Gesture and Body Movement Recognition in the Military Decision
Support System
Jan Hodicky and Petr Frantis
Communication and Information System Department, University of Defense, 65 Kounicova str., Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Military Decision Support System, Common Operational Picture, Visualization, Kinect.
Abstract: The paper deals with the result of the research activity in the field of military decision support system. It
brings a new way of communication between system and commander. Kinect - the low cost gesture and
body movement recognition device was employed to control 3D visualization of real-time battlefield
situation. Experiments confirmed the correctness of Kinect using to support all phases of decision making
process. The quality of operation planning and control was increased.
In the military field the decision support systems
play a major role in modern operations. To define
the military decision support system the non-military
definition must be declared. One of the generally
accepted definitions claims that decision support
system (DSS) is a computer technology that can be
used to support complex decision making and
problem solving (Shim, 2002).
In that context DSS is an information system or
system of systems that must:
Help to decision makers (individuals or
Use information and communication
technology (ICT) to deal with data,
information and knowledge gathering,
processing and presentation;
Help to solve non-documented or non-
structured problem;
Support realization of all parts of decision
making process;
Help to identify the best problem solution.
The military decision support system (MDSS)
definition corresponds to previously defined DSS
but is aimed to the real time battlefield domain.
MDSS helps the warfighter to gain and maintain
information superiority in order to achieve command
superiority in war and peace time (Tolk, 2000).
The massive research activity in the MDSS area
is dated back to the 1970. From that moment many
concepts were introduced but the most important
milestone is 1995 when the first command and
control (C2) system was implemented in the US
Army (FBCB2, 2008). C2 system is DSS based on
the geographic information system that provides sets
of capabilities to deal with geo-referenced input,
storage analysis and output. C2 has high demand on
real time visualization of all objects in the
battlefield. The main interface between fighter and
C2 is common operational picture (COP) (Johansen,
2005). Common operational picture is mainly
composed of friendly and enemy forces position and
other tactical data real-time visualization. These
days’ research activities are focused on
improvement of COP reading, presenting and
The best way how the COP can be understood is its
real time visualization. The latest research revealed
that 3D visualization can significantly improve
battlefield understanding. The new presentation
layer of C2 system with 3D visualization capabilities
has been already presented (Prenosil, 2008).
The Figures 1 and 2 demonstrates the COP
visualized in two and three dimensions. The unit
symbols and crucial tactical data are presented in
relation with 3D terrain. COP can be projected by
2D or 3D stereoscopic projection. Thus the
commanders (decision makers) must wear
Hodicky J. and Frantis P..
Gesture and Body Movement Recognition in the Military Decision Support System.
DOI: 10.5220/0003971903010304
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 301-304
ISBN: 978-989-8565-21-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
appropriate glasses that are synchronized with stereo
projection to get 3D environment feeling. The 3D
environment is controlled by commander by well-
known devices such as a mouse and keyboard. This
way of controlling is very disturbing in the mission
planning and controlling phase of decision making
Figure 1: COP - visualized units and tactical data in 2D.
Figure 2: COP - visualized units and tactical data in 3D.
The most important issues in current C2 solution
from the human machine interface and commanders
point of view are:
3D visualization solution should be
implemented at low costs;
3D visualization solution must be easily and
quickly configurable and reconfigurable;
3D solution must be deployable as fast as
COP controlling must be as fast as possible;
COP controlling must be natural and very fast
to learn;
COP controlling must not disturb commander
in its decision making process in command
These facts leaded to a new research activity
focused on implementation of a new way of
communication between commanders and COP.
Our team used the Microsoft Kinect motion tracking
device to enhance 3D visualization solution in 2011.
This enabled to the commander to control COP by
gesture and body movement. Microsoft Kinect is a
low-cost gesture and body motion tracking device
that can be connected not only to XBOX 360
console but to PC via USB cable as well. New C2
architecture is shown on the Figure 3. Agents (units,
vehicles, individuals) collect information about
battlefield and sending them to the core of C2
system. In the core of C2 system are the incoming
data analyzed and COP is created. COP is visualized
in 2D or in 3D in the new presentation layer. This
presentation layer contains Kinect application
programing interface (API) that enables commander
to interact with the system in 3D environment.
Figure 3: New architecture of C2 system with Kinect.
The 3D commander workstation is composed of:
3D stereoscopic projector;
5 synchronized glasses (for commander and
its staff);
Projection screen;
Kinetic sensor placed under the projection
Standard PC.
The commander is capable to control the 3D
environment by the body movements. Before first
use the system should be calibrated according to his
physique and its initial position (IP). Then he can
immediately control the 3D environment.
Movements from the IP means that camera in 3D
environment is moving in the corresponding
direction. The commander’s right hand controls
camera viewing direction (it replaces computer
mouse operation in 3D environment). The
commander’s left hand controls levels of details in
the scene. When the commander points the left hand
down, 3D environment immediately increase the
level of details in the scene and camera moves closer
to the terrain. If the commander points the left hand
up, 3D environment decreases the level of details
and the distance between camera and terrain
increases. Commander 3D workstation with Kinect
is shown on the Figure 4.
Figure 4: Commander 3D workstation with Kinect.
Commander decision making process is divided into
two main parts:
Operation planning;
Operation control.
During operation planning the commander and
its staff is dealing with possible variations of task,
maneuver, activity, etc. In the briefing time the
commander and his staff use the COP to clarify their
intention in accordance to geographical 3D data. The
time interval in which the consensus must be done
can be essential. The result of planning process is a
complete documentation for operation (for example
operation order- OPORD).
During the operation control the commander
commands and controls the inferior units to achieve
the created plan. It is a real time process and COP
must correspond with the real situation on the
battlefield. During the battle operation the COP
changes so the commander must correlate the plan
based on the discussion with its staff. Time interval
in which the consensus must be done is crucial.
In both cases decreasing the time interval to get
the consensus is one of the main goals with respect
not to decrease the quality of the decision making
In our experiment we wanted to reveal if Kinect
sensor implementation, it means gesture and body
movement recognition of commander that is
controlling the 3D environment (COP), can decrease
the time for making the consensus.
Our experiment was divided into two parts
according to two parts of decision making process
where the COP is used: operation planning and
operation control. In both parts two groups of 5
military students were employed. The one of the
student in each group (G1, G2) was the commander
and the rest was its staff.
In planning operation experiment two groups got
the same task to generate operation order for attack
of a company into defense position of one enemy
platoon in two scenarios. In the first scenario –S1
first group- G1 could use Kinect to control 3D COP,
the other one – G2 couldn’t. Second scenario –S2
was conducted in the opposite way and in a different
terrain. G1 couldn’t use Kinect and G2 could use
Kinect to generate the operation order. The Table 1
shows results of overall time needed to generate
Table 1: Planning operation experiment results.
Scenario S1 S2
Group G1 G2 G1 G2
Kinect X X
time[s] 1750 1920 1720 1640
In the operation control experiment the
interconnection between constructive simulator (VR
Forces) and the Czech Army C2 system was
implemented. The VR Forces was set up by
scenarios – S1 a S2 from the operation planning. VR
Forces fed C2 system with scenario and the “real –
time” operation was modeled in VR Forces and COP
was directly visualized in 3D environment. Figure 5
shows architecture of the experiment in the
operation control phase with Kinect solution.
Figure 5: Operation control experiment architecture with
The aim of the exercise was to destroy the enemy
platoon based on the previously generated OPORDs.
In the first scenario- S1 commander of the G1 group
could use the Kinect for controlling the 3D
environment during communication with it staff (G2
couldn’t use Kinect). During the second scenario–
the S2 commander of G1 couldn’t use Kinect and
vice versa. The following table shows results of the
overall time needed to destroy all enemy vehicles.
Table 2: Operation control experiment results.
Scenario S1 S2
Group G1 G2 G1 G2
Kinect X X
time[s] 185 220 410 320
Results from the first part of the experiment that
focuses on operation planning, reveals that the
commander using Kinect to control the 3D
environment (COP) was able to construct the
operation order in a shorter time interval. The
second part of the experiment identically found out
in that in the simulated environment the time
interval needed to successfully executed operation
order is shorter in case of Kinect using.
After discussion with group of testers the main
benefits of the Kinect solution are:
Easier orientation in the terrain based on the
natural way of controlling the 3D
Faster way of communication with COP;
Easier explanation of potential maneuvers;
Better understanding of distances between
Better remembering of the orientation points
in the battlefield;
Better immersion into the virtual battlefield.
The new research activity in the field of military
decision support system brought a new way of
communication between the C2 system and the
commander. Experiments with Kinect confirm the
correctness of idea using the virtual reality devices
to support decision making process in almost all
phases of command and control process. After
getting used to control the 3D environment with
gestures and body movements the overall quality of
operation planning and control increases. This
solution is not limited to military domain, but can be
easily adopted in civilian sphere, for example in
crisis management system solutions. Future research
activity will be aimed on implementation of voice
control of the C2 systems.
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Employed in U.S. Army AAEF Exercise Tests Real-
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Johansen, T. (2005). Requirements for a Future COP-
Display Based on Operational Experience. In
Proceedings of RTO Information Systems Technology
Panel (IST) Workshop. Toronto: RTO IST, 4p.
Prenosil, V., et al. (2008). Virtual reality devices in the
modernized conception of Czech C2. [Research report
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Shim, J. P., Warkentin at al. (2002). Past, present, and
future of decision support technology. In Decision
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Tolk, A., Kunde, D. (2000). Decision Support System –
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