Need and Members’ Participation
Juliana de Melo Bezerra and Celso Massaki Hirata
Computer Science Department, ITA, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Keywords: Virtual community, Self-organization, Participation, Members.
Abstract: In a self-organizing virtual community, the members are responsible for defining the norms that govern the
community. A model for self-organizing virtual communities is proposed. The model is useful to study a
self-organizing community and understand how it is structured in order to improve its self-organization
feature. The model is used in two investigations. We investigate the need of self-organization feature by
virtual communities. We also investigate the participation of members in the self-organization process, by
identifying the categories of members that contribute significantly during the elaboration of norms.
Virtual community is a group of people, who come
together for a purpose online, and who are governed
by norms (Preece, 2000). Norms are specific to a
social context, and they are generally established in
order to regulate the people relationships (Palaia,
2005). Virtual communities are not fixed over time;
they evolve due to the members’ interests and
demands. Communities that promote their own
evolution, are called self-organizing communities.
Self-organizing virtual communities are
dialectical systems in which technological networks
and social networks are interconnected and produce
each other in a self-referential loop (Fuchs, 2006). In
this article, self-organization is understood as
meaningful changes in community norms performed
by the members themselves. Meaningful changes are
those that require formal acceptance of members.
Self-organized virtual communities are more
flexible, which stimulates participation and
involvement of members. It may result in more
motivation and commitment to the members,
contributing to the persistence of the community
over time (Moe et al., 2008, Crowston et al., 2007).
The term self-organization is related to changes
in distinct social structures and it is used in the
descriptions of the dynamic creation of content (or
knowledge) in communities (Bieber et al, 2002). The
term is also used when describing the changes in
interaction among members (social networks) over
time in a community (Crowston, 2006, Lin et al.,
2007; Moor and Weigand, 2007, Baek et al., 2009,
Xianjin and Minghong, 2009). We are particularly
interested on the basis of the structures’ changes,
which are the changes in the norms that govern the
In this article we investigate which types of
virtual communities are more prone to be self-
organizing. We use the typology proposed by Fuchs
(2006), which includes three levels of virtual
communities: cognition, communication and
cooperation. Our hypothesis is that the need of the
self-organization feature depends on both the
community objective and the members’ involvement
to meet effectively the community objective.
Another open issue is the self-organization process,
which is the process used by members to propose,
discuss, and approve norms. Our objective is to
understand which classes of members actively
participate in the process. Our hypothesis is that the
members that have already developed the sense of
ownership of the community contribute to norms’
In order to investigate the underlined hypotheses,
we first propose a model of self-organizing virtual
communities relating the components identified by
Preece (2002) and the concept of self-organization
provided by Fuchs (2006). Aiming to reason about
our first hypothesis, we use the model to identify if a
virtual community has the self-organization feature.
The second hypothesis is validated by analysing
some discussions about norms reported in Wikipedia
de Melo Bezerra J. and Massaki Hirata C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003345204860493
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 486-493
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The article is organized as follows. Section 2
presents the model for self-organizing virtual
communities. In Section 3, we investigate the need
of self-organization in virtual communities. In
Section 4, we reason about the participation of
members during the self-organization process in
Wikipedia. Section 5 concludes our work.
There is no agreed definition about virtual
community. We use the definition by Preece (2000),
who identifies the following elements of virtual
communities: shared purpose, people, norms and
computer technologies. Self-organization theory
describes reality as permanently moving and
producing novelty. The process of the appearance of
order in a self-organizing system is termed
emergence or evolution (Ashby, 1947, Fuchs, 2006).
In the self-organization of a virtual community, a
structural component (the virtual part) and the actor
component (the social or community part)
permanently create each other. So, actors agency
structures, while structures constrain and enable
actors. Social action produces and reproduces
knowledge, rules, and resources that enable the
existence of the overall community (Fuchs, 2006).
We proposed a model for self-organizing virtual
communities and it is illustrated in Figure 1. The
model is composed by three main elements
identified by Preece (2002): members (people),
norms, and system (computer technologies). Preece
(2002) also identifies the element shared purpose,
which is implicitly presented in the model through
the community goal. Members belong to the
community motivated by their personal goals, which
should be aligned with the shared purpose of
community. Norms impose discipline to members,
because they regulate the community by establishing
the appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs,
attitudes and behaviours (Palaia, 2005). The system
encompasses the means for the members to work in
their activities and interact with other members. The
system is designed to meet functional requirements
that follow the community norms. For example, if a
norm states that content is editable by any member,
the system shall provide the adequate functionality
to it. So, the norms are implemented by the system
and the members use the system. We understand
member as a person associated to the community,
while user is his/her logical representation in the
Operational norms
Enforcement norms
Self-organization norms
Access Control
implemented by
Changes Restrictions
motivate guide
Figure 1: Self-organizing virtual community model.
We assume that the community exists inside an
environment and can be influenced by it. Then, the
definition of norms may be motivated by changes in
the environment and also guided by restrictions.
Examples of changes in the environment can be the
best practices of other communities. Examples of
restrictions imposed by the environment are of ethic
and moral nature, social laws and rules. The norms
of a community in general have to follow these
restrictions, for example the user agreement of
Linkedin community refers to United States
Copyright Act, French Consumer Code, and German
Civil Code.
We can identify the self-organization feature
discussed by Fuchs (2006) in this model. The actors
are the members of the self-organizing virtual
community. The structures include the norms and
the system. The relation “actors agency structures”
can be explained as: members define the norms that
governs the community, which are implemented by
the system that supports the community. The
relation “structures constrain and enable actors” can
be understood as: members use system respecting
the discipline imposed by norms.
In the next sections, we discuss about the
elements of the proposed model.
2.1 The Norms
A norm is a type of principle, precept or rule that
states obligation, permission, power attribution or
competence attribution. In general a norm can be
imperative (that imposes duties) and/or attributive
(that confers rights). A norm is general and abstract,
because it does not regulate a specific situation, but
establishes a principle that can be applied in many
concrete cases (Palaia, 2005).
Norms may have associated procedures to be
followed by the community. Procedures detail the
operational participation of members in order to
guide the accomplishment of norms. A norm defines
“what” shall be followed by members, while a
procedure explains “how” a norm (or a set of norms)
can be put in practice, but the difference between
them sometimes may be blurred. Changes in
procedures are considered improvements in the
system and not an evolution, because only the
operational activities are affected. Changes in
procedures can be made by an authorized member or
group established by some norm. Changes in norms
represent the evolution of the self-organizing
community and shall be a result of a consensus
among members.
The norms regulate distinct aspects of a
community. They can be classified into three main
groups: operational norms, enforcement norms and
self-organization norms. Operational norms regulate
the cooperation of members to develop their
activities. The definition of norms is essential for the
community organization and the enforcement of
such norms shall be also addressed, because a norm
shall contain a coercion element in order to force the
members to follow it (Palaia, 2005). So, enforcement
norms are important to regulate the entire
enforcement process (Bezerra and Hirata, 2010).
Finally, self-organization norms define how
members propose new norms or improve the existent
ones, and how the proposals are analyzed by
members in order to assure the community
Not all norms are formally codified in self-
organizing virtual communities. There are informal
norms that can be inferred by members, for example,
a norm that states that a person shall be aligned to
the community goal in order to become a member.
Therefore only the essential norms should be
explicit. This parsimony keeps the trade-off between
freedom and discipline, as explained by Pascale et
al. (2001): “Neither too many rules nor too few
rules. The key to self-organizing resides in a field of
tension between discipline and freedom... In
organization, rules provide discipline.”.
2.2 The System
A virtual community is supported by an information
system based on Internet technology (web-based
system). The system, sometimes named as
community system, teamware, and groupware, is
used as a means for the members to achieve the
community goal.
Although there is no perfect technology
configuration for a system as it changes from
community to community over time (Wenger,
2007), it is possible to identify three main
components in a system: resources, access control
policy model, and procedures. Resources
encompasses all the goods developed in the
community, such as messages in forums, articles in
Wikipedia, and documents and codes in open source
communities. The permissions over the resources
are handled by an access control policy model
according to the social roles presented in
community. Procedures, introduced in Section 2.1,
are driven by the norms and detail the operational
interaction of the members.
The platform of the system can take advantage of
distinct technologies (Michaelides et al., 2008, Geib
et al., 2004)., for example: asynchronous
technologies (which involve a time difference, e.g.
email, and discussion boards), synchronous
technologies (e.g. instant messaging, synchronous
cooperative editing systems, and video
conferencing), and functions for content
management and the exchange of knowledge (e.g.
blogs, wikis, and document repositories).
The creation, elimination or modification of
system components may require some
implementation made by an authorized system
developer. The changes in system related to
correctness (to correct bugs), adaptation (new
versions of software or platform) and prevention (to
increase performance or to ease future maintenance)
are seen as operational tasks of the system
developer. The changes in system concerned to the
improvement of its functionalities are directly
related to the changes of norms approved by
community. In this case, we observe the relation
“norms are implemented by system” shown in
as part of the self-organization of virtual
2.3 The Members
Members are responsible to create, increment, and
adapt the norms that govern its relations and
processes. The active participation of member is
essential for the community evolution, because the
members have the detailed knowledge about the
problems and expectations (Moor et al., 2007). Any
member can be an agent of change who influences
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
what emerges from individual interactions (Olson
and Quade, 2006).
Some researchers (Michaelides et al., 2008; Geib
et al., 2004) state that the productivity of a virtual
community depends heavily on the fact that its
members accept the community system that supports
it. However, in self-organizing virtual communities,
the members have the possibility to change norms
and consequently the system according to their
goals. The members are responsible for the
community evolution. They are not seen as mere
users of a system controlled by an individual or a
selected group. As explained by Fuchs (2006), the
self-organizing virtual community is not controlled
by an elite group take takes decisions, but by self-
managed networks of activists.
Members in virtual communities are in general
volunteers because they show interest with the
community goal. The self-organization characteristic
is attractive for the members because it stimulates
involvement, resulting in more commitment,
motivation, sense of ownership, and desire for
responsibility (Moe et al., 2008).
2.4 The Self-organization Process
In order to coordinate the self-organization, some
process shall be defined. This process is regulated by
the self-organization norms mentioned in Section
2.1. The self-organization process is a group
decision making process, whereby members have to
debate the issues and reach a decision. Based on the
phases of the group decision making process
identified by Simon (1960), we argue that the self-
organization process may include the following
activities: problem definition, identification of
alternatives, analyses of alternatives, and solution
In the problem definition activity, a member
indentifies a problem regarding a norm or a set of
norms. The problem may include ambiguous or very
specific norms, and even the missing of norms to
regulate some issues. The problem is then discussed
by other members during the identification of
alternatives activity in order to identify possible
alternatives for solution. In the analyses of
alternatives activity, members discuss the identified
alternatives and choose the more appropriate one. In
the solution implementation activity the solution is
applied to community. The solution can be a change
of norms or a creation of new norms, and may
require some technical implementation in the
The presented self-organization process is not
unique; each community forges its own process. The
chosen process may also evolve during the
community life cycle, however in general such
changes are more subtle to achieve consensus in
In this section, we investigate why some virtual
communities are more prone to self-organization.
The objective is to validate our hypothesis: “The
need of the self-organization feature depends on
both the community objective and the members’
involvement to meet effectively the community
objective”. To achieve our objective, we identify
some virtual communities according to the self-
organization feature. We then discuss the results of
the classification in order to validate our hypothesis.
We select some virtual communities of distinct
typologies and identify the self-organizing ones, as
shown in Table 1. The self-organizing virtual
community model illustrated in Figure 1 is used to
do such identification. The key is to verify if the
relation “member define norms” proceeds. To verify
it, we analyse what is stated in community norms,
and also we observe the actual behavior of members,
in order to know if they really contribute to the
elaboration of norms.
The chosen typology is the one proposed by
Fuchs (2006) that divides virtual communities in
three levels: cognition, communication and
cooperation. The first level represents the computer
networks and application programs that enable a
user to connect to a virtual world. The second level
characterizes the computer-mediated communication
between users that is regularized by general rules of
interaction and shared interests. In the last level,
jointly produced resources emerge through the
cooperation among the users, which share feelings
of togetherness and belonging.
Web-based discussion boards, blogs, group
blogs, online dating and friendship services and
online rating are examples of communication
communities according to Fuchs (2006). In this
category, we selected the following communities to
study: Twitter, Linkedin, Orkut, LinuxQuestions,
and PlanetMath Forum.
Twitter is a social networking and microblogging
service, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which
enables its users to send and read other users'
messages called tweets. Members interact using the
system. The norms of the community are
responsibility of the owner company, so Twitter is
not self-organizing. The same analysis can be
inferred about Linkedin and Orkut communities.
Table 1: Virtual community classification.
Model Type
The Times
of London
online journal cognitive no
UOL Radio internet radio cognitive no
social network
and microblog
communication no
Linkedin social network communication no
Orkut social network communication no
forum communication yes
forum communication yes
cooperative no
wiki cooperative yes
Wikipedia wiki cooperative yes
open source
cooperative yes
open source
cooperative yes
LinuxQuestions is a forum where members
discuss topics related to Linux. It has a simple set of
norms called “LQ Rules” that mainly regulates the
conduct to be followed, for instance forbidding
content with obscene, personal attacks and
advertising. The norms were created by the
community founder; however there is a specific
thread of forum where the members can discuss the
norms and propose some enhancements. Due to this
possibility, the relation “members define norms”
holds and the community is self-organizing. The
same analysis can be inferred about PlanetMath
Fuchs (2006) exemplifies the cooperation
communities with wikis, shared workspace systems,
groupware and knowledge communities. In this
category, we analyse the following communities:
BSCW, PlanetMath Encyclopedia, Wikipedia,
Netbeans, and Apache.
BSCW is a service for the international scientific
community to share documents safely across the
Web. Its norms are established by Fraunhofer FIT,
the company that developed BSCW. As members
cannot define the norms, the community is not self-
PlanetMath Encyclopedia is a free, collaborative,
online Mathematics encyclopedia. The norms of this
community are called “PlanetMath Collaborative
Documentation” and are established by members,
then classified as a self-organizing community.
Wikipedia norms are available for all members
as content pages in wiki pages too, so members can
access the norms and improve them (Goldspink et
al., 2008; Beschastnikh et al., 2008; Forte and
Bruckman, 2008). As the relation “members define
norms” hold, Wikipedia is also a self-organizing
Another cooperation community is Netbeans. is a community committed with the
open source development of a Java IDE (integrated
development environment). NetBeans provides some
detailed norms to discipline the activities of
members. The decisions regarding the norms are
discussed in public main lists in order to assure a
consensus (Jensen and Scacchi, 2005). So, the
members define the norms and the community is
self-organizing. The self-organizing characteristic is
also found in Apache community.
Associating the typology of virtual communities
(cognition, communication and cooperation) with
the self-organization aspect leads to some findings.
The self-organization aspect is absent in cognition
communities, because the members are mostly
interacting lonely with the system in order to
retrieve some specific information. Communication
communities tend to be not self-organizing.
Members are mainly concerned to establish relations
and to discuss about general content; and they are
not involved in the definition of norms. Exceptions
may occur, for instance, PlanetMath Forum and
LinuxQuestions are self-organizing communities.
Communities based on forum have a tendency to be
self-organizing, because they require more
involvement of members to effectively achieve the
community’s goal of sharing information and
experiences. Cooperation communities are more
prone to be self-organized, because the members
work together in activities and therefore they are
concerned to the norms that regulate these activities.
The community objective is related to the
community type, which in turn motivates the need
for self-organization. It confirms our first hypothesis
that states that the need of self-organization is
related to the community objective and to the
involvement of members.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In this section we investigate the participation of
members in the self-organization process. The
objective is to validate the hypothesis: “Members
that participate of the self-organization process have
already developed the sense of community by
contributing actively of the operational activities in
the community”.
The participation investigation is performed for
Wikipedia, a well succeed example of self-
organizing community. The data availability is a
positive aspect to research the community. Norms in
Wikipedia are available as wiki pages. The
discussion among the members about a norm is held
in the talk page associated to the norm page. There is
also a special page called “Village Pump (policy)”
page, which is used to discuss existing and proposed
norms. We have studied ten cases of “Village Pump
(policy)” page in September, 2010. The cases are
listed in Table 2. Based on the analyses of the
discussions about norms in Wikipedia, we validate
our hypothesis. We also comment some
characteristics of the discussions and reason about
the self-organization process.
Table 2 shows the selected cases and the type of
the Wikipedia member that had initiated the
discussion. We specified three categories of
members based on the social roles that they perform
in Wikipedia: admin members, specialized members
and regular members. Admin members are members
that hold roles related to Wikipedia administration.
In this category we include the following roles found
in Wikipedia: “administrators”, “bureaucrats”, and
“stewards”. Specialized members are general
members that have access to some specialized
administration function. In this category we include
the following roles: “checkusers”, “reviewers”,
“account creators”, “oversighters”, “rollbackers”,
“autopatrolled”, and “edit filter managers”. Regular
members are the registered and anonymous
members, both active (that contribute to the
Wikipedia content) and inactive (that only read the
Wikipedia content).
For each discussion in Table 2, we count the
number of participants and contributions in each
user category. It is shown Table 3. For instance, D1
had a total of 12 distinct participants that provided
35 contributions during the discussion. The 12
participants were 4 admin members, 7 specialized
members, and 1 regular members. From the 35
contributions, 10 were provided by admin members,
18 by specialized members, and 7 by regular
Table 2: Analyzed discussions about norms.
Id Discussion Initiated by
D1 Article cleanup templates
D2 Email from email provider
I come to bury editors, not to praise
them ...
Need Button: "This Article Needs a
Practical Example"
Notability of cities, towns, and
Self-Identification versus Verifiable
D7 The power of the Arbitration Committee
The SCOTUS recently ruled that
promotion of illegal material is not a
guaranteed right; however, someone
keeps adding links to illegal material to
the Tor article.
D9 University "reputation" sections
D10 Wikipedia image policy?
Table 3: Number of participants and contributions in
D1 4 10 7 18 1 7 12 35
D2 2 2 1 1 0 0 3 3
D3 3 17 11 40 2 16 16 73
D4 1 1 1 1 4 4 6 6
D5 5 9 5 12 5 9 15 30
D6 2 6 1 2 3 27 6 35
D7 5 6 5 12 0 0 10 18
D8 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 5
D9 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 4
D10 4 4 2 9 0 0 6 13
* P indicates the number of participants, and C, the number of
Regarding the participation of members in the
self-organization process, the figures presented in
Table 3 show that distinct categories of members
can participate of norms’ definition. As admin users
are entirely involved in the definition of norms, their
participation is verified in discussions. The
participation of specialized users is also verified in
discussions about norms. Specialized users
participate of the community with special
administrative tasks, so they may have doubts about
how to proceed in some situations and their
experience can help during some discussions.
In order to understand the participation of
regular members in the studied cases, we investigate
the degree of involvement of the member by
retrieving his registration date, and the quantity of
contributions he made in articles during 2010. We
note that the regular users that participate of
discussions about norms are mainly those involved
in content edition. As they have their activities
coordinated by norms, they are more interested on
understanding the established norms and
contributing to their evolution. One exception is
identified: a regular user without contributions in
articles that initiated discussion D3. This exception
is explained by the fact that he is a new member in
Although any member can contribute to the
definition of norms in self-organizing virtual
communities, not every member does. Members
who developed the sense of ownership of the
community are more likely to participate of the self-
organization process. In Wikipedia we observe that
the members that participate in the self-organization
process are mainly administrators, members with
some specialized administration function, and
members that contribute with content in articles. It
confirms our second hypothesis.
Based on the observations in Wikipedia
discussions, we have other findings. The number of
participants and interactions during a self-
organization cycle varies according to the issue
being debated. When the proposed evolution
changes significantly the way the community
operates or its basic organization, this kind of
proposal is more difficult to be approved. We also
identify some issues during the self-organization
process that could be improved in Wikipedia and
can be important to any community addressing self-
organization. The initial proposal sometimes is not
clear, which demands effort by the members to
understand the issue being addressed. The initial
proposal in general does not specify which norms
are related. It is sometimes difficult to relate past
and present discussions. The discussion among
members can take too long, because there is no
deadline to close the issue. The conclusion of a
discussion is not clearly identified; it is sometimes
necessary to read all the comments to infer the
conclusion. Finally, when the group achieves a
conclusion, there is no indication about how or when
the changes (if any) shall be implemented in
The social relations in virtual communities develop
themselves in space and time, and they cause the
incidence of norms. When members contribute to
the community evolution, through the definition of
norms, the community is called self-organizing.
We propose a model for self-organizing virtual
communities, taking into account members, system
and norms. Although it is a simple model, the
relations among the elements can be complex. The
model is useful to study a self-organizing
community and understand how it is structured in
order to improve its self-organization feature.
We use the proposed model to identify self-
organizing virtual communities of distinct types.
This investigation allows us to understand that the
need of the self-organization feature depends on
both the community objective and the members’
involvement to meet effectively the community
objective. It is useful to identify virtual communities
where the self-organization feature can be attractive.
Analysing discussions about norms in Wikipedia,
we verify that the members involved with the self-
organization process are in general members that
actively contribute to the operational activities in the
community and have already developed the sense of
ownership of the community. It is important to be
able to stimulate the correct members in community
in order to improve the quality of the participation
during the self-organization process. We also
identify some issues in discussions that can be
improved in order to benefit the overall self-
organization process in virtual communities.
As future work, we intend to investigate how
conflicts during discussions can be managed in
virtual communities, i.e. how they emerge and can
be detected, and how to address them contributing to
their accommodation.
To Tony Ahn, for providing relevant information of
use by active members of Wikipedia.
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