How to Build a Bridge between Neurophysiology and Network Modeling
Elena Saftenku
Department of General Physiology, A. A. Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, 4 Bogomoletz St, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Neural Networks, Network Processing, Brain-based Device.
Abstract: Humanoid robots are created to imitate some of the tasks that humans undergo, but no current robot can
emulate the cognitive capabilities of even the simplest mammals. One approach to developing computing
platforms for cognitive robotics is to make use of experimental characterizations of the neurobiological
substrate for action and perception systems and simulate brain functions designing real-time spiking neural
networks. Biologically detailed network models are a powerful tool to understand how molecular and
cellular mechanisms determine high level network processing. Recent advances in experimental and
theoretical studies of the dynamic organization of neuronal populations suggest that our further success in
creation of higher intelligence robots will depend on the ability to incorporate such basic principles of brain
functioning as (i) stochastic dynamics and intrinsic nonlinearities in input-output transformation of neurons,
(ii) structural and functional plasticity, (iii) signaling through neuromodulator networks.
The adult human brain contains about 86 billion
neurons (Azevedo, Carvalho, Grinberg, Farfel,
Ferretti et al., 2009). The main function of neurons
is to process and transmit information. This
transmission occurs via roughly 10,000 chemical
and, in few locations, electrical synapses. Both
synapses and neurons have complex stochastic
dynamic properties. The ability to learn and fulfill
fine movements is achieved after an integration and
representation in the brain of information from a
large number of sensorimotor and cognitive signals.
The human brain can rewire itself and change its
structure and function in response to an experience,
can pursue goals, think abstractly and creatively.
Serious consideration to the possibility of building
an electronic brain starts from the middle of the last
century. However, the traditional artificial neural
networks contain only very simplified (one-node)
models of biological neurons with reciprocal
interactions between all nodes and require a large
diversity of training for real-world operations. In
spite of immense calculation speeds, machines are
much less effective than biological systems in real-
world environments and cannot match the
capabilities of the human brain. At the same time, a
number of detailed network models representing
diverse types of neurons with their complex
morphology and distinct subsets of ion channels
were simulated (see Markram, 2006 for review).
These models are intended to fill the considerable
gap in our understanding between the processes on
the molecular level and on the level of network
function. It is sufficiently difficult to build network
models that incorporate realistic morphologies and
asynchronous, dynamical and self-organizing
changes in the synaptic connections and intrinsic
properties. However, it is evident that understanding
of the brain requires the development of realistic
detailed models based on experimental description
of all of their components that can be tested and
refined through new experiments. Recently a large
international project whose aim is to simulate in a
supercomputer the brains of mammals with a high
level of biological accuracy has been started
(Markram, 2006). This may help to create a new
generation of intelligent neuromorphic devices with
the ability to form neural representations of their
bodies and environment. Internal models will allow
them to plan and prepare for future eventualities. I
shall emphasize several aspects of neural
functioning that may be important for biologically
accurate brain simulations.
Saftenku E..
THE THORNY PATH TO AN ARTIFICIAL BRAIN - How to Build a Bridge between Neurophysiology and Network Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0003824901700176
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 170-176
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Intrinsic Nonlinearities in Input-
Output Transformation of Neurons
The most difficulty in accurately modeling signal
flow in neural circuits arises from the fact that the
electrical behavior of neurons is determined by a
large number of non-linear elements, such as
membrane ion channels with non-linear voltage-
dependence and synapses with highly non-linear
transmission. Moreover, most neurons have
extensive dendritic trees, but the distribution and
properties of dendritic ion channels still cannot be
characterized experimentally. Dendrites integrate
multiple synaptic inputs and translate them into
axonal action potentials (APs). The spiking of
neurons is usually driven by irregular synaptic inputs
and stochastic flickering of voltage-gated channels.
Physiological levels of channel noise can produce
qualitative changes in neural dynamics (Dorval and
White, 2005) and allow probabilistic synaptic
integration (Cannon, O’Donnell and Nolan, 2010).
However, synaptic transmission is often a major
contributor to the voltage noise. Traditionally, it was
thought that a neuron simply summates synaptic
inputs, which it receives. When physiologically
realistic patterns of synaptic inputs, as observed in
vivo, were included in in vitro experiments, it was
found that the slope of the relationship between
mean input and output firing rates (gain) is
fundamentally altered (Silver, 2010). For neurons
that operate in coincidence-detection mode under
sparse activation conditions (Olshausen and Field,
2004), synaptic noise results in the broadening of the
time window for synaptic integration. The temporal
fidelity of coincidence detection is influenced by
shunting inhibitory conductances, which can be
regulated by voltage-dependent membrane
conductances (Pavlov, Scimemi, Savtchenko,
Kullmann and Walker, 2011). In addition, neural
gain can be controlled by active dendritic
conductances under some conditions (Silver, 2010)
It is widely believed that activity-dependent
change in synaptic plasticity is a fundamental
mechanism for stably altering the function of neural
networks. The standard models of memory in
neuroscience are based on Hebb’s postulate (Hebb,
1949) that repetitive co-activation of neurons
strengthens the connection among them. These
models assume that only the synaptic strength
changes. However, short-term changes in the
dynamics of the synaptic transmission introduce the
frequency-dependent nonlinearity and modify the
sensitivity of a neuron to the temporal coincidence
of its inputs. These changes can be modulated by
long-term plasticity. In result, the strengthening of
synapses for different frequencies appears to be non-
uniform and depends on prior activity (Silver, 2010;
Markram, Gerstner and Sjöström, 2011). Changing
the gain of neurons alters their responsiveness to
input and, therefore, their functional connectivity in
the network (Haider and McCormick, 2009). This is
a mechanism by which functional neuronal
assemblies can be formed and broken. Therefore, in
order to understand the operating principles of
network dynamics in the brain, it is necessary to
include in the models realistic dynamics of synaptic
transmission and the spatial and temporal patterns of
synaptic activation observed in vivo.
Another important issue that has been paid
insufficient attention in the past is that neural coding
may be based on selective responses of neurons to
some subsets of input interpulse intervals
(Vartanian, Pirogov and Shabaev, 1986). Interpulse
intervals can carry sufficiently higher stimulus-
related information than either spike-timing
precision or mean firing rate (Imaizumi, Priebe,
Sharpee, Cheung and Schreiner, 2010). Specific
classes of voltage-gated currents support
subthreshold oscillations of the membrane potential
and the intrinsic frequency preferences of neurons
(Hutcheon and Yarom, 2000). Recently,
experimental recordings have demonstrated a critical
role of cell-specific subthreshold oscillations of
membrane potential for spatial firing of grid cells in
enthorhinal cortex (Giocomo, Zilli, Fransén and
Hasselmo, 2007).
An additional complexity stems from the
dependence of information transfer in neural circuits
not only on synaptic transmission, but also on the
diffusion of neurotransmitter molecules through the
extracellular and cerebrospinal fluid. For example,
hippocampal neurogliaform cells release the
inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobuteric acid
(GABA) and do not require synapses to produce
inhibitory responses in the majority of nearby
neurons (Oláh, Füle, Komlósi, Varga, Báldi et al.,
2009). The ambient levels of GABA can increase or
decrease the neuron firing probability (Song,
Savtchenko, and Semyanov, 2010). Spillover of the
main excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate from the
synaptic cleft prolongs the decay of synaptic
currents, increasing the time window of synaptic
integration and may activate presynaptic
THE THORNY PATH TO AN ARTIFICIAL BRAIN - How to Build a Bridge between Neurophysiology and Network
metabotropic glutamate receptors at inhibitory
2.2 Multiple Forms of Experience-
Induced Plasticity in the Brain
One of the central goals of computational
neuroscience is to explain how learning and memory
is achieved in the brain. Learning algorithms in
existing models of neural nets use synaptic plasticity
rules derived from already existing synapses to
reorganize or to reconfigure the connectivity within
a group of neurons. However, experience-dependent
plasticity in adult neural circuits may involve
formation and elimination of synaptic contacts,
spines, and axonal boutons (Holtmaat and Svoboda,
2009). For example, in the neocortex, the induced
appearance and disappearance of multiple synaptic
contacts over a time scale of hours was directly
shown in experiments after glutamate application
(Le Bé and Markram, 2006). Spine and synapse
densities can increase after training in enriched
environment, after long-term sensory stimulation,
and after induction of long-term potentiation (LTP),
which is an artificial form of plasticity (Lambrecht
and LeDoux, 2004). Nevertheless, the determinants
of the location of new synaptic connections are not
clear. Moreover, exposing animals to complex
environment leads to rearrangement of
axonal/dendritic arbors (Galimberti, Gogolla, Alberi,
Santos, Muller et al., 2006). The actin cytoskeleton
plays a major role in structural changes of neurons.
It constantly rearranges in response to neuronal
activity; and this leads to formation of new axonal
varicosities and to changes in the head volume of
dendritic spines (Dillon and Goda, 2005). The
structural changes of the spine head result in
changes of the calcium dynamics that controls, in its
turn, the induction of synaptic plasticity. Besides,
actin may contribute to synaptic transmission as it is
involved in the trafficking of glutamate and GABA
receptors and in vesicle translocation (Cingolani and
Goda, 2008). A number of limitations preclude
realistic modeling. Simulation environments for
modeling individual neurons and neural circuits
provide tools for spatial models with biologically
realistic morphology and synaptic connections, but
this morphology must be fixed. Solving of
diffusionreaction systems on domains with moving
boundaries is challenging. So the techniques of
multi-level simulations should be developed in
which the model switches from dynamic structural
changes to electrical activity.
On the other hand, it becomes more and more
evident that learning cannot be completely equated
with synaptic plasticity. For example, intrinsic
plasticity in neurons can be considered as a cellular
correlate of learning. Neuronal activity persistently
regulates plasma membrane ion channels, which
determine the ability of a neuron to generate an AP
in response to a given input signal. Persistent
changes in the intrinsic excitability of neurons
elicited by modifications in the properties and/or
number of ion channels can be produced by training
in behaving animals or by activation of cellular
preparations by definite artificial patterns. These
changes may influence modifications in the synaptic
strength in a defined time window following the
training, function as a part of the engram itself,
promote the consolidation of memory, and
contribute to saving during reacquisition or to cross-
modal acquisition (Zhang and Linden, 2003). The
activity-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity,
the so-called metaplasticity (Abraham and Bear,
1996), can be caused by an alteration of the
threshold for axosomatic spike generation or by a
change of the properties of voltage-gated channels in
a local domain of the dendritic tree. The latter is
especially important since most neuronal types have
a remarkable dendritic arbor onto which the majority
of synaptic connections are made. Moreover, the
properties and localization of dendritic voltage-gated
channels can be altered by synaptic activity or
neuromodulators and result in the qualitative change
of the neuronal firing patterns (Remy, Beck and
Yaari, 2010). Thus, both neurons and synapses are
history-dependent, and learning occurs at multiple
levels and time scales.
In addition, the brain responds to experience by
adding new neurons, glial cells and capillaries
(Grossman, Churchill, Bates, Kleim and Greenough,
2002). Induction of LTP at excitatory synapses
depends on signalling molecules released by
astrocytes (Henneberger, Papouin, Oliet and
Rusakov, 2010). Therefore, the simulations should
include the glial networks to capture neuron-glia
2.3 Neuromodulatory Control of
Synaptic Transmission and
Neuronal Excitability
The most difficult problem of neuroscience is to
understand how system-level brain functions may
arise from low level molecular and cellular
mechanisms. The brain is connected with the body
and the body and brain interact with the external
environment. The behavior of an animal or human at
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
each given moment is hierarchically organized and
directed towards the satisfaction of some need,
which predominates over all other needs. Needs can
be biological (e.g., for meals), social (e.g., for
communication), and cognitive (e.g. for novelty).
While a need induces active behavior, the acquired
connections between a need and an object, which
can it satisfy, makes the behavior and learning
reward-mediated. The satisfaction of needs induces
positive emotional states.
Neuromodulators, the substances that alter the
function of other neurons at a slower time scale than
neurotransmitters and diffuse through large areas,
have a vital role in regulation of cognitive processes
and behavior. They change intrinsic excitability of
neurons, presynaptic release of neurotransmitters,
and the conditions for induction of long-term
synaptic plasticity (Schweighofer, Doya and Kuroda,
2004; Hasselmo and Sarter, 2011; Pawlak, Wickens,
Kirkwood and Kerr, 2010). Neuromodulators are
thought to be essentially required for induction of
spike-dependent plasticity at specific synapses in
vivo where there is a huge amount of constantly
ongoing presynaptic and backpropagating spiking
activity (Pawlak et al., 2010). Some
neuromodulators, e.g. such as dopamine,
noradrenaline, acetylcholine, serotonin, opioid
peptides, are involved in behaviorally based learning
and reward and play a particular important role in
emotional responses. Thus, dopamine provides
reward prediction errors and its release may be
activated by reward-predicting stimuli (Schultz,
2010). However, it is still unclear how the specific
neuronal activity around the reward event links to
the behavioral outcome (Pawlak et al., 2010). A
possible mechanism determining the crucial role of
emotional reinforcement in formation of the
functional connectivity between neurons could be
gain modulation to sensory stimuli due to tonic
changes in membrane potential. These changes may
be evoked by the release of neuromodulators
(Vartanian et al., 1986). To make matters more
complicated, we know that certain brain structures
process more specific reward information and
predictions of future outcomes, but our general
knowledge about how the reward systems are
organized is very incomplete.
The majority of monoaminergic neurons do not
make synaptic contacts and release neuromodulators
for long-distance diffusion. Some other locally
acting systems, such as endocannabinoids,
metabotropic glutamate receptors, brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and retrograde
messengers also play an important role in synaptic
plasticity. BDNF modulates synaptic transmission
and membrane excitability and is thought to be
necessary and sufficient for long-term memory
retention in the hippocampus (Cunha, Brambilla and
Thomas, 2010). Taking into consideration that a
variety of neuromodulatory agents are released at
different concentrations in behaving animals and
may interact, realistic modeling can be a very
challenging task.
One of the most intriguing issues is the role of
activity-dependent plasticity in forming assemblies
of neurons with pre-specified genetically determined
connectivity. Recently it was shown that small
clusters of pyramidal neurons in the neocortex
containing about 50 neurons make predictable
connections with predictable synaptic weights
independently of individual experiences (Perin,
Berger and Markram, 2011). Connection probability
between any two neurons increases linearly with the
number of their common neighbors. This
synaptically organizing principle is genetically
prescribed and applies across different animals. It
was suggested that acquired memory relies on
combining these microcircuits, which are
fundamental building blocks of perception (Perin et
al., 2011). The theory of neuronal group selection
(Edelman, 1993) maintains that the brain gives
repertoires of variant neuronal groups. The groups
that emerged during embryonic development are
selected to match the novelty and diversity of
experience under control of inborn value systems
producing neuromodulators. Experience could serve
to combine these groups in a hierarchical manner.
Henry Markram, the founder of Brain Mind Institute
in Switzerland, has claimed that with the right
resources and strategy it would be possible to
simulate the complete human brain at the cellular
level within 12 years. The Human Brain Project
proposes to integrate everything that we know about
brain into computer models and use these models to
simulate the actual working of the brain on a
supercomputer (
It looks likely that the main constraint for this
project may be not an insufficient power of
supercomputer, which grows very quickly, but
insufficient experimental data necessary for model
As it was mentioned above, one of the most
crucial issues in neuroscience is to establish the
functional role and mechanisms of neuromodulatory
THE THORNY PATH TO AN ARTIFICIAL BRAIN - How to Build a Bridge between Neurophysiology and Network
control in cortical structures. For this, the
combination of in vitro and in vivo techniques is
required to bridge between cellular effects and
behavioral functions. Most studies of neural
dynamics and plasticity have been carried out in
vitro. Systematic recordings in vivo are technically
very demanding, they can be carried out only from
the largest neuronal elements. Instead, optical and
electrophysiological recordings are performed using
reduced preparations, particularly acute brain slices,
where controlled analysis of neuronal activity and
cellular properties can be made. In in vitro slice
preparations many synaptic connections are cut and
natural neuromodulation does not occur at all. In
result, the majority of experiments are conducted
under conditions where high levels of stochastic
voltage noise, which are observed in vivo, are
significantly decreased and the degree of
neuromodulation is negligible. However, both
synaptic noise and changes in neural excitability
evoked by neuromodulators alter the way the neuron
transforms its synaptic input into output firing rate
(Silver, 2010). Future optogenetic work might
delineate the contributions of the different
components of the cellular responses elicited by
neuromodulators to behavioral learning and identify
the particular forms of learning sensitive to these
The appropriate level of physical detail required
to understand how the behavioral function emerges
from the observed effects at the molecular and
cellular levels is unclear. Some phenomenological
descriptions and simplifications are inevitable
because of the limitations of realistic modeling, but
it is clear that such a model may not replicate
faithfully the neuron’s dynamics under different
conditions. If the prediction of the model does match
experimental data, it does not guarantee the validity
of the model, but should suggest new predictions
that can be verified experimentally or other
experiments that can test its validity under different
conditions. This approach drew on the rich history of
biophysical research and may be used for models at
different levels of complexity.
Presently, our group is developing a large-scale
computational model of the cerebellum based on
some recent experimental data to show that learning
in this brain structure can be regulated rather by
neuromodulators and neuropeptides than by a
climbing fiber error-driven teaching signal.
Many important details still remain to be
specified. The involvement of long-term synaptic
plasticity in learning and memory remains to be
conclusively demonstrated. We still do know neither
what cellular processes are necessary for the
maintenance and retrieval of long-term memory nor
what processes are central to the persistence of
memory after recall. Recent finding of innate neural
cortical assemblies (Perin et al., 2011) suggests that
in order to construct neural microcircuits in the
neocortex with realistic properties, it is necessary to
create at first these assemblies using genetically
determined connectivity principles and then to apply
a learning rule to associate them. But we know a
little about the topography of neurons in other brain
areas. Interestingly, there is convincing evidence
that the autoassociator theory of memory (Hebb,
1949) is incorrect for the hippocampus where the
mutual synaptic interconnections are set up in early
development (Colgin, Leutgeb, Jezek, Leutgeb,
Moser et al., 2010).
The greatest challenges, however, appear when
higher brain functions, such as cognition or
consciousness are attempted to be reproduced. The
subjective experience of each living being is unique
and arises from the trinity of the brain, body, and
environment. The brain works as a whole system,
and only one percept at any time is possible. Each
percept involves many brain areas simultaneously in
order to update episodic memory, spatial maps,
value systems, prefrontal planning, and motor
preparation (Edelman, Gally and Baars, 2011). Our
knowledge about the function and connections
between different brain structures are still
incomplete. For example, neuroscience inquires of
such a basic human ability as creativity show a
muddled picture. On the other hand, the construction
of brain-based devices, which should incorporate the
main principles of brain functioning and value
system, can help us to explore how numerous
biological mechanisms may interact to create new
system properties.
Computer modeling is becoming a valuable tool for
understanding how high brain functions arise from
molecular and cellular mechanisms. The living brain
is much more complex of any brain-based device,
which it is possible to imagine. We only have begun
to understand some basic operating characteristics of
neural networks. Control of neural dynamics and
connectivity by synaptic noise, a combination of
biochemical networks of neuromodulators with
neural networks to perform computations, the
existence of multiple forms of plasticity are
fundamental principles of their functioning. These
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
principles should be included in future models. Our
basic knowledge about neural coding and brain
functions on the systems level are still very
insufficient. Hopefully, computational science and
neuroscience will develop with a close
interdependence, such that model predictions will
inspire new experiments with discrepancies between
theory and experiment serving as the impetus for
model refinement.
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PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems