Emilia Mendes
Computer Science Department, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Keywords: Web engineering, Web effort estimation, Expert-based effort models, Knowledge elicitation, Case studies.
Abstract: OBJECTIVE – The objective of this paper is to describe a case study where Bayesian Networks (BNs) were
used to construct an expert-based Web effort model. METHOD – We built a single-company BN model
solely elicited from expert knowledge, where the domain experts were two experienced Web project
managers from a medium-size Web company in Auckland, New Zealand. This model was validated using
data from eleven past finished Web projects. RESULTS – The BN model has to date been successfully used
to estimate effort for numerous Web projects. CONCLUSIONS – Our results suggest that, at least for the
Web Company that participated in this case study, the use of a model that allows the representation of
uncertainty, inherent in effort estimation, can outperform expert-based estimates. Another nine companies
have also benefited from using Bayesian Networks, with very promising results.
A cornerstone of Web project management is effort
estimation, the process by which effort is forecasted
and used as basis to predict costs and allocate
resources effectively, so enabling projects to be
delivered on time and within budget. Effort
estimation is a very complex domain where the
relationship between factors is non-deterministic and
has an inherently uncertain nature. E.g. assuming
there is a relationship between development effort
and an application’s size (e.g. number of Web pages,
functionality), it is not necessarily true that increased
effort will lead to larger size. However, as effort
increases so does the probability of larger size.
Effort estimation is a complex domain where
corresponding decisions and predictions require
reasoning with uncertainty.
Within the context of Web effort estimation,
numerous studies investigated the use of effort
prediction techniques. However, to date, only
Mendes (2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008), Mendes and
Mosley (2008), and Mendes et al. (2009)
investigated the explicit inclusion, and use, of
uncertainty, inherent to effort estimation, into
models for Web effort estimation. Mendes (2007a,
2007b, 2007c) built a Hybrid Bayesian Network
(BN) model (structure expert-driven and
probabilities data-driven), which presented
significantly superior predictions than the mean- and
median-based effort (Mendes 2007b), multivariate
regression (Mendes 2007a; 2007b; 2007c), case-
based reasoning and classification and regression
trees (Mendes 2007c). Mendes (2008), and Mendes
and Mosley (2008) extended their previous work by
building respectively four and eight BN models
(combinations of Hybrid and data-driven). These
models were not optimised, as previously done in
Mendes (2007a, 2007b, 2007c), which might have
been the reason why they presented significantly
worse accuracy than regression-based models.
Finally, Mendes et al. (2009) details a case study
where a small expert-based Web effort estimation
BN model was successfully used to estimate effort
for projects developed by a small Web company in
Auckland, New Zealand.
A BN is a model that supports reasoning with
uncertainty due to the way in which it incorporates
existing complex domain knowledge (Jensen, 1996).
Herein, knowledge is represented using two parts.
The first, the qualitative part, represents the structure
of a BN as depicted by a directed acyclic graph
(digraph) (see Fig. 1). The digraph’s nodes represent
the relevant variables (factors) in the domain being
modelled, which can be of different types (e.g.
observable or latent, categorical). The digraph’s arcs
represent the causal relationships between variables,
Mendes E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003562701280135
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
where relationships are quantified probabilistically.
The second, the quantitative part, associates a node
conditional probability table (CPT) to each node, its
probability distribution. A parent node’s CPT
describes the relative probability of each state
(value); a child node’s CPT describes the relative
probability of each state conditional on every
combination of states of its parents (e.g. in Fig. 1,
the relative probability of Total effort (TE) being
‘Low’ conditional on Size (new Web pages)
(SNWP) being ‘Low’ is 0.8). Each column in a CPT
represents a conditional probability distribution and
therefore its values sum up to 1 (Jensen, 1996).
Size (new
Web pages)
Total Effort
Size (total Web
Child node
Parent node
CPT for node Size (new Web pages)
Low 0.2
Medium 0.3
High 0.5
CPT for node Total Effort (TE)
Size (new Web pages) Low Medium High
Low 0.8 0.2 0.1
Medium 0.1 0.6 0.2
High 0.1 0.2 0.7
Figure 1: A small BN model and two CPTs.
Once a BN is specified, evidence (e.g. values)
can be entered into any node, and probabilities for
the remaining nodes automatically calculated using
Bayes’ rule (Pearl, 1988). Therefore BNs can be
used for different types of reasoning, such as
predictive and “what-if” analyses to investigate the
impact that changes on some nodes have on others
(Fenton et al. 2004).
Within the context of Web effort estimation there
are issues with building data-driven or hybrid
Bayesian models, as follows:
1. Any dataset used to build a BN model should be
large enough to provide sufficient data capturing all
(or most) relevant combinations of states amongst
variables such that probabilities can be learnt from
data, rather than elicited manually. Under such
circumstance, it is very unlikely that the dataset
would contain project data volunteered by only a
single company (single-company dataset). As far as
we know, the largest dataset of Web projects
available is the Tukutuku dataset (195 projects)
(Mendes et al., 2005). This dataset has been used to
build data-driven and hybrid BN models; however
results have not been encouraging overall, and we
believe one of the reasons is due to the small size of
this dataset.
2. Even when a large dataset is available, the next
issue relates to the set of variables part of the
dataset. It is unlikely that the variables identified,
represent all the factors within a given domain (e.g.
Web effort estimation) that are important for
companies that are to use the data-driven or hybrid
model created using this dataset. This was the case
with the Tukutuku dataset, even though the selection
of which variables to use had been informed by two
surveys (Mendes et al., 2005). However, one could
argue that if the model being created is hybrid, then
new variables (factors) can be added to, and existing
variables can be removed from the model. The
problem is that every new variable added to the
model represents a set of probabilities that need to
be elicited from scratch, which may be a hugely time
consuming task.
3. Different structure and probability learning
algorithms can lead to different prediction accuracy
(Mendes and Mosley, 2008); therefore one may need
to use different models and compare their accuracy,
which may also be a very time consuming task.
4. When using a hybrid model, the BN’s structure
should ideally be jointly elicited by more than one
domain expert, preferably from more than one
company, otherwise the model built may not be
general enough to cater for a wide range of
companies (Mendes and Mosley, 2008). There are
situations, however, where it is not feasible to have
several experts from different companies
cooperatively working on a single BN structure. One
such situation is when the companies involved are
all consulting companies potentially sharing the
same market. This was the case within the context of
this research.
5. Ideally the probabilities used by the data-driven
or hybrid models should be revisited by at least one
domain expert, once they have been automatically
learnt using the learning algorithms available in BN
tools. However, depending on the complexity of the
BN model, this may represent having to check
thousands of probabilities, which may not be
feasible. One way to alleviate this problem is to add
additional factors to the BN model in order to reduce
the number of causal relationships reaching child
nodes; however, all probabilities for the additional
factors would still need to be elicited from domain
6. The choice of variable discretisation, structure
learning algorithms, parameter estimation
algorithms, and the number of categories used in the
discretisation all affect the accuracy of the results
and there are no clear-cut guidelines on what would
be the best choice to employ. It may simply be
dependent on the dataset being used, the amount of
data available, and trial and error to find the best
solution (Mendes and Mosley, 2008).
Therefore, given the abovementioned constraints, as
part of a NZ-government-funded project on using
Bayesian Networks to Web effort estimation, we
decided to develop several expert-based company-
specific Web effort BN models, with the
participation of numerous local Web companies in
the Auckland region, New Zealand. The
development and successful deployment of one of
these models is the subject and contribution of this
paper. The model detailed herein, as will be
described later on, is a large model containing 37
factors and over 40 causal relationships. This model
is much more complex than the one presented in
(Mendes et al., 2009), where an expert-based Web
effort estimation model is described, comprising 15
factors and 14 causal relationships. This is the first
time that a study in either Web or Software
Engineering describes the creation and use of a large
expert-based BN model. In addition, we also believe
that our contribution goes beyond the area of Web
engineering given that the process presented herein
can also be used to build BN models for non-Web
Note that we are not suggesting that data-driven
and hybrid BN models should not be used. On the
contrary, they have been successfully employed in
numerous domains (Woodberry et al., 2004);
however the specific domain context of this paper –
that of Web effort estimation, provides other
challenges (described above) that lead to the
development of solely expert-driven BN models.
We would also like to point out that in our view
Web and software development differ in a number
of areas, such as: Application Characteristics,
Primary Technologies Used, Approach to Quality
Delivered, Development Process Drivers,
Availability of the Application, Customers
(Stakeholders), Update Rate (Maintenance Cycles),
People Involved in Development, Architecture and
Network, Disciplines Involved, Legal, Social, and
Ethical Issues, and Information Structuring and
Design. A detailed discussion on this issue is
provided in (Mendes et al. 2005).
The remainder of the paper is organised as
follows: Section 2 provides a description of the
overall process used to build and validate BNs;
Section 3 details this process, focusing on the
expert-based Web Effort BN focus of this paper.
Finally, conclusions and comments on future work
are given in Section 4.
The BN presented in this paper was built and
validated using an adaptation of the Knowledge
Engineering of Bayesian Networks (KEBN) process
proposed in (Woodberry et al., 2004). Within the
context of this paper the author was the KE, and two
Web project managers from a well-established Web
company in Auckland were the DEs.
The three main steps within the adapted KEBN
process are the Structural Development, Parameter
Estimation, and Model Validation. This process
iterates over these steps until a complete BN is built
and validated. Each of these three steps is detailed
Structural Development
: This step represents the
qualitative component of a BN, which results in a
graphical structure comprised of, in our case, the
factors (nodes, variables) and causal relationships
identified as fundamental for effort estimation of
Web projects. In addition to identifying variables,
their types (e.g. query variable, evidence variable)
and causal relationships, this step also comprises the
identification of the states (values) that each variable
should take, and if they are discrete or continuous. In
practice, currently available BN tools require that
continuous variables be discretised by converting
them into multinomial variables, also the case with
the BN software used in this study. The BN’s
structure is refined through an iterative process. This
structure construction process has been validated in
previous studies (Druzdzel and van der Gaag, 2000,
Fenton et al., 2004, Mahoney and Laskey, 1996;
Neil et al., 2000, Woodberry et al., 2004) and uses
the principles of problem solving employed in data
modelling and software development (Studer et al.,
1998). As will be detailed later, existing literature in
Web effort estimation, and knowledge from the
domain expert were employed to elicit the Web
effort BN’s structure. Throughout this step the
knowledge engineer(s) also evaluate(s) the structure
of the BN, done in two stages. The first entails
checking whether: variables and their values have a
clear meaning; all relevant variables have been
included; variables are named conveniently; all
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
states are appropriate (exhaustive and exclusive); a
check for any states that can be combined. The
second stage entails reviewing the BN’s graph
structure (causal structure) to ensure that any
identified d-separation dependencies comply with
the types of variables used and causality
assumptions. D-separation dependencies are used to
identify variables influenced by evidence coming
from other variables in the BN (Jensen, 1996; Pearl,
1988). Once the BN structure is assumed to be close
to final knowledge engineers may still need to
optimise this structure to reduce the number of
probabilities that need to be elicited or learnt for the
network. If optimisation is needed, techniques that
change the causal structure (e.g. divorcing (Jensen,
1996)) are employed.
Parameter Estimation
: This step represents the
quantitative component of a BN, where conditional
probabilities corresponding to the quantification of
the relationships between variables (Jensen, 1996;
Pearl, 1988) are obtained. Such probabilities can be
attained via Expert Elicitation, automatically from
data, from existing literature, or using a combination
of these. When probabilities are elicited from
scratch, or even if they only need to be revisited, this
step can be very time consuming. In order to
minimise the number of probabilities to be elicited
some techniques have been proposed in the literature
(Das, 2004; Druzdzel and van der Gaag, 2000; Tang
and McCabe, 2007); however, as far as we are
aware, there is no empirical evidence to date
comparing their effectiveness for prediction,
compared to probabilities elicited from scratch,
using large and realistic BNs. This is one of the
topics of our future work.
Model Validation
: This step validates the BN that
results from the two previous steps, and determines
whether it is necessary to re-visit any of those steps.
Two different validation methods are generally used
- Model Walkthrough and Predictive Accuracy.
Model walkthrough represents the use of real case
scenarios that are prepared and used by domain
experts to assess if the predictions provided by a BN
correspond to the predictions experts would have
chosen based on their own expertise. Success is
measured as the frequency with which the BN’s
predicted value for a target variable (e.g. quality,
effort) that has the highest probability corresponds to
the experts’ own assessment.
Predictive Accuracy uses past data (e.g. past
project data), rather than scenarios, to obtain
predictions. Data (evidence) is entered on the BN
model, and success is measured as the frequency
with which the BN’s predicted value for a target
variable (e.g. quality, effort) that has the highest
probability corresponds to the actual past data.
However, previous literature also documents a
different measure of success, proposed by
Pendharkar et al. (2005), and later used by Mendes
(2007a, 2007c), and Mendes and Mosley (2009).
This was the measure employed herein.
This Section revisits the adapted KEBN process,
detailing the tasks carried out for each of the three
main steps that form part of that process. Before
starting the elicitation of the Web effort BN model,
the Domain Experts (DEs) participating were
presented with an overview of Bayesian Network
models, and examples of “what-if” scenarios using a
made-up BN. This, we believe, facilitated the entire
process as the use of an example, and the brief
explanation of each of the steps in the KEBN
process, provided a concrete understanding of what
to expect. We also made it clear that the knowledge
Engineers were facilitators of the process, and that
the Web company’s commitment was paramount for
the success of the process. The entire process took
54 person hours to be completed, corresponding to
nine 3-hour slots.
The DEs who took part in this case study were
project managers of a well-established Web
company in Auckland (New Zealand). The company
had ~20 employees, and branches overseas. The
project managers had each worked in Web
development for more than 10 years. In addition,
this company developed a wide range of Web
applications, from static & multimedia-like to very
large e-commerce solutions. They also used a wide
range of Web technologies, thus enabling the
development of Web 2.0 applications. Previous to
using the BN model created, the effort estimates
provided to clients would deviate from actual effort
within the range of 20% to 60%.
Detailed Structural Development and Parameter
Estimation: In order to identify the fundamental
factors that the DEs took into account when
preparing a project quote we used the set of
variables from the Tukutuku dataset (Mendes et al.,
2005) as a starting point. We first sketched them out
on a white board, each one inside an oval shape, and
then explained what each one meant within the
context of the Tukutuku project. Our previous
experience eliciting BNs in other domains (e.g.
ecology) suggested that it was best to start with a
few factors (even if they were not to be reused by
the DE), rather than to use a “blank canvas” as a
starting point. Once the Tukutuku variables had been
sketched out and explained, the next step was to
remove all variables that were not relevant for the
DEs, followed by adding to the white board any
additional variables (factors) suggested by them. We
also documented descriptions for each of the factors
suggested. Next, we identified the states that each
factor would take. All states were discrete.
Whenever a factor represented a measure of effort
(e.g. Total effort), we also documented the effort
range corresponding to each state, to avoid any
future ambiguity. For example, ‘very low’ Total
effort corresponded to 4+ to 10 person hours, etc.
Once all states were identified and documented, it
was time to elicit the cause and effect relationships.
As a starting point to this task we used a simple
medical example from (Jensen, 1996) (see Figure 2).
This example clearly introduces one of the most
important points to consider when identifying cause
and effect relationships – timeline of events. If
smoking is to be a cause of lung cancer, it is
important that the cause precedes the effect. This
may sound obvious with regard to the example used;
however, it is our view that the use of this simple
example significantly helped the DEs understand the
notion of cause and effect, and how this related to
Web effort estimation and the BN being elicited.
Figure 2: A small example of a cause & effect
Once the cause and effect relationships were
identified, the original BN structure needed to be
simplified in order to reduce the number of
probabilities to be elicited. New nodes were
suggested by the KE (names ending in ‘_O’), and
validated by the DEs. The DEs also made a few
more changes to some of the relationships. At this
point the DEs seemed happy with the BN’s causal
structure and the work on eliciting the probabilities
was initiated. All probabilities were created from
scratch, and the probabilities elicitation took ~24
hours. While entering the probabilities, the DEs
decided to re-visit the BN’s causal structure after
revisiting their effort estimation process; therefore a
new iteration of the Structural Development step
took place. The final BN causal structure is shown in
Figure 3. Here we present the BN using belief bars
rather than labelled factors, so readers can see the
probabilities that were elicited. Note that this BN
corresponds to the current model being used by the
Web company (also validated, to be detailed next).
Detailed Model Validation
: Both Model
walkthrough and Predictive accuracy were used to
validate the Web Effort BN model, where the former
was the first type of validation to be employed. The
DEs used four different scenarios to check whether
the node Total_effort would provide the highest
probability to the effort state that corresponded to
the DEs’ own suggestions. All scenarios were run
successfully; however it was also necessary to use
data from past projects, for which total effort was
known, in order to check the model’s calibration. A
validation set containing data on 11 projects was
used. The DEs selected a range of projects
presenting different sizes and levels of complexity,
where all 11 projects were representative of the
types of projects developed by the Web company:
five were small projects; two were medium, two
large, and one very large.
For each project, evidence was entered in the BN
model, and the effort range corresponding to the
highest probability provided for ‘Total Effort’ was
compared to that project’s actual effort (see an
example in Figure 4). The company had also defined
the range of effort values associated with each of the
categories used to measure ‘Total Effort’. In the case
of the company described herein, Medium effort
corresponds to 25 to 40 person hours. Whenever
actual effort did not fall within the effort range
associated with the category with the highest
probability, there was a mismatch; this meant that
some probabilities needed to be adjusted. In order to
know which nodes to target first we used a
Sensitivity Analysis report, which provided the
effect of each parent node upon a given query node.
Within our context, the query node was ‘Total
Whenever probabilities were adjusted, we re-
entered the evidence for each of the projects in the
validation set that had already been used in the
validation step to ensure that the calibration already
carried out had not affected. This was done to ensure
that each calibration would always be an improved
upon the previous one. Within the scope of the
model presented herein, of the 11 projects used for
validation, only one required the model to be re-
calibrated. This means that for all the 10 projects
remaining, the BN model presented the highest
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
probability to the effort range that contained the
actual effort for the project being used for validation.
Once all 11 projects were used to validate the model
the DEs assumed that the Validation step was
The BN model was completed in September
2009, and has been successfully used to estimate
effort for new projects developed by the company.
In addition, the two DEs changed their approach to
estimating effort as follows: prior to using the BN
model, these DEs had to elicit requirements using
very short meetings with clients, given that these
clients assumed that short meetings were enough in
order to understand what the applications needed to
provide once delivered. The DEs were also not fully
aware of the factors that they subjectively took into
account when preparing an effort estimate; therefore
many times they ended up providing unrealistic
estimates to clients.
Once the BN model was validated, the DEs
started to use the model not only for obtaining better
estimates than the ones previously prepared by
subjective means, but also as means to guide their
requirements elicitation meetings with prospective
clients. They focused their questions targeting at
obtaining evidence to be entered in the model as the
requirements meetings took place; by doing so they
basically had effort estimates that were practically
ready to use for costing the projects, even when
meeting with clients had short durations. Such
change in approach provided extremely beneficial to
the company given that all estimates provided using
the model turned out to be more accurate on average
than the ones previously obtained by subjective
Clients were not presented the model due to its
complexity; however by entering evidence while a
requirements elicitation meeting took place enabled
the DEs to optimize their elicitation process by
being focused and factor-driven.
We believe that the successful development of
this Web effort BN model was greatly influenced by
the commitment of the company, and also by the
DEs’ experience estimating effort.
This paper has presented a case study where a
Bayesian Model for Web effort estimation was built
using solely knowledge of two Domain Experts from
a well-established Web company in Auckland, New
Figure 3: Final expert-based Web effort BN model.
Figure 4: Example of evidence being entered in the Web effort BN model.
This model was developed using an adaptation of
the knowledge engineering for Bayesian Networks
process. Its causal structure went through three
versions, because as the work progressed the
experts’ views on which factors were fundamental
when they estimated effort also matured. Each
session with the DEs lasted for no longer than 3
hours. The final BN model was calibrated using data
on eleven past projects. These projects represented
typical projects developed by the company, and
believed by the experts to provide enough data for
model calibration.
Since the model’s adoption, it has been
successfully used to provide effort quotes for the
new Web projects managed by the company.
The entire process used to build and validate the
BN model took 54 person hours, where the largest
amount of time was spent eliciting the probabilities.
This is an issue to those building BN models from
domain expertise only, and is currently the focus of
our future work.
The elicitation process enables experts to think
deeply about their effort estimation process and the
factors taken into account during that process, which
in itself is already advantageous to a company. This
has been pointed out to us not only by the domain
experts whose model is presented herein, but also by
other companies with which we worked on model
To date we have completed the elicitation of six
expert-driven Bayesian Models for Web effort
estimation and have merged their causal structures in
order to identify common Web effort predictors, and
causal relationships (Baker and Mendes, 2010).
We thank the Web company who participated in this
case study, and also all the participating companies in
this research. This work was sponsored by the Royal
Society of New Zealand (Marsden research grant 06-
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