Ovidiu S¸erban
, Alexandre Pauchet
and Horia F. Pop
LITIS, INSA de Rouen, Avenue de l’Universit´e - BP 8, 76801 Saint-
Etienne-du-Rouvray, France
Fac. of Mathematics & Computer Science, Babes¸-Bolyai University, 1, M. Kog˘alniceanu St., 400084 Cluj-N., Romania
Natural language processing, Machine learning, Affective computing, Text mining, Emotion detection.
Affective Computing is one of the fields used by computer scientists to transfer the knowledge from psy-
chology to the Human-Machine Interaction research field, while offering a better understanding on Human to
Human Interaction. Since the classification problem is not typical, the difficulty is increased by the fuzziness
of the data sets. Our paper proposes a method that aims at a better recognition rate of human emotions. Our
model is based on the Self-Organizing Maps algorithm and it can be applied on short texts with a high degree
of affective content. It is designed to be integrated into an Embodied Conversational Agent.
Emotion detection has been widely approached by
different anthropologists and psychologists (Calvo
and D’Mello, 2010), starting with Charles Darwin
(Darwin, 1872) who considered that emotions are uni-
versal (i.e. identical for humans and animals). Later,
W. James (James, 1884) and P. Ekman (Ekman et al.,
1998), extended Darwin’s theory, but they retained
the concept of affective universality.
In computer science, emotion detection is pro-
posed as a solution for the challenge of human-
computer interactions and it has been tackled by
projects (e.g. SEMAINE (Schroder, 2010)), which
aims at creating an Embodied Conversational Agent
able to detect simple emotions and sustain interaction
with the user through affective features in the agent’s
language and behaviour.
While detection of emotional states tends to be ap-
proached by classical Machine Learning techniques
(Calvo and D’Mello, 2010; Picard, 2000), the prob-
lem of affective behaviour simulation is tackled by
groups that developed Affective Embodied Conversa-
tional Agents (e.g. Greta (Pelachaud, 2009)). Both
detection and simulation can be studied through the
perspective of Affective Computing.
Objective. Emotion detection is increasingly used in
Embodied Conversational Agents to create an adapted
reply channel to the user’s affective state. In this con-
text, we propose a method to detect emotions in short
texts (i.e. in texts whose size is similar to dialogue
utterances). Our goal is to design a model to detect
the dominant affective state produced by short texts
onto a reader and to classify them into six clusters,
corresponding to Ekman’s psychological theory.
In the current paper, the corpus consists of news-
paper headlines, from SemEval 2007, task 14 (Strap-
parava and Mihalcea, 2008). The corpus was cho-
sen because of the appropriate size of its elements
and their high emotional content. Since the methods
presented in the paper, related to the corpus do not
offer a good accuracy, we introduce a new classifica-
tion mechanism based on the Self Organizing Maps.
Also, our approach can be easily transposed to other
contexts such as chat logs, forums or oral transcripts.
This paper is organized as follows: the next para-
graph describes the related work, in Section 2 we
make a short presentation of the corpus we are work-
ing on, followed by more details of our method. Af-
terwards, in Section 3 we describe some results we
obtained and finally we conclude and present the fu-
ture work in Section 4.
Related Work. Several experiments were carried
out from a corpus evaluation perspective, like the one
presented in (Calvo and D’Mello, 2010). All the ap-
proaches can be classified into two main categories:
1) approaches that use ontologies or word databases
(e.g. WordNet synsets) to distinguish between classes
of emotions and 2) specialised approaches.
As a synset database example, we will mention
WordNet Affect (Strapparava and Valitutti, 2004), an
extension of the WordNet data set. WordNet Affect
is a 6 class annotation (i.e. Ekman’s basic annotation
scheme) made on a synset level. Also, SentiWordNet
¸Serban O., Pauchet A. and F. Pop H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003718004770480
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 477-480
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Baccianella et al., 2010) is the result of automatic
annotation of all WordNet synsets according to their
degrees of positivity, negativity, and neutrality.
Starting from WordNet Affect, (Valitutti et al.,
2005) proposed a simple word presence method to
detect emotions. (Ma et al., 2005) designed an emo-
tion extractor from chat logs, based on the same sim-
ple word presence. SemEval 2007, task 14 (Strap-
parava and Mihalcea, 2008) presented a corpus and
some methods to evaluate it, some based on Latent
Semantic Analyser (LSA) and presence of an emo-
tional word (e.g. WordNet Affect item).
Methods more related to signal processing were
proposed by (Alm et al., 2005), (Danisman and Alp-
kocak, 2008), or (D’Mello et al., 2006) which in-
troduce different solutions for feature extraction and
selection and various classifiers. (Alm et al., 2005)
used a corpus of child stories and a Winnow Linear
method to classify the data into 7 categories. Using
the ISEAR (Wallbott et al., 1988) dataset, a popular
collection of psychological data from around 1990,
(Danisman and Alpkocak, 2008) used different clas-
sifiers like Vector Space Model (VSM), Support Vec-
tor Machine (SVM) or a Naive-Bayes (NB) method
to distinguish between 5 categories of emotions.
Emotional Corpus. The chosen corpus for our ex-
periment is from SemEval 2007, task 14 (Strappar-
ava and Mihalcea, 2008), proposed at the conference
with the same name. The data set contains headlines
(newspaper titles) from major websites, such as New
York Times, CNN, BBC or Google News.
The corpus was manually annotated by 6 different
persons. They were instructed to annotate the head-
lines with emotions according to the presence of af-
fective words or group of words with emotional con-
tent. The annotation scheme used for this corpusis the
basic six emotions set, presented by Ekman: Anger,
Disgust, Fear, Joy (Happiness), Sadness, Surprise. In
situations were the emotion was uncertain, they were
instructed to follow their first feeling. The data is an-
notated with a 0 to 100 scale for each emotion.
The authors of the corpus proposed a double eval-
uation, on a fine-grainedscale and on a coarse-grained
scale. For the fine-grained scale, for values from 0
to 100, the system results are correlated using the
Pearson coefficients described by the inter-annotator
agreement. The second proposition was a coarse-
grained encoding, where every value from the 0 to
100 interval is mapped to either 0 or 1 (0 =[0,50) ,
1=[50,100]). Considering the coarse-grained evalua-
tion, a simple overlap was performed.
Classification Model. The classifier we have cho-
sen is a commonly used unsupervised method, the
Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) (Kohonen, 1990). This
method is a particular type of neural network used for
mapping large dimensional spaces into small dimen-
sional ones. The SOM has been chosen because: 1)
it usually offers good results with fuzzy data, 2) the
training process is easier than other Neural Networks
and 3) the classification speed is sufficiently high.
Preprocessing Step. During the preprocessing step,
we applied on each headline a collection of filters,
in order to remove any useless information, such as
special characters and punctuation, camel-case sepa-
rators and stop word filtering
This method offers a good balance between speed
and accuracy of the results, compared to other meth-
ods like Part of Speech Tagging (POS), which pro-
vides comparable results, but tends to be slower.
Feature Extraction. We have chosen LSA, applied
with three different strategies. Hence, all the occur-
rences of key terms are counted and introduced to a
matrix (a row for each keyword, a column by head-
line). The term set (keywords) is chosen according to
three different strategies.
The first LSA strategy we implemented concerns
the algorithm applied onto the words of the Word-
Net Affect database (Strapparava and Valitutti, 2004).
This method is called pseudo-LSA or meta-LSA by
C. Strapparava and R. Mihalcea (Strapparava and Mi-
halcea, 2008). The meta-LSA algorithm differs from
the classic implementation by using clusters of words
instead of single words. This strategy did not pro-
vide the expected results: the recall decreased since
all of the presented words were carrying an emotional
value and the non-emotional words were not repre-
sented. Our version confirms the results obtained by
Mihalcea and Strapparava.
The second strategy use the classic LSA applied
onto the words of the training set. While the generic-
ness of this approach is not assured by the support
word collection, this method offers a good starting
point for similar training corpus and testing corpus.
Our third proposition was to use the top 10 000
most frequent English words, extracted from approx-
imately 1 000 000 documents existing in the Project
. The features used are the document sim-
We considered as stop words all prepositions, articles
and other short words that do not carry any semantic value
Project Gutenberg is a large collection of e-books,
processed and reviewed by the project’s community.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ilarities obtained after applying the LSA algorithm.
Feature Selection. After the feature extraction, the
feature selection is performed by using a k-LSA
stead of the classical version of the algorithm, because
this algorithm reduces the feature space by removing
the ones which would not aid the classification.
SOM. Many of the proposed implementations of the
Self-Organizing Maps use the feature model or a lin-
ear combination of the features for classification. Our
implementation is very close to the classical ones, but
the feature space and classes were split into two dis-
tinct concepts and the classes are not used actively
in the self-organizing algorithm; data and label vec-
tors are separated in the Self-Organized Nodes and
the learning process is done similarly for both of the
vectors, with the same parameters.
A 40x40 grid size was used for the SOM con-
figuration. The feature vectors were the document
similarity vectors obtained from the feature extraction
step, i.e. the columns of the V
matrix computed in
the SVD decomposition from the LSA algorithm. As
for the labels, we used the intensities available in the
corpus as an independent vectorial space.
Classification. For the classification part, we used
the same measure as during the training phase, which
computes a distance from a proposed individual to all
the elements in the SOM grid. The Best Matching
Unit is selected, i.e. the element of the grid which is
closest to the desired individual. In our experiments,
the Euclidean distance was used both in the SOM al-
gorithm and for evaluation.
During the SemEval 2007 task, the coarse-grained
evaluation did not provide the expected results.
Therefore, we started with two experiments in order
to discover any kind of class dominance. Firstly, only
the emotional values were taken into consideration,
but this approach failed to extract any dominant class.
Secondly, the neutral class (No Emotion) was added,
leading to an important result, as shown in Table 1.
The neutral class is observed with a strong dominance
over the other classes, i.e. 64 % dominant value. The
conclusion of this experiment is that neither of the
classifiers presented at the SemEval 2007 conference
managed to break the dominance of the neutral class,
All the documents are freely available at the website: Page
The k-LSA version eliminates the null values from the
Σ diagonal matrix and k is the reduction index
and the classifier we proposed discovers the neutral
class better than the others.
Table 1: Dominant class for coarse-grained representation.
Nb. of instances
No emotion 642 64.85%
Anger 14 1.41%
Disgust 6 0.61%
Fear 65 6.57%
Joy 110 11.11%
Sadness 81 8.18%
Surprise 38 3.84%
Combined 34 3.43%
The second experiment concerns the whole cor-
pus, with a coarse-grained representation. All the re-
sults are presented in Table 3. The LSA training col-
umn represents the LSA decomposition method ap-
plied on the words extracted from the training cor-
pus, while the LSA Gutenberg column presents the
results of the k-LSA method applied on the 10 000
words extracted from the Gutenberg corpus. Among
our models, we present the most significant scores ob-
tained by the systems participating in the SemEval
2007, task 14 competition (Strapparavaand Mihalcea,
2008). Also, we present the overall (Table 2).
Table 2: Overall results.
Precision Recall F1
LSA training 20.50 19.57 20.02
LSA Gutenberg 24.22 23.31 23.76
LSA All emotion 9.77 90.22 17.63
UA 17.94 11.26 13.84
UPAR7 27.60 5.68 9.42
The results are not surprising, since LSA All
emotions offers a good coverage over the emotional
words, but its synonym expansion algorithm intro-
duces noise in the method, and therefore offers a very
poor precision. UPAR7 leads in some cases to a good
precision, due to its analytical nature, but it lacks in
recall. Our system offersa good compromisebetween
precision and recall, as the F1 measure shows.
We present a method for recognizing emotions in
short texts, designed to be integrated into an Embod-
ied Conversational Agent. In other words, the length
of the analysed texts corresponds to the length of ut-
terances during a dialogue. Our model, based on LSA
and a SOM algorithm, benefits from the power of un-
supervised neural networks, which obtain better re-
sults on fuzzy data and which propose an easy-to-
perform training step.
Table 3: The systems presented in the SemEval competition.
LSA training LSA Gutenberg LSA All emotional UA UPAR7
Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1
A. 10.00 11.86 10.85 18.52 15.38 16.80 6.20 88.33 11.59 12.74 21.60 16.03 16.67 1.66 3.02
D. 3.33 4.17 3.70 8.33 7.69 8.00 1.98 94.12 3.88 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 -
F. 19.01 17.76 18.36 28.39 27.67 28.03 12.55 86.44 21.92 16.23 26.27 20.06 33.33 2.54 4.72
J. 36.75 36.75 36.75 40.49 64.62 49.79 18.60 90.00 30.83 40.00 2.22 4.21 54.54 6.66 11.87
Sa. 24.14 40.00 30.11 27.08 19.60 22.74 11.69 87.16 20.62 25.00 0.91 1.76 48.97 22.02 30.38
Su. 29.73 6.92 11.23 22.50 4.95 8.11 7.62 95.31 14.11 13.70 16.56 14.99 12.12 1.25 2.27
Anger=A, Disgust=D, Fear=F, Joy=J, Sadness=Sa., Surprise=Su.
The linguistic part of our model, with most fre-
quent used words in English, offers a good score on
global F1 and a good global precision, better than
most models tested on this corpus. Even if this lin-
guistic model should be limited in certain situations,
it provides a good image over the English language.
Moreover, it can be built faster than most models.
As a proposition, we intend to improve our lin-
guistic model with a different support words in order
to represent better emotional contents. In that way, we
plan to build an alternative dictionary able to discover
new emotional words in relation with their context,
and could improve the current classification method.
Besides, in order to increase the genericness of
the system, we intend to extend the training base with
several existing corpuses collected and validated dur-
ing a real-time and real-life experiment. One of the
ways to obtain such an integration is through an Af-
fective Embodied Conversational Agent as a tutoring
partner for a generic task.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence