Domenico Redavid, Floriana Esposito
Computer Science Dept., University of Bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126, Bari, Italy
Luigi Iannone
Computer Science Dept., University of Manchester, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, M13 9PL, Manchester, U.K.
Semantic web services, Dynamic orchestration.
This paper presents a comparison between the two main existing frameworks for modelling Semantic Web
Services, namely OWL-S and WSMO, based on the formal support they provide for reasoning. The adopted
yardstick is the set of use cases dictated by one of the foremost tasks in the research field: the dynamic
orchestration. As explained in the paper, the term dynamic denotes the capability of an agent to design and
manage in an automatic way an orchestration schema using the semantic descriptions of some services. This
capability, strictly related to the automatization of Discovery, Selection, Composition and Invocation use cases,
is constrained by the knowledge representation strategies adopted by WSMO and OWL-S. As consequence,
each approach has some limits discussed in this work.
From the Web services perspective, an orchestration
is a declarative specification that describes a work-
flow supporting the execution of a specific business
process, operation, or service (Peltz, 2003). Cur-
rently, Web services technologies make it possible
to describe orchestration, but only at design-time.
Semantic Web Services (SWS) provide an ontologi-
cal framework for describing services in a machine-
readable format. In (McIlraith et al., 2001) a software
agent applies logical reasoning on SWS descriptions
in order to provide on the fly orchestration capabil-
ities. With the adjective dynamic we denote the ca-
pability of an agent to design and manage in an auto-
matic way an orchestrationschema using the semantic
descriptions of some services. The notion of dynamic
orchestration becomes useful in scenarios where there
is the need of run-time designing of process integra-
tion using semantic descriptions of the entities in play.
This work aims at answering to the following ques-
What does orchestrating mean for the Semantic
What are the requirements to enable the dynamic
SWS orchestration?
How well does each examined framework support
such requirements?
In the Section 2 we revisit the notion of SWS orches-
tration taking into account the semantics of services.
In Sections 3 we briefly describe and analyze the sup-
port offered to it by the two leading efforts for SWS
representation (OWL-S and WSMO)
. In particular,
we examine the formal support they provide for rea-
soning on the semantic descriptions of the services
and the state of the art. In Section 4 a discussion on
the limits of each approach is presented.
Orchestration for Web services has to rely on XML-
based service description. Their merely syntactical
Both the leading Semantic Web Services efforts
- OWL-S (http://www.w3.org/Submission/OWL-S) and
WSMO (http://www.w3.org/Submission/WSMO), are cur-
rently submissions in the Semantic Web Services Standard-
ization process.
Redavid D., Esposito F. and Iannone L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003071003550359
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 355-359
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nature (Peltz, 2003) represents an unsurmountable
obstacle towards the automatic implementation of the
necessary operations to accomplish dynamicity in or-
chestration. Let us, indeed, consider the following
“Given a request (goal), an agent (dynamic orchestra-
tor) discovers the possible SWSs able to accomplish
the goal. At the same time, it composes the discovered
services in order to have more possible ways to reach
the goal. Having more choices available, it selects
the best one exploring functional and non-functional
properties of the different SWSs. The selection pro-
cess can be used also during the composition (sub-
goal matching). Finally, the same agent manages the
correct invocation of the selected services.
In this paper, dynamic orchestration of SWS
means carrying out one or more of the operation men-
tioned above. This is very different from the de-
sign of the work-flow of the execution of simple Web
services (Peltz, 2003). The first step to realize this
scenario is the automatization of the emphasized op-
erations (i.e.: discover, composition, selection and
invocation). These operations, amongsts the others
(namely, publishing, deployment and ontology man-
agement which are not directly involved in our sce-
nario), are already been identified as use cases for the
SWS infrastructures into the Usage Activities dimen-
sion described in Figure 4 in (Cabral et al., 2004). In
the same work the architectural components and se-
mantic descriptions needed to realize the Usage Ac-
tivities are been individuated. The former had been
grouped under the Architecture dimension and in-
clude a register, a reasoner, a matchmaker, a decom-
poser, and an invoker. The latter, make up the Service
Ontology dimension and specifies the semantics of:
Functional capabilities, such as inputs, output,
pre-conditions and post-conditions;
Non-Functional capabilities, such as category,
cost and quality of service;
Provider related information, such as company
name and address;
Task or goal-related information and domain
knowledge defining, for instance, the type of the
inputs of the service.
The dynamic SWS orchestration, as we defined
above, needs to be matched with these dimensions
(reported in Table 1) in order to individuate its re-
In the architecture dimension, the reasoner is the
most important component to implement these use
cases because it allows the semantic matchmaking of
Table 1: Orchestration in the SWS Infrastructure.
Usage Composition, Selection,
Activities Invocation, Discovery
Architecture (De-)Composer, Reasoner,
Invoker, Matchmaker
Service Inputs, Outputs,
Ontology Conditions,
Atomic/Composite services
the services properties enabling the automatic (de-
)composition of the services, and the automatic choice
of the right parameters for the services invocation.
Service ontology dimension is necessary because it
makes possible to define the semantics of functional
and non-functional properties owned by atomic and
composite services that participate to the orchestra-
tion, as well as the semantics of their control con-
structs and data-flow. Ideally, the semantic descrip-
tions of inputs and outputs should exist independently
from the SWS specification. They should be cho-
sen within existing ontologies describing a particu-
lar knowledge domain and, at most, refined. Hence,
in order to define atomic SWS the semantic repre-
sentation of conditions over inputs and outputs is
needed, whereas to define composite SWS the se-
mantic representation of control constructs and data-
flow is needed too. Dynamic orchestration becomes,
than, mainly a representation problem. This is why,
in the following, when we will compare and contrast
WSMO and OWL-S we will focus on the knowledge
representation infrastructure.
The Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO) (Ro-
man et al., 2005) provides a framework for semantic
descriptions of Web services. It consists of four core
elements that, properly linked, constitute the semantic
description of the service: Ontologies, Goals, Web
Services, and Mediators. The semantics of these en-
tities can be specified using one of the formal lan-
guages defined by the Web Service Modeling Lan-
(WSML). WSML includes several language
variants, based on three different logical formalisms,
namely, Description Logics (Baader et al., 2003)
(WSML-DL), First-Order Logic (Enderton, 1972)
(WSML-Full) and Logic Programming (Lloyd, 1987)
(WSML-Rule and WSML-Flight). Furthermore, it
Web Service Modeling Language (WSML),
W3C Member Submission, 3 June 2005.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
defines the variant WSML-Core that can be identified
as the intersection between a particular Description
Logic (a subset of S H I Q ) and Horn Logic (without
function symbols and equality) (Grosof et al., 2003).
WSML DL is, in general, incompatible with both
WSML-Flight and WSML-Rule. Therefore, com-
plete reasoning about services descriptions specified
using WSML DL, Rule and Flight is unfeasible be-
cause WSML Full, the common super-language, is
The Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-
S) is an OWL
ontology describing the three essen-
tial aspects of a service (i.e. its adervetisment, pro-
cess model, and protocol details) using three differ-
ent modules: Service Profile, Service Model, and
Service Grounding. OWL-S itself is an OWL on-
tology. OWL, whose formal foundation is the De-
scription Logics (Baader et al., 2003), provides three
increasingly expressive sub-languages, in detail:
OWL-Lite can be used to model classification
hierarchies and simple constraints. OWL-Lite
has the lowest computational complexity amongst
OWL sub-languages.
OWL-DL is used when the maximum decid-
able expressivity is required. It corresponds to
S H O I N (D ) DL (Horrocks et al., 2003).
OWL-Full, although allowing for as much ex-
pressivity as RDF, is undecidable therefore it
could be hardly be used for reasoning.
However, as pointed out in the following, SWRL (in
its decidable fragment) represents a reasonable ad-
vancement in reconciling Logic Programming and
Description Logics. For this reason, OWL-S is in a
more better position than WSMO as SWRL can be
seamlessly integrated with OWL.
The state of the art, both for WSMO and OWL-S, can
be brefly analyzed w.r.t. the use cases reported in the
usage activities dimension of Table 1, i.e. Discov-
ery, Selection, Composition, and Invocation. Please,
notice that, whilst for WSMO exist different imple-
mented infrastructures that unify, amongst the oth-
ers, all the aspects described above, to the best of
our knowledge there is not any counterpart developed
for OWL-S, yet. For WSMO, in general, the com-
mon starting point for the implementation of such
functionalities is either WSMX
or IRS-3
. (Kifer
OWL-S is based on OWL 1.0 recently extended
with the new recommendation OWL 2, as reported in
Web Service Execution Environment (WSMX) -
Internet Reasoning Service (IRS) 3 -
et al., 2004) presents a logical framework that exploits
WSMO formal descriptions to dynamically discover
Web Services matching the requester goals. The SWS
discovery in OWL-S, in most cases, aims to enhance
the UDDI registry and to exploit semantic matchmak-
ing techniques applied to the service profile model.
Lynch et al. (Lynch et al., 2006) explore a potential al-
ternativefor UDDI registries
, and investigatethe fea-
sibility of a general publish/subscribe model for Web
Service Discovery. The research on services selection
in WSMO is often related to the service discovery be-
cause both use cases require a semantic matchmaker
component. The selection mechanism of OWL-S is
related to the application of semantic matchmaking
techniques both to the service profile and to the pro-
cess model. The invocation use case is strictly related
to the semantics of the protocol used to invoke the ser-
vice. In (Walton, 2005) a particular protocol (Which
can be used with OWL-S and WSMO) to represent
the computational aspects of a Web service, such as
invocation order, and inter-argument dependencies, is
proposed. The research on composition of services
encompassesmore elements within service ontologies
than other usage activities because it must consider
the SWS conditions during the composition task. To
the best of our knowledge, works on fully automatic
composition of WSMO services have not been pro-
posed yet. However, a semi-automatic composition
approach is proposed in (Hakimpour et al., 2005) .
Most OWL-S research activities focused on compo-
sition methods drawing inspiration mainly from AI
planning, like reported in (McIlraith and Son, 2002),
one of the first works about this topic. In (Redavid
et al., 2008) a method for encoding OWL-S atomic
processes by means of SWRL rules and composing
them using a backward search planning algorithm is
presented. The proposed solution has been realized
using exclusively Semantic Web technologies.
The meaning of orchestration once we take semantics
into account becomes different from the pre-arranged
Web service composition, which is constrained only
at syntactic level. To summarize, to orchestrate means
to realize the automatic discovery, selection, compo-
sition, and invocation of services so as to achieve a
goal. Solving this problem requires to respond to use
cases organized along three dimensions in the SWS
infrastructure (please see Sec. 2). Here we focus on
the usage activities and service ontology to compare
Universal Description Discovery and Integration
(UDDI) - http://uddi.xml.org/uddi-org
and contrast the two main framework proposed so far:
With respect to the Usage activities dimension,
both WSMO and OWL-S take into account all the use
cases that we have individuated for the dynamic or-
chestration. They differ only in the fact that WSMO
requires the modeling of the service requester fea-
tures. This implies the need for tackling the interoper-
ability problems between different WSMO elements
within the framework itself. In order to overcome this
issue, different types of mediators are been defined
and considered in every usage activity. This is re-
flected also in the Service ontology dimension where
WSMO presents a richer service description model
than OWL-S. Consequently, some extra features re-
lated to Web services execution (like goals, mediator
and communication protocols) are represented. The
shortcoming of this approach is that any WSMO ser-
vices usage is limited to its declared goals at design
The formal semantics offered by WSMO and
OWL-S is fundamental to achieve dynamic orches-
tration. In Figure 1 we compare the formalisms on
which both frameworks are based.
WSMO appears unrelated to the Semantic Web
stack of languages and formalisms, with the excep-
tion of its basic level (URI and XML) that guarantees
syntactic interoperability on the Web. It offers map-
pings with the RDF syntax and the S H I Q Descrip-
tion Logic which, however, does not cover the whole
WSMO global approach to service ontology defi-
nition can be summarized as follows:
It started with the definition of a FOL-like lan-
guage able to represent of all the possible aspects
of a Web service;
It defined several sub-languages restricting the
original expressive power to well-known frag-
ments (DL or LP);
It (partially) mapped such fragments on to SW
current standard languages.
Given the known incompatibility between DL and LP
(Borgida, 1996) currently the only implemented rea-
soning available for WSMO, when dealing with both
rules and ontologies, is the one restricted to their com-
mon subfragment, i.e. DLP. Hence WSMO inference
capabilities, as far as the implementation goal, to the
best of our knowledge are significantly reduced with
Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML
Schema (SAWDL) - W3C Recommendation,
http://www.w3.org/TR/sawsdl/- is not been considered
because it does not allows the process model representa-
respect to a pure Semantic Web based counterpart.
OWL-S, instead, is based natively in OWL whose
natural extension towards rules is SWRL. SWRL de-
cidable fragment (DL-safe rules (Motik et al., 2005))
is the largest possible union of primitives from both
formalisms rather than their intersection. Current
improvements of DL reasoners, now able to handle
SWRL rules, allowed to developearly prototypes able
to compose SWS described using OWL-S process
model and mapped into SWRL (Redavid et al., 2008).
Therefore, from the perspective of two out of
three main dimension of SWS infrastructures, OWL-
S emerges has better equipped to encompass all the
requirements dictated.
The SWS frameworks proposed in literature provide
different support to dynamic orchestration. In this
work we conducted a comparative study to elicit dif-
ferences and analogies to do that, and remarked the
capabilities necessary to enable dynamic orchestra-
tion: the needed requirements and the suitability of
OWL-S and WSMO to support such requirements. As
showed in the Section 2, the set of requirements are
implied by means of the use cases, namely automatic
discover, selection, composition and invocation, re-
quired to make dynamic the SWS orchestration. The
formal language underlying the SWS frameworks is
the key for an effective realization of these use cases.
For this reason, in Sections 3 we described the formal
support enabling reasoning on the semantic descrip-
tions of the services offered by WSMO and OWL-
S (based on OWL+SWRL and WSML, respectively).
Finally, in Section 4, we have compared the for-
malisms underlying OWL+SWRL and WSML from
the point of view of the expressive power effectively
exploitable for reasoning on service descriptions. As
result of this comparison, OWL-S emerges as more
suitable candidates for the dynamic orchestration. As
future work we will focus on two aspects. First, deal-
ing with the Semantic Web natively issues, for in-
stance, the absence of primitives for retracting knowl-
edge due to the monotonic nature of a DL Knowledge
base and the semantic interoperability. Second, the
realization of the software agents able to manage the
dynamic SWS orchestration by considering low-level
details as, for instance, Quality of Service, Service
Level Agreement and the coordination for the con-
crete Web services Invocation.
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: A comparison between the formal support provided by OWL+SWRL and WSML.
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