Ville Rantala
Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS), Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 B, FI-20520 Turku, Finland
University of Turku, Department of Information Technology, Turku, Finland
Teijo Lehtonen, Pasi Liljeberg, Juha Plosila
University of Turku, Department of Information Technology, Turku, Finland
Network-on-Chip, Monitoring, Traffic management, Dynamic cluster, Status update.
Monitoring and diagnostic systems are required in modern Network-on-Chip implementations to assure high
performance and reliability. In this paper a dynamically clustered NoC monitoring structure for traffic mon-
itoring is presented and issues concerning status data update intervals have been analyzed. The results show
that status update interval protocol has influence to the overall performance.
Network-on-Chip (NoC) based systems require ver-
satile monitoring systems to handle the functionality
and maintain their performance. The monitoring sys-
tems are becoming a more significant part of modern
NoC systems. An advantage of the NoC paradigm is
its scalability (Dally and Towles, 2001). A fully scal-
able NoC architecture should have a scalable moni-
toring system which can be easily tailored to different
NoC implementations and whose performance is not
degraded when the size of the system increases.
Traffic management is implemented into NoC sys-
tems to maintain network performance and function-
ality in the case of faults and under high traffic load.
There is a monitoring system to collect traffic infor-
mation from the network and adaptive routing which
can be reconfigured when the circumstances in the
network change. Two types of information are re-
quired in traffic management: traffic status and loca-
tions of faults. Traffic status can be observed from
different network components while fault information
can cover the faultiness of different network compo-
nents. Fault information can be simplified by using
only the information of faulty links and representing
other faulty components by marking the links around
these components to be faulty.
A dynamically clustered monitoring structure for
NoC is presented and its status update features are
discussed in this paper. It is a fully scalable mon-
itoring system which is primarily aimed for traffic
management purposes. The paper is organized as fol-
lows. Different monitoring structures are discussed
in Section 2 and the dynamically clustered monitor-
ing structure is presented and analyzed in Section 3.
Finally conclusions are drawn and the future work is
discussed in Section 4.
The components of a monitoring system are moni-
tors and probes. The probes are attached to the net-
work components to observe their functionality. The
observed data is delivered from probes to a monitor
which can collect statistics or process the data to a for-
mat which can be utilized in different reconfiguration
tasks. The processed monitoring data is finally de-
livered to the components which use it to reconfigure
their operation. In our research we focus on shared-
resource structures which require minimum amount
of additional resources. In shared-resource structures
non-intrusive operation of the monitoring system is a
significant issue.
Monitoring structure defines the number and type
of monitors and probes, their placing, connections
and tasks. A centralized monitoring structure has one
Rantala V., Lehtonen T., Liljeberg P. and Plosila J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003359204930497
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
central monitor and several probes that observe the
data and deliver it to the monitor. In centralized struc-
ture the central monitor has complete overall knowl-
edge of the network but it causes significant amount
of monitoring related traffic in the network. A cen-
tralized congestion control system is presented in
(van den Brand et al., 2007) while a centralized trans-
action monitoring is implemented in (Ciordas et al.,
2006). Centralized NoC monitoring structures are
also discussed for instance in (Nollet et al., 2004) and
(Mouhoub and Hammami, 2006).
A clustered monitoring structure has a few clus-
ter monitors and several probes. The network is di-
vided into subnetworks, clusters, each of them having
a cluster monitor and several probes. The complete
network knowledge can be reached using inter-cluster
communication but most of the tasks can be realized
inside a cluster. However, a clustered structure still
causes a considerable amount of monitoring traffic.
(Rantala et al., 2011) Clustered monitoring structures
have been discussed for instance in (Al Faruque et al.,
2008) and (Marescaux et al., 2005).
In an NoC the data is typically transferred as pack-
ets which have a destination address. Routers for-
ward these packets based on this address and the ap-
plied routing algorithm. (Dally and Towles, 2004)
The NoC monitoring systems which use shared com-
munication resources transfer the network status data
using monitoring packets. When centralized or clus-
tered monitoring structures are used, these packets
have to be routed from probes to a monitor and from
the monitor to the routers. Centralized control has
its strengths and it is required for several tasks. How-
ever to optimize performance some of the traffic man-
agement tasks could be executed with simpler dis-
tributed, or dynamically clustered, monitoring struc-
ture to decrease the load of the centralized control sys-
tem. (Rantala et al., 2011)
Dynamically clustered monitoring (DCM) does not
require any centralized control. There is a simple
monitor and a probe attached to each router in the net-
work. Instead of centralized control the monitors ex-
change information with each other. Each router has a
dynamic cluster around itself from where a router col-
lects the data it needs for traffic management and to
where the status of the router diffuses. The dynamic
clusters of different routers overlap with each other.
The simplest dynamic cluster includes four closest
neighbors of a router but it can be expanded to neigh-
bors’ neighbors and so on. A system which uses DCM
for traffic management could have for instance oper-
ating system level control for tasks that need complete
knowledge of the system. However, when traffic man-
agement is implemented with a DCM structure the
load of the network can be optimized. (Rantala et al.,
This section is structured as follows. The used
simulation environment is presented in Section 3.1.
The format of the network status data and the moni-
toring communication are briefly discussed is Section
3.2. Status data update interval procedures are pre-
sented and analyzed in Section 3.3 and Section 3.4,
3.1 Simulation Environment
A mesh NoC with 100 cores and DCM structure with
cluster size of ve was simulated and analyzed using
a SystemC based NoC model. Our NoC model uses
a traffic pattern which includes uniform random traf-
fic and varying hot spots which send relatively large
number of packets to a single receiver during a certain
time interval. 10 % of the cores operate as hot spots
simultaneously. The smallest data unit in the network
is a packet.
The NoC model utilizes adaptive routing algo-
rithm which favors productive routing directions but
is able to overtake faulty and congested areas using
non-minimal routes. U-turns are prohibited. (Dally
and Towles, 2004). The algorithm determines the
routing direction. The decision is based on the traffic
status values and the link statuses in potential direc-
tions. A packet which cannot be delivered is put back
in the router’s memory and rerouted. A packet life-
time is also utilized to prevent undeliverable packets
to block the network.
3.2 Monitoring Communication
The router statuses in the DCM structure are repre-
sented with two binary numbers, one for traffic status
and another for fault information. In the DCM struc-
ture the status of a router is based on the occupancy
of the FIFO buffer where packets are waiting to be
routed forward. The occupancy of the buffer is cal-
culated as a percentage of its size and scaled to the
router status scale, which in here includes 32 differ-
ent values.
In centralized and clustered monitoring structures
the monitoring packets are transferred in a network
similarly as the data packets. The dynamically clus-
tered approach simplifies the monitoring communica-
tion because the routing of the monitoring packets is
not needed but substituted with a packet type recog-
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
nition. Every monitor sends its status data and the
neighbor status data it is forwarding to all its neigh-
bors. The receiver recognizes these packets as mon-
itoring packets and does not send them forward. A
monitor stores the status data from received moni-
toring packets to its memory and provides this in-
formation forward to its own neighbors. This way
the routers are able to receive information not only
from their neighbors but also from the neighbors of
their neighbors. In dynamically clustered monitoring
structure the network status data spreads over the net-
work without centralized control and without routing
related processing.
3.3 Status Update Interval
A status update interval defines how often or in which
circumstances a monitor sends the updated status data
to its neighbors. There are two different approaches:
static and dynamic. When a static update interval is
used every monitor sends the updated status data to
its neighbors after a certain time interval regardless
of the changes in the data after the previous update.
The only parameter in the static update is the time
between the updates. The time interval parameter
should be adjusted in a way that the network compo-
nents have up to date status information but the update
traffic does not strain the communication resources
too much.
A dynamic update interval is based on the varia-
tion of the status values. The monitor sends the up
to date status values to the neighbors when the dif-
ference between current and previous values is more
than a pre-defined update threshold. This thresh-
old is the essential parameter of the dynamic up-
date which is adjusted correspondingly as the time
interval parameter in the static update procedure.
Static and dynamic status update intervals have cer-
tain weaknesses. When the network status is changing
rapidly, the static status update misses a fraction of the
changes. However, after a predefined time interval the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sent packets per routing cycle.
Delivered packets per routing cycle.
No monitoring
Enhanced dynamic
Figure 1: Throughput with different status update interval
procedures and identical traffic pattern.
status data will be exactly up-to-date for a moment.
The weaknesses of the dynamic status update inter-
val are opposite to that of the static update interval.
When the network status is changing slowly, the sta-
tus values can be slightly out of date for a relatively
long time before the status value variation reaches the
update threshold and will be updated.
The weaknesses can be compensated by combin-
ing these two procedures to an enhanced dynamic sta-
tus update interval. This interval type has two param-
eters which are familiar from the static and dynamic
intervals: time interval and threshold. This method
works similarly as the dynamic status update interval
but there is also a time interval parameter which de-
fines the maximum time between two status updates
regardless of the variation of these values. When
the enhanced dynamic status update interval is used,
larger threshold and time interval parameters can be
applied than in static or dynamic update interval. This
can be used to decrease the number of monitoring
packets while performance is improved.
3.4 Analysis
The influence of the different status update intervals
to the network throughput were compared. Figure 1
presents throughput of a 100-router NoC with static,
dynamic and enhanced dynamic status update interval
protocols when 20% of links in the network are faulty.
The throughput of a corresponding NoC without mon-
itoring and adaptivity is also presented. The update
interval parameters are adjusted so that the numbers
of sent monitoring packets during the simulations are
at a same range. In the static update interval the used
time interval parameter was 17 cycles and in the dy-
namic update interval the threshold of four was used
(status values are in range of 0–31). In the enhanced
dynamic status update interval the time interval pa-
rameter was adjusted to 40 cycles and the threshold to
The obtained performance values with different
status update intervals were compared in the range
where the throughput has been saturated (an average
of 7 packets sent per routing cycle). As can be seen in
Figure 1 the dynamic and enhanced dynamic update
intervals improve network performance significantly
while the improvement with static status update inter-
val is moderate. In a faulty network the throughput in-
crease of 162% has been reached using the enhanced
dynamic status update interval. With the dynamic up-
date interval the obtained increase is 150%. The cor-
responding performance improvement with static up-
date interval is 54%. These proposed methods make
it possible to gain major improvements in the over-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sent data packets per routing cycle.
Sent monitoring packets per routing cycle.
Enhanced dynamic
Figure 2: Number of sent monitoring packets.
all performance especially when parts of the network
resources are faulty or unusable.
The number of sent monitoring packets is illus-
trated in Figure 2. The variation in the number of
packets with static update interval is due to folding
between static status update interval and the sample
rate in the NoC model. As can be noted the number of
packets increases with the amount of traffic when dy-
namic or enhanced dynamic update intervals are used.
The integration of status data to the data packets will
be considered in future works.
The number of monitoring packets is high related
to the number of data packets. However, each moni-
toring packet has the hop count of 1 and they do not
require routing decisions but only a simple routing
packet recognition when they are moved in the net-
work. Thus, the existence of monitoring packets is
negligible compared with the obtained performance
improvement. One should also note that the num-
ber of monitoring packets in highly loaded network
with the enhanced dynamic status update interval is
smaller than with the dynamic status update interval
although the throughput is increased.
The complexity of the different status update in-
terval implementations were analyzed using VHDL
models. The status update interval control units were
modeled with static, dynamic and enhanced dynamic
mechanisms. These VHDL models were synthesized
to 90 nm technology and the results are presented in
Table 1. The modeled part is just a small piece of
a monitor and a very small part of the whole system
which means that the presented size differences may
not be prominent. However, in some implementations
the designer could choose dynamic status update in-
terval to do a compromise between complexity and
Table 1: Status update implementation complexity.
Static Dynamic Enhanced dyn.
Cells 99 461 581
(+366%) (+487%)
Area 1362 µm
3780 µm
5081 µm
(+178%) (+273%)
The features of the dynamically clustered monitoring
were discussed and the status update intervals were
analyzed. The analysis shows that the best perfor-
mance is obtained using the proposed enhanced dy-
namic status update interval. The proposed enhanced
status data update interval decreases the amount of re-
quired monitoring traffic in a highly loaded network
when compared with the dynamic status update in-
terval. The enhanced status update interval increases
system complexity but in large and complex NoCs the
complexity increase is negligible.
Future work includes further development of the
dynamically clustered Network-on-Chip monitoring
including issues concerning status data diffusion,
form of the data as well as routing and monitoring
algorithms. The ultimate goal is to bundle up an intel-
ligent, reliable and high-performance communication
platform for future integrated circuits.
The authors would like to thank the Academy of Fin-
land, the Nokia Foundation and the Finnish Founda-
tion for Technology Promotion for financial support.
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