Difficulties in Understanding
Gustavo Marísio Bacelar-Silva
, Rong Chen
and Ricardo Cruz-Correia
Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Cambio Healthcare Systems, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Guideline, Hypertension, JNC 7, Electronic health record, Clinical decision support system.
Abstract: Introduction. Due to the increasing use of Electronic Health Records there is a tendency to implement
clinical decision support system (CDSS) based on existing clinical guidelines. The Seventh Report of the
Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
(JNC 7) is well known and widely used worldwide guideline. Transforming published guidelines into CDSS
is a process that still needs to be improved. Aim. To describe the difficulties in understanding the guideline,
to recommend better suited descriptions for the contents. Methods. Systematic reading of the guideline for
the extraction of the main patient variables, processes and evaluation suggested. The issues were evaluated
considering the Domain 4 of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II Instrument. Results.
Several problems were identified considering whether the recommendations are specific and unambiguous,
the different options for management of the condition or health issue are clearly presented and key
recommendations are easily identifiable. Discussion. Some initiatives have been made, as the Guideline
Elements Models and the development of guideline model representations. This attempt to formalise the
JNC 7 guideline allowed to discover many ambiguities, concepts related to prior knowledge and issues
related to the distribution of the content presentation.
It is a consensus that clinical guidelines should be
deployed through clinical information systems. Such
measure facilitates overcoming two obstacles to
guideline adherence, which are the awareness of the
document and the availability of its contents for the
healthcare professional at the moment of care.
Despite this, a major guideline implementation
problem is the difficulty to create a comprehensible
document, easy to convert it later into a useful
framework for EHR or a clinical decision support
system (CDSS). Some times the clinical guidelines
are logically incomplete and often employ concepts
that require background knowledge not contained in
the guideline document (Fox et al., 2009). Among
other definitions of what is desirable to a guideline,
the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research &
Evaluation II (AGREE II) Instrument highlights the
clarity of presentation, which involves the
assessment of specificity, unambiguity, clearly
presentation of different options for management
and easiness to identify key recommendations (The
AGREE Next Steps Consortium 2009).
The Seventh Report of the Joint National
Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC 7) was
published in 2003 and since then has been serving as
an important reference to the management of high
blood pressure (BP) worldwide. The JNC 7 updated
and introduced new concepts to hypertension
guidelines. The BP classification (i.e. normal,
prehypertension, hypertension) was simpler than
previous versions and each category should lead to
different approaches to hypertension management. It
also brought new epidemiologic data concerning the
risk of the BP levels, treatment and control rates and
how to apply the guideline concepts to public health
and in medical care practices (Chobanian et al.,
Bacelar-Silva G., Chen R. and Cruz-Correia R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003787804050408
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 405-408
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2003). Transforming the JNC 7 to an electronically
readable format could bring many benefits to health
providers. It could improve the development of
electronic health records (EHR) and clinical decision
support system (CDSS) being a framework to a
more efficient clinical approach to prevent and
manage hypertension, a cardiac chronic condition
that affected nearly one billion people worldwide in
2000 and is expected to affect 1.56 billion by 2025
(Kearney et al., 2005).
The aim of this work is to assess the clarity of
presentation and describe the difficulties in
understanding patient evaluation items of JNC 7
clinical guideline and recommend better-suited
descriptions for its contents.
The JNC 7 clinical guideline is available on the
Internet in two documents, an express edition and a
full report. There is also a quick reference card
available to download. We used the full report and
the quick reference card to perform the assessment
of the guideline.
The aspects considered to assess the guideline
were based on the AGREE II Instrument. This
instrument was developed by an independent body
established in 2004 to address the issue of variability
in guideline quality. Its purpose is to provide a
generic framework to (1) assess the quality, (2) serve
as a methodological strategy for the development of
guidelines and (3) inform what information and how
information ought to be reported in guidelines. The
instrument is composed of 23-item organized into
six domains. In order to assess the JNC 7 we used
the Domain 4, which is Clarity of Presentation. The
items that comprise this selected domain are
described as follows:
The recommendations are specific and
unambiguous - A recommendation should provide a
concrete and precise description of which option is
appropriate in which situation and in what
population group, as informed by the body of
The different options for management of the
condition or health issue are clearly presented - A
guideline that targets the management of a disease
should consider the different possible options for
screening, prevention, diagnosis or treatment of the
condition it covers. These possible options should be
clearly presented in the guideline.
Key recommendations are easily identifiable –
Users should be able to find the most relevant
recommendations easily. These recommendations
answer the main question(s) that have been covered
by the guideline and can be identified in different
ways. For example, they can be summarized in a
box, typed in bold, underlined or presented as flow
charts or algorithms.
Once we established a framework to consider for
analysis, a systematic reading of the guideline was
conducted. We focused on the extraction of the main
patient variables, processes and its evaluation
according to the AGREED II selected items. Several
new readings were made when it was necessary to
clarify the points considered in disagreement with
the Clarity of Presentation evaluation items. To
better visualize, we developed a diagram illustrating
the thinking processes within the content of the
guideline concerning the patient evaluation.
First will be presented the results of our evaluation,
addressing the three items of the selected AGREE II
domain, followed by suggestions on what could
have been done to improve the mentioned issues of
the guideline.
3.1 The Recommendations are Specific
and Unambiguous
Lacks explanation of what is important to know
about the medical history evaluation. Some of this
information is cited in a different chapter, which
describes particular forms of identifiable
hypertension (e.g. Pheochromocytoma suspicion in
patients with labile hypertension or with paroxysms
of hypertension accompanied by headache,
palpitations, pallor, and perspiration). A list of signs
and symptoms should be presented with a correlated
Prehypertension is not considered a disease
category, but the JNC 7 states that drug therapy
should be considered for individuals that also have
diabetes or kidney disease and BP levels higher than
130/80 mmHg after a trial of lifestyle modification.
Since these individuals are candidates for drug
therapy, the guideline lacks explaining whether the
physician should perform a more thorough clinical
evaluation besides BP measurement. The guideline
should indicate the clinical approach to this
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Many vague recommendations linked to implicit
references of knowledge not contained in the
document (e.g. a thorough examination of the heart
and lungs). Although it may seem obvious for
physicians, it would be better to have these items
clearer explained or referenced to an external
Sometimes the guideline lacks explaining and/or
correlating the reasons patient evaluation items are
performed (e.g. lipid panel to evaluate
cardiovascular risk factor). Correlating patient
evaluation items with objectives would ease the
3.2 The Different Options for
Management of the Condition or
Health Issue are Clearly Presented
The table that is supposed to contain the
concomitant disorders that may affect prognosis and
guide treatment actually describes the target organ
damage and is named “Cardiovascular risk factors”.
A new separate table should contain target organ
damage and another one should contain the
concomitant disorders that may affect prognosis and
guide treatment.
Although referred in the Patient Evaluation
chapter, a list of the concomitant disorders that may
affect prognosis and guide treatment is described
only four chapters ahead (“Special Situations in
Hypertension Management”). It should be presented
in the “Patient Evaluation” chapter.
Lifestyle evaluation items are not grouped, but
lifestyle modifications are grouped as a table in the
treatment chapter, including items not included
within the evaluation items (e.g. alcohol
consumption). The lifestyle evaluation items should
be described within medical history.
The guideline is conducted through two paths,
the Objectives-oriented (evidence-based thinking)
and the Semiology-oriented (traditional medical
thinking) paths. The problem is that these paths are
rarely correlated. The establishment of a connection
between these two paths (e.g. subdividing the
semiology items according to the objectives of
patient evaluation) would improve the
comprehension of the guideline as a whole, allowing
the readers to know what is necessary to do and why
it is necessary to be done.
Electrocardiography is presented as a routine
laboratory test, but it is not a laboratory test, it is a
diagnostic tool (Meek and Morris, 2002). A new
name, such as “Routine diagnostic procedures”
would be more appropriated.
“Other diagnostic procedures” are not clearly
grouped. They are cited and start to be described in
the “Patient Evaluation” chapter but continue and
end in the next chapter (“Identifiable Causes of
Hypertension”). They are also referred as “additional
diagnostic procedures”. They should have been cited
before as a single term and completely described in
the chapter.
3.3 Key Recommendations are Easily
Recommendations for patient follow-up
frequency according to BP measurements are
presented in the chapter named “Calibration,
Maintenance, and Use of Blood Pressure Devices”.
It would be better to present the recommended
approach after the patient has been classified.
The Quick Reference Card contains the sections
“Diagnostic Workup of Hypertension”, “Assess risk
factors and comorbidities” and “Reveal identifiable
causes of hypertension” in a manner that they seem
to be different aspects to evaluate, but actually the
last two sections are items of the first one. “Assess
risk factors and comorbidities” and “Reveal
identifiable causes of hypertension” sections should
be presented in a different manner to demonstrate
they are within “Diagnostic Workup of
As already mentioned, the JNC 7 guideline is a very
important document, which has been cited over than
10,500 articles worldwide since 2003. But despite
the efforts of the medical informatics community,
this document, as many others, has several issues
that make it difficult to understand and convert it
into an EHR or CDSS.
Five years before the release of the JNC 7,
Douglas K. Owens (1998) published a paper about
the implementation of guidelines into the clinical
practice. The guidelines’ potential to improve
quality of healthcare and the increased benefit of
their integration to an EHR and CDSS were reported
and are well known today. But he also described the
two main reasons why guidelines were rarely used:
(1) the lack of computing infrastructure to support
computer-based guidelines; and (2) the substantial
technical challenges related to the guideline
development, which were the medical vocabularies
insufficiently standardized and guideline produced
without precise enough recommendations.
The technology advances involving, for
example, wider access and use of Internet and
mobile devices have been allowing to address the
first reason.
But the second reason is not so easy. Some
initiatives have been made, as the Guideline
Elements Models (GEM) and development of
guideline model representations. The GEM is a
framework that uses tags and intends to promote
translation of natural language within guideline
documents into a format that can be electronically
processed by describing concepts, their attributes
and their relationships. However, GEM has some
limitations, such as its little potential to resolve the
ambiguities that are easily found in many guidelines
(Shiffman et al. 2000). Several different formalisms
have been developed by research teams to develop
guideline decision models. These models are
representations of guideline recommendations as a
plan, composed by decisions, actions, subplans and
their relationships. In order to facilitate future
updates, the model element is associated with the
guideline text using the GEM tags (Quaglini and
Ciccarese, 2006).
This attempt to formalise the JNC 7 guideline
allowed to discover many ambiguities, concepts
related to prior knowledge and issues related to the
distribution of the content presentation. Since the
date the JNC 7 was published many efforts were
made in order to put together the paper and machine-
readable versions of guidelines. The guideline
developers should consider during its developing
time to use the medical informatics tools to have, in
the end, both versions made. This would also
improve the quality and comprehension of the
guideline’s statements and meet the needs of
healthcare stakeholders to build a more affordable
and reliable practice. We expect that our suggestions
can help improving the future guidelines
This work is funded by FEDER funds (Programa
Operacional Factores de Competitividade –
COMPETE) and by National funds (FCT
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) through
project SAHIB - Enhancing multi-institutional
health data availability through multi-agent systems
Chobanian, A. V. et al., 2003. Seventh Report of the Joint
National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.
Hypertension, 42(6), p.1206 -1252.
Fox, J. et al., 2009. From practice guidelines to clinical
decision support: closing the loop. Journal of the
Royal Society of Medicine, 102(11), p.464-473.
Kearney, P. M. et al., 2005. Global burden of
hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. The Lancet,
365(9455), p.217-223.
Meek, S. and Morris, F., 2002. Introduction. I—Leads,
rate, rhythm, and cardiac axis. BMJ, 324(7334), p.415
Owens, D., 1998. Use of medical informatics to
implement and develop clinical practice guidelines.
Western Journal of Medicine, 168(3), p.166-175.
Quaglini, S. and Ciccarese, P., 2006. Models for guideline
representation. Neurological Sciences, 27(0), p.s240-
Shiffman, R. N. et al., 2000. GEM: A Proposal for a More
Comprehensive Guideline Document Model Using
XML. Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association, 7(5), p.488 -498.
The AGREE Next Steps Consortium, 2009. Appraisal of
Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II Instrument.
Available at:
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