Olga Rajadell and Pedro Garc´ıa-Sevilla
Institute of New Imaging Technologies, University Jaume I, Castell´on de la Plana, Spain
Semi-supervised classification, Image segmentation, Hyper-spectral imaging, Mode seek clustering.
Different scenarios can be found in land classification and segmentation of satellite images. First, when prior
knowledge is available, the training data is generally selected by randomly picking samples within classes.
When no prior knowledge is available the system can pick samples at random among all unlabeled data, which
is highly unreliable, and ask the expert to label them or it can rely on the expert collaboration to improve
progressively the training data applying an active learning function. We suggest a scheme to tackle the lack of
prior knowledge without actively involving the expert, whose collaboration may be expensive. The proposed
scheme uses a clustering technique to analyze the feature space and find the most representative samples for
being labeled. In this case the expert is just involved in labeling once a reliable training data set for being
representative of the features space. Once the training set is labeled by the expert, different classifiers may be
built to process the rest of samples. Three different approaches are presented in this paper: the result of the
clustering process, a distance based classifier, and support vector machines (SVM).
The classification and segmentation of land usage in
satellite images generally requires an expert who pro-
vides the corresponding labels for the different ar-
eas in the images. Some authors work with prior
knowledge in a supervised scenario and training data
is selected within each class (Y.Tarabalka et al.,
2010)(A.Plaza and et al., 2009). Lately the research
interest in active learning techniques, which move
to a semi-supervised scenario, is raising. In new
real databases, the expert labeling involves whether
prior knowledge or checking at the land place itself,
which could be highly expensive. The expert col-
laboration may be needed an unknown number of
steps to improve the classification by helping in the
training selection until the convergence condition is
achieved (Tuia et al., 2009)(Li et al., 2010). Hence,
the expert collaboration can be highly expensive and
picking at random among the unlabeled pool is not
convenient because classes are often very unbalanced
and the probabilities of getting an efficient represen-
tative training data is inverse to the amount of labeled
samples. Consequently, decreasing the size of labeled
data is a problem. To tackle this, the most interest-
ing samples should be provided to the expert from the
beginning (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002).
In unsupervised scenarios, data analysis tech-
niques have proved being good at providing relevant
data when no prior knowledge is available. Among
them, clustering techniques allow us to divide data
in groups of similar samples. Specially when sam-
ples represent pixels from an image, clustering algo-
rithms have successfully been applied to image seg-
mentation in various fields and applications (Arbe-
laez et al., 2011). We aim to segment and classify
hyper-spectral satellite images. Fully unsupervised
procedures often have insufficient accurate classifica-
tion results. For such a reason, a hybrid scenario be-
tween supervised and unsupervised techniques is our
target where the methods applied could take into ac-
count some labels to build a classifier. We suggest
to use a clustering analysis to find samples of inter-
est, ask an expert for their labels and classify using
that labeled set obtained. This scheme was presented
in (Rajadell et al., 2011) where a KNN1 classifier
was used. Here we suggest to assign labels to un-
labeled samples according to the result given by the
cluster itself and the labels provided by the expert for
the modes of clusters. We also adapt and extend the
method in order to be used with SVM. These new seg-
mentation approaches provide interesting results. For
Rajadell O. and García Sevilla P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003855504120418
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (PRARSHIA-2012), pages 412-418
ISBN: 978-989-8425-98-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
all cases, the suggested scheme is compared with the
supervised state of the art classification, resulting in
outperforming previous works.
A review of the sample selection scheme with its
spatial improvement is presented in Section 2. Sev-
eral classification alternatives are presented in Section
3. Results will be shown and analyzed in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 presents some conclusions.
Nowadays, due to the improvement in the sensors,
databases used for segmentation and classification of
hyper-spectral satellite images are highly reliable in
terms of spectral and spatial resolution. Therefore,
we can consider that our feature space representation
of the data is also highly reliable. On the other hand,
in segmentation and classification of this kind of im-
ages the training data used has not been a concerned
so far, without worrying about providing the most re-
liable information (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002). The
scheme suggested in (Rajadell et al., 2011) was a first
attempt in this sense. It was proposed an unsupervised
selection of the training samples based on the analysis
of the feature space to provide a representative set of
labeled data. It proceeds as follows:
1. In order to reduce the dimensionality of the prob-
lem, a set of spectral bands, given a desired num-
ber, is selected by using a band selection method.
The WaLuMi band selection method (Mart´ınez-
Us´o et al., 2007) was used in this case, although
any other similar method could be used.
2. A clustering process is used to select the most rep-
resentative samples in the image. In this case,
we have used the Mode Seek clustering procedure
which is applied over the reduced feature space.
An improvement in the clustering process is in-
cluded by adding the spatial coordinates of each
pixel in the image as additional features. Since
the clustering is based on distances, spatial coor-
dinates should also be taken into account assum-
ing the class connection principle.
3. The modes (centers of the clusters) resulting of
the previous step define the training set for the
next step. The expert is involvedat this point, only
once, by providing the corresponding labels of the
selected samples.
4. The classification of the rest of non-selected sam-
ples is performed, using the training set defined
above to build the classifier. Three different clas-
sification experiments have been performed here:
a KNN classifier with k = 1, a direct classification
with the results of the clustering process, and an
extension will be presented for the use of SVM.
2.1 Mode Seek Clustering
Given a hyper-spectral image, all pixels can be con-
sidered as samples which are characterized by their
corresponding feature vectors (spectral curve). The
set of features defined is called the feature space
and samples (pixels) are represented as points in that
multi-dimensional space. A clustering method groups
similar objects (samples) in sets that are called clus-
ters. The similarity measure between samples is de-
fined by the cluster algorithm used. A crucial problem
lies in finding a good distance measure between the
objects represented by these feature vectors. Many
clustering algorithms are well known. A KNN mode
seeking method will be used in this paper (Cheng,
1995). It selects a number of modes which is con-
trolled by the neighborhood parameter (s). For each
class object x
, the method seeks the dissimilarity to
its s
neighbors. Then, for the s neighbors of x
the dissimilarities to their s
neighbors are also com-
puted. If the dissimilarity of x
to its s
neighbor is
minimum compared to those of its s neighbors, it is
selected as prototype. Note that the parameter s only
influences the scheme in a way that the bigger it is the
less clusters the method will get since more samples
will be grouped in the same cluster, that is, less modes
will be selected as a result. For further information
about the mode seek clustering method see (Cheng,
1995) and (Comaniciu and Meer, 2002)
2.2 Spatial Improvement
The clustering algorithm searches for local density
maxima where the density function has been calcu-
lated using the distances for each sample in its s
neighborhood using a dissimilarity measure as the
distance between pairs of samples. In that difference,
all features (dimensions) are considered. When fea-
tures do not include any spatial information the class
connection principle is missed (pixels that lie near
in the image are likely to belong to the same class).
Therefore, we suggest to include the spatial coordi-
nates among the feature of the samples. See Fig 1.(a)
where all samples have been represented in the three
first features space and in different color per class.
Notice that, when no spatial data is considered and
all classes are located in the same space and when
no prior knowledge is available for the clustering pro-
cess, finding representatives for each class would be
difficult since the classes themselves may lie together.
Moreover, different areas of the same class may be
a b
Figure 1: Effects of including spatial information in the feature space. Plots show the samples of the database in the feature
space, colored per class according to the ground-truth. (a) no spatial information is available. (b) spatial coordinates are
within the same cloud. However, when spatial data is
included, Fig 1.(b), the single cloud of samples is bro-
ken according to spatial distances and classes (fields)
are more separable. In this sense also samples belong-
ing to the same class but lying in different places of
the image are separable.
In (Rajadell et al., 2011) it was suggested to weigh
the spatial coordinates by an arbitrary number to re-
inforce two samples that are close spatially to have
a closer distance and the way round. Such a weight
should be decided in terms of the range of the fea-
tures provided by the spectrometer so the coordinates
are overweighed but they do not cause the rest of fea-
tures be dismissed in the global measure.
The whole dataset was first reduced to 10 bands us-
ing the band method selection named in Section 2.
This method is used for minimizing the correlation
between features but maximizing the amount of infor-
mation provided, all that without changing the feature
space. Clustering was carried out tuning the param-
eter s to get a prefixed number of selected samples.
Three different classification alternatives have been
3.1 Straightforward Schemes
1. First a KNN with k=1 classification has been per-
formed with the labeled samples as training set.
This is not an arbitrary choice, because the clus-
tering procedure used is based on densities calcu-
lated on a dissimilarity space, and therefore, the
local maxima correspond to samples which mini-
mize its dissimilarity with a high amount of sam-
ples around it. Thus, the selected samples are
highly representative in distance-based classifiers.
2. Second, another classification process has been
performed using the straightforward result of the
clustering procedure. The expert labels the se-
lected samples. Then, all samples belongingto the
cluster that each labeled sample is representing
are automatically labeled in the same class. This
provides a very fast pixel classification scheme as
the clustering result is already available.
3.2 Extension to SVM
The scheme, as it has been presented, is not useful for
classifiers that are not based on distances. However,
we would like to check if providing relevant train-
ing data may be also useful for other classifiers. In
this case, we extend the proposed method for SVM.
For such a classifier, it is interesting to detect samples
in the borders between clusters and not their centers
to achieve representing the shape of the data in the
feature space. Nevertheless, we do not want to in-
crease the amount of labeled data. According to these
criteria we propose selecting samples from the clus-
ter, assuming that those samples have the same label
that the cluster was given. It would be possible to
take the whole cluster itself with the assumed label
as training data but, depending on the database size,
it would not be computationally affordable. On one
hand, using the most distant samples from the clus-
ter center would introduce an important amount of
outliers in the construction of the classifier. On the
other hand, using the samples around the cluster cen-
ter would not help the SVM to find the shape of the
cluster. Therefore, two thresholds α
and α
of the
maximum distance inside each cluster has been con-
sidered. Samples between α
and α
are selected for
training the SVM (see Fig 2). Although the amount of
samples selected is higher than the number of modes,
notice that these samples are not labeled by the expert
and, consequently, the number of the labeled samples
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Training selection example for extension of the
scheme to SVM necessities. The samples between α
will be used to construct the SVM.
is still the same. However, the real size of the training
set is larger and it should be more representative of
the shape of the data. With this larger set we can train
a SVM and use it to classify the whole image. The use
of these samples would also be possible for the case of
the KNN classifier. However, it is important to point
out that the errors made by the clustering process in
these samples are now introduced in the training set.
A well-known database has been used in the exper-
iments (see Fig 3). Hyper-spectral image 92AV3C
was provided by the Airborne Visible Infrared Imag-
ing Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and acquired over the In-
dian Pine Test Site in Northwestern Indiana in 1992.
From the 220 bands that composed the image, 20 are
usually ignored (the ones that cover the region of wa-
ter absorption or with low SNR) (Landgrebe, 2003).
The image has a spatial dimension of 145 × 145 pix-
els. Spatial resolution is 20m per pixel. Classes range
from 20 to 2468 pixels in size. In it, three different
growing states of soya can be found, together with
other three different growing states of corn. Woods,
pasture and trees are the bigger classes in terms of
number of samples (pixels). Smaller classes are steel
towers, hay-windrowed, alfalfa, drives, oats, grass
and wheat. In total, the dataset has 16 labeled classes
and unlabeled part which is known as the background.
This so called background will be here considered as
the 17 class for the segmentation experiments.
In Fig 4 the results obtained using several classifi-
cation strategies are compared: KNN using only the
center of the clusters for the training set, SVM, KNN
Figure 3: 92AV3C AVIRIS database. Color composition
and ground-truth.
Figure 4: Learning curve in terms of error rate when in-
creasing the size of training data in number of samples se-
lected by the scheme suggested. Different classification
methods tested using the 92AV3C database.
using the same training set used for the SVM, and the
classification using the plain output of the mode seek
clustering. It was already shown in (Rajadell et al.,
2011) that the scheme used with KNN clearly outper-
formed the random selection. Now, the classification
result for the KNN classifier adding more samples in
the clusters assuming the same label is very similar
to the ones obtained with the KNN classifier using
only the cluster centers. For SVM the thresholds used
here were α
= 0.3 and α
= 0.4, although several
combinations of values were used providing similar
results in all cases. The SVM classifier provided the
worst results in all experiments. This may be due to
the fact that the double threshold scheme proposed as-
sumes a spherical distribution of the samples around
the cluster centers. However, this is not the case in
general, and that is the reason why SVM cannot prop-
erly model the borders of the classes using these train-
ing samples. On the other hand, the mode seek clus-
tering classification outperformed all other methods.
The reason is that this sort of clustering is not based
on the distance to a central sample in the cluster but
to the distance to other samples in the clusters. When
the distance to a central point is considered, a spheric
distribution of the pixels around this point is assumed.
However, the mode seek clustering provides clusters
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5: Segmentation-classification results using 0.33%
of data for the selected training set using several classifiers.
(a) KKN using the cluster centers. (b) SVM (c) KNN using
the same training set as for the SVM (d) mode seek cluster-
that may adapt to different shapes, depending on the
distribution of the samples in the feature space, and
these clusters can be modeled using just one sample.
The database has 21025 samples. Fig. 5 show the
classification results of several classifiers when 0.33%
of the pixels in the image (69 pixels) was labeled
by the expert. The classification errors are shown
as white pixels. It can be noted that the clustering
classifier outperformed the other classifiers not only
in the percentage of classification rate but also pro-
viding smooth compact regions in the image. Similar
results can be seen in Fig. 6 where 4% of the pixels in
the image was labeled, where the classification errors
tend to concentrate in the borders of the different re-
gions in the image. Note that the segmentation results
are quite smooth even for the background class.
Let’s consider the 2% of the samples and the
cluster-based classification. See results in Fig 7.(a).
Observe the top left part of the image where the se-
lection manages to detect all of them although the
classes are lying one next to each other and their size
is not big. The best result is presented in Fig 7.(b),
it is the classification-segmentation result for the 17-
classes problem using 4% of the data. The overall er-
ror rate is 0.116 and the most relevant error is the lost
of very small classes that cannot be found by the clus-
tering. In Table 1 the results per class are presented
for different sizes of the training set using cluster clas-
sification. Observe that the accuracy per class of a
reduced training set is good when the class has been
detected by the cluster. As long as one class is missed
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6: Segmentation-classification results using 4% of
data for the selected training set using several classifiers. (a)
KKN using the cluster centers. (b) SVM (c) KNN using the
same training set as for the SVM (d) mode seek clustering.
error = 0.157 error = 0.116
(a) (b)
Figure 7: Segmentation-classification results using differ-
ent amounts of data for the selected training set using the
proposed scheme and the clustering based classification. (a)
Using 2% of the data. (b) Using 4% of the data.
in the selection of the training data, this class will be
entirely misclassified.
In Table 1 where the error rate per class is shown,
we can see that the results obtained using 2% of the
samples are already comparable in terms of per class
accuracy with results obtained in supervised scenar-
ios using 5% of the data (Y.Tarabalka et al., 2010).
Notice that classes with only one spatial area are well
classified with few samples needed, such as Alfalfa,
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Accuracy per class for the 17 classes classification of the AVIRIS dataset using 12 features (ten spectral features and
two spatial coordinates). For a training sets of 0.33%, 2% and 4% of the data using the clustering-based classifier.
0.33% of training data 2% of training data 4% of training data
classes training/total error training/total error training/total error
Heterogenous background 22/10659 0.432 171/10659 0.262 367/10659 0.193
Stone-steel towers 0/95 1 2/95 0.139 5/95 0.033
Hay-windrowed 2/489 0.004 10/489 0.004 25/489 0.004
Corn-min till 5/834 0.214 18/834 0.076 40/834 0.045
Soybeans-no till 5/968 0.185 25/968 0.060 40/968 0.072
Alfalfa 0/54 1 1/54 0.038 3/54 0.039
Soybeans-clean till 2/614 0.488 15/614 0.066 28/614 0.056
Grass/pasture 3/497 0.105 12/497 0.064 28/497 0.042
Woods 6/1294 0.023 29/1294 0.034 58/1294 0.026
Bldg-Grass-Tree-Drives 3/380 0.021 9/380 0.011 12/380 0.011
Grass/pasture-mowed 0/26 1 1/26 0.040 1/26 0.040
Corn 1/234 0.601 6/234 0.070 10/234 0.049
Oats 0/20 1 0/20 1 0/20 1
Corn-no till 6/1434 0.278 35/1434 0.067 63/1434 0.035
Soybeans-min till 10/2468 0.069 70/2468 0.023 143/2468 0.018
Grass/trees 4/747 0.067 18/747 0.033 34/747 0.042
Wheat 1/212 0.009 7/212 0.005 11/212 0.005
Overall error 0.299 0.156 0.116
Wheat, Hay-windrowed, Grass/pasture-mowed and
Corn. Some of them (as Wheat and Hay-windrowed)
were already well classified when only 0.33% training
data was used. The rest of the classes are divided in
different spatial areas and their detection is highly de-
pendant on the size of the area and the amount of dif-
ferent classes that surrounds them. Soybeans-min-till
class is from the beginning well classified with only
10 samples, this is a large class whose different areas
in the image are also large and well defined. The same
can be concluded for other classes like Bldg-Grass-
Tree-Drives or Woods. However, class Soybeans-
clean till is confused with the classes around since the
areas where it lies in are small despite of being a big
class. The background is a special case, although it
is treated here as a single class for segmentation pur-
poses, it is composed by different areas with proba-
bly considerably different spectral signatures and, if a
part of it would be missing in the training data, that
part will be misclassified.
A training data selection method has been proposed
in a segmentation classification scheme for scenarios
in which no prior knowledge is available. This aims
at improving classification and reducing the interac-
tion with the expert who would label a very small
set of points only once. This is highly interesting
when expert collaboration is expensive. To get rep-
resentative training data, mode seek clustering is pre-
formed. This type of clustering provides modes (rep-
resentative samples) for each cluster found in the fea-
ture space and those modes are the selected sam-
ples for labeling. Thanks to a spatial improvement
in the clustering, the modes provided do not contain
redundant training information and can represent dif-
ferent spatial areas in the image that belong to the
same class. The training selection has been used over
several classifiers. We have experimentally proved
that distance based classifiers are more adequate than
SVM for such an approach. Furthermore, we have
also shown that the classification obtained from the
mode seek clustering outperformed the simple dis-
tance based classifiers because it better adapts to the
shapes of the clusters in the feature space.
All classification strategies benefit from the selec-
tion of the labeled data to improve their performances.
They provide very good results even with less labeled
data than provided in other scenarios where training
data was randomly selected.
This work has been partly supported by grant FPI
PREDOC/2007/20 from Fundaci´o Caixa Castell´o-
Bancaixa and projects CSD2007-00018 (Consolider
Ingenio 2010) and AYA2008-05965-C04-04from the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods