Noriyuki Okumura
and Yuto Hatakoshi
Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Nagano National College of Technology, 381-8550 Nagano, Japan
Faculty of Culture and Information Science, Doshisha University, Kyo-tanabe, 610-0394 Kyoto, Japan
Concept-base, Machine learning, Search engine, Time series, Obtaining attributes, Undefined concept.
In this paper, we propose a method to resolve problems of the attributes obtaining method using WWW
search engine characterizing undefined concepts, which do not exist in Concept-base. Concept-base is an
key database constituting Word Association Mechanism to perform commonsense judgment. Concept-base
was constructed automatically by electronic dictionaries and newspapers. Therefore Concept-base has about
120,000 statically defined concepts. Nevertheless, it has no effective learning system. This paper proposes
a method to make Concept-base to learn concepts dynamically using Auto Feedback system. In addition,
a removal method of noise at-tributes is also proposed. We present attributes refinement method that paid
attention to changing with time of the Internet. Furthermore, we inspect the effectiveness by an evaluation
The objective of this research is to construct an auto-
matically learning method using WWW for existing
Concept-base(Okumura et al., 2007). Concept-base
is a large-scale Knowledge-base constructed by elec-
tronic dictionaries and newspapers. Nevertheless, it
has no effective learning system. Therefore, we need
a machine learning system for existing Concept-base.
Concept-base has a large number of concepts,
which have some Attribute-Weight pairs. It is diffi-
cult to deal with new concepts such as new words,
proper nouns, and etc. generated momently be-
cause Concept-base was constructed by static data.
We proposed Auto-Feedback method(Tsuzi et al.,
2004) using a search engine
to resolve the prob-
lems. However, this method obtained Attribute-
Weight pairs in retrieved point. As were shown in
earlier reports(Gulla et al., 2007; Gordon et al., 2010),
words gathering systems were proposed. These meth-
ods were not suitable for our Concept-base because
these systems did not work in the long period. The
method which paid attention to time series(Horiuchi
and Uchida, 2011), but this method did not refine at-
tributes. Consequently, this method had the problem
that different results were obtained whenever we re-
trieved new concepts.
This paper proposes a method to resolve above-
mentioned problems. Proposed method statistically
refines Attribute-Weight pairs, which were obtained
for long periods. By evaluating experiments, we
showed that the proposed method was superior to the
method in the past from the standpoint of obtaining
Attribute-Weight pairs.
In the following, we present a method to refine
Attribute-Weight pairs obtained by search engine.
First, our Concept-base, Auto Feedback and Revision
of Morphological Analysis are briefly depicted. Sec-
ond, our proposal method was described. Finally, we
presented the evaluation method.
2.1 Concept-base
Concept-base(Okumura et al., 2007) is a large-scale
Knowledge-base constructed by electronic dictionar-
Okumura N. and Hatakoshi Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003697804930497
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (SSW-2011), pages 493-497
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Concept (automobile) is extended to second or-
der attribute. This figure shows association words for the
concept (Automobile).
ies and newspapers. Headwords in dictionaries were
assumed to be concepts and content words in explana-
tion sentences were assumed to be attributes for head-
words (concepts). A concept (A) consists of pairs of
attributes (a
) which characterizing the concept (A)
and weights (w
) which mean the importance of each
attributes (eif is a natural number for each concepts,
znum’ is a number of attributes)(1).
A = (a
, w
)|0 < i < znum+ 1. (1)
Attributes for each concept were also defined in
Concept-base as concepts. Therefore, one concept
was defined as attributes chain model of n-th-order
dimension. In this paper, Concept-base has about
120,000 concepts, and each concept has 30 attributes
on average. Fig.1 shows the example of concept (au-
tomobile). eAutomobilef has attributes (engine, car,
tire, etc.). eEnginef, eCarf, and eTiref are also de-
fined in Concept-base. Thus, eEnginef has attributes
(Combustion, Motor, etc.).
In this paper, we aim to construct an automati-
cally learning method for Concept-base using search
2.2 Auto Feedback
An undefined concept in Concept-base was input, and
the documents that were de-scribed about the unde-
fined concept, were obtained from the retrieval result
pages of search engine. The words included in the re-
trieval result pages were attributes of undefined con-
cepts. The weight of each attribute was granted by
t f and id f. t f was the frequency that undefined con-
cepts appear in the retrieval result pages. id f was cal-
culated from the number of the retrieval pages and the
number of all pages of search engine. Table.1 showed
examples of the obtained attributes of undefined con-
In this research, we obtained 100 candidate at-
tributes descending in weight order by Auto Feed-
back. The Auto Feedback got attributes at the point
in time when I retrieved undefined words. Therefore
retrieval results were influenced by a temporary topic,
and it was considered that Auto Feedback was not
able to obtain attributes definitely.
Table 1: The attributes of undefined concepts gHarrison
Fordh and gFinePixh.
Harrison Ford FinePix
attributes weights attributes weights
movie 225.16 digital 331.21
actor 120.77 camera 326.95
appearance 87.46 pixel 301.11
2.3 Revision of Morphological Analysis
This paper used MeCab(Kudo et al., 2004) as a Mor-
phological Analyzer. Japanese have no custom leav-
ing a space between words like English. A problem
to divide sentences needlessly too much happened
when we used a Morphological Analyzer. It unnec-
essarily divid-ed a sentence into words by the default
MeCabfs setting. It had an original revision rule for
this problem. However, we set a simple rule without
using its rule.
1. Connecting words and phrases in the parenthesis.
2. Connecting if nouns were next to each other.
For example, in the case of a sentence gJiEVJh,
uJiEVJiNAUSICAA/of Valley of the Windjvwas di-
vided withuv,uJv,uiEVJv before reviewing setting,
and the title of the movie is divided needlessly. We
united nouns to be adjacent by uv after the setting
changed, we can extract uJiEVJv(Table 2).
2.4 Proposal Method
Auto Feedback was a method to learn undefined con-
cepts on the spot. Consequently, the method paid no
attention to changing with time of Internet. Proposal
method re-peats the Auto Feedback trial many times
and refines attributes and weights of undefined con-
cepts statistically (Fig. 2).
2.5 Evaluation Method
In this section, we explain the evaluation method of
our work.
Evaluation Method. Three subjects evaluated
these acquired all attributes (about 20,000 words).
We adopted attributes which two or three subjects
answered suitable as correct words. In all of Auto
Feedback trials, we calculated precision (Eq.3), recall
(Eq.4), and F-measure (Eq.4).
About Recall, there may be correct attributes other
than acquired attributes using Auto Feedback. How-
ever, it was difficult to collect attributes that human
beings thought suitable by a questionnaire. In this
research, we adopted correct attributes evaluated by
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: uJiEVJv for leaving a space between words.
Before revision After revision
Acquired attributes Evaluation Acquired attributes Evaluation
Right Right
Wrong JiEVJ Right
J Wrong - -
iEVJ Right - -
Figure 2: The flowchart of proposal method.
three subjects to a numerator of Recall. Therefore
Recall takes 1.0 value when we output all acquired
attributes. We evaluate the method in the past by av-
eraging all trials.
precision =
correct attributes
all obtained attributes
recall =
correct attributesinsellectedattributes
correct attributes
F measure =
2× precision× recall
Evaluation Data. We use 49 undefined concepts in
Concept-base as evaluation data.
We obtained attributes for 49 undefined concepts by
Auto Feedback for one month. The number of ob-
tained attributes except the repetition was 302 on av-
erage. For each undefined concepts, we sorted the at-
tributes for the threshold at the number of times which
attributes was obtained every ten times in the experi-
ment period. The horizontal axis of Fig. 3 shows the
number of times that was not obtained as attributes
in entire experiment period. About evaluation data,
Figure 3: Changing of F-measure in entire experiment pe-
Figure 4: Comparison proposal method with average of all
Auto Feedback trials.
we calculated F-measure with each threshold. Fig. 3
shows a change of the average.
Numerical value of the horizontal axis of Fig. 4
means a number appropriated to undefined concepts
in Table 3. The horizontal axis of Fig. 4 is sorted in
order of the average of all Auto Feedback trials using
the method in the past (250 trials).
Table 4 shows samples of the retrieval result (un-
defined concept: Google) of Auto Feedback once tri-
als and the result of proposed method that refined
Attribute-Weight pairs based on the number of ap-
When number of times that was not obtained as at-
tributes in Fig. 3 is smaller than 200, F-measure takes
the maximum. In other words, when number of times
that was attributes were obtained is greater than 50,
F-measure takes 0.42 of the maximum. We adopted
Table 3: Evaluation data (written in English notation for explanation).
Undefined concepts (Evaluation Data)
1 Ichiro 18 Sorting works 35 relation between Japan & China
2 Influenza 19 Kyoto Sanga FC 36 Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters
3 Barack Obama 20 Keihan Electric Railway 37 confront Waseda and Keio
4 cartel 21 All Japan University Road relay 38 outflow of pictures
5 Google 22 the Northen Territories 39 Hideki Matsui
6 smartphone 23 Chiba Lotte Marines 40 Yokohama APEC
7 Sony Ericsson 24 Jun Natsukawa 41 Hiro Mizushima
8 Yu Darvish 25 astronaut 42 Tomomi Kasai
9 Saeko Darvish 26 Yuko Ogura 43 Kawori Manabe
10 mine of Chile 27 Senkaku 44 Yutaka Takenouchi
11 Domino’s Pizza 28 Senkaku’s video 45 Singing contest of red and white
12 Myanmar 29 Naoko Yamazaki 46 news of Marriage
13 Your Party 30 University of Yamanashi 47 Shin-ichi Hatori
14 rare earth element 31 Hisashi Iwakuma 48 self-defense
15 LAWSON 32 new year letter 49 group infection
16 Yonaguni Island 33 a great war of Warring period - -
17 World Volley 34 Yuki Saito - -
Table 4: Comparison of obtained Attribute-Weight pairs of
Proposed Method and Auto Feedback in the past.
Auto Feedback in the past Proposed Method
Attributes Weights Attributes Weights
Retrieval Result 907.821 USA 219.071
Many 664.259 Firewall 177.136
High 442.840 How to use 133.609
China Government 404.549 Company 131.618
New 309.988 Many 128.388
China 280.353 Site 127.669
Search Engine 258.543 Access Analyzing 119.792
Detailed 243.562 Search 104.181
USA 231.078 All over the world 97.671
Facebook 221.420 Google Map 90.177
this value (200) for the threshold and sorted the at-
tributes. As a comparison experiment, we calculated
precision, recall, and F-measure for all of Auto Feed-
back trials. Fig. 4 shows relations of F-measure in
all Auto Feedback trials and sorting by the proposal
When number of trials that attributes were ob-
tained is greater than 50, F-measure takes maximum
value in Fig. 3. We guessed that the refinement
method of the attributes works effectively. We calcu-
lated F-measure wheneverAuto Feedback was carried
out and found average about 250 trials.
In this research, we proposed refining method of ob-
tained attributes for undefined concepts using Auto
Feedback. Proposed method refined Auto Feedback
attributes based on the number of appearance statisti-
In addition, we showed that higher F-measure
score was provided than Auto Feed-back in the past.
It is necessary to examine weighting method for
refined attributes. We showed that it is effective
to limit weights using dispersion by a precedence
study(Hatakoshi, 2010). We compound with a prece-
dence study and proposal method to gain high perfor-
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Young
Scientists (B) (No. 23720222)
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