Verifying Knowledge In Foundation Ontology Based Domain Ontologies
Najam Akber Anjum, Jenny Harding and Bob Young
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughboruogh University
LE11 3TU, Loughborough, U.K.
Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Knowledge verification, Foundation ontologies, Ontology matching.
Abstract: Knowledge verification refers to the process of making sure that the knowledge shared between knowledge
bases of two parties is correctly understood on both sides. Domain ontologies developed out of a foundation
ontology have a potential to improve the knowledge verification methods. This can be done by following
concepts in domain ontologies to their origin and constituent conceptualisations in the foundation ontology.
This is possible when matching ontologies belonging to two different domains but developed out of a single
foundation ontology. Along with the concepts, a prescribed way of using these concepts by domain
ontology builders also needs to be included in the foundation ontology. This prescribed way can exist in the
form of an ontology of constraints which governs and shapes the building of domain ontologies according to
the needs of the verification system and thus makes them more interoperable.
Knowledge verification systems are needed to
ensure the correct understanding of concepts and
related knowledge among parties involved in the
knowledge sharing activity. This paper proposes a
way of verifying the authenticity of knowledge and
concepts across different domain ontologies
developed out of a single foundation ontology. It
first gives a brief review of the literature on existing
domain ontologies and ontology matching tools, a
discussion about the proposed ontology matching
methodology follows and conclusion and future
work is presented in the end.
2.1 Foundation and Domain Ontologies
To make knowledge bases more shareable and
expandable, instead of building them from scratch, it
is more apt to develop them out of a single agreed
upon foundation or standard (Neches et al, 1991).
Foundation ontologies provide the basis for this
standard. They make the expansion and integration
of knowledge bases easier. This is because if two
system builders build their knowledge bases on a
common ontology, the system will share a common
structure, and it will be easier to merge and share the
knowledge bases (Swartout et al, 1997).
Some of the existing foundation ontologies
include Standard Upper Ontology – SUO (Niles &
Pease, 2001), Suggested Upper Merged Ontology –
SUMO (Niles & Pease, 2001), DOLCE (Gangemi et
al, 2002), WordNet (Deng et al, 2009), and Cyc
Ontology (Matuszek et al, 2006).
Foundation ontologies like these may help in
reducing semantic heterogeneity by restricting
domain ontology builders to match their own
conceptualisations against a common foundation, so
that all communication is done according to the
constraints derived from the ontology (Schorlemmer
& Kalfoglou, 2005). Domain ontologies on the other
hand provide a set of terms for describing some
domain (Swartout et al, 1997) and they can be
thought of as taxonomies of relevant objects within
that domain. Example of domains may include
aerospace, biology, manufacturing, arts etc.
2.2 Use of Foundation Ontologies for
Ontology Matching
Foundation or upper ontology are being used to
match concepts in two independently developed
ontologies. The idea is to first match two ontologies
with an upper ontology and then matching these two
ontologies using the similarities existing between
them and the upper ontology. The LOM tool
Akber Anjum N., Harding J. and Young B..
CROSS DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE VERIFICATION - Verifying Knowledge In Foundation Ontology Based Domain Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0003065203390342
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 339-342
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
developed by Li (2004) uses WordNet, SUMO and
MILO to match two ontologies. Aleksovski et al
(2006) use DICE ontology as background
knowledge to match two flat unstructured lists of
concepts. Mascardi et al (2007) present an algorithm
which uses upper ontologies to align two
heterogeneous ontologies. They also experiment
with OpenCyc, SUMO-OWL and DOLCE as
semantic bridges to match ontologies (Mascardi et
al, 2010). All of these cases deal with situations
where independently developed heterogeneous
ontologies are matched by using an upper ontology
through the process of semantic bridging. These
bridges are built when individual ontologies are
matched with the upper ontology. The research
presented in this paper, however, proposes to build
these bridges during the ontology development
process by the domain ontology builders so as to
provide the knowledge verification system with
clues to establish concept similarity. The verification
system in this way uses the foundation ontology as a
dictionary to interpret ontology based knowledge
across diverse domains as has been proposed in the
research literature (Mascardi et al, 2007, 2010). To
achieve this there needs to be provided a set of core
concepts along with their prescribed use. This
‘prescribed use’ needs to be there to ensure that a
trace is left of every domain concept or a
combination of concepts to the foundation ontology
counterparts and it is this dimension of the proposed
verification framework here which distinguishes it
from the rest of the research work described in this
2.3 Knowledge Verification
When formalized knowledge is shared between
different domains, prevention of its subjective
interpretation becomes necessary. This process of
authentication of the interpretation, here, is referred
to as knowledge verification. The description which
endorses the sense in which the term verification is
used here is the one given by Gupta (1993) where he
mentions that knowledge verification involves the
checking of completeness, consistency and
correctness of knowledge. For this to happen during
the cross domain knowledge sharing between
ontology based knowledge bases, similarities first
need to be established between the two ontologies.
This leads to the need of an ontology matching and
mediation system. The techniques these systems use
are discussed next.
2.4 Ontology Mediation Techniques
The most crucial stage in the ontology mediation
task is the similarity finding. Different mediation
tools use different strategies and algorithms to
achieve this purpose. These matching algorithms can
be divided into four types (Aleksovski et al, 2006).
I. Terminological methods which are based on
lexical matching of ontological concepts,
II. Instance-based methods where the lexical
similarity of instances is compared in two
III. Structural methods where the positions of
different concepts in the structure of two
ontologies are used to find matches and
IV. Semantic methods which use some additional
logic to discover similarities.
Each of these methods or a combination of them
is employed by the ontology mapping and matching
tools to overcome mismatches that exist in
independently developed heterogeneous ontologies.
Two main types of mismatches that may come up
when matching ontologies are explication and
conceptualization mismatches (Visser et al, 1993). A
closer look at the ontology mediation tools which
use these similarity finding methods reveals that
most of these tools are just able to overcome
explication mismatches and even fewer do this
automatically (Anjum et al, 2010).
The matching and verification technique
explained in this paper partly resembles the fourth
type of similarity finding methods explained here
and it capable of overcoming not only the
explication but also the conceptualization
mismatches. This method includes the use of
semantic information in the form of connections
between the domain ontology concepts and their
foundation ontology counterparts. These connections
are established during the ontology building process.
The challenge is therefore to make sure that some
standard connections, like inheritance, are put in
place during the ontology building stage for the
verification system to make use of. This can be
achieved through a verification meta ontology which
is explained in the sections to come.
This system is proposed specifically for domain
ontologies formed by using the concepts from a
foundation ontology. Figure 1 shows the schematic
of this framework. The framework consists of three
modules. The ‘inheritance identifier’, ‘domain
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
concepts identifier’ and ‘concept matcher’. The
whole process of matching consists of six steps. The
sequence of these steps is indicated in the figure
through circled numbers. These steps are explained
InheritanceIdentifier ConceptsMatcher
Foundation Ontology
Inherita nce
Equivalentfoundat ion concepts
Veri f i er
Domainand relevant
Figure 1: The Verification framework.
1- The process initiates with the generation of a
query from the inheritance identifier. This query
explores the foundation concepts behind a
concept in the design domain ontology. This
domain concept is the one which is required to
be matched with a similar concept in the
manufacturing domain ontology.
2- The inheritance identifier receives replies in the
form of relevant foundation conceptualisations.
3- These foundation conceptualisations and
relevant design concepts are then sent to the
‘concept matcher’ and to the ‘domain concept
identifier’ at the same time.
4- The ‘domain concept identifier’ then generates a
query to explore the concepts in the domain
manufacturing ontology which possesses the
same foundation concept inheritance.
5- The domain concept identifier then receives the
replies in the form of domain concepts having
the same foundation concepts as sent by the
inheritance identifier.
6- These domain concepts along with their related
foundation concepts are then sent to the concept
matcher and concepts with similar foundation
inheritance are declared as similar.
3.1 Verification Meta Ontology
The purpose of a verification meta ontology (VMO)
is to police the use of concepts from the foundation
ontology. This can be done by loading the
foundation ontology and the VMO along with the
newly developed domain ontologies in the ontology
editing environment. In this setting the VMO
scrutinizes all the concepts for traceability to
foundation ontology and if a lag is found the domain
ontology builders are notified. For example, when
the concept of hole is referred to in the foundation
ontology, as shown in figure 2, it can be given any
name as long as it has enough semantic information
about its origin in the foundation ontology and that
is what the VMO controls.
Source ontology Target ontology
Foundation ontology
Figure 2: Foundation ontology subsumptions in domain
This VMO may consist of a few classes but
predominantly a set of rules governing the use of
concepts from the foundation. Through these rules,
VMO performs the process of semantic enrichment
of domain concepts. It makes sure that there is
enough evidence or traceability of concepts formed
in the domain ontology in order for them to be
tracked back in the foundation ontology. The VMO
needs to be built by the verification system builders
keeping in view the contents and structure of the
foundation and core concepts ontology.
3.2 A Possible Scenario
The example of a disc is taken here which is to be
modelled in a domain ontology by using core
concepts from the foundation ontology. Figure 2
shows the difference in interpretations of features of
the same disc in design and manufacturing and how
the same disc is modelled differently in two domain
ontologies. The foundation for the concepts used in
domain ontologies, however, are same for both
design and manufacturing. The dotted lines show
how the concept of ‘disc_edge’ feature is inherited
from the foundation concept of ‘rim’. Similarly
‘diaphragm’ is connected to the foundation concept
of ‘web’. Establishment of these inheritance
relations can be made compulsory, through the
verification meta ontology. This might be needed
when a new concept is introduced in a domain
ontology. Some examples of these inheritance
relations can be:
It is through these relations and other compulsory
attributes that the verification system proposed
above will be able to track the identity of a concept
in the foundation ontology and thus will verify the
knowledge shared. The example given here is the
CROSS DOMAIN KNOWLEDGE VERIFICATION - Verifying Knowledge In Foundation Ontology Based Domain
Figure 3: A possible scenario.
simplest possible case. More complex cases may
include a totally different interpretation of features
of a disc in design and manufacturing domains.
It can be inferred from the above propositions that a
foundation ontologies need to come with a set of
core concepts, a verification meta ontology and a
knowledge verification system which interprets
concepts across different domains by using the
VMO rules. Domain ontologies developed by using
this toolkit will be interoperable no matter what
terminologies and combination of concepts they use
to model entities. Knowledge associated to these
models would therefore be shareable and verified.
The most important thing for this verification
system to work is, therefore, the information and
knowledge capturing. This is because it is that stage
where the domain ontology concepts are
semantically enriched for the verification system to
work. The dynamic nature of this technique makes it
much better than just mapping the similar concepts
manually in two ontologies. The technique is
dynamic because it allows the ontology builders to
make changes and modifications during the life time
of the ontologies without caring about its mappings
with other domain ontologies. this is because if the
changes made adhere to the prescriptions of the
verification meta ontology they are easily
interpretable by any ontology which is built on the
same rules and uses concepts from the same
foundation ontology.
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KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development