Application to Biometric Verification Systems
David Crespo, Carlos M. Travieso and Jesús B. Alonso
Signals and Communications Department, Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Campus Universitario de Tafira
s/n, 35017, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Keywords: Thermal Face Verification, Face Detection, SIFT Parameters, Vocabulary Tree, K-means, Image
Processing, Pattern Recognition.
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensible performance analysis of a thermal face verification system based on
the Scale-Invariant Feature Transform algorithm (SIFT) with a vocabulary tree, providing a verification
scheme that scales efficiently to a large number of features. The image database is formed from front-view
thermal images, which contain facial temperature distributions of different individuals in 2-dimensional
format, containing 1,476 thermal images equally split into two sets of modalities: face and head. The SIFT
features are not only invariant to image scale and rotation but also essential for providing a robust matching
across changes in illumination or addition of noise. Descriptors extracted from local regions are
hierarchically set in a vocabulary tree using the k-means algorithm as clustering method. That provides a
larger and more discriminatory vocabulary, which leads to a performance improvement. The verification
quality is evaluated through a series of independent experiments with various results, showing the power of
the system, which satisfactorily verifies the identity of the database subjects and overcoming limitations
such as dependency on illumination conditions and facial expressions. A comparison between head and face
verification is made, obtaining success rates of 97.60% with thermal head images in relation to 88.20% in
thermal face verification.
Human recognition through distinctive facial features
supported by an image database is still an appropriate
subject of study. We may not forget that this problem
presents various difficulties. What will occur if the
individual’s haircut is changed? Is make-up a
determining factor in the process of verification?
Would it distort significantly facial features?
The use of thermal cameras originally conceived
for military purpose has expanded to other fields of
application such as control process in production
lines, detection/monitoring of fire or applications of
security and Anti-terrorism. Therefore, we consider
its use in human identification tasks in scenarios
where the lack of light restricts the operation of
conventional cameras. Different looks of the main
role from the film The Saint are shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Facial changes of the character played by Val
Kilmer in the film The Saint.
Val Kilmer modifies his look in this film
spectacularly in order to not to be recognised by the
A correct matching between the test face and that
stored in the image database is expected, although it
may seem a hard problem to solve even if natural
distortion effects such as illumination changes or
interference are not considered. The recognition
problem should be split in some stages, that is,
acquisition of facial images for testing, features
Crespo D., Travieso C. and Alonso J..
Verification Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0003708104750481
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (MPBS-2012), pages 475-481
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
extraction from specific facial regions and finally,
verification of the individual’s identity (Soon-Won
et al., 2007).
In this context, the aim of this work is to propose
and evaluate a facial verification system, applying
the SIFT algorithm and obtaining local distinctive
descriptors from each face. The construction of the
vocabulary tree enables to have these descriptors
hierarchically organised and ready to carry out a
search to find a specific object.
This paper is organised as follows. The related
work is described in section 2. The proposed system
is presented in section 3. Description of experiments
and results are outlined in section 4. Finally,
discussions and conclusions are given in section 5.
Currently, computational face analysis is a very
lively research field, in which we observe that new
interesting possibilities are being studied. For
example, we can quote an approach for improving
system performance when working with low
resolution images (LR) and decreasing
computational load.
In (Huang, 2011), it is presented a facial
recognition system, which works with LR images
using nonlinear mappings to infer coherent features
that favour higher recognition of the nearest
neighbour (NN) classiers for recognition of single
LR face image. It is also interesting to cite the
approach of (Imtiaz, 2011), in which a multi-
resolution feature extraction algorithm for face
recognition based on two-dimensional discrete
wavelet transform (2D-DWT) is proposed. It
exploits local spatial variations in a face image
effectively obtaining outstanding results with 2
different databases.
The images of subjects are often taken in
different poses or with different modalities, such as
thermographic images, presenting different stages of
difficulty in their identification.
In (Socolinsky, 2004) results on the use of
thermal infrared and visible imagery for face
recognition in operational scenarios are presented.
These results show that thermal face recognition
performance is stable over multiple sessions in
outdoor scenarios, and that fusion of modalities
increases performance.
In the same year 2004, L. Jiang proposed in
(Jiang, 2004) an automated thermal imaging system
that is able to discriminate frontal from non-frontal
face views with the assumption that at any one time,
there is only 1 person in the field of view of the
camera and no other heat-emitting objects are
present. In this approach, the distance from centroid
(DFC) shows its suitability for comparing the degree
of symmetry of the lower face outline.
The use of correlation filters in (Heo, 2005) has
shown its adequacy for face recognition tasks using
thermal infrared (IR) face images due to the
invariance of this type of images to visible
illumination variations. The results with Minimum
Average Correlation Energy (MACE) filters and
Optimum Trade-off Synthetic Discriminant Function
(OTSDF) in low resolution images (20x20 pixels)
prove their efficiency in Human Identification at a
Distance (HID).
Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
algorithm (Lowe, 1999) are widely used in object
recognition. In (Soyel, 2011) SIFT has appeared as a
suitable method to enhance the recognition of facial
expressions under varying poses over 2D images It
has been demonstrated how affine transformation
consistency between two faces can be used to
discard SIFT mismatches.
Gender recognition is another lively research
field working with SIFT algorithm. In (Jian-Gang,
2010), faces are represented in terms of dense-Scale
Invariant Feature Transform (d-SIFT) and shape.
Instead of extracting descriptors around interest
points only, local feature descriptors are extracted at
regular image grid points, allowing dense
descriptions of face images.
However, systems generate large number of
SIFT features from an image. This huge
computational effort associated with feature
matching limits its application to face recognition.
An approach to this problem has been developed in
(Majumdar, 2009), using a discriminating method.
Computational complexity is reduced more than 4
times and accuracy is increased in 1.00% on average
by checking irrelevant features.
Constructing methods that scale well with the
size of a database and allow to find one element of a
large number of objects in acceptable time is an
avoidable challenge. This work is inspired by Nister
and Stewenius (Nister, 2006), where object
recognition through a k-means vocabulary tree is
presented. Efficiency is proved by a live
demonstration that recognised CD-covers from a
database of 40000 images. The vocabulary tree
showed good results when a large number of
distinctive descriptors form a large vocabulary.
Many different approaches to this solution have been
developed in the last few years (Ober, 2007) and
(Slobodan, 2008), showing its competency
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
organising several objects. Having regard to these
good results, this solution will be tested in this paper
with SIFT descriptors in a vocabulary tree.
The proposed approach use SIFT descriptors to
extract information from thermal images in order to
verify the identity of a test subject. Local distinctive
descriptors are obtained from each face in the
database and are used to build a vocabulary tree,
through the use of the k-means function. For each
test image, only its new descriptors are calculated
and used to search through the hierarchical tree in
order to build a vote matrix, in which the most
similar image of the database can be easily
identified. This approach mixes the singularity of the
SIFT descriptors to perform reliable matching
between different views of a face and the efficiency
of the vocabulary tree for building a high
discriminative vocabulary.
A description of the system is provided in the
next subsections.
3.1 System Outline
The system is composed by four stages: Face
segmentation, SIFT descriptors calculator,
vocabulary tree construction and matching module.
While face segmentation is executed manually,
the matching module searches in the vocabulary tree
the best correspondence between the test descriptors
and those of the database. Therefore, firstly the
explanation is focused on the SIFT parameters and
tree classification, and secondly a brief description
of the matching module is given.
A block diagram
of the system is shown in figure 2.
3.2 Scale-invariant Feature Transform
The SIFT descriptors calculator uses most part of the
results achieved by D. Lowe in (Lowe, 2004) as a
guideline, only determinant parameters are modified
in order to adapt the algorithm to the system.
Keypoints are detected using a cascade filtering,
searching for stable features across all possible
scales. The scale space of an image,
produced from the convolution of a variable-scale
with an input image,
where * is the convolution operation in x and y, and
Following (Lowe, 2004), scale-space in the
Difference-of-Gaussian function (DoG) convolved
with the image,
can be computed as a
difference of two nearby scales separated by a
constant factor k:
From (Mikolajczyk, 2002), it is stated that the
maxima and minima of the scale-normalised
Laplacian of Gaussian (LGN),
produce the
most stable image features in comparison with other
functions, such as the gradient or Hessian. The
relationship between D and
Figure 2: Diagram of the proposed thermal face recognition system.
Face segmentation
Vocabulary tree
SIFT descriptors
Thermal image
SIFT descriptors
Test Image
VOCABULARY TREE - Application to Biometric Verification Systems
The factor ( 1) is a constant over all scales
and does not influence strong location. A significant
difference in scales has been chosen, =
, which
has almost no impact on the stability and the initial
value of =1.6 provides close to optimal
repeatability according to (Lowe, 2004).
After having located accurate keypoints and
removed strong edge responses of the DoG function,
orientation is assigned. There are two important
parameters for varying the complexity of the
descriptor: the number of orientations and the
number of the array of orientation histograms.
Throughout this paper a 4x4 array of histograms
with 8 orientations is used, resulting in characteristic
vectors with 128 dimensions. The results in (Lowe,
2004) support the use of these parameters for object
recognition purposes since larger descriptors have
been found more sensitive to distortion.
3.3 Tree Classification
The verification scheme used in this paper is based
on (Nistér, 2006). Once the SIFT descriptors are
extracted from the image database, it’s time for
organizing them in a vocabulary tree. A
hierarchically verification scheme allows to search
selectively for a specific node in the vocabulary tree,
decreasing search time and computational effort.
The k-means algorithm is used in the initial point
cloud of descriptors for finding centroids through the
minimum distance estimation so that a centroid
represents a cluster of points.
Figure 3: Two levels of a vocabulary tree with branch
factor 3.
The k-means algorithm is applied iteratively, since
the calculation of the centroid location can vary the
associated points. The algorithm converges if centroids
location does not vary. Each tree level represents a
node division of the nearby superior stage.
The initial number of clusters is defined by 10,
with 5 tree levels. These values have shown good
results, working with the actual database.
A model of a vocabulary tree with 2 levels and 3
initial clusters is shown in figure 3.
4.1 Database
Results are obtained using an image database built
up by the Digital Signal Processing Division of the
IDeTIC. This database contains 1476 thermal
images of 704×756 pixels and 24 bit per pixel, from
false thermal colour given for the sensor, in .png
format equally split in two sets of 738 images with
different modalities: face and head, corresponding to
18 images per subject in each set of 41 subjects.
Therefore, the images are divided into categories
depending on the type of information they provide:
- Heads: Images of full heads of subjects.
(738 images).
- Faces: Images of facial details. (738
The following figures present some examples of
thermal images, heads (in figure 4) and faces (in
figure 5) with the specified format.
Figure 4: 6 thermal head images of the database. The
examples show additional facial features such as head
shape, hair and chin.
Figure 5: 6 thermal face images of the database from the
same subjects in figure 4. The examples only show basic
facial features such as eyes, lips and nose, representing the
minimum information needed to verify a subject in the
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
The images were taken indoors by a SAT-S280
infrared camera in 3 different sessions with different
facial expressions such as happiness, sadness or
anger, various facial orientations and distinctive
changes in the haircut or facial hair of subjects.
In order to assure the independence of results,
both sets of images are equally divided into 2
subsets in a second stage: test and training. For each
modality, 369 test images and 369 training images
are available for the experiments.
The set of head images collects interesting
details for recognition tasks, such as ear shape,
haircut and chin. On the other hand, the set of facial
images provides the minimum information that is
nose, mouth and eyes areas.
Face detection and segmentation were manually
realized in order to not to lose details in the process.
One by one, from each image head or face was
segmented and stored in separate files.
4.2 Experiments and Results
The aim of the experiments was to find how
important is the extra information provided by head
shape for human verification. Additionally, a
comparison between head and facial verification
results is carried out. The proposed methodology
consisting on the matching of facial features of
thermal images is compared with the matching of
thermal images of heads.
For each subject, an equally random division of
the image database is made so that 9 images per
individual are used for testing and the remaining 9
for training purposes. As previously commented,
369 test images and 369 training images randomly
chosen are available for the experiments in each
modality. This division is carried out 41 times that is
subject by subject in 41 iterations.
The process of face/head verification for a
subject is the following. Firstly, the previously stated
division of the database is made. Secondly, each of
the 9 images of the test subject is compared with the
369 training images and results are obtained. Once
these 9 images are processed, the database is joined
together again and the process restarts with the next
subject until the 41 subjects of the database are
The parameters that take part in the experiments
are the False Rejection Rate (FRR), False
Acceptance Rate (FAR) and Equal Error Rate
(EER), commonly used in biometric studies. Mean
times are also considered in this study. These
parameters are collected in form of vectors
depending on a variable, the histogram threshold.
Since the verification process finishes, a
histogram with the contributions of each image in
the database is obtained. The database image that
best fits the test image shows the biggest value in the
histogram. In a second stage, histogram values are
normalised with regard to the biggest value, from 1
to -1. A threshold is used during the experiments for
considering only the contributions of images that are
above this limit; those below are discarded in that
moment. The histogram threshold descends from
value 1 to -1 in order to consider different samples
each time. In figure 6 and 7 FRR and FAR are
shown in relation to the histogram threshold. X-axis
represents the threshold variation and Y-axis shows
FRR and FAR values.
Figure 6: FRR (blue line) and FAR (red line) in terms of
the histogram threshold in head verification.
Figure 7: FRR (blue line) and FAR (red line) in terms of
the histogram threshold in facial verification.
In practical terms, the threshold fall represents
how the system becomes less demanding, taking
more samples in account, increasing the FRR and
FAR, since the additional samples do not belong to
the test subject.
In table 1, a table with mean times can be
observed. Although the verification time remains the
same, the database updating (model building time)
with head images is substantially higher as these
images possess more information than facial images
and therefore, consume more time and need more
computational effort.
VOCABULARY TREE - Application to Biometric Verification Systems
Table 1: Mean times of head and face images verification
during the experiment.
Time (sec.)
Time (sec.)
Model Building 121.56 102.55
Test Verification 0.26 0.26
The best result obtained in the experiments with
thermal head images is 97.60% in relation to 88.20%
in thermal face verification. It can be observed that
the success rate with head images is higher in
comparison with facial images.
The main contribution of this work is the use, for the
first time, of a head/facial verification system based
on SIFT descriptors with a vocabulary tree. This
work is a preliminary step in the development of
face verification systems using SIFT descriptors in
thermal images of subjects.
The two variants compared in this work have
different performance for verification. The cause is
the amount of information provided by each format.
On the one hand, head images preserve important
discriminative characteristics about the original
thermal images for identifying a subject that facial
images do not include. On the other hand, it
becomes clear that in case of head images more
SIFT descriptors are produced and therefore, more
essential data for the verification process is
extracted. Additionally, faces of different subjects
have often common features that provide no
discriminant information.
As discriminative SIFT parameters are being
widely used, specialised methods can be developed
in future works for increasing dramatically the face
verification rates using thermal imaging systems.
As future work we would like to increase
considerably the size of database, and to include
outdoor images. The proposed approach will be
validated in this extended database.
This work was partially supported by “Cátedra
Telefónica - ULPGC 2010/11”, and partially
supported by research Project TEC2009-13141-
C033-01/TCM from Ministry of Science and
Innovation from Spanish Government.
Special thanks to Jaime Roberto Ticay Rivas for
their valuable help.
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