Marwa F. Mohamed
, Hany F. ElYamany
Mohamed K. Hussien
Nashwa M. Yhiea
and Hamed M. Nassar
Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Computers and Informatics, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
Keywords: Adaptive Replication, Quality of Service (QoS), Dynamic Load Balancing and Web Services.
Abstract: This paper presents an adaptive framework for managing dynamic replication of Web services in a
distributed environment including the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment. The framework
aims to improve the web services availability and to reduce the response time by supporting an automatic
replication of the consumed web services according to environment changing conditions that might occur at
the services provider side such as failure or increasing loading. For example, if one service or server fails,
the framework replicates automatically the consumed service on another particular selected server based on
some Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) including their performance and availability. Further, the
framework balances the incoming requests using Round Robin a load-balancing algorithm. Moreover, the
proposed framework is designed to predict the load of the involved candidate servers within the replication
process through utilizing a statistical regression technique.
The Web service technology has gained a great
momentum in both academic and industry over the
last decades. A web service is a well-defined
software component which provides a specific
functionality over the Internet. Web services are
published, described, discovered and executed using
several standard protocols including WSDL for
service description, SOAP for intercommunication,
and UDDI for publishing and discovering the
abstracted and loose coupled web services
(Papazoglou, 2007). The quality of service (QoS) is
an essential issue for managing the access agreement
among the services providers and consumers when
selecting and composing the distributed service-
based applications. In particular, the Service Level
Agreement (SLA) is the predefined expected QoS
attributes standard including response time and
availability for controlling and monitoring the
interoperability between the services provider and
consumer. Specifically, response time is the time
required to complete a web service request.
Availability is the probability that the system will be
able to respond to the client request at any times
(May, Schmidt and Thomas, 2009).
Replication techniques can generally support web
services availability through providing multiple
replicas of web services; for example, if one service
fails, other copied services will be possibly initiated
in order to answer the client requests. Moreover, it
can basically reduce the response time through
broadcasting client requests among the available
replicas, particularly during runtime (Silva and
Mendonca, 2004).
In this paper, we will present a framework for
managing an adaptive replication of Web services in
a distributed environment such as the Service-
Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment. The
suggested adaptive replication framework supports
an automatic replication of different web services
according to the changing that might occur at the
services provider side or within the SLA elements of
the hosting servers. The proposed framework is
focusing on only replicating the web services, not
replicating the client requests. Basically, the
suggested framework issues the necessary decisions
when a service fails or overloads, and selects the
suitable servers that will be needed to replicate web
services on it automatically.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 shows the related work. Section 3
F. Mohamed M., F. ElYamany H., K. Hussien M., M. Yhiea N. and M. Nassar H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003926102830286
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2012), pages 283-286
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
introduces a description of the suggested adaptive
replication framework. Section 4 describes the case
study and experimental results. Finally, conclusions
and future work are presented in section 5.
Several researchers have classified the process of
web service replication in different ways, for
example by determining which replica is handling
the incoming requests and selecting the optimal
server for hosting a replica. In (Salas, Perez-sorrosal,
Patiño-martínez and Jiménez-peris, 2006) the
authors classified the web service replication process
according to only determining which replica could
process the incoming requests. Basically, they
defined three different techniques called active,
semi-active and passive replication. In, (May et al.,
2009) the replication process has been classified
based on three techniques named as parallel, serial
and composite strategies. In (Zheng and Lyu, 2008),
a number of replication strategies have been
proposed based on adding time redundancy to a
combination of active and passive replication in
order to facilitate the process of selecting an
appropriate strategy for the different business case.
In (Ge and Zhang, 2010), a stochastic Perti net is
used to model the performance of composite
services as well as the environment in order to
achieve adaptive reselection during runtime. The
suggested framework accomplishes an adaptive
reselection of a higher priority service when the
failure occurs on the other services or an
environment. The service priority order is based on
availability of the network and the host machine;
and also the execution time and reliability of the
services. The main drawback of this framework is
that it does not consider some other crucial metrics
within the replica reselection process such as the
service or host load.
In (Yau, Goyal and Yao, 2005), an adaptive
replica selection framework has been proposed. The
framework considers both the characteristics of the
replica hosting environment and the consumer
requirements. The reselection process is based on
calculating a set of hybrid metrics including service
failure, host failure and dynamic load as well as the
customer business-value degree. However, the
framework has initially assumed that a fixed number
of hosts are available during runtime for the
replication process.
To this end, the main ideas of the proposed
adaptive service replication frameworks based on
selecting a web server for hosting the needed replica
from a predetermined set of available hosts (Ge and
Zhang, 2010; Keidl, Seltzsam and Kemper, 2003).
However, they didn’t take into account to predict the
changing load conditions of the service and the web
server during runtime.
This section introduces an adaptive framework for
adaptive replication management of Web services in
a SOA environment. The suggested adaptive
replication framework supports an automatic
replication of different web services according to the
changing that might occur at the services provider
side or the SLA elements of the hosting servers such
as capacity and availability. Generally, the
framework adaptively improves the availability of
the published services, and improves the Quality of
services (QoS) of the web services such as the
performance during runtime.
3.1 The Proposed Adaptive Replication
Figure 1 shows the suggested adaptive replication
framework. The framework involves three basic
layers: the clients, the replication middleware and
servers layer. The clients layer represents the
published services which consumers can access. The
servers layer contains the candidate hosts that might
be selected for holding possible replicas. Finally, the
replication middleware layer is located at the
services provider side.
Figure 1: The adaptive replication framework.
3.2 The Main Server Components
Sensors: This service is for monitoring all possible
changes that can occur on the secondary servers,
such as: Failure sensor checks the secondary servers
status (available or failure). Performance sensor
collects information about the secondary servers as
the memory capacity, hard disk capacity and
processor type. Load sensor gets the CPU usage of
the secondary servers.
Selector: This service analyzes the information
received from the sensors. Then, it sorts the list of
secondary servers from the best to the worst
according to the following metrics as: server
Availability, server load and server capabilities.
Dispatcher: This service is the bridge between
the client and the secondary servers as it does the
following: Responder, it forwards requests from the
clients to the selected secondary server. Then, it
forwards response from the secondary server to the
clients. Load balancer, it executes the dynamic load
balancing process that demonstrated in (Alakeel,
Replicator: it replicates web services on the
selected secondary server. In case of the master
replica that process the client request fails or
becomes overloaded.
Cleaner: is acting as the garbage collector which
deletes unused web services from the secondary
One of the framework objectives is how to take
advantage of all available possible advantages in the
execution environment of any institution as much as
possible. For example, in a university environment;
the faculties differ in the number of student and the
date of grade announcement. We can see that one
faculty server is overloaded while others are less
loaded at the same time. Therefore, we thought
about how to take an advantage of the less loaded
servers when other servers become overloaded or
failure by proposing an adaptive replication
framework. In order to evaluate the proposed
framework, we present three different scenarios:
Static Scenario: The server of each faculty
works separately (or independently) and there is no
relation in between. For a student to check his mark
online; he can just type his ID and presses submit. If
the faculty server fails, the student will not be able to
check his mark. If the faculty server is overloaded,
the student will have to wait a bit longer to get his
Adaptive Replication Scenario: The university
server manages the web services replication process.
If the university server detects that one service or
faculty server fails, the framework automatically
replicates the consumed service on another
particular selected faculty server based on certain
Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) including their
performance and availability. Moreover, if the
university server detects that a particular service or
server is overload, the framework automatically
replicates the consumed service on another
particular selected faculty server then used the
Round Robin load balancing algorithm
(WebsiteGear, 2004) in order to balance the requests
between the replicas.
Adaptive with Load Prediction Scenario:
adding to the previous case, a prediction ability
using the following factors: The linear regression
model (Montgomery and Runger, 2007, chap 11),
and Scheduling which is the regular server schedule
that determines when it might be loaded.
The following experiments were conducted to
evaluate the performance of the framework using the
previous scenarios (static, adaptive and adaptive
with load prediction). The test environment is
VMware simulation consists of 6 servers: 1 MS, 4
SSs and 1 DNS. The capabilities of these servers are
established in Table 1. The experiments were
conducted using ApacheBench Version 2.0.40-dev
<$Revision: 1.146 $>apache-2.0
Table 1: The capabilities of simulation servers.
Capabilities MS SSs DNS
HD 40 GB 40 GB 40 GB
CPU Intel® core ™ Num of core using by
VMware 1
Memory 500 MB 384 MB 384 MB
OS Microsoft windows server 2003
Language PHP scripting language -
Figure 2: The average Throughput of running 7500
static adaptive adaptivewithprediction
Figure 3: The average Response time of running 7500
In Figures 2 and 3, the performance order of the
previous approaches from the best to the worst is
adaptive with load prediction property, adaptive
replication and static approaches. Further, when the
concurrency level is increased, the gap between
static and adaptive is increased; and also the gap
between adaptive and adaptive with prediction
calculation is decreased except when concurrency
level is equal to 1.
In this paper, a framework for an adaptive
replication process is introduced. The framework
includes several components for managing the
replication process in addition to a particular
component which is structured for predicting the
future load on the servers that host the original
copies of the web services. Further, a case study is
demonstrated as well as the experimental results are
provided. The experiment examined the suggested
framework within three different scenarios: static,
adaptive and adaptive with load prediction property
and measured the replication process performance
and throughput. The shown outcomes established
that the framework is working more efficiently when
it runs within the adaptive with prediction property
For the future work, we plan to apply the
adaptive replication framework on composite web
services. Furthermore, we aim to apply partial
adaptive replication; the web services may
encapsulate more than one business operation and
the load on each operation is not equal. Hence, we
plan to apply an adaptive replication only on the
overload business operation. Finally, we also plan to
enhance the prediction load algorithm by using
another robust statistical prediction technique for
handling and broadcasting properly all data sets
types including the linear and nonlinear sets.
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