what happens if a node fails. In such a case it is
important to know if an alternative path exists for
those paths having that faulty node. Determining the
number and the positioning of repeater nodes is also
an information one should have.
For industrial wireless networks every node must
be able to communicate with the gateway, either
directly or through other nodes, so that the targeted
coverage should be equal to 100 %.
As far as the used criteria are concerned for each
of such networks, every node must have a certain
number of neighbors in order to increase the
availability of alternative paths. That means also that
a number of network nodes must be in direct
connection with the gateway. The number of hops
for which a message reaches a node to the gateway
has to be closely monitored once the increase in the
number of hops raises the message latency.
Depending on the refresh rate of the measurements,
in case of wireless sensor applications, this can be an
important issue. Also the number of retransmissions
from other nodes necessary for reaching the gateway
should be carefully considered as increasing the
number of retransmissions may shorten the battery
In terms of fault tolerance it is important to know
what percentage of the network that is still working
if a particular node fails. What is the most critical
node on the network in relation to this criterion?
Those issues are to be considered in the building
of the node positioning for industrial wireless
This section presents proposals for solving the
problem of positioning nodes for wireless industrial
networks employing computational intelligence
techniques. Such techniques are very promising for
application to the problem at hand because they
allow consideration of heuristic optimization issues
related to the theme.
The problem of positioning nodes is an NP-Hard
(Molina, 2008) and in view of this, it is usual to use
heuristics and stochastic optimization schemes. Thus
potential techniques applicable to the solution of the
problem involve those related to computational
intelligence such as genetic algorithms, collective
intelligence, such as ant colony optimization,
artificial immune systems and others. Before
proceeding it is necessary to emphasize an important
feature of the problem of positioning nodes in
wireless networks in industrial environments. Note
that in this case, the nodes in the network are
positioned at locations to be instrumented and
connectivity with the central node, usually located in
the control room, it is absolutely necessary
otherwise the consequences can be devastating. This
situation is distinct from a network of wireless
computers only for INTERNET access in which
connectivity can be lost and then resumed without
major losses to the user, since the greatest interest is
to achieve a high throughput.
3.1 Node Positioning using Artificial
Immune Systems
The immune system is one of most important ones
for the survival of humans and animals. It has the
task of fighting the invaders, which cause diseases
through complex mechanisms. Such mechanisms are
complementary and fit to perform the recognition of
pathogens (viruses, bacteria, foreign molecules etc.)
and inhibit its action in the body of the individual
and are divided into (Amaral, 2006) (Castro, 2001):
1. Recognition of pathogen - is accomplished by
lymphocytes, i.e. B and T cells that have receptors
for the purpose of joining the pathogen to
subsequently eliminate it;
2. Affinity maturation of lymphocyte receptors
and pathogen - there will be hypermutation receptors
so that they are able to fit "perfectly" to the antigen;
3. Cloning of the antibody with higher affinity -
cloning of lymphocytes that are better suited to the
4. Distinction between self and non-self - this
mechanism is of paramount importance for the
individual able to survive without any autoimmune
disease that destroys the cells and proteins of the
organism itself. It will make the distinction between
body proteins and the invaders;
5. Immunological memory - is a database stored
in the memory immune receptors, which act more
quickly and effectively against the next infection
caused by the same pathogen.
The artificial immune systems exploit
mechanisms found in natural immune systems to
develop techniques for solving problems. The
natural immune systems provide protection against
numerous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and
Some basic concepts of natural immune systems
will be described so that we can develop the
application in node positioning. Antigens are
substances that are not recognized by the immune
system as the body itself. There are two types of
immune systems the innate and the adaptive. The
first is the first line of defense of the living organism
and reacts similarly to different pathogens such as
the skin. Note that some pathogens cannot be fought
by the innate immune system. The adaptive system
fight against specific pathogens. Its main
components are B cells which produce antibodies
and T cells that attack the abnormal cells. The
response of the innate immune system remains
constant, the adaptive gives immunity against re-
infection of the same infectious agent. Pathogens or
molecules present antigens that are recognized by B
cells. Note that the marriage is not always perfect.
Since the antigen recognized, the B cell begins to
produce antibodies. Each B cell produces only one
type of antibody. For example, antibody to influenza
virus is different from that for pneumonia. The more
efficient antibodies are cloned.
Now an algorithm using artificial immune
system techniques will be described.
The algorithm is as follows:
1 - Initialization: Original placement or pattern
of antibodies.
2 - Training: Presentation of antigens for the
iterative network of antibodies against antigens and
3 - Competition: winners antibodies in accordan-
ce with an affinity function
4 - Cloning; reproducing the efficient antibodies.
5 - Convergence: each antibody is associated
with an antigen and each antigen antibody should
have a winner within a minimum defined distance.
6 - Pruning: After all training unrelated antibody
with any antigen is removed.
Preliminary tests indicate that the above proposal
is satisfactory.
The artificial immune systems are algorithms
inspired by the functioning of the human immune
system to solve optimization problems, pattern
recognition and others. The most widely used
algorithms in solving the problems mentioned above
are the immune network algorithms, clonal selection
and negative selection (Castro and Timmis, 2002).
The artificial immune networks are algorithms that
mimic the functioning of the immune network in
combating human infectious diseases in slaughter.
This network provides human immune B cells
capable of recognizing and to recombine in the
absence of the pathogenic agent, thereby forming a
network capable of eliminating the invaders. They
are formed in accordance with the degree of affinity
between B cells. If the affinity between them is high,
then the cell B is joined to the network, otherwise it
will be repelled away from the network. This action
of union or inhibition of B cells occur until the
network stabilizes and so could fight off diseases.
The purpose of this paper is to solve the problem of
positioning nodes in wireless industrial networks
using artificial immune, based on the human
immune system. The algorithms based on immune
networks have very desirable characteristics in
solving this problem, among which we mention:
scalability, self-organization, learning ability and
continuous treatment of noisy data. It is intended to
build positioning algorithms based on models of
artificial immune networks (Castro 2001), aiming to
get the best settings for a wireless network industry,
positioning the router nodes in the network, so that
all devices to communicate with gateway without
loss of information.
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