ebastien Pi
erard and Marc Van Droogenbroeck
INTELSIG Laboratory, Montefiore Institute, University of Li
ege, Li
ege, Belgium
Human, Silhouette, Pose recovery, Projection ambiguities.
Estimating the pose of the observed person is crucial for a large variety of applications including home en-
tertainment, man-machine interaction, video surveillance, etc. Often, only a single side view is available, but
authors claim that it is possible to derive the pose despite that humans evolve in a 3D environment. In addi-
tion, to decrease the sensitivity to color and texture, it is preferable to rely only on the silhouette to recover
the pose. Under these conditions, we show that there is an intrinsic limitation: at least two poses correspond
to the observed silhouette. We discuss this intrinsic limitation in details in this short paper. To our knowledge,
this issue has been overlooked by authors in the past. We observe that this limitation has an impact on the way
previous reported results should be interpreted, and it has clearly to be taken into account for designing new
The interpretation of video scenes is a crucial task
for a large variety of applications including home en-
tertainment, man-machine interaction, video surveil-
lance, etc. As most scene of interest contain people,
understanding their behavior is essential. This is a
challenge, because of the wide range of poses and ap-
pearances human can take. In this paper, we discuss
the feasibility to recover the pose from a single view.
Moreover, we assume that the decision is based only
on the observed person’s silhouette.
In most places, ceilings are not high enough to
place a camera above the scene and to observe a wide
area. Moreover, in the context of home entertainment
applications, most of existing applications (such as
games) require to have a camera located on top or at
the bottom of the screen. Therefore we focus on a side
view in the following.
Our second assumption is that the decision is
based on the silhouette. As a matter of fact, most
authors consider that it is preferable to decrease the
sensitivity to appearance, and therefore to rely on
shapes instead of colors or textures. Silhouettes can
be extracted reliably from videos by background sub-
traction techniques (e.g. ViBe (Barnich and Van
Droogenbroeck, 2011)). Moreover, as stated by
(Agarwal and Triggs, 2006), silhouettes “encode a
great deal of useful information about 3D pose”.
It is well established that pose recovery is a dif-
ficult problem since the relation between silhouettes
and poses is multivalued. As stressed by Poppe et
al. (Poppe and Poel, 2006), variations in morpholo-
gies and clothing result in a family of silhouettes cor-
responding to the same pose, and due to the self-
occlusions and to the uncertainty on the location of
the silhouette boundaries (limited visual accuracy,
noise, clothing, etc) similar input silhouettes can cor-
respond to a range of poses.
But, we have noticed that a more fundamental lim-
itation exists. Even if we knew precisely the morphol-
ogy of the person present in front of the camera, and
if we were able to acquire noise-free silhouettes, at
least two poses correspond to the observed silhouette.
It does not matter if there are self-occlusions or not.
This intrinsic limitation is the cornerstone of the dis-
cussions of this paper.
1.1 Various Approaches for
Let us first briefly remind the various approaches that
exist for estimating the pose. A few surveys covering
the pose recovery have been published. For example,
125 references related to the pose-recovery, and pub-
lished between the years 2000 and 2006, are given
in (Moeslund et al., 2006). The methods that have
been proposed in the literature to recover the pose can
be classified into three main families: example-based,
model-based, and learning-based.
Piérard S. and Van Droogenbroeck M. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 310-315
DOI: 10.5220/0003731203100315
Example-based methods use a database of silhou-
ettes stored together with the related pose parameters.
They look in the database for the silhouette that is
the closest to the input silhouette, and the predicted
pose is the pose stored with the selected silhouette.
To some extend, it is a nearest neighbor method. The
three main challenges are: (1) how to handle a very
large database (the high dimensionality space of poses
has to be sampled sufficiently densely); (2) how to
define a distance between two silhouettes that is ro-
bust to noise, to viewpoint variations, and to vari-
ous appearances of humans (morphologies, clothing,
hairstyles, ...); and (3) how to pre-compute a signature
for each silhouette in the database in order to speed
up the nearest neighbor search or to quickly discard a
large part of the database as in (Shakhnarovich et al.,
Model-based methods (also named generative
methods) maximize the similarity between the ob-
served silhouette and a synthetic rendered silhouette
corresponding to the guessed configuration (pose and
orientation). The two main issues here are (1) that the
problem always has many local maxima of the likeli-
hood, and (2) that it supposes that a good initialization
configuration can be guessed.
Learning-based approaches (also named discrim-
inative methods) try to learn, from samples, the func-
tion that associates the value of a pose parameter (i.e.
kinematic angle) to the input silhouette. This func-
tion is known as being the “model”. Usually, there
is one model per pose parameter. The goal of ma-
chine learning is twofold. Firstly, it aims at building
models that correctly generalize the learning samples.
Secondly, it aims at pre-computing a model instead of
using the whole set of learning samples at runtime, for
efficiency reasons. This can also be seen as a smooth
interpolation problem in a high dimensionality space,
robust to irrelevant dimensions. The main problem
with the learning-based approach is that the typical
behavior of regression methods (such as the ExtRa-
Trees (Geurts et al., 2006), etc) is to achieve a com-
promise between all the possible solutions (this fact
has been underlined by (Agarwal and Triggs, 2006),
and we have also observed this fact on several occa-
sions by ourselves). Thus, the function that associates
the value of a pose parameter to the input silhouette
must be single-valued to avoid irrelevant estimates.
Unfortunately, this is in general not the case.
In general, methods that assume a one-to-one
mapping between silhouettes and poses are forced to
arbitrarily or randomly choose one possible pose or
to compromise. In this paper, we show that at least
two poses correspond to the observed silhouette, and
that these two poses are equally likely. Therefore, es-
timating the underlying probabilities does not help to
choose the right pose. Also, note that the methods
able to deal with multiple estimates do not solve com-
pletely the problem, as they sometimes still compro-
mise between multiple poses (this has been observed
in (Agarwal and Triggs, 2005)), even when the corre-
sponding 3D shapes are very different.
1.2 Known Ambiguities
The fact that several poses may correspond to a sil-
houette motivated the recent development of meth-
ods predicting a set of 3D poses, but the phenomenon
responsible of the ambiguities was only partially un-
derstood. Before explaining the intrinsic limitation in
Section 2, we give an overview of the current knowl-
Firstly, the depth-direction of the limbs (for-
ward/backward) is unobservable with silhouettes.
Therefore, using the algorithm of Taylor (Taylor,
2000), there are 2
3D skeletons corresponding to a
2D skeleton (stick-figure) with n links. It is however
easy to prune this large amount of possibilities since
most of the solutions found by Taylor’s method are
physically impossible (e.g. self-intersections, knee or
elbow bent the wrong way, etc).
Secondly, with silhouettes, an information related
to the scene layers is missing. For example, with a
frontal view, it may be impossible to know if the arm
is behind or in front of the torso. This is due to occlu-
sions, and therefore this problem does not exist sys-
A more annoying problem is the following. The
silhouettes of a person observed laterally are identi-
cal for mirror poses. Also, front and back views can
lead to similar silhouettes. This means that the am-
biguities may be related to the pose or to the orien-
tation. With these observations, one might think that
a temporal disambiguation is possible since ambigu-
ities appear in two very particular orientations of the
observed person. We show in this paper that this is
not possible because there are much more ambigui-
ties than these two ones. In fact, we derive a more
general rule that establishes the link between the two
sources of ambiguities (pose and orientation).
In this paper, we assume that the rotation axis of the
observed person is parallel to the image plane. This
means that the camera is looking horizontally (i.e. we
see a side view). In the following, we adopt the fol-
lowing convention (without any loss of generality):
pose p
pose p
Figure 1: The poses p
and p
are mirror poses.
, θ) (p
, 180° θ)
Figure 2: Two configurations leading approximately to the
same silhouettes. In this figure, θ = 30°.
the orientation θ = corresponds to the person fac-
ing the camera (so, a translation of the person in space
implies a change of orientation).
Under this assumption there is an intrinsic limita-
tion of estimating the pose from a single silhouette.
In most of the cases, two different poses correspond
to the same silhouette. This remains true even when
the precise morphology of the person present in front
of the camera is known, when the silhouette is noise-
free, and when there are no occlusions.
Let us consider two mirror poses p
and p
as the
ones depicted in Figure 1. Obviously, they have the
same probability density to be observed in any appli-
cation. Note that p
and p
are neither symmetrical
nor planar, and therefore, our observations are valid
for all poses. As shown in Figure 2, the configurations
, θ) and (p
, 180° θ) give rise to approximately
the same silhouettes.
A closer look at silhouettes of Figure 2 shows that
there are small differences between the two silhou-
ettes. These are due to perspective effects and become
negligible for large distances between the camera and
the observed person. When the distance becomes in-
finite, the pinhole camera becomes an orthographic
camera. For this limit case, the two silhouettes are,
strictly speaking, identical. In practice however and
despite the presence of differences, it is not possi-
ble to robustly differentiate the two silhouettes even
when the camera is very close to the observed person.
This is illustrated in Figure 3. Perspective effects lead
to small details located on the boundaries of the sil-
houettes. But in a practical application, noise alters
the boundaries of the observed silhouettes. There-
fore, the information relative to the pose that is po-
tentially present because of perspective effects is un-
3 m 10 m 40 m
Figure 3: Magnitude of the perspective effects. For differ-
ent distances between the camera and the observed person,
this figure shows the silhouette corresponding to the config-
uration (p
, 30°) on the first row, and the silhouette corre-
sponding to the configuration (p
, 150°) on the second row.
The difference between the two silhouettes is depicted on
the third row.
usable when there is noise.
In summary, at least two poses must always be
taken into account for each silhouette observed. This
intrinsic limitation is not due to noise, nor to occlu-
sions (e.g. there are no significant occlusions in Fig-
ure 2). It should also be stressed that the two poses
are equally likely. The only rare cases in which only
one pose has to be considered arise when the pose of
the observed person is itself symmetrical.
3.1 Practical Implications
The first practical implication of the intrinsic limi-
tation for pose recovery systems is that once a pose
has been estimated, both the pose itself and its mir-
rored version have to be considered. This is true
for example-based, model-based, and learning-based
Another implication of the intrinsic limitation
concerns the learning set used in learning-based ap-
proaches. As we have already noticed in Section 1.1,
there should be only one pose corresponding to a sil-
houette. Otherwise, the regression methods would
produce irrelevant estimates of the pose parameters.
It is therefore necessary to discard half of the config-
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
urations in the learning set (Section 3.3 provides some
indications on how to do this correctly).
3.2 Overcoming the Intrinsic Limitation
It is clear that we must rely on as few as possible in-
formation related to the appearance (colors and tex-
tures may be at best considered as weak cues because
of their high variability and their sensitivity to light-
ing conditions), and that it is advised to base the deci-
sions on geometric information. However, the silhou-
ettes are not the only geometric information that can
be obtained from a single camera.
With a color camera, one can also extract con-
tours, but in a less reliable way than silhouettes. Un-
fortunately, the internal contours do not always pro-
vide enough information to overcome the intrinsic
limitation. For example, if we consider the situation
depicted in Figure 2, the indetermination persists be-
cause no contour can be detected inside the silhou-
ettes. This is because there is no significant occlusion
in that case.
With a range camera, it is possible to acquire
silhouettes annotated with depth. Nowadays there
exist cheap range cameras (for example Microsoft’s
kinect). Therefore, range cameras are a viable alter-
native to color cameras. It is not surprising that it
is possible to estimate human poses from silhouettes
annotated with depth (Shotton et al., 2011; Girshick
et al., 2011) since the intrinsic limitation presented in
this paper does not apply with that kind of data.
3.3 Does it Help to Know the
If we take again a quick look at Figure 2, we see that
among the two configurations leading to the same sil-
houettes, the orientation of one pose is comprised in
the [90°, 90°] angle range, and the other one in the
[90°, 270°] range. Naively, one may think that the
knowledge of the orientation helps to choose the right
configuration, and thus the right pose. But this is only
true if the orientation is not close to 90° or 90°, be-
cause in those cases there exists still two possibilities
and the knowledge of the orientation does not help to
choose the right one (see Figure 4). In conclusion,
knowing the orientation may help to overcome the in-
trinsic limitation in most of the cases, but not always.
The orientation and the pose are two independent
notions. We can evaluate them simultaneously, or in-
dependently. An example of pose recovery method
estimating the orientation in a first step has been pro-
posed by Gond et al. (Gond et al., 2008). Another
interesting procedure is the one adopted by Peng et
, 90°) (p
, 90°)
Figure 4: Even when we know the orientation of the per-
son, the intrinsic limitation still implies that there may be
two different poses giving rive to the same silhouette. This
happens when the orientation is close to 90° or 90°.
al. (Peng and Qian, 2008). They start by choos-
ing an initial pose estimate and an initial orientation
estimate. Then, alternatively, they improve the esti-
mated pose considering that the orientation is known,
and they improve the estimated orientation consider-
ing that the pose is known, until convergence. Both
the methods proposed by Gond et al. and Peng et
al. tend to demonstrate that, as expected, knowing the
orientation helps to recover the pose.
A simple, but fast and effective, method to esti-
mate the orientation has been proposed in (Pi
et al., 2011). In that paper, we explain that a silhouette
annotated with depth is necessary to estimate the ori-
entation. Because there is the same kind of intrinsic
limitation for the orientation estimation than for the
pose recovery, it is impossible to estimate the orienta-
tion of the person in front of the camera by deriving it
from a binary silhouette, but possible with a silhouette
annotated with depth.
3.4 A Few Notes About the Previous
Methods Described in the Literature
In this subsection, we would like to discuss results on
pose recovery that were reported in the literature.
Poppe et al. (Poppe and Poel, 2006) compared
three shape descriptors to recover the pose from a
unique silhouette in an example-based approach, with
a nearly horizontal camera (the elevation was chosen
to be 10° or 20°). From their results, it seems possi-
ble to retrieve the pose from a unique silhouette. But,
they only used silhouettes corresponding to orienta-
tions in the range [80°, 80°]. The success of their
method is thus coherent with the intrinsic limitation
described in this paper. Since we know that the orien-
tation is between 90° and 90°, these bounds being
excluded, it is possible to select the good pose out of
the two possibilities.
Another pose recognition system based on a single
silhouette has been proposed by Agarwal et al. (Agar-
wal and Triggs, 2006). They announced mean angu-
lar errors of about on synthetic (noise-free) data.
This seems to be good results, but the problem is that
they estimate the pose based on a sole silhouette, for
orientations in a 360° range, and we have proved in
Section 2 that this is impossible. Because their data
(poses and orientation) are taken from real human mo-
tion capture sequences, three hypotheses about their
learning set and their test set could explain their un-
usually optimistic results: (1) that the orientation is
not uniformly distributed over 360°, (2) that the ori-
entation is statistically linked to the orientation, and
most likely (3) that their method takes into account
the small details due to perspective effects
. Never-
theless, we suppose that their method should work as
expected if the allowed orientations are restricted to
the ]90°, 90°[ range.
In the description of their model-based method,
Sminchisescu and Telea (Sminchisescu and Telea,
2002) explain that extracting pose from silhouettes
is an under-constrained problem, and suggest to use
temporal disambiguation. Similarly, Howe (Howe,
2004) predicted a set of 3D poses for each silhou-
ette, and tried to select the right one using temporal
coherence. This led to tracking failures. Following
the explanation given in this paper, it is now clear that
at least two motions may correspond to a sequence of
silhouettes. Therefore, the temporal information does
not suffice to resolve ambiguities.
In their work, Elgammal et al. (Elgammal and
Lee, 2009) assume that the motion is known (e.g.
walking, running, performing a golf swing or kick-
ing). They estimate the 3D pose and the viewpoint
from a single silhouette (or edges). This is done by
learning both the visual manifold (e.g. the manifold
related to the viewpoint) and the kinematic manifold
(e.g. the manifold related to the pose), and using a
particle filter for tracking. The joint manifold is topo-
logically equivalent to a torus and each point on this
torus corresponds to a pose and a viewpoint. This
methodology allows to recover the multiple poses and
viewpoints corresponding to the input silhouette since
the particles may converge to multiple areas on the
torus. The illustration in their paper clearly shows that
the particles may converge towards two areas on the
torus. Note that given a motion, every pose does not
necessarily admit a symmetrical one, especially when
the learning set is only populated for right-handed
persons (walking is an exception).
In summary, it is very important to consider the
intrinsic limitation when building learning and testing
sets. Also, it is useful to consider this limitation to
better understand the results reported in the literature
We showed in (Pi
erard et al., 2011) how it is easy, even
unintentionally, to learn the small details due to perspective
effects when working with synthetic silhouettes.
until now and to correctly understand the limitations
of the corresponding methods.
3.5 On the Evaluation Methods
In recent years, a few methods predicting a set of 3D
poses (“modes”) from the silhouette have emerged
(Rosales and Sclaroff, 2001; Howe, 2004; Sminchis-
escu et al., 2005; Agarwal and Triggs, 2005; Elgam-
mal and Lee, 2009). In theory, these methods are
better suited for the monocular human pose recov-
ery because they are able to properly handle the am-
biguities. However, when evaluating such methods,
authors fall back on a deterministic method (Smin-
chisescu et al., 2005; Rosales and Sclaroff, 2001), for
example by only measuring the error with respect to
the most probable mode. Doing this, they loose the
potential of their methods (the correct solution is not
always the one predicted as the most probable). To
avoid pessimistic results, the authors sometimes limit
the ambiguity by using a learning set specific to the
test sequence (Sminchisescu et al., 2005), or by using
test sequences of symmetrical poses (e.g. the jumping
in the air while rotating sequence in (Elgammal and
Lee, 2009)). Unfortunately, this gives rise to highly
optimistic results. A better solution would be, for ex-
ample, to consider the most probable mode and its
symmetrical pose, and to report the minimum error
obtained with these two poses.
The pose recovery from a single silhouette ac-
quired by a camera placed horizontally is an under-
determined problem: at least two poses may corre-
spond to an input silhouette. Surprisingly, it seems
that this intrinsic limitation has never been discussed
completely by previous authors (to our knowledge).
From our point of view, it is necessary either to as-
sume that the orientation is comprised between 90°
and 90° or equivalently between 90° and 270° (the
bounds being excluded, this is important), or to use a
range sensor in order to annotate the silhouettes with
depth, or to use a method able to predict a set of 3D
poses instead of a unique pose.
Note that the human pose recovery has been often
compared to the hand pose recovery in the literature.
The intrinsic limitation presented in this paper origi-
nates from the symmetry of the human body. A hand
does not have such a symmetry, and therefore the hu-
man pose recovery is much complex than the hand
pose recovery.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
The intrinsic limitation presented in this paper
changes the way we should interpret some of the pre-
vious reported results, and has to be taken into ac-
count for designing new methods. It has an impact at
many levels: on the choice of the sensors best suited
for the pose recovery, on the choice of the approach
to follow (model-based, example-based, or learning-
based), as well as on the choice of the attributes to use
for learning-based methods.
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