Towards Elderly Social Integration using a Multimodal
Human-computer Interface
Vítor Duarte Teixeira
, Carlos Galinho Pires
, Fernando Miguel Pinto
João Freitas
, Miguel Sales Dias
and Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues
Microsoft Language Development Center, Porto Salvo, Portugal
ADETTI – ISCTE, IUL, Lisbon, Portugal
Dept. Informatics Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Abstract. This paper presents a multimodal prototype application that aims to
promote the social integration of the elderly. The application enables
communication with their social network through conferencing and social
media services, using natural interaction modalities, like speech, touch and
gestures. We begin by discussing the requirements and design guidelines that
were taken into account for the development of the prototype. We also present
the key elements of the development stage and the results of a usability study
conducted with ten elderly volunteers. The usability study reveals that such a
multimodal solution can simplify accessibility to the considered services.
Results indicate that this system is simpler, more natural and more enjoyable
than the current user interfaces. Furthermore, the natural interaction modalities
of the proposed prototype, allow elderly to be more efficient and have a better
user experience, thus contributing with an easier and faster way for this
population to join the information era.
1 Introduction
This paper proposes several ways for reducing the impact of social exclusion
observed in the elderly population. However, to effectively mitigate that issue, one
must take into account the fact that those individuals have developed resistance to
conventional forms of human-computer interaction, like the keyboard and mouse of
the WIMP paradigm, for instance, therefore making it necessary to test new natural
forms of interaction such as speech, touch and gestures. In addition, elder people
often have difficulties with motor skills due to health problems such as arthritis, so the
absence of small and difficult to handle equipment may be presented as an advantage
over current solutions. It is also known that due to ageing, senses like vision become
less accurate [15], hence difficulties in the perception of details or important
information in conventional graphical interfaces may arise, since current interfaces,
most notably in the mobility area, are not designed with these difficulties in mind.
There is also evidence that the European Union (EU) population is ageing rapidly.
The European Commission [5] estimates that by 2050 the elderly population in the
EU will be around 29% of the total population. This means that it is hastily becoming
Teixeira V., Pires C., Pinto F., Freitas J., Sales Dias M. and Mendes Rodrigues E..
Towards Elderly Social Integration using a Multimodal Human-computer Interface.
DOI: 10.5220/0003852800030013
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications (AAL-2012), pages 3-13
ISBN: 978-989-8425-93-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
necessary to create solutions that allow overcoming the difficulties age brings to
people who want to use new technologies in order to remain socially active.
In this paper we present an adaptation made to the Living Home Center (LHC)
prototype developed by Pires et al. [13], which was specifically targeted at the
mobility impaired population. We have extended the services supported by that
prototype, by adding support for Instant Messaging, as well as integration with the
Facebook social network, enabling access to messages and photo albums. This paper
also presents two user studies, the first one that allowed gathering user requirements
for the development of the prototype and, the second one, which performed a usability
evaluation, aiming at testing if the proposed solution is actually useful to elderly
The remainder of this document is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a
review of related work in the area of assistive technologies for seniors. Section 3
describes the results of the initial user requirements study, from which we derived
design guidelines and gathered knowledge about the elderly. Section 4 explains the
choices made during the prototype development and adaptation stage. Section 5
provides an analysis of the results obtained in the usability evaluation study and
presents a discussion of those results. Finally, section 6 presents the conclusions and
outlines future work.
2 Assistive Technologies for Seniors and Multimodal HCI
Elderly people who are connected to the world through the internet are less likely to
become depressed and have greater probability of becoming socially integrated [1].
However, despite being the population group that is more rapidly going online [12],
technological and interaction barriers still do not allow seniors to take full advantage
of the available services and content [18].
With the objective of allowing older people and people with disabilities to live
independently and be active in society, some initiatives have been launched by the
European Union. A good example is the e-inclusion project [4], which “aims at
reducing gaps in ICT usage and promoting the use of ICT to overcome exclusion, and
improve economic performance, employment opportunities, quality of life, social
participation and cohesion.”, by, for example, proposing a series of measures to
promote take-up of digital technologies by potentially disadvantaged groups, such as
elderly, less-literate and low-income persons.
Some studies, such as D'Andrea et al. [2] and Salces et al. [17], have demonstrated
that multimodal solutions can be used to improve the usage experience by a variety of
user groups, including the elderly. Therefore, if provided with the means of
multimodal interaction, elderly can experience improved accessibility to information
and an increased ability to socially integrate [16]. Multimodal User Interfaces
(MMUIs) also provide users with the ability to choose different modalities depending
on usage context, environment conditions or users special needs. This allows, for
example, improving stability and the robustness of speech recognition based systems.
The possibility to seamlessly alternate between input modalities is another advantage
of MMUIs, helping reducing the probability of injuries due to the overuse of a single
modality [10-11].
However, for the development of appropriate solutions with high accessibility one
must also take into account the specificities of universal design [10] as well as user
perspectives, thus avoiding the usage of inappropriate content, font or graphical
elements size, for example [7].
3 User Requirements Study
With the objective of gathering information about the main problems senior citizens
face while using the computer and current graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for
Communication (e.g., Windows Live Messenger (WLM)) and Social Media Services
(SMSs) (e.g., Facebook), we have conducted a requirements analysis study that
allowed the definition of a list of key requirements to be considered.
The study was divided in three parts. In the first part, we have performed a
structured interview using a questionnaire. In the second and third parts, we have
asked participants to carry out a set of tasks, first with existing communication and
social media services and afterwards with the LHC prototype, which was designed for
people with mobility impairments [13]. For the creation of the experimental tasks and
decision of the analysis methods we have followed the guidelines provided by Dix et
al. [3]. The goal of these tasks was to gather information about which modalities
would better satisfy the needs of the elderly. We have also aimed at gathering some
data concerning the participants’ reactions and opinions about the current LHC
version. By doing so, we wanted to find out which changes should be taken into
account for the newer version of the aforementioned system.
3.1 Study Participants
Ten elderly people took part in this requirements study. All the participants were
volunteers from the Lisbon University for Seniors ( The
selection of the participants was done randomly, however with a few restrictions, as
different computer skills and ages between participants and, especially, high literacy
levels were required.
The study group was composed of 2 males and 8 females, since it was difficult to
recruit an equal number of participants of each gender that fitted the desired profile.
The participants had an average age of 66.3 years old and different careers. As
requested, most of them presented high education levels, since that aspect “plays a
significant role in the way the user interacts with computers” [7].
3.2 Analysis of the Participants’ Skills and Habits, Via Questionnaire
The goal of this questionnaire was to determine computer, mobile phone and
smartphone frequency of use, nature of use and demonstrated skills, as well as habits
of usage of communication services and SMSs. This part was exclusively self-
Interestingly, we have registered that the computer is not yet seen as a tool to
communicate with others, since participants mentioned having difficulties
understanding the current communication services UIs (e.g, WLM). They often said
that they could not get those kind of programs to work, or that they had a hard time
trying to add a contact to their friends list or establishing calls. The majority of the
considered sample also declared not using any SMS even though they knew of these
services existence. They argued that they heard too many times in the news and by
friends that using such a service might be dangerous and could lead to unpleasant
situations, if they did not know exactly what they were doing.
Concerning the usage of mobile devices, participants recognized using them,
however the adherence to smartphones was null, mainly due to confusing UIs, too
many features and small icons and text.
These results allow us to determine that our solution must provide access to an
easy-to-use communications service, with few and clear options, in order to mitigate
the difficulties mentioned above with current solutions. We also acknowledged that
the current SMSs have too many features, as far as elderly are concerned, and require
too much attention and skills. Therefore, we propose providing access only to the
features seniors considered most relevant (e.g., photo sharing and messages), and to
make the interface as easy and seamless to use as possible, thus trying to diminish the
observed feeling of insecurity while using such service.
We also intend to introduce a mobile application for smartphones that provides the
same services as the desktop version and attempts to overcome the difficulties
mentioned above.
3.3 Usability Evaluation of Current UIs for Communication and SMSs
On the second part of this first study we have asked the participants to do three
different tasks using current communication and social media services UIs: (1) instant
messaging task; (2) conferencing task and (3) Facebook task. The goal of these tasks
was to perform a usability evaluation of those kinds of interfaces concerning the
usage by senior citizens.
After the evaluation of an instant messaging task using WLM, we have confirmed
the results of the previous section. So, we have considered that it is important to
change the way information is shown. Text and buttons must be bigger, so it becomes
easier to find a contact or option. There should be buttons for tasks like opening a new
conversation and submitting an instant message, avoiding the need for double click,
double tap or usage of a special keyboard key, since the elderly have difficulties
performing and remembering those actions. Furthermore, it is important to have an
easy way of inserting special characters, since most participants were unable to insert
the ‘@’ and ‘€’ characters using the keyboard. Touch and speech should be
considered for this feature. Speech should work for command and control, but
especially for dictation when writing a message, since tests have demonstrated that
participants tend to be less productive when writing on a keyboard. It is also essential
that contacts are well identified, with name, a number and picture, if possible.
After completing a task that tested Facebook’s usability, participants confirmed that
this service had too many features, as mentioned in the previous section. We have
also confirmed that there is the need to make icons and text bigger and to organize it
better, since the current solutions UI elements are too small and do not always follow
the same logic of space organization, from screen to screen.
Tasks analysis revealed that participants took, in average, 1:29m (conferencing
task), 4:30m (instant messaging task) and 08:33m (Facebook task) more than the
control subject to complete the tasks. While differences between skilled and non-
skilled participants were 0:27m, 03:10m and 04:56m, , in the mentioned tasks. These
results allowed us understanding that some of the considered services do require some
level of experience, preventing less skilled users to be as effective while performing
the same tasks. We also registered that all the participants needed, in average, 2 aids
per task, so they could finish it.
3.4 Usability Evaluation of HCI Modalities using the Previous Version of LHC
On the third part of the first study, we have introduced participants to the previous
mobile and desktop versions of the LHC prototype, which were designed specifically
for mobility impaired individuals.
This part of the study allowed us to conclude that the elderly would be satisfied
with an application designed following similar guidelines as the previous LHC
version for mobility impaired individuals, since we have registered good levels of
performance and high levels of satisfaction when we have asked them to test it. We
have also observed that they normally felt much more relaxed using the prototype
than the previously tested solutions, so it became obvious that this application has the
potential to contribute for a more enjoyable user experience, concerning the elderly
individuals as well.
We have likewise determined that touch would be a critical modality to consider,
since the design of this application is completely adequate for touching, due to the
size and organization of the items. Nonetheless, we have considered speech as a must-
have modality too, as some of the elderly are less able to use touch, due to health
problems, such as arthritis [9].
4 LHC Prototype Adaptation
Based on the results of the user study we have gathered requirements that enabled us
to extend and improve the LHC prototype. As for specifications, we have focused
mainly on the improvement of the UI flow, on the support of more social media
services and on the prototype’s performance enhancement, while keeping the same
system architecture for the Living Home Center (LHC), with client, server and cloud
elements adhering to Microsoft technology, as described in the paper by Pires et al.
Even though no major changes on the desktop application UI were required, we
had previously learnt that users could benefit from the integration of Facebook’s
content in the prototype, since that is one of the most popular SMSs to date, with
currently more than 750 million active users, according to Facebook [6]. We have
realized that elderly would welcome also an instant messaging service, given its
popularity. Bearing that in mind, we have added features allowing access to
Facebook’s messages, profiles and also supporting media access and management,
such as photo albums. We have also added support for the insertion of comments and
likes on messages, albums or photos, from both the LHC users and from people in
their social network.
We have also developed a new version of the prototype for the Windows Phone 7
(WP7) platform (migrating from Windows Mobile 6.5), with increased stability of
that OS, the capacitive display of the newer devices, the larger memory and
processing power those same devices offer, as well as the ability to use multi-touch.
Figures 1 and 2, show the mobile and desktop versions GUIs of the enhanced LHC on
different contexts.
Fig. 1. Mobile Home Screen GUI – LHC.
Fig. 2. Desktop Photo Album Screen.
5 Usability Evaluation Study
We have conducted a usability study, following the method proposed by Preece et al.
[14], to evaluate how the enhanced LHC prototype performed, when used by a group
of elderly individuals. Additionally, we have gathered that group’s impressions about
the prototype and their evaluation about its value when considered as a tool to
promote social integration.
5.1 Study Participants
For this study we have asked for the collaboration of ten participants. This time those
were users of the Social Welfare Institute for the Armed Forces (
in Lisbon, Portugal. For the selection of elderly, we have maintained the requirements
described on section 3.1.
The study group comprised 5 males and 5 females, with an average age of 77.9
years old and different careers. This time we have also requested for participants with
different literacy levels, since we wanted to register the differences between those
with lower and higher levels of education, while using the prototype. For calibrating
the study tasks and for comparing results, a neutral user, called the control subject,
performed the structured tasks. The control subject was a female with 22 years old,
who studied Marketing, had high computer skills and had never been presented to the
prototype before, hence being in the same conditions as the study participants.
5.2 Tasks and Methodology
Six different tasks were created to test different features of the improved LHC
prototype. Three tasks were designed to be performed on the mobile client and
another three designed for the desktop client. In both clients, tasks focused on the
usage of conference’s IM and video-call features, SMS profile feature, SMS messages
feature and SMS audio-visual feature. Besides hardware (keyboard and mouse),
different HCI modalities were always available for each task and client platforms,
such as speech, touch and 3D gestures in certain mobile application contexts.
To be able to gather relevant information and maintain the same conditions for
every participant, a protocol was created and followed for all the sessions. The
protocol creation was guided by the work of Dix et al. [3].
After completing all tasks, each participant answered a final questionnaire, with
open and closed questions, with the objective of determining the satisfaction with
each HCI modality in terms of easiness and enjoyment, and also to evaluate the
efficiency of the UI and the considered features.
In order to evaluate a task, both qualitative and quantitative results were taken into
consideration, following the same recommendations as the tests made with the
previous version of this prototype [13]. Although quantitative results were gathered
these must not be seen as the most relevant data, because of the reduced number of
participants considered, the sample is statistically unrepresentative. However, it
should be seen as a pre-test or a guide, to a future test with a more representative
5.3 Tasks Results
Results for the mobile application tasks show that the difference on the average times
of execution, between the control subject and the participants varied from 1:14m to
1:56m, while differences between skilled and non-skilled users would not exceed 35
seconds. The task that required the visualization of the received and sent social
messages was the one with the better results, as depicted in Figure 3.
The number of aids was similar to all the tasks. Only 5 participants out of 10
requested help, and the aids did not exceed 1 for each one of those participants. The
preferred modality of interaction was Touch, with an average of 10 uses per task per
participant. Most participants argued that the “push-to-talk” (PTT) mechanism
available in the mobile version was complicate and was of little help for achieving the
desired action. Other issues pointed to the mobile application included the fact that
the virtual keyboard is not large enough to enable elderly users to hit a key at a time
and also, the fact that some buttons are hidden and not obvious enough, such as the
Save Profile button in the SMS’s Profile screen.
Desktop tasks analysis revealed that participants took, in average, from 1 minute to
4:26m more than the control subject to complete the tasks, whereas computer skilled
participants were 12 to 36 seconds faster than non-skilled participants.
The task that required the users to establish a video-call with a specific contact was
the most enjoyed and that feature was reported as the most useful in the application. It
was also the fastest task and the one with fewer differences between user categories,
as shown in Figure 4. The video-call task was also the one that registered less aids,
with only 5 participants requesting help one time. The remaining tasks registered the
average of an aid per participant per task. However, if we consider that those aids had
mostly to do with them asking how to bring up the built-in virtual keyboard, we could
overlook these data.
Fig. 3. Mobile social messages task average
execution times.
Fig. 4. Desktop video-call task average
execution times.
The preferred modality of interaction was touch, followed by speech. In average, it
was used 3 times more than the speech modality and 15 times more than hardware
(keyboard and mouse). The only issue reported by users had to do with the fact that
dictation with the current European Portuguese speech recognition engine is still far
from being 100% accurate, especially with the elderly voice, since a parallel project
(LUL) is still on-going with the objective of collecting those voice characteristics for
the augmentation of the aforementioned engine capabilities. Satisfaction with the
appearance and organization of the UI was also noticeable, as most participants
commented that the appearance and organization of the screens was appealing and
easy to understand.
5.4 Results Discussion – Requirements Study vs. Usability Study
At this point we could compare times of execution for similar tasks when using
currently available UIs for communication and SMS services, in one hand and LHC,
in the other. Concerning that case, we have considered only tasks performed with
desktop clients, since in the requirements study, we did not consider the mobile
versions of those UIs.
As shown in Figure 5, in general LHC has allowed users, to be more effective
performing all tasks, when compared to the existing GUIs of Windows Live
Messenger (IM and Conference) and Facebook (SMS).
Fig. 5. Requirements study results vs. usability study results.
Not only did users take less time performing tasks, they also needed less aids when
using LHC. As referred above they needed, in average, 1 aid per task using LHC,
opposed to the 2 aids per task using other UIs.
5.5 Questionnaire Results
The questionnaire was based on the one applied on the previous usability study made
with mobility impairment users [13]. Participants generally considered all modalities
easy or reasonably easy to use, and only on some cases difficult. Participants enjoyed
using almost all modalities, tending to prefer touch and speech on the desktop version.
Eight participants manifested preference for touch on the desktop application. Speech
on the desktop application, was selected by 4 participants. The less enjoyed
modalities were touch and 3D gestures on the smartphone. We have asked
participants if they felt the prototype interface was easy to use, obtaining positive
response from all the participants. The preferred version of the prototype was,
unanimously, the one developed for desktop computers.
When asked what they thought we should change or add to the prototype, so it
would behave according to their needs, participants simply responded that they’d like
us to change the mobile keyboard layout and enhance (European Portuguese) speech
recognition for command and control and, especially, for dictation.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
The usability evaluation allowed us to derive the following conclusions:
(1) The prior prototype GUI was actually adequate for the elderly too, being
classified as simpler, more natural and more enjoyable than current UIs (e.g., WLM
and Facebook). (2) Multimodality and universal design play an important part on
fighting e-exclusion, confirmed by the fact that all the participants revealed to be
relaxed, entertained and effectively using the prototype, achieving relatively
complicated actions with little effort. Also, allowing different users to choose the
modality that was most suited on different contexts, made the application being usable
for both low and high skilled participants. (3) The availability of touch, on both
clients, is very important and has a direct impact on the elderly performance and
level of satisfaction. (4) Speech is seen as an important modality, especially for
individuals that have issues using their arms or hands. However, because the accuracy
of the current speech engine for European Portuguese for elderly is still undergoing
improvements, participants became somewhat disappointed with the current dictation
capability, describing its enhancement as a must-have feature and a good solution to
their limitations when trying to use a keyboard. (5) The desktop client version is the
one that better suits the current elderly population, since its use did not present
difficulties to most of the participants. Regarding the mobile version, there are some
improvements to be made, such as the simplification and augmentation of the virtual
keyboard. The latter was also seen as a tool for the elderly of the future, since those
will have more experience with such devices. (6) The prototype services are useful
in fighting social exclusion, improving the elderly ability to communicate and
share. As an example, users regarded the usage of the video-call feature on LHC as
much simpler than with common systems, and believed it would be one the most
useful services to enable communication with family and friends.
Bearing in mind that the control subject had much higher computer skills than all
the participants, the results obtained in the usability study can already be interpreted
as very good indicators for further research. The comparison between current UIs for
communication and SMSs and the LHC prototype also gave good pointers for the
evaluation of the overall LHC performance.
Future work should consider the improvement of speech recognition for the
elderly, focusing especially in the dictation mode, improving the desktop UI design
and the mobile version’s virtual keyboard. It’s also desirable to investigate if the
prototype would be welcomed and usable in a real live scenario and if these results
are repeatable with a larger group of users.
This project was co-funded by Microsoft, under QREN Living Usability lab (http://, the national program of incentives for the Portuguese businesses
and industry, QREN (in the scope of its R&D incentive program), in the context of
the Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors. The authors would like to
thank the Lisbon University for Seniors ( and to the Social
Welfare Institute for the Armed Forces (, for providing the means
to recruit the users for the user requirements and usability evaluations studies.
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