iTree: Skill-building User-centered Clarification Consultation Interfaces
Martina Freiberg and Frank Puppe
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Informatics, Institute of Computer Science
University of W
urzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 W
urzburg, Germany
Knowledge-based Systems, Clarification Consultation, UI Design, Skill-building UI, Usability Evaluation.
Developing web-based, knowledge-based systems (wKBS) still challenges developers, mostly due to the in-
herent complexity of the overall task. The increased focus on knowledge-base development/evaluation and
consequent neglect of UI/interaction design and usability evaluation raises the need for a tailored wKBS de-
velopment tool, leveraging the overall task while specifically supporting the latter activities. As an example
for such a tool, we introduce the wKBS development tool ProKEt. With the help of that tool, we developed
the novel UI concept interactive clarification tree (iTree) with skill-building ability, that specifically is suitable
for clarification consultation systems. Also, we report a recent case study, where iTree was implemented for
knowledge-based clarification consultation in the legal domain.
Despite increasing distribution in many domains,
web-based knowledge-based systems (wKBS) still
challenge developers: Development of appropriate
knowledge bases alone is an effortful task in terms of
time and money; thus, intentional UI/interaction de-
sign and usability evaluation activities remain rather
neglected. Yet, wKBS are often applied in critical or
specialized contexts—e.g., consultation in the medi-
cal or legal domain—where the chosen UI/interaction
style can contribute strongly to either the success or
the failure of the system. Thus, UI/interaction design
and usability evaluation should rather be a key factor
for wKBS development. This increases the need for
a tailored software tool that fosters experimentation
and evaluation of novel wKBS styles. We propose the
tailored software tool ProKEt, that supports efficient
affordable,UI-/interaction design-focussed wKBS de-
velopment while at the same time seamlessly integrat-
ing usability evaluation functionality. To the best of
our knowledge there does not exist previous work to
date regarding similar tools.
Regarding consultation in contexts such as the le-
gal or medical domain, it often can be valuable to not
only have general consultation systems available that
derive one or more diagnoses based on the user input,
but additionally to have specialized clarification sys-
tems, for investigating only one distinct diagnosis—
potentially pre-selected by general consultation sys-
tems or by the users themselves. In this paper, we
introduce the interactive clarification tree (iTree) as
a novel, hierarchical clarification UI/interaction style
that we developed with the help of the tool ProKEt;
iTree thereby is particularly suitable for a mixed, di-
verse user population and additionally provides skill-
building ability. A first study in the course of a current
project in the domain of legal consultation suggests
general benefits of the proposed iTree UI style.
Related Work. With regards to general
KBS/wKBS development there exist various tailored
software tools—such as JavaDON (Tomic et al.,
2006), or KnowWE (Baumeister et al., 2011)—and
methodologies—e.g., MIKE (Angele et al., 1998), or
CommonKADS (Schreiber et al., 2001). However,
such approaches still mostly focus on the design
and evaluation of the knowledge base; in contrast,
we propose ProKEt as tailored wKBS development
tool that seamlessly couples efficient, agile wKBS
development, creative experimentation regarding
KBS UI/interaction design, and semi-automated
usability evaluation activities. ProKEt can be further
seen as user-centered prototyping tool for wKBS—a
concept defined by (Leichtenstern and Andr
e, 2010)
as an all-in-one tool solution for enabling efficient,
effective and satisfactorily design, evaluation and
analysis of developed artifacts.
Probably due to the numerous benefits of web-
based systems—e.g., availability, acceptance, or
maintainability—to date an increasing number of
knowledge-based/expert systems seems to be devel-
Freiberg M. and Puppe F..
iTree: Skill-building User-centered Clarification Consultation Interfaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0004093701370142
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 137-142
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
oped for the web—i.e., integrated in websites or as
separate, complex web applications; recent examples
are (Patil et al., 2009) or (Rahimi et al., 2007). How-
ever, such wKBS apparently are being developed in a
rather ad hoc manner, not following systematic meth-
ods or processes, and not (re)using (neither provid-
ing) any patterns or best practices especially regard-
ing the UI/interaction design—probably due to a gen-
eral lack of scientific research in web-based expert
systems, cf. (Duan et al., 2005). Similarly, wKBS de-
velopers seem to be individuals, performing all tasks
required for developing and distributing a wKBS by
themselves. This further increases the need for a tai-
lored tool that not only renders overall wKBS devel-
opment an efficient, pragmatic task, but equally im-
portant specifically supports design and experimen-
tation with web-based UI/interaction forms and their
usability evaluation.
Paper Structure. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows: In Section 2, we shortly introduce the tai-
lored wKBS development tool ProKEt. Afterwards,
we discuss iTree, a novel hierarchical UI concept for
knowledge-based clarification consultation systems
with skill-building ability in Section 3. We report on a
recent case study in Section 4, where the proposed UI
style was practically implemented for a wKBS in the
legal domain. We conclude with a short summary of
the presented research and an outlook to prospective
future work in Section 5.
2 ProKEt
ProKEt is a tailored, Prototyping and Knowledge
systems Engineering tool for web-based, knowledge-
based systems (wKBS), that additionally provides in-
tegrated support for various usability evaluation re-
lated activities. Thereby, ProKEt specifically sup-
ports web-based consultation and documentation sys-
tems, which can be developed equally well as (pure)
prototypical demo systems and as fully-fledged sys-
tems for productive use. Thereby, extensible pro-
totyping is put into action, facilitating a nearly ef-
fortless transition from prototype to productive sys-
tem; for a more extensive introduction of the agile,
extensible prototyping and engineering process with
ProKEt, see (Freiberg et al., 2012). The main ap-
plication logic is implemented in Java. The result-
ing artifacts are Servlet-based web applications, us-
ing HTML, StringTemplate, and CSS for UI creation,
and JavaScript for interactivity. Regarding the knowl-
edge representation, an XML-based specification is
used for the pure prototypes, which can be directly
cerated/edited with ProKEt itself. For productive sys-
tems, d3web (URL d3web, 2012) knowledge bases
are integrated and (mostly) replace the XML speci-
fication; the latter, however, can not directly be edited
with ProKEt, thus in that case an external d3web-
supporting tool such as KnowWE (Baumeister et al.,
2011) is required. Yet recently, we implemented a
mechanism to couple KnowWE and ProKEt artifacts,
thus drastically improving and easing the workflow of
UI/front-end development, knowledge base develop-
ment and their integration into a productive wKBS.
For supporting the straightforward evaluation of
its artifacts, ProKEt further allows for seamlessly in-
tegrating both qualitative and quantitative data col-
lection both for prototypes and productive wKBS;
this enables developers to assess the current develop-
ment state in a favorable way at any time by conduct-
ing manifold, potentially iterative, evaluations. For
qualitative data collection, ProKEt supports both the
integration of form-based questionnaires/surveys—
standards such as the SUS (Brooke, 1996) and the
NasaTLX (Hart, 2006) are supported out of the box,
but tailored own questionnaires can be added with no
effort—and of anytime feedback—mechanisms for
collecting free user feedback at any time during a
wKBS session. Regarding quantitative data, ProKEt
provides a tailored, mouse click and keyboard event
logging mechanism that records all relevant actions
during wKBS sessions. Based on that data, ProKEt
furthermore automatically can calculate a bunch of
known usability metrics—such as Success Rate, or
Average Task Time—proposed e.g. by (Constantine
and Lockwood, 1999), but it is equally well possi-
ble to just export qualitative and quantitative data into
a standard CSV format for further investigation with
external tools, e.g., standard spreadsheet calculation
or advanced statistical software. A more detailed in-
troduction of that usability extension of ProKEt can
be found in (Freiberg and Puppe, 2012).
ProKEt particularly supports the development of
consultation- and documentation systems. A consul-
tation system thereby provides decision support in a
particular domain based on given user input, whereas
a documentation system contrastingly focusses on
supporting uniform, efficient and high quality data en-
try. In this paper, we propose the interactive clarifica-
tion tree (iTree) UI style specifically for clarification
systems as a sub-class of consultation systems.
3.1 Clarification Consultation
As a subarea of classification, clarification relates
to hypothesize-and-test as follows: Separate, gen-
eral multiplex consultation systems can be applied
first for narrowing the complete set of potential di-
agnoses/hypotheses down to one or several most suit-
able elements (hypothesize step); each of those hy-
potheses can then be further investigated by a corre-
sponding clarification module (test step). As shortcut,
users could alternatively start directly with a clarifica-
tion system for a chosen hypothesis themselves.
3.2 iTree: Skill-building Clarification
We propose iTree as a novel UI with skill-building
ability that fosters an efficient and usable user experi-
ence in the context of clarification systems.
Y N ? X
Core Issue to Clarify…
Y N ? X
Question 1 (Rating Core Issue)
Y N ? X
Question 2 (Rating Core Issue)
Y N ? X
Question 2.1 (Rating Question 2)
Y N ? X
Question 2.2 (Rating Question 2)
Y N ? X
Question 3 (Rating Core Issue)
Figure 1: Schematic drawing of the iTree UI style.
Figure 1 presents a schematic drawing of iTree
for clarification systems. The core issue to be rated
is presented as root element of the hierarchical tree
structure (Figure 1, Core Issue). Its rating is de-
rived from the ratings of any desired number of top-
level questions, placed directly underneath the core is-
sue (Figure 1, Quest.1, Quest.2, Quest.3). Questions
are a tailored form of yes/no questions with an ad-
ditional value Neutral/Uncertain; provided answers
further can be withdrawn/adapted at any time, indi-
cated by the X button. The current implementation—
a practical example of which is depicted in Fig-
ure 2—allows three possible abstract ratings for the
core issue as well as for all questions: Confirmed,
uncertain/neutral and rejected, which correspond to
the answers Yes, ?, and No per default. Some do-
mains may require to swap that mapping for particu-
lar questions in favor of a more understandable ques-
tion wording. Figure 2 depicts an example: The core
issue is confirmed (rating: yes) if the cancellation
was NOT prohibited due to time limitations; in that
case, the swapped yes/no mapping allows for reword-
ing the question as depicted, which is much clearer
than its negated alternative. In case the user can-
not answer a question directly, more detailed refine-
ment questions—if available—can be retrieved for the
current element, represented by the D button in the
scheme and by the arrow in Figure 2; as example, the
second top-level question in Figure 2 contains two re-
fining questions, which list in more detail the condi-
tions which confirm/reject its parent question. Ques-
tion ratings are always propagated from inner levels
of the hierarchy up to the topmost question(s) by ei-
ther AND or OR connections. Let pn be a parent node
and cn
a child node of pn; for calculating the rating
of pn, the following rules apply:
AND nodes:
IF cn
= no THEN pn = no
IF cn
= yes THEN pn = yes
IF cn
= rated AND cn
= neutral AND @cn
= no
T HEN pn = neutral
IF cn
= unknown AND cn
= neutral AND@cn
= no
T HEN pn = unknown
OR nodes:
IF cn
= yes T HEN pn = yes
IF cn
= no T HEN pn = no
IF cn
= rated AND cn
= neutral AND @cn
= yes
T HEN pn = neutral
IF cn
= unknown AND cn
= neutral AND @cn
= yes
T HEN pn = unknown
This means, e.g., that the core issue in Figure 2
is rated yes only if all of its children are rated yes, as
those are connected to the core issue by AND (second
rule above); likewise, cancellation prohibited due to
time limitation is rated yes as soon as one of its chil-
dren is rated yes (fifth rule above) due to the OR con-
nection. One advantage of iTree is the suitability for
Was the working contract terminated effectually?
Core Issue
Is the cancellation prohibited due to time limitation?
Is the cancellation allowed despite time limitation?
Was the working contract a fixed-term contract?
Is the cancellation formally passable?
Yes No
Yes No
-?- X
Figure 2: Exemplary iTree Implementation.
a diverse user population—i.e., users with different
background and expertise might be able to profit from
the same system. This is achieved by the possibility
to derive the solution rating both by answering more
abstract top-level questions (domain specialist level)
or by stepping into more refined, elaborate questions
(less expertise required) in iTree. By the visual repre-
sentation of the knowledge base structure, moreover
a form of focus-and-context view is created: Not only
the currently active/processed question(s) are visible,
but also surrounding elements are indicated—limited
only by the display size. As the user thus can visually
trace the result of an answer by the distinct presen-
tation of the questions and their current state, that is
propagated all throughout the tree, the core issue rat-
ing becomes more transparent. The chosen visual rep-
resentation of the knowledge further supports users in
Core Issue
Is the dismissal formally legal?
Is the dismissal legally correct regarding the contents?
Is the dismissal not prohibited due to timely limitations?
Is the dismissal not prohibited due to special laws?
Was the statutory period of notice adhered to?
Is the dismissal formally legal?
Is the dismissal legally correct regarding the contents?
Is the dismissal not prohibited due to timely limitations?
Is the dismissal not prohibited due to special laws?
Was the statutory period of notice adhered to?
Figure 3: JuriSearch clarification module as iTree (large) and oneQ UI (small). AND/OR rules for rating the (sub-)questions
(A) are visually represented; reversed question example (underneath B); dummy node example, only serving for rule connec-
tion modeling (above B); four simple buttons (B) for rating the questions (Y:yes—N:no—?:neutral—X/empty:retract), rating
highlighted by background color (C); core issue rating prominently displayed and updated continuosly (D); additional infor-
mation displayed in separate panel when mouse-overing question (E); anytime feedback/data collection features integrated
in UI header (F); clarification core component in oneQ style (G) always displays current active question with additional-
information panel, previously answered questions remain presented in a more condensed view.
gaining a thorough understanding of the investigated
core issue and the coherences between its clarifying
questions and the core issue itself. Thus, users acquire
additional knowledge by means of the system, yet are
also enabled to bring in their existing knowledge for
potentially shortening the clarification session or for
focussing on only those parts in detail that are rather
unclear. Together with optional, auxiliary informa-
tion that can be integrated for each of the elements
(not contained in the scheme—see e.g. the auxiliary
information panel in Figure 3, E), iTree specifically
can serve as a skill-building UI type.
4 CASE STUDY—JuriSearch
At the beginning of 2012, the JuriSearch project
was initiated as a cooperation between the univer-
sity of W
urzburg and the RenoStar corporation (partly
founded by the Free State of Bavaria). JuriSearch
aims at building a wKBS for the legal domain: The
target system is intended to integrate both a stan-
dard consultation (entrance) module—hypothesize
and various clarification modules for each potential
core issue—test—as to provide encompassing advice
on various legal topics, such as the right of cance-
lation or the law of tenantry. Potential target users
are diverse, ranging from legal laymen—searching
for a basic understanding/estimation of their case to
(fresh) lawyers seeking for guidance regarding legal
(sub)domain(s) that are not exactly their special field
of work. Those framing conditions provided a per-
fect opportunity to implement and evaluate the iTree
UI style. Therefore, a comparative study with iTree
and a more common, conversational UI style was con-
ducted; the latter was implemented as a one-question
UI style (oneQ). In contrast to the free, explorative
interaction with iTree, oneQ is based on the metaphor
of a conversation: The system always presents only
the one suitable next question at a time, thus imitat-
ing a strict dialogue between a user and the system.
Yet, both UI types are based on the exact same knowl-
edge base with their core difference being the presen-
tation of the questions: Hierarchical tree (iTree) vs.
single question (oneQ). Refinement questions are as
well available in oneQ; yet there, the former current
question is folded and the first of the refinement level
questions is presented, thereby destroying much of
the ’contextual knowledge’ that iTree facilitates by al-
ways presenting all questions of the current hierarchy
level in addition to the surrounding, further structure
(limited by display size only).
Figure 3 presents the iTree implementation in Ju-
riSearch (A-F) as well as the alternative, conversa-
tional oneQ UI (G).
4.1 User Study—Framing Conditions
21 members from our department—all male, mostly
between 25 and 35 years—participated in the first
study; as computer scientists, they all were versed in
general computer and web system usage, yet in most
cases had little to no experience regarding the spe-
cific wKBS types, and no experience regarding the
target domain at all. Two exemplary problem descrip-
tions from the domain of cancellation were created,
and participants were asked to solve one problem with
iTree and the other with oneQ; to avoid biased re-
sults due to the sequence of using the UIs, that se-
quence was altered between participants. The study
was conducted remotely: The test systems were de-
ployed on a specifically configured server—enabling
the integrated logging and feedback/questionnaire
mechanisms—and the participants were given all re-
quired instruction material per email.
4.2 User Study—Results & Discussion
The collected log-data revealed a general applicability
of the iTree concept for implementing a clarification
wKBS UI in the legal domain and specifically the fol-
lowing results: First, iTree exhibited an average task
time of 13m 38s±6m 49s in contrast to 10m 39s±5m
49s for oneQ (by a narrow margin statistically not
significant on a one-sided unpaired t-test, p=0,068).
The higher task time of iTree could possibly be ex-
plained by its ability to provide intuitively for free,
extensive exploration of the system. Yet on the other
hand, task time should not be overrated at all, here;
the extent of usage of the test systems depended in
larger parts on a) the reading speed of the participants
regarding the questions and explanations, b) the us-
age conditions (during daily job routine vs. after end
of work) which, due to the setting of the remote study
could not be controlled strictly, and c) the potentially
already existing knowledge regarding the problem at
hand, in turn leading to highly subjective task time re-
sults between users. Regarding the success- and error
rate, a case was classified successful, if the correct
rating of the core issue was derived by the user with
the respective system type, and not successful if ei-
ther the wrong or no solution was found. For iTree,
the success rate was 42,86% and 38,1% for oneQ
(both: no statistical significance on a one-sided bi-
nomial test with p=0,11 and p=0,16); along with sub-
jective user feedback, this clearly indicates the need
to rework the knowledge base contents/structure for
yielding better results. Furthermore, both anytime-
and questionnaire-based feedback were collected as
qualitative user data. The first remarkable finding was
the fact, that iTree nearly concordantly was perceived
more intuitively usable, and that it thus further was
reported to be the preferred UI type by 81% of the
study participants, whereas oneQ only was preferred
by 14% and no preference was stated by 5%; this is
statistically significant on a χ
test with p<0,05 and
with an anticipated distribution of 50% (iTree), 30%
(oneQ), and 20% (both equally). One possible expla-
nation might be the specific characteristics of the par-
ticipant population, that—as computer scientists—
might simply be used to tree representations and thus
perceived iTree as naturally more intuitive to use. Re-
garding further subjective (questionnaire) topics iTree
scored better all over; on a scale from 0 (worst) to
6 (best) the results were: Comprehensibility of the
system reactions 4.43±1.54 (iTree) vs. 2.76±1.45
(oneQ) or of the derived results 4.53±1.54 (iTree)
vs. 3.33±1.85 (oneQ), and the mediation of do-
main knowledge to the user 4.05±1.32 (iTree) vs.
2.95±1.72 (oneQ); those differences are all statisti-
cally significant using an unpaired, one-sided t-test
with p0,05. Especially the latter value affirmed
our assumption that iTree particularly evinces skill-
building abilities. Additional insights from anytime
feedback included: The wording of the questions
was perceived as incomprehensible/cumbersome in
11 cases (52%) due to often used duplicate negations
and legal specialist language, probably further aggra-
vated by the fact that the chosen participants were le-
gal laymen and thus not at all familiar with legal terms
and language; also, the hierarchical structure and rep-
resentation of the knowledge base—that followed the
legal subsumption logic—was perceived unfavorable.
In such a hierarchy/sequence, the questions most in-
teresting for legal laymen appear far down while at
the same time more abstract concepts are contained
at the upper levels; this led to (laymen) users hav-
ing difficulties to make sense of the concepts at the
top/beginning of the hierarchy/questioning sequence.
A solution to this issue might be a complete restruc-
turing of the knowledge base, so that the most rele-
vant questions and distinctions—from the users’ point
of view, e.g., typical reasons for dismissal, size of
company, etc.—also appear on rather top levels, sure
posing a difficult trade off between legal correctness/-
schematic thinking and understandability; yet it ap-
parently could greatly contribute to tailoring the UI
to the users in enabling them to bring in their own
perspective and knowledge in the dialog. Thus a fur-
ther refinement of the knowledge base with regards to
a clear, easily understandable language and structure
turned out indispensable. Another interesting finding
was the fact, that in 4 (19%) cases, the real mean-
ing of the -?- button as an answer alternative was not
grasped; users rather expected the system to display
more elaborate explanations on the issue at hand or to
open up the next refinement level of the questions in-
stead of receiving just a rating of the current question.
Similarly, the X/empty button—designated to clearing
a previously entered answer—was not intuitively un-
derstood in 3 (14%) cases.
In this paper, we claimed the importance of a care-
ful UI/interaction design for web-based, knowledge-
based systems. Regarding the consultation systems’
sub-class clarification systems, we suggested iTree as
novel UI/interaction style for increased efficiency and
usability. In a first comparative user study from the
legal domain, an initial iTree prototype as well as
an alternative, one-question style prototype were im-
plemented using the prototyping and knowledge sys-
tems engineering tool ProKEt. The results suggest,
that iTree generally is a favorable UI style for clari-
fication systems, that supports free, explorative sys-
tem usage and thus provides skill-building potential
on the side of the users. Yet, the study also showed
the need to rework the knowledge base of the system,
regarding both the question wording as well as their
structuring. One assumption requiring further studies
is, that the legal iTree at its current state is satisfy-
ing for legal experts, whereas a restructured system
could be more appropriate for non-expert users. Ad-
ditionally, we plan on developing and evaluating sim-
ilar iTree systems for the medical domain. This raises
the requirement of more fine-granular rating options,
e.g., by scoring rules. Finally, further experimentation
with potential UI enhancements is intended to help
improve the iTree concept; one such idea is the inte-
gration of an interactive system state preview that is
overlaid when mouse-overing the respective answer
We thank the RenoStar (Großwallstadt, GER) corpo-
ration for valuable discussions and cooperation.
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