Núbia dos Santos Rosa Santana dos Santos
, José Valdeni De Lima
and Leandro Krug Wives
PPGIE, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
PPGC, Institute of Computing, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: U-learning, m-Learning, Learning Objects.
Abstract: Nowadays, different possibilities like desktop, mobile computers and mobile devices allows learners to
access digital learning content. These technologies and the Internet have enabled ubiquitous and virtual
learning environments, but some issues arise when the user is not connected. This paper propose the use of
sheets of paper as an alternative medium to provide ubiquitous learning even when the user has not an
active connection. Although of printed media to be used a lot as an education resource, the printed media
has limitations on interactivity. Thus, this paper presents some possibilities of use the printed media to
access the content available in the Learning Management System (LMS), allowing more interactivity.
Nowadays, different possibilities like desktop,
computers and mobile devices allows learners to
access digital learning content. Beyond these
possibilities, this article highlights the integration of
printed media.
About distance learning, according to data
available in Censo (2010), the media more
used for distance learning courses are still printed
material (87.2% of institutions use them), followed
by e-learning (71.5%) and video (51.7%).
Furthermore, Sellen and Harper (2001) highlight
four key features of the use of paper (i.e., printed
material), as the possibility of quick and flexible
navigation through a document, the insertion of
notes during the reading, mobility and hybrid
integration of activities such as reading and writing.
In Jaco (2008) are highlighted some positive aspects
of the printed material, including the flexibility of
space, time and pace of learning.
However, the printed media has limitations as
little interactivity serving more to read than to study
the material (Belisário, 2006). In relation to the
material in Hypertext, Belisário (2006) points the
printed media characterized by low-interaction.
According to the author, that does not reduce the
need and the importance of material printed, since,
to the majority of populations, it still is and will be
the media used to activities in the distance learning.
Considering the limitations found in printed
media, the paper presents a proposal to improve the
educational material offered in distance learning in
the search of providing interactivity and ubiquity.
For this, one possibility is the use of resources in
printed media, 2D barcodes and integration with
mobile devices.
This paper is structured as follows: section 2
presents the proposal, section 3 presents some
results with Learning Objects (LO) and section 4
presents some concluding remarks.
Some possibilities of technologies appropriate to
recognize the paper as an input device of data in a
computer are presented in Klemmer (2003):
Passive RFID tags (eg. RFID - Radio
Frequency Identification and IR – Infra-Red);
Active electronic tags (e.g., motes);
Labels visual (includes 2D glyphs and QR
Content analysis based on image processing
(eg, OCR - Optical Character Recognition).
dos Santos Rosa Santana dos Santos N., Valdeni de Lima J. and Krug Wives L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003957104160420
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 416-420
ISBN: 978-989-8565-07-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Among these features highlights the 2D barcodes,
which are two-dimensional figures that store
information that can be read by compatible
electronic devices. Practical examples of
technologies that generate such codes are
DataMatrix and QR Code
The proposal this paper is to use the printed
media integrated with 2D barcode, as an alternative
means to provide learning mobile and interactivity
by others devices. Furthermore, the proposal is to
use the QR Code due to its characteristics, the
processing speed and capacity data.
The proposal aims to improve the printed
educational materials with use of methodology and
pedagogical theories, designed for distance learning.
The Figure 1 shows the access to dynamic content
using the 2D Code and mobile devices.
Using QR Code technology in printed media, all
the features present in the material, such as text,
images, audio, video, etc., can be accessed in an
integrated and/or individually, using a mobile device
(Figure 1). When accessed, the QR Code allows to
perform actions such as accessing a site, read a text,
enter data for sending messages (SMS) and contacts.
Figure 1: Access at LO in the Moodle between printed
media, 2D Barcode and mobile device.
With the use of 2D barcodes, the printed media
can be more interactive. The components of material
can be stored in the Virtual Environment, allowing
the registration of learner access. By registering to
access each feature of the LO, it can provide
personalized feedback to the learner.
Thus, with QR Code the learner accesses the
resource, the Moodle records in your historic and is
possible can give feedback to learners based on
historic. Thus, can verify the types of interactivity
obtained in the LO, available in Moodle. Moodle is
QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE
an Open Source Course Management System
(CMS), also known as LMS or a Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE) (Moodle, 2011).
About interactivity Moreno and Mayer (2007)
presents five types of multimodal interaction in
educational Environment (Table 1), as seen in
Tarouco et al. (2009):
Table 1: Types of interactivity in educational
environments (Moreno and Mayer, 2007).
The learner receives feedback or
questions and answers for their
The learner determines the pace and /
or the order of presentation.
The learner establishes parameters
for a simulation, sets the focus and
approach (zoom) or moves objects in
The learner finds a new material by
search, verifies options and selects
the desired alternative.
The learner moves through different
areas of content by selecting different
sources of information available.
The next section presents analysis performed
with LO in order to verify if the LO materialized in
the printed media, with 2D barcodes and resources
accessed by mobile devices, offers the same
interactivity of LO on the computer with Web.
For analysis the proposal were materialized two LO.
The "Understanding greatness" LO (Figure 2) is the
area of mathematics and goal is to provide the
resolution of problems related with proportions
using pedagogical strategies.
Based on the Seesaw Interactive LO (Melo et al.,
2008) was developed using Flash and ActionScript.
As presented by Melo et al. (2008), the Seesaw is an
interactive simulation as a seesaw used by children
in amusement parks, and the goal is that the weights
on each side of the seesaw are balanced.
The LO is divided at scenes (Santos et al. 2008).
The first scene introduces the concepts and
challenges related to the proportionals theme. In this
scene are provided access to the exercises, videos on
the Web. In the second is possible to solve problems
(simulation), involving notions of magnitude, up to 4
levels of difficulty. The Figure 3 shows an example
of materialization of OA.
Figure 2: The "Understanding greatness" LO.
Figure 3: Materialization of the "Understanding greatness"
Another LO developed was 'Prevention in the
Web' (Figure 4), developed in HTML5 and
Javascript; and stored in Moodle environment.
Moreover, has resources that identify the location of
acess when the user accesses the LO.
The LO is composed of several multimedia
features (video, audio, animation) and was
developed according to principles of multimedia
learning (Mayer, 2009), such as:
Multimedia Principle - people learn better from
words and pictures than words.
Spatial Proximity Principle - learners learn better
when corresponding words and pictures are near,
and not in places (page, screen) different. To
Filatro (2008) when people need to integrate
verbal and pictorial information (eg, on-screen
graphic and explanation of how to read the chart)
- an overload can occur in working memory and
learning process to be disturbed. The material
must have text and images in an integrated
manner, i.e., text positioned next to the images
related. Thus, the cognitive resources are spared
the task of integrating all the information.
Temporal Contiguity Principle - learners learn
better when corresponding words and pictures
are presented simultaneously rather than
Signaling Principle - People learn better from a
multimedia message when the text is signed
rather than unsigned.
Redundancy Principle - people learn more deeply
from graphics and narration than from graphics,
narration and printed text.
Personalization Principle - people learn better
from multimedia presentations when the words
are in conversational style rather than formal
Figure 4: “Prevention in the Web” LO materialized in the
printed media.
The structure of "Prevention in the Web" LO is
presented in the Figure 5. The LO can have multiple
topics, one topic can have multiple pages and each
page can have multiple components.
Figure 5: Structure of “Prevention in the Web” LO.
The "Prevention in the Web" LO has some
activities (Figure 6) e when the QR Code related at a
question is acessed, the link directs for the specific
question in the Moodle, e no for general
Figure 6: Exercises - “Prevention in the Web” LO.
Both LO were materialized in printed media with
QR Code. Analyzing interactivity in both LO
available in a Moodle, developments using the
proposal this paper, was possible verify:
Dialogue. Through the links available in the
material the learner can get feedback textual and
offer more information about the content. An
example: on page 4 of the Prevention LO, learners
can access the Moodle forums on the subject
presented on the page. In addition, through the QR
Code on paper can be accessed exercises and receive
feedback in the form of text or audio. The LO in
printed media has links (QR Code) that allows to
access synchronous and asynchronous tools (chat,
forums, wiki, etc.) in the Moodle. Example: getting
help, click on a hyperlink to additional information.
Control. The material has links of navigation
that allows to switch between contexts different of
LO (navigation between topics and pages), control
of animations, video and audio (forward, rewind,
pause, etc.).
Manipulate. This type defines parameters in a
simulation game and executes the simulation to see
what happens. The LO "Understanding greatness"
allows moving objects (weights) to verify the result.
To solve the problem, the learner can choose the QR
Code that deemed correct and thus move the
elements of LO and the result is displayed. Thus, the
learner can analyze, take notes on paper and then
check the answer with the simulation in LO. In LO
prevention is possible to manipulate the animation.
Search. In the LO the learner can search for
information on the Internet, as well as responding to
questionnaires. Each question has a QR Code
allowing direct access to the corresponding question.
The material has links to educational sites and can
be used for search various sources such as
repositories of LO, educational videos, etc. The LO
allows search for other exercises on the same
content on the Web. The learner can still access
complementaries information the content, in the
Browse. The LO allows to navigate between
different resources available in the LMS. Thus, the
learner can navigate within the LO, as well as in
Moodle. In addition, it can get complementary
information on the Web.
To allow more interactivity, the LO must be
stored in a LMS. Each feature of LO is represented
by QR Code and when the user decodes the QR
Code with your mobile device will have access to the
resource. Thus, all that is accessed in the LO will be
registered in the LMS (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Example - part of Moodle report: date, resource
and content.
Özdemir (2010) points out that, besides providing
a more significant learning, the integration of mobile
technologies and printed books with help of 2D
barcodes, has the potential to reduce the cognitive
After analysis the LO was seen that the resources
represented by the QR Code in the printed media,
when accessed by the mobile device, can allow
interactivity as through the computer with Web.
This paper presented examples of application of the
proposal. The first example is based on an LO
“Understanding greatness”, similar to a game that
goals to bring the learner to reflect about the
Other LO refers content about the risks and
prevention methods on the Web, presents a variety
of possibilities for interaction using the Moodle
environment. With this, intends to search
improvements to the development of content that
may promote distance learning, utilizing the
advantages of each technology (printed media,
mobile, Web). The LO can be accessed on the
Internet (desktop, notebook), the printed media (with
QR Code) and / or mobile devices (cell phones,
smartphones) and in the absence of a type of media
may continue their studies using others resources
Because of the limitations of printed media, the
model proposes the use of QR Code as a means of
access to multimedia content (integrated the device
mobile) and the application of appropriate
methodology and educational theories. Thus, the
content available on the LMS could be accessed via
device mobile, printed media with QR Code and
Moreover, the material should be multimodal in
order to offer different ways to be accessed in a
learning environment. Moreno and Mayer (2007)
defines multimodal learning environments as
environments that use two different ways of
representing content: verbal and nonverbal.
This paper was important to analyze the types of
interactivity possible, using printed media (with 2D
barcode) as a resource and mobile devices as input.
In this case, if the course offers only printed
material, the use of QR Code (and mobile device)
can provide access to other multimedia resources,
collaborating for Multimedia Learning.
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