Carmen de Lourdes Laraque Espinosa
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Camino al Ajusco # 20, Jardines de la Montaña, Mexico City, Mexico
Keywords: Learning Environments, Online Tutoring, Moodle.
Abstract: This paper aims to reflect the experience of the Department of Sociology of Education at Pedagogical
University of Mexico with a project based on the use of the Moodle learning management system. Moodle
is selected a flexible environment that minimizes time and space barriers and increases communicative
options by offering new alternatives for tutoring and assessment. We analyze the results obtained so far and
formulate some recommendations in order to improve future use of the platform.
We live in a society in which information and
communication technologies (ICTs) have modified
our lives in many ways, including the way we teach
and the way we learn. Due to the use of educational
technology, instructional processes have changed.
“Educational technology can be referred to as the
study and ethical practice of facilitating learning
and improving performance by creating, using, and
managing appropriate technological processes and
Beyond traditional school facilities,
virtual environments have been created to provide
support to learning communities. These
environments provide resources as well as spaces for
students to work and interact.
ICTs can facilitate the delivery of instruction as
well as promote communication and collaboration
among learners. ICTs offer a variety of tools and
environments with great potential for education.
Nevertheless, the application of technology to
learning must take into consideration crucial
pedagogical issues that should not be overlooked.
Some key indicators of the potential of virtual
environments are:
Provide the necessary elements for
interaction and interactivity in learning
Contribute to a broader offer of educational
services through access to different sources
of information; and,
Facilitate the development of abilities and
skills in teachers and students.
The implementation of e-learning and virtual
environments has generated high expectations since
they helped to overcome geographical isolation of
participants. Further, the use of e-learning has
encouraged the formation of work groups.
Moodle is a software package for producing
Internet-based courses and web sites. It is a global
development project designed to support a social
constructionist framework of education. It was
originally developed by Martin Dougiamas to help
educators create online courses with a focus on
interaction and collaborative construction of content,
and is in continual evolution.
It is not difficult to appreciate the usefulness of
virtual environments during the students’ learning
process. However, our challenge was to consider its
role in helping students write a thesis on a topic in
the sociology of education. This requirement has
hampered the progress of a large amount of who
want to obtain their degree.
This paper aims to reflect the experience of the
Department of Sociology of Education at
Pedagogical University of Mexico with a project
based on the use of a Moodle platform. The goal of
de Lourdes Laraque Espinosa C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003963301870190
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 187-190
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the project was to encourage students to complete
their thesis – one of the degree requirements.
It is important to mention that some of the
students had left the university 18 or 20 years ago,
some others live in remote areas of the country.
Thus, these students were unable to participate in a
face-to-face tutoring. In addition, our syllabi have
changed through the years; therefore, some students
lacked basic academic elements, such as the
knowledge of recent sociological theory.
The challenge was tremendous. Up to 75% of the
students from each promotion were potential
candidates for this project. It was difficult to know
what to expect regarding the acceptance of our
summons among students as well as the commitment
teachers would have towards this activity. Similar
projects in the past involving face-to-face tutoring
had different levels of success in terms of completed
thesis: high in 1994 near 85% of success, very poor
in 2005 with only two theses completed out of 45
students registered.
The program was promoted through the
university web page in September, 2011. The initial
acceptance was higher than expected. Over 100
students applied for the program. Over thirty
teachers were willing to participate as tutors.
The theses to be written were expected to be
short and simple. The student could choose,
according to their interests, between referring to a
professional experience or writing an essay or a
monographic description. The deadline for the
papers to be completed was set for March 30
, 2012.
Specifications of each kind of paper were submitted
on line.
The Moodle platform was selected because it is a
flexible learning environment that minimizes time
and space barriers and increases communicative
options by offering new alternatives for tutoring and
assessment. It would provide a restricted accessed
website where resources such as texts, videos and
multimedia would be offered. Users would log in
with a personal password. Students could submit
their assignments on required dates and teachers
could keep track of the progress of the students. In
addition instructors could formulate comments and
recommendations as well as provide new reading
material or suggest special tasks. The support
offered by instructors could be provided by e mail,
instant messaging, chats and discussion forums.
Online calendars and announcements were also
During the first week of the program, students and
teachers met and were notified of the virtual groups
they belonged to. During the second week, two
sessions were allocated to learning how to use
Those who attended the sessions discovered that
it was quite simple to operate and were motivated to
do their work through it. However, 50% of the
teachers and a considerable number of students
(40%) declined to use Moodle and decided to
communicate only by e-mail some showed a
preference for face-to-face activity. The most
frequently given reasons for not wanting to use
Moodle were: “I don´t have enough computer
skills”,” it is too impersonal”,” I don´t feel
comfortable with such a procedure” and so on.
We are still waiting for the final results of the
project, but so far, they are not as encouraging as we
expected. From the very beginning, some students
refused idea to work only on line. Thus they
withdrew from the project and recovered their old
research project they had started many years ago.
Others begged to work in the old fashion way,
because, even if they work and find commuting to
the campus difficult, they prefer to interact closely
with tutors, in a face-to-face manner.
Most of the tutors belong to the category known
as digital immigrants; therefore, they only perform
Usedbystudents, notbytutors,
Notusedbytutors norstudents,
Usedbytutors, andsome
Usedbytutors, notbystudents,
very simple tasks with the computer and find the use
of the platform too complicated.
Moodle platform is being used by all those
participants who felt it would benefit their work.
However, the following shortcomings have become
For tutors: Lack of digital knowledge, slow
and inefficient feedback, slow
communication and profile different from
sociology field.
For students, insufficient handling of ICTs,
insufficient motivation, poor planning and
distribution of time, late incorporation to
the program.
For the staff: Poor scheduling of deadlines,
groups too large and heterogeneous.
This is a first experience with Moodle in the
Department of Sociology of Education. Despite the
initial difficulties, some tutors and some students
find Moodle useful. However, if this activity is to be
repeated in the near future, important changes need
to be made. Our contribution in this paper will be
the formulation of the following suggestions:
For tutors: To achieve effective counseling
and motivation, to give a clear explanation
of objectives and results expected.
For students: To maintain constant
communication and ongoing work.
For staff: To provide training before the
program starts, to build a more flexible
planning of the advances
For both students and instructors: To
provide a longer training with Moodle,
selling the benefits of using it.
As a final remark, we would like to state that
Moodle is a very useful and powerful tool for
learning. Besides being a low cost solution, it
provides a variety of resources, It stands for a new
university culture with emphasis on the student.
Thus, it helps improve the learning of concepts and
procedures an also facilitates the acquisition of
attitudes and abilities. We are XX century teachers
working in XXI century, involved in the society of
information; ICTs are our everyday tools. Let’s not
be afraid of them.
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