A Distributed Architecture for Personalized Access
to Heterogeneous Semi-structured Data
Rim Zghal Rebaï, Amel Corinne Zayani, Ikram Ammous and Abdel Majid Ben Hamadou
Institute Multimedia, Information Systems and Advanced Computing Laboratory,
Higher Institute of Computer and Multimedia, PO Box 242, Sakiet Ezzit, 3021 Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: AHA!, Navigation Adaptation, Content Adaptation, DARPA I3, Mediation, Semi-structured Data, XML,
Abstract: The increased volume of data in digital form has led to a wide variety of syntactic and semantic data. Thus,
the user may encounter several problems related to the heterogeneity, distribution and volume of returned
information. As a matter of fact, systems are needed to solve part or all of these problems. In this paper we
propose and illustrate a distributed architecture that enables personalized access to collections of
heterogeneous and distributed semi-structured documents (XML, RDF, SMIL). This architecture is based on
an extension on the reference architecture of mediation systems DARPA I3 by adding an adaptation layer,
based on the reference architecture for adaptive hypermedia systems AHA!, that takes into account the
user’s request, his context (profile, device, network, etc.. ) and data sources context (minimum bandwidth,
necessary characteristics of the device to display data, etc.).
Actually, data sources have become increasingly
heterogeneous and distributed all over the world. As
a result, the data volume grows and the user can not
access to relevant information not only to his needs
but also to his context. Thus, mediators are provided
to resolve the problem of access to these sources
regardless of their natures, semantics and locations.
But these mediators, like IRO-DB (Gardarin, 1995),
XMedia (Dang-Ngoc, 2008), (Kerzazi, 2008), etc.,
are unable to adapt the data and provide always the
same information to users despite differences in their
contexts (profile, device, network, etc.). This clearly
shows the need for systems able to deal with both
mediation and adaptation to provide a unified and
transparent access to distributed heterogeneous data
sources taking into account the user s’ needs and
context and the data sources’ context.
With the lack of this type of systems, we propose
an architecture of a distributed system mainly
establishing components for solving problems
related to remote and transparent access to document
collections, adaptation of data and context
management. The main objective of this architecture
is to offer the user an adaptation of the content and
navigation while accessing to collections of semi-
structured documents that are distributed,
syntactically and semantically heterogeneous and
not designed to be adapted.
The paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
we present a state of the art of some works dealing
with mediation and adaptation. In Section 3, we
introduce our proposal for a distributed architecture
treating jointly mediation and adaptation. We focus
in section 4 on the main layers of this architecture
and their components. We conclude and give
directions for future work in Section 5.
The mediation systems allow the integration of
heterogeneous and distributed data sources. All the
proposed systems in the literature share a common
reference architecture DARPA I3 (Wiederhold,
1992). This architecture has three layers: client,
mediation and sources. From this reference
architecture, different generations of systems have
been developed based on the choice of pivot model
and language. The first mediation systems were
based on the relational model such as Multibase
Zghal Rebaï R., Corinne Zayani A., Ammous I. and Majid Ben Hamadou A..
MEDI-ADAPT - A Distributed Architecture for Personalized Access to Heterogeneous Semi-structured Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0003932402590263
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 259-263
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Landers, 1982), Mermaid (Templeton, 1987), etc.
In the 90s, a second generation of object-oriented
systems appeared such as IRO-DB (Gardarin, 1995),
GARLIC (Carey, 1995), DISCO (Tomasic, 1998).
Then, with the achieved success by XML (W3C,
1998), which is accepted as a standard for semi-
structured data, a generation based on this language
has emerged, such as XMedia (Dang-Ngoc, 2008).
However, with the advent of the Semantic Web
(Tim, 1999), XML has shown some limitations since
it can provide only descriptive metadata, unlike RDF
(Manola, 2004), which can provide both descriptive
and semantic metadata. That’s why, another RDF-
based generation of mediation systems emerged. The
advantage of such systems is that they take into
account the semantics of data as the proposed
systems in (Vdovjak, 2001), (Kerzazi, 2008).
Generally, when two users submit the same
request (by query or link), mediators provide the
same answers despite the difference of contexts.
This means that the mediators do not deal with
adaptation and do not take into account the context
of the user when accessing to sources.
In the literature, several models and architectures
dealing with adaptation are proposed. The first
reference model is “Dexter” (Halasz, 1994). It is a
local-oriented model proposed for hypertext
applications. An extension of this model is proposed
in (De Bra, 1999) called AHAM (Adaptive
Hypermedia Application Model). This latter was
extended in the local context to take into account
semi-structured XML documents (Zayani, 2008).
The emergence of client / server architecture has
led to the development of AHA! (Adaptive
Hypermedia Architecture) (De Bra, 2003). It is a
web-oriented architecture based on AHAM and
considered as a reference architecture for adaptive
hypermedia systems. Among the architectures based
on AHA! we cite CA-WIS (Soukkarieh, 2010)
which is proposed to take into account web services.
Another type of mediator-oriented architecture is
proposed to allow the resolution of adaptation and
mediation problems together. The only one is
proposed in (Kostadinov, 2008). It offers a
personalized access to many distributed relational
data sources and uses XML as a pivot language in
the mediator level. It adapts the content taking into
account the user’s profile and the available sources’
quality. But in this work: (i) all of data are relational;
(ii) the syntactic heterogeneity of these data is
supposedly resolved; (iii) the semantic heterogeneity
is neglected; and (iv) the navigation adaptation is not
We notice that all the already mentioned studies
adapt homogenous and known in advance data,
except (Zayani, 2008) which adapts unknown local
semi-structured data. Moreover, the navigation
adaptation is not treated by the majority of these
studies despite its importance, especially in the case
of a large amount of data like in distributed
environments. In these environments, the user can be
easily disoriented and cannot get the required
information, thus the benefits of navigation and
content adaptation are more visible and efficient.
That’s why we propose a mediator-oriented
architecture able to deal with; (i) the navigation and
content adaptation, (ii) the access to semantic and
syntactic heterogeneous and distributed semi-
structured data (XML, RDF, SMIL) by using RDF
as a pivot language in the mediator; and (iii) takes
into account the variety in the contexts of users and
We propose a distributed architecture that ensures
the adaptation of content and navigation while
accessing to heterogeneous sources not designed to
be adapted.
It is considered to be innovative because, it
executes multiple functions; it (i) deals with the
navigation and content adaptation in a distributed
environment; (ii) uses a mediator that provides
transparent access to collections of semi-structured
documents; (iii) treats syntactic and semantic
heterogeneity of sources; (iv) takes into account both
the user’s context and the data sources’ context.
This architecture is essentially based on a
combination of DARPA I3 (reference architecture
for mediation systems) and AHA! (reference
architecture for hypermedia adaptive systems). We
extended the DARPA architecture by adding an
adaptation-providing layer. This layer is essentially
based on the AHA!.
The architecture that we propose is consequently
composed of four layers: client, adaptation,
mediation and sources. As it is illustrated in Figure
The client layer allows the user-system
interaction. Thus, the user makes his access (by
query or link) using various devices (PC, PDA, cell
phone, etc.).
The adaptation layer receives the user’s demand
from the client layer and adapts the content and
navigation according to the user's needs and context
as well as the sources’ context.
The mediation layer provides a unified and
transparent access to different sources, regardless
their syntax, semantics and location.
The sources layer integrates several collections
of semi-structured heterogeneous and distributed
Figure 1: The MEDI-ADAPT architecture.
The main layers of the proposed architecture are the
adaptation layer and the mediation layer. These two
layers collaborate together to provide the content
adaptation (Peter Brusilovsky,1996), the
personalized access to the sources layer and the
navigation adaptation (Peter Brusilovsky,1996)
taking into account different contexts.
We detail below their components and their
4.1 The Adaptation Layer
In the adaptation layer there are: a User Context
Manager (UCM), a Query Interpreter (QI), a Content
Adaptation Engine (CAE), an Updating Profile
engine (UPE), a Navigation Adaptation Engine
(NAE), a Response Generator (RG) and a
Navigation Manager (NM).
This layer is illustrated in Figure 2.
Each component of this layer provides a well
defined role:
The UCM manages all components of the user's
context: profile and environment (network and
device). It is composed of a Profile Manager
(PM), a User Model (UM) and an
Environment Manager (EM). The UM stores
the user’s profile as proposed in (AHA!,
(Zayani,2008), CA-WIS). We suggest that the
user’s profile is divided into two parts: one
contains data concerned with content
adaptation and another one contains data
concerned with navigation adaptation;
The CAE and the UPE, respectively, adapts the
content and updates the user’s profile. They
are similar to the downstream adaptation
mechanism and the updating profile
mechanism proposed in (Zayani, 2008);
The NAE adapts the navigation. It is based on
an extension of the upstream adaptation
engine proposed in (Zayani, 2008) by tacking
into account the navigation adaptation;
The RG performs the transformations generated
by the NAE on the results data before being
displayed to the user as it is the case with
FAWIS (De Virgilio, 2007) and CA-WIS;
The QI receives the user’s request, analyses and
transforms it into a SPARQL
(Prud'hommeaux, 2008
) (the W3C
Recommendation for an RDF query language)
query that is understandable to all the system
Figure 2: The adaptation layer’s components.
When the user launches a request to the system,
the UCM treats four actions simultaneously: by the
PM, it (i) recognizes the user (ii) looks for his profile
from the UM (iii) analyses it in order to differentiate
between its two parts (content and navigation) and
by the EM, it detects the user's environment (the
used device and the network’s characteristics). The
QI receives the user’s request, analyses and
transforms it into a SPARQL query. Then, the CAE
expands this query with the extracted data from the
content part of the profile and sends it to the
mediator. The latter brings the documents results
from sources and sends them to the NAE. This
engine receives from the UCM the navigation part of
the profile and the user’s environment characteristics
to make the navigation adaptation and sends the
result to the RG which, in its turn, generates the final
result and sends it to the user.
Throughout each session, the NM detects the
user-system interactions (visited links, accessed
documents, duration of each document consultation,
session’s length, etc.) and sends them to the PUE.
4.2 The Mediation Layer
The mediation layer is mainly based on the basic
components of XMedia (Tuyet et al., 2008): a
Metadata Manager (MM), a Query Decomposer
(QD), a Query Executor (QE), a Result
Reconstructor (RC), a Metadata Base (MB) and a
Memory Cache (MC). Except the Query Interpreter
(QI) which is moved, as it is mentioned above, to the
adaptation layer.
This layer is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: The mediation layer’s components.
The components of this layer work as follows:
The Metadata Manager (MM) provides
descriptive metadata for each documents’
collection, interprets and converts them to the
pivot language RDF.
The Query Decomposer (QD) decomposes the
SPARQL query into atomic queries according
to each single collection. It identifies the
appropriate metadata sources, locates the
collections and creates a query execution plan.
The Query Executor (QE) executes the atomic
queries near the sources, receives the results
and sends them to the MC and the RC.
The Result Reconstructor (RC) gathers all the
returned results and sends them to the NAE.
The Metadata Base (MB) stores the metadata
related to documents’ collections.
The Memory Cache (MC) stores all the
submitted data to the adaptation layer during a
When the CAE (component of the adaptation
layer) sends a query to the mediation layer, the QD
receives and decomposes it into atomic queries
according to each single collection. It identifies the
appropriate metadata sources, locates the collections
and creates a query execution plan. The QE receives
all the atomic queries and executes them near the
sources, then it receives the results from there and
sends them to the MC and the RC. The latter gathers
all the returned results and sends it to the NAE
which performs the navigation adaptation task as it
is mentioned above. Finally, the RG sends the final
result to the user.
Permanently, the MM connects with different
sources to provide descriptive metadata for each
documents’ collection, converts all of them to RDF
to be stored in MB and identifies the global schema.
In this paper, we presented a distributed architecture
that solves both mediation and adaptation problems
together. It is essentially based on a combination of
DARPA I3 (reference architecture for mediation
systems) and AHA! (Reference architecture for
hypermedia adaptive systems).
On the one hand, this architecture offers a
unified and transparent access to distributed
collections of semi-structured documents through
the mediation layer. On the other hand, it offers a
navigation and content adaptation taking into
account the user and sources contexts through the
adaptation layer. The syntactic and semantic
heterogeneity of data is solved by the use of RDF as
a pivot model at the mediation layer.
There are many perspectives that we are willing
to realize. First, we plan to propose and evaluate a
navigation adaptation method on which the
Navigation Adaption Engine (NAE) will be based
(already in the evaluation step). Second, we aim to
propose a content adaptation method on which the
Content Adaptation Engine (CAE) will be based.
Third, we will suggest methods that treat the data
heterogeneities (syntactic and semantic) and
distribution. Also, we intend to propose, at the
Profile Manager (PM), a method that reduces the
user profile to the most relevant content. Finally, we
are going to implement a prototype based on the
proposed architecture.
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