Managing the Environmental Performance of Distributed Energy Resources
org Bremer
Department of Computing Science, University of Oldenburg, Uhlhornsweg, Oldenburg, Germany
Distributed Energy Resources, Environmental Performance Indicator, Optimization, Constraint Modelling.
The current technology’s upheaval in the electricity sector is leading to a need for new distributed control
schemes for distributed electricity generation. In order to enable optimization of electricity generation and
consumption for global objectives in distributed search spaces, meta-models of constrained spaces of operable
schedules are indispensable for efficient communication. In order to qualify for being a green technology,
indicators for individual environmental performance have to be incorporated into these meta-models. We here
present insight into ongoing work concerning the integration of environmental performance indicators into the
distributed control of energy resources. In order to ensure interoperability on the indicators, we will discuss
the need for an ontology defining the description of such indicators.
In order to allow for a transition of the current cen-
tral market and network structure of today’s electric-
ity grid to a decentralized smart grid, an efficient man-
agement of numerous distributed energy resources
(DER) will become more and more indispensable.
We here consider rather small, distributed elec-
tricity producers that are supposed to pool together
with likewise distributed electricity consumers and
prosumers (like batteries) in order to jointly gain more
degrees of freedom in choosing load profiles. In this
way, they become a controllable entity with sufficient
market power. In order to manage such a pool of
DER, the following distributed optimization problem
has to be frequently solved: A partition of a demanded
aggregate schedule has to be determined in order to
fairly distribute the load among all participating DER.
Optimality usually refers to local (individual cost) as
well as to global (e.g. environmental impact) ob-
jectives in addition to the main goal: Resemble the
wanted overall load schedule as close as possible.
When determining an optimal partition of the
schedule for load distribution, exactly one alterna-
tive schedule is taken from each DER’s search space
of individual operable schedules in order to assem-
ble the desired aggregate schedule. For optimization,
a scheduling algorithm (whether centralized or not)
must know for each DER which schedules are opera-
ble and which are not. Therefore, the set of alterna-
tive, operable schedules (obeying multiple constraints
like allowed power or voltage bands or buffer charg-
ing levels) has to be encoded by an appropriate, stan-
dardizable model for inclusion into optimization. An
example for such a model has been presented by (Bre-
mer et al., 2010). If alternative solutions are to be
chosen environmentally conscious, appropriate indi-
cators must be included into the model of the search
space and therefore into the description of each alter-
native schedule. Such an indicator allows a conclu-
sion about a single type of environmental impact (e.g.
emissions) of a schedule.
Each DER has to serve the purpose it has been
built for. But, usually this purpose may be achieved
in different alternative ways. For example, it is the
(intended) purpose of a CHP (a small in-house plant
for combined heat and power production) to deliver
enough heat for the varying heat demand in a house-
hold at every moment in time. Nevertheless, if heat
usage can be decoupled from heat production by us-
ing a thermal buffer store, different production pro-
files may be used for generating the heat. This leads,
in turn, to different respective electric load profiles
that may be offered as alternatives to a scheduling al-
With each of these alternatives, different environ-
mental impacts are associated. If it becomes pos-
sible, to make information about different environ-
Bremer J..
Performance of Distributed Energy Resources.
DOI: 10.5220/0003978001070112
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2012), pages 107-112
ISBN: 978-989-8565-09-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mental impacts (globally) available, then optimization
for environmental conscious operation of all DER be-
came true even in distributed optimization environ-
ments with a control scheme that comprises (large)
groups of DER.
We here present insights into an ongoing research
that aims at the integration of ontology based descrip-
tions of environmental performance indicators (EPIs)
and support vector based meta-models of distributed,
constrained search spaces for DER as have for ex-
ample been developed by (Bremer et al., 2011a) or
(Blank et al., 2011).
Developing a set of standardized EPI descrip-
tions and a software solution for collecting and man-
aging environmental performance information from
distributed sources and reporting based on EPIs is
the main goal of the OEPI-project (http://www.oepi-
project.eu). We will extend these ideas to the field of
optimizing DER in a smart grid environment.
In this position paper, we present our road map
and preliminary concepts that aim at an adaptation
of ontology based services for monitoring and cal-
culating EPIs within enterprises production planning
schemes and supply chains to the new use case of
DER optimization. We discuss our approach for in-
tegrating EPIs with search space meta-models and
present a preliminary formal representation. We con-
clude with a discussion of the ontologies role for in-
Environmental performance indicators like carbon,
water or energy footprint usually measure the envi-
ronmental impact of the activities of organizations. In
this way, they are a measure that reflects the perfor-
mance in achieving the actual objectives with respect
to environmental issues (cf. (H
cek et al., 2007)).
Up to now, no general standardized description
model for exchanging information on environmen-
tal performance in general exists. It is later argued
that also for the smart grid domain there is a need
to communicate environmental issues that have to be
commonly understood among communicating and in-
teracting distributed devices. As a starting point for
further development, we chose our ontology from
the OEPI project. The OEPI project aims at devel-
oping a set of standardized EPI descriptions and a
software solution for collecting and managing envi-
ronmental performance information from distributed
3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
electric power / kW
overall efficiency/ %
Figure 1: Relationship between generation rate and over-
all efficiency for a SOLO-Stirling-CHP. Modified from
(Thomas, 2007).
sources and reporting based on EPIs (Meyerholt et al.,
2010). The vision of the OEPI project aims at busi-
ness users – across industries and supply chains – and
at a continuous reduction of environmental impacts
of daily operations. To achieve this, the visibility and
comparability of EPIs of alternative decisions in cor-
porate and supply chain operations is enlarged. In the
smart grid domain, individual EPIs must be made vis-
ible for interacting devices what entails a much higher
degree of automation and way shorter time periods
than in the business sector.
Some examples for EPIs concerning DER in the
context of a virtual power plant (VPP) are:
Static losses, i.e. the loss of energy due to imper-
fect insulation e.g. in a thermal buffer store. The
higher the temperature is in the store, the higher
are the losses.
Too many cold starts entail increased fuel con-
sumption and abrasion.
Low generation rates often lead to a declined effi-
ciency as Figure 1 shows using the example of the
SOLO-Stirling-CHP (Thomas, 2007).
If EPIs from different DER are to be compared
during a design or optimization process for environ-
mentally conscious decision making, a unified de-
scription language is required that unambiguously de-
fines how an EPI was computed, what data was con-
sidered and most important how it may be fur-
ther processed and related to other EPIs. OEPI de-
velops such a language using a reference-ontology
to describe EPI semantics and to achieve interoper-
ability among different EPI related services and pro-
cesses along supply chains in the business domain.
Currently, such measures are - if at all - applied on
a long term (mostly annual) or on a one-time basis,
what limits the scope of application for such EPIs.
Annual sustainability reporting is one example for to-
day’s use of EPIs - with the aim of merely gaining le-
gal compliance. At present, the need for a shift from
such a strong operational focus to a more strategically
oriented realignment of e.g. corporate environmen-
tal management information systems (CEMIS) can
be observed (Teuteberg and G
omez, 2010). In the
smart grid domain, much shorter terms are required
Figure 2: Excerpt from OEPI’s preliminary EPI ontology with respect to DER impacts.
for spreading environmental information. One goal of
OEPI is the development of a standardized exchange
format for EPIs. Figure 2 shows an excerpt from an
early version of the reference ontology emphasizing
already inherent aspects that are important to DER:
Energy input, i.e. primary energy usage and
avoidable losses.
Direct green house gas emissions (scope 1); these
might be counted as scope 2 emissions for pro-
cesses using the generated energy.
Waste refers to needs due to possibly increased
maintenance requirements.
Before discussing sustainable procurement for dis-
tributed energy management, we will have a short
look at the related processes in the business domain.
In order to get environmentally sound products out
of the design phase, it is important to provide prod-
uct engineers with concepts and tools that make them
aware of the environmental impacts of their design
decisions on the whole product life cycle. This will
be achieved by integrating EPIs into the design opti-
mization process. As a result, evaluation of design al-
ternatives with lower overall environmental footprint
will become much faster.
The term IT-for-Green has recently been estab-
lished in order to distinguish clearly between sustain-
ability issues of hardware/software and sustainability
achieved by means of IT (Rapp et al., 2011). The
realm is an increased environmental friendliness of
companies and their processes. However, conven-
tional CEMIS are not sufficient to achieve this ob-
jective, as they serve mainly for ensuring legal com-
pliance with relevant environmental regulations in or-
der to avoid financial sanctions from state authori-
ties. With such a strong operational focus, the require-
ments entailed by the concept of sustainable develop-
ment can only be fulfilled to a very limited degree.
But, companies may achieve profits by applying
sustainable development measures and by implement-
ing new CEMIS: they reduce costs through mate-
rial and energy efficiency and increase their turnovers
through sustainable products and services, corporate
image improvement and advantages in competition.
Similar incentives should be considered for the smart
grid domain to enforce an environmental conscious
electricity grid.
Sustainable procurement is another example for a
use case calling for EPIs being available virtually on
demand. Such procurement integrates a concept for
supplier-dependent EPIs into business processes for
procurement. Here, one goal is to enable a business
user to take action (and responsibility) according to
different environmental impacts of different alterna-
tive sources for raw materials for production. This
task is currently hardly achievable because individual
variations are not captured in the procurement infor-
mation systems (Dada et al., 2010).
These business domain use cases are now to be trans-
ferred to the smart grid domain using the example of
virtual power plants.
We consider a VPP as an orchestrated group of
DER that communicate with and are controlled by
a central controlling unit that is responsible for see-
ing that the group as a whole fulfils certain objectives
like bundling for greater market power or grid stabi-
lizing by reduced stochastic feed-in. A VPP helps in-
tegrating DER into the (smart) energy grid of the fu-
ture (Lukovic et al., 2010). We do not deal with any
concrete objective here, but we assume that a central
scheduling unit has to search the space of alternative
load schedules for each DER in order to find an ap-
propriate one that fits bests for the problem at hand,
although we do not exclude further extensions to fu-
ture distributed control schemes.
If the central scheduler is supposed to select al-
ternative schedules according to their individual envi-
ronmental performance as well as according to their
appropriateness for the main objective, then such in-
formation must be incorporated as additional fea-
Figure 3: Integration scheme for scheduling algorithms.
ture sub-space into the schedule search space and its
model. In this paper, we follow the support vector ap-
proach in (Bremer et al., 2010) for encoding the load
schedules of a DER. This approach already has been
proven as flexible enough to incorporate additional
information about the individual environmental per-
formance of each alternative into the learned model
(Bremer et al., 2011b). While learning the geomet-
rical structure of the space of feasible schedules, the
approach is able to concurrently learn the functional
relation of assigned performance indicators. In this
way, each individual alternative load schedule can at
least be annotated with numerical values of respective
environmental performances.
4.1 Adapting the Use Cases
Both use cases from the business domain can be
adapted for the load planning process within a VPP.
In this way, we consider the procurement of a differ-
ent product. In a VPP, each DER may offer several al-
ternative load schedules. These are the products that
are sought after by the controller. As every material
(physical) product, it is also possible in such scenario,
to assign measures of individual environmental per-
formance to each alternative load schedule.
Different DER and the controller make up a sup-
ply chain.
Collaborating DER jointly produce a product (an
aggregated schedule).
Environmental impacts from one DER has an im-
pact on the performance of all others and therefore
on the whole VPP.
Reducing the planning horizon or precautious in-
tegration of appropriate information may lead to
strategic avoidance of negative impacts.
In both cases, environmental performance has to
be communicated.
On an abstract level, a VPP is a business like any
other, but with an highly automated and highly fre-
quent product design and procurement process.
4.2 Encoding the Indicators
The format of the information (incl. EPIs) for a sched-
ule that might be offered by a DER is currently dis-
cussed to be of the following format:
x = (x
, . . . , x
, e
, . . . , e
= (x
, . . . , x
, f
, . . . , x
), . . . , f
, . . . , x
Herein x denotes a schedule (with x
denoting load at
time interval i) with associated ancillary information
about the individual environmental performance rep-
resented by one or more EPI e
, . . . , e
. The EPI in
turn, usually is a function of the schedule itself, e.g.
the heat losses resulting from that specific operation:
, . . . , e
) = ( f
(x), . . . , f
In this form, the schedules (together with the at-
tached indicator values) may be taken as input for the
mentioned support vector models for learning and en-
coding the set of operable schedules for communi-
cation to the scheduler without a need for adaption.
After decoding on scheduler side, the schedules will
still have the same information on load per time in-
terval and the values of the indicators (Bremer et al.,
2011b). Now the scheduling unit needs to know the
individual meanings of the indicator values.
Figure 3 shows the envisaged integration scheme
for scheduling algorithms. When the model of the
search space is built-up from a DER upon request
from the scheduler, the model will be accompanied
by a set of meta-information objects one for each
requested EPI. Each meta-object contains information
structured as shown in Figure 2. Associated to each
EPI-definition, is a numeric data item that, in the case
of VPP, will be an instance of a referenced data item.
This means, that the actual value of the EPI is not
directly included (like in the other cases), but is a ref-
erence to some external value. We here consider a
relative addressing of elements of a schedule (starting
from the first element referring to an EPI).
Thus, only one meta-information object for each
EPI is needed for all schedules in the model, whereas
the actual EPI values are reconstructed by the en-
coded functional relationship from the search space
model. After reconstruction, schedules have the for-
mat shown in Figure 3. For each EPI value in the
schedule, a meta-information object exists (commu-
nicated from the DER together with the model), that
serves for interpreting the values.
If comparability is ensured for all participating
DER, respective referenced EPI values may then be
integrated into the objective function of the scheduler
and are therefore used for environmentally conscious
judging of different solutions during the scheduling
Figure 4: Referencing external data values with the EPI on-
4.3 The Role of the EPI Ontology
In engineering, ontologies always comprise a special-
ized vocabulary as well as an explicit set of assump-
tions regarding intended meanings of data. Entities
within an ontology either describe concepts (e.g en-
ergy losses) or relations between them (e.g. CO
is a
greenhouse gas). Such shared agreement within a sys-
tem environment with distributed entities allows for
a common understanding of exchanged information.
In the case of a virtual power plant, or (more gen-
eral) in the case of interacting distributed devices and
appliances in a smart grid environment, the need for
several standards for ensuring interoperability arises.
On a technical integration level, standards for integra-
tion – e.g. (IEC 61850-7-420:2009, 2009) – exist (al-
though rarely implemented in practice) and the com-
mon information model (CIM) is discussed as an on-
tology based model for operating data exchange (Us-
lar, 2005).
For describing the individual environmental per-
formance of alternative schedules and their produc-
tion schemes that might be considered in a VPP, cur-
rently no appropriate description standard exists. For
this reason, we will take the OEPI ontology as a start-
ing point.
A cost effective and high-quality ontology heav-
ily relies on the reuse of existing ones. The reuse of
already existing ontologies (or at least parts of them)
not only prevents reinventing the wheel in some cases
but also reduces the effort required for ontology build-
Ontology engineering has meanwhile grown to a
mature discipline. Different methodologies and tools
for support are readily available. Nevertheless, ac-
cording to (Bontas, 2005) most ontologies are still
a result of some ad-hoc application- and domain-
dependent engineering process. Building ontologies
from scratch is time-consuming and error-prone. In
order to weaken this challenge for the development
of new ontologies, knowledge sources available on
the web should be harnessed. If such existing onto-
logical knowledge is used as an input source for the
creation of new ontologies; this process is called on-
tology reuse.
Reusing the OEPI ontology will mean using it as
Figure 5: Integration of EPI-ontology into distributed en-
ergy management schemes.
a base ontology and derive a DER environmental per-
formance related one from it by extending the con-
cepts for communicating environmental performance
of energy schedules as discussed. The most impor-
tant extension (as a prerequisite to our approach) will
be the definition of EPI classes whose actual value is
just a pointer to some externally stored data (Figure
4) rather than included data values of any sort. As
we have seen in the previous section, individual en-
vironmental performance can – even in more than on
dimension easily be incorporated in a schedule de-
scription as mere number values. But, what are the
meanings of these values? Different appliances may
consider different performance indicators and there-
fore communicate different sets of indicators. Some
indicators might be related to money instead of en-
vironmental cost. As an example, static losses do not
make sense for systems without a thermal buffer store.
On the other hand, these are energy losses and might
be mapped (or at least compared) to other energy loss
related indicators like e.g. losses through conversion.
This gives rise to some questions:
What is the impact of different indicators?
Which indicators can be mapped for comparison
and – more important – how can this mapping be
What does optimization mean in the light of a
given indicator?
Clearly, an optimization algorithm that wants to pro-
cess EPIs attached to individual schedules in order
to choose and evaluate schedules in a many objective
scenario, needs a description of meaning and relation-
ships of the EPIs.
The role of our ontology as interoperability ensur-
ing entity within a VPP use case is depicted in Figure
5. Each individual DER has access to the ontology as
common knowledge and therefore can create a proper
meta-description of each indicator that is encoded to-
gether with the schedules. One description is created
for each indicator position in the schedule (Figure 3).
A central scheduler in charge of finding optimal
schedules for each DER may then harness the indica-
tor descriptions and use the ontology to find out, how
to treat them during evaluating a schedule, how to
convert indicators or how to map them to each other.
It is to be expected that future architectures for smart
grids will call for the ability of DER to frequently at-
tach themselves to different groups depending on the
situation at hand. Unlike VPPs, such groups will be
drawn together rather by market forces. This transi-
tion to volatile groups of independent DER will be
gradual. Due to universal applicability to central,
decentral and distributed scheduling approaches, our
method should be able to serve the needs during the
whole transition process as the ontology approach is
independent of specific smart grid architectures.
Research has just started out. Up to now we
have gained a clear understanding of how the inte-
gration of distributed knowledge about individual en-
vironmental performance into a centralized (and in
the long run decentralized) energy management con-
trol scheme might be done. A meta-model of search
spaces that is based on geometric subspace descrip-
tions, provides an ideal connecting point for the in-
tegration of environmental information about alterna-
tives by simply extending the mathematical model of
a schedule to additional dimensions for EPIs. In this
way, necessary information is directly incorporated
into the meta-model of the load schedules and there-
with into the schedules themselves.
At the same time, correct interpretation of the EPI
values may be ensured with the help of a extended
EPI ontology. Our next steps will be the extension of
the OEPI ontology as discussed and the definition of
a standard set of EPIs for the sketched scenarios be-
fore we will start implementing a planned simulation
environment to test our approach.
This work was funded by the European research
project OEPI (Solutions for Managing Organizations
Environmental Performance Indicators, 748735).
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