Carlos Abreu
, Manuel Ricardo
and Paulo Mendes
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Av. Atl
antico, Viana do Castelo, Portugal
INESC Porto, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Centro Algoritmi, University of Minho, Guimar
aes, Portugal
Quality of service, Biomedical wireless sensor networks.
A Biomedical Wireless Sensor Network (BWSN) is a special Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) with a small
number of nodes designed for medical applications. These networks must ensure that medical data is delivered
reliably and efficiently, in order to fulfil a set of pre-established Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. In this
way, the research community have been proposing new solutions to improve QoS in WSN, namely in routing
protocols and power consumption efficiency. However, there still a need for appropriate QoS guaranties in
BWSN. In this paper, possible QoS requirements of BWSN are discussed, together with a framework to
automatically evaluate the performance of such QoS techniques. That framework was used together with
simulators and operating systems appropriate for WSN, COOJA and Contiki OS, and proved to be a valuable
tool for a proper evaluation of QoS parameters and metrics.
The fast development of low-power wireless
communication technologies and devices enable the
application of WSN in several areas, e.g, ambient
monitoring, catastrophe response, industrial and
home automation, or healthcare services (Hof,
2007). Regarding the healthcare application of WSN,
BWSN can be used to develop new applications
and services in different scenarios (see figure 1),
e.g., ambient assisted living (AAL), emergency
response or patient monitoring (Ren et al., 2005).
In any of these scenarios, BWSN are presented as
a key technology to ensure high quality levels in
the healthcare services that are provided to citizens.
However, since such networks support some degree
of medical care, they must guarantee appropriated
levels of QoS, namely with respect to the intrinsic
characteristics of medical data and their applications
(Abreu et al., 2011). Then, the study of QoS in
BWSN emerges as a very important area of research,
being a very challenging task due to the interaction
of the different phases of hardware and/or software
development (Bhuyan, 2010).
Software development and debugging on
BWSN is morose and difficult work to carry
out, with many interactions and testing phases
Sensor Node
WiFi Router
Emergency Sensor Network
Coordinator / Gateway
Patient Monitoring Network
Ambient Assisted Living Network
Figure 1: BWSN applied to different healthcare scenarios:
ambient assisted living (AAL), emergence response and
patient monitoring.
(Huber et al., 2011). Performance evaluation of
the different QoS parameters requires comparing
different implementations and, based on data
retrieved from tests, verify which proves to be
the best implementation. To address this issue, a
platform-independent framework was designed and
implemented to evaluate the QoS and performance of
BWSN. This framework can be used for simulated
or real networks and, thus, be used to help in the
initial phase of applications development, as well
as at later design stages, to evaluate real scenario
Abreu C., Ricardo M. and Mendes P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003706800990103
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2012), pages 99-103
ISBN: 978-989-8425-91-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
First, the QoS requirements are briefly discussed,
as well as the parameters and metrics of BWSN.
Then, the framework that automatically evaluates the
performance of QoS techniques applied to BWSN is
As discussed in (Gama et al., 2007) and (Abreu
et al., 2011), BWSN need to ensure an appropriate
level of QoS. The QoS requirements of BWSN are
imposed to the network and depend on the target
applications. They don’t depend only on the intrinsic
characteristics of data to be transmitted, but also on
its purpose.
According to (Ruiz, 2006) and (Marchese, 2007),
from the network point of view, the most important
parameters used to measure and ensure the QoS
required for a given application, in traditional IP
networks for telemedicine applications and services,
are presented in table 1.
Table 1: QoS parameters, to traditional IP networks,
concerning the network point of view.
PTD Packet Transfer Delay
PDV Packet Delay Variation
PLR Packet Loss Ratio
PER Packet Error Ratio
BW Bandwidth
However, in the context of WSN, due to its unique
characteristics such as: extremely low resources
(memory and computational power) constrained
nodes or limited radio capabilities and battery, the
QoS parameters presented earlier are insufficient. In
(Chen and Varshney, 2004) the authors identify new
QoS parameters, presented in table 2, that reflect the
collective effort of all network nodes to perform a
given task.
Table 2: Collective QoS parameters to WSN concerning the
network point of view.
CPTD Collective Packet Transfer Delay
CPLR Collective Packet Loss Ratio
CDR Collective Data Rate
IT Information Throughput
BWSN can be used to support several healthcare
applications and services. Therefore, they have
to provide QoS support to multi-applications.
Concerning, the application point of view, there are
different QoS requirements that must be satisfied.
However, despite the different specifications, it is
possible to identify some requirements that are
common to most applications or services.
Below, those requirements are identified and their
relevancy and applicability will be briefly discussed.
The authors of (Xie and Wang, 2010) identified
some important application-centric QoS requirements
that can be applied also to BWSN. Below, those
requirements are identified, and their relevance and
applicability will be outlined.
Ability to Provide Valid Data, in BWSN the data
integrity is a major requirement. The decisions
made by healthcare providers depend on the data
provided by the network. In this way, this
is a requirement that must be satisfied on all
BWSN applications and services. This parameter
is influenced by topology, coverage and traffic
capacity, connectivity, and energy consumption;
Delay Management, the time spent to transmit data
and detect events is a very important issue
in BWSN. Different applications have distinct
delay requirements, however, all of them have
some limit that must be respected. This is a
requirement that must be applied with different
weights to different applications. This parameter
is affected by collective packet transfer delay,
information throughput, network topology and
decision algorithm;
Network Lifetime, is the period of effective service.
This is a major issue especially in implanted
BWSN nodes. It is affected by network topology,
connectivity and energy consumption;
Network Survivability, is the ability to
automatically restore. It is more evident in
BWSN with mobile nodes or in scenarios with
constant changes, like in a hospital where patients
are being monitored. It depends on deploying
density of nodes and routing protocols;
Decision Accuracy, the quality of the decision made
by healthcare providers depend on the quality
of the data collected, transmission delay and
decision algorithm.
Developing QoS mechanisms to guarantee
appropriate levels of QoS is important but not
sufficient (Asokan, 2010). To prevent QoS
degradation, due to network limited capacity, it
is necessary to develop tools to supervise and
manage the network. This work contributes, with
the development of a framework, to help in the
development and evaluation of strategies to supervise
and manage the QoS on BWSN.
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
As discussed previously, BWSN have to fulfil
strong QoS requirements each of which have to
be systematically tested to guarantee high levels of
confidence and reliability. This is true, not only in
research, but also during the development of specific
applications. BWSN have to pass very demanding
tests to be accepted by its users and the healthcare
providers. They have to be tested in both simulated
and real scenarios.
The development of applications and protocols for
BWSN is a challenging, time consuming and error
prone task (Mozumdar et al., 2010). To avoid this
situation various software and hardware tools have
been developed in the last few years (Huber et al.,
The use of simulators for BWSN software
development proved to be a great help, and with
widespread use within the academic and industrial
community (Liang, 2009). However, the raw data
generated by simulators needs to be analysed in order
to extract results, as well as for reporting purposes.
This analysis may be laborious and time consuming.
In fact, the data analysis and report generation is one
of the bottlenecks of software development processes.
To mitigate this problem, a framework was developed,
based on open source tools, for automatic data
analysis and QoS performance assessment.
The developed QoS assessment framework is
platform-independent and might be used both for
simulated and real networks. In this way,
it’s possible to evaluate the network along the
development process as well as when the network
is finally deployed in a real application. This
is an important feature because it enables easier
performance comparison between simulated and real
Figure 2: WSN hardware platform architecture.
In order to implement the real BWSN, a hardware
platform (WSN mote) was developed and included
on the QoS assessment framework. The mote was
developed to be modular, thus, it can be used in
several scenarios. Its functionalities can be extended
via daughter boards, providing different sensing
capabilities. Depending on the daughter sensor
board, the mote can be used in different healthcare
applications. Figures 2 and 3 show its architecture
and implementation, respectively.
Figure 3: WSN hardware platform implementation.
The core element of the mote is the low-power RF
module deRFmega128. This module is a 2.4 GHz
radio transceiver and a 8Bit microcontroller single
chip solution (SoC) (Dresden, 2011). To interact with
the outside, the mote contains three interfaces: 1) a
JTAG interface to program and debugging purposes;
2) a mini USB port; 3) a 60-Pin header to connect to
daughter sensor boards. The mote power supply can
be from different sources, e.g: battery, USB port or
energy harvesting modules.
3.1 Framework Architecture
The QoS assessment framework follows a two layer
architecture: Data Analysis (DA) and visualisation,
as can be seen in figure 4. The DA layer is
responsible for results extraction from raw data,
generated by simulated or real networks, and these
will be represented in such a way that will be easily
interpreted. The visualisation layer is used for report
generation purposes.
The software used to extract results from raw data
and the report template depends on the study that
is being carried out. However, once developed, the
software can be reused in future assessments. The
results representation and report generation software
is independent of the application. In this way,
the network QoS evaluation is improved between
different tests of the same study.
Figure 4: QoS assessment framework architecture.
3.2 Framework Evaluation
To evaluate the implementation of the QoS
assessment framework, a BWSN case study
was defined for simulation. The BWSN was
simulated using COOJA that, with Contiki Operating
System (Contiki OS), can be considered a complete
development platform for WSN. COOJA allows
simultaneous simulations at different levels, namely:
application, network, operating system and machine
code instruction level (Osterlind et al., 2006)
(Dunkels et al., 2004). One of the major advantages
in using Contiki OS and COOJA is the code reuse
and hardware platform independence. It is possible
to develop the application software and then use it
in different hardware platforms, as well as inside the
COOJA simulator.
There are several applications to BWSN.
However, in this case study, the focus is on the
monitoring of vital and biological signals, such as,
electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram
(EEG), blood pressure (BP) and temperature (T).
According to (Ruiz, 2006) and (Varshney, 2009), the
default value for the PTD in real-time telemedicine
applications and services is 400ms. In this context,
the case study aims to evaluate the end-to-end PTD
regarding the number of hops in the network and
which must be less than 400ms.
Each case study consists in: a scenario to deploy
the network; a real or simulated WSN; a test script
to extract data from the network; a script to extract
results from data generated by network; and a report
template to easily evaluate the results (see figure 5).
After the establishment of the scenario in which
the BWSN will be used, the application is developed
on the Contiki OS and, then, compiled to the hardware
in use. The simulations are performed on COOJA. At
the end of all the simulations, the generated raw data
is analysed and the results extracted. Finally, a report
is generated to present the results and compare them
with the previous. Figure 5 illustrates the framework
Figure 5: QoS assessment framework operation.
To study the end-to-end delay of a package
regarding the number of hops in the network, 9
simulations were mounted in COOJA (1 to 10
hops). Figure 6 represents the simulation scenario to
measure the end-to-end delay in the case of 5 hops.
The data from each simulation were extracted with
a script written in java script using the Contiki Test
Editor plugin of COOJA.
The extraction of results from data generated by
simulation was done through a script that uses the
Linux Shell Scripting capabilities. To represent the
results, the Gnuplot graphing utility was used, and the
report was automatically generated using the pdflatex
To perform the simulations experience, COOJA
was used in batch mode, which made it possible to
automatically perform all the simulations and carry
out the results, see figure 6.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Average delay (ms)
# Hops
Figure 6: Mean end-to-end delay of a package regarding the
number of hops in the network.
As shown in figure 6, in this test case scenario,
the end-to-end PTD is less than 400ms. However,
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
if necessary, it is possible to adjust the software,
and automatically perform new evaluations without
human interaction streamlining the process of
software development.
This work presents a framework to support the
software development for WSN that was developed
envisioning QoS deployment and evaluation of
BWSN. It has proved to be a very useful and
complementary tool for WSN simulators and
operating systems. As a following step, this
framework will be used as a tool to evaluate and test
protocols, targeting QoS requirements of BWSN,
exploring the best solutions to achieve the QoS
parameters presented in tables 1 and 2 in simulated
and real BWSN. As it allows a straightforward
network deployment after simulations, this
framework has the potential to reduce the debugging
time after a real network deployment.
This work has been financially supported by the
PhD grant of Portuguese Foundation for Science and
Technology, FCT, SFRH/BD/61278/2009.
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