On using Weaving Models to Specify Schema Mappings
Sinisa Neskovic, Milica Vuckovic and Nenad Anicic
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences
str. Jove Ilica 154, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract. Weaving models, supported by the ATLAS Model Weaver toolkit
within the Eclipse Modeling Framework, has been used for various application
scenarios related to model mappings. This paper considers the application of
weaving models to specification of data schema mappings. Firstly, a general
conceptual framework in the form of an abstract megamodel is introduced. It is
used as a reference model which identifies various kinds of models occurring in
the context of data schema mappings and precisely defines their roles and
mutual mappings. Then, based on the defined conceptual framework, an
analysis of the application of weaving models in the context of schema
mappings is given. This analysis reveals several issues in the existing approach.
The main issue is that weaving models are not enough constrained by their
corresponding weaving metamodels and, hence, invalid or semantically
meaningless links among schema concepts are allowed. Finally, the paper
proposes a solution that overcomes the issues and discusses its advantages and
1 Introduction
Specification of mappings among heterogeneous data schemas has been studied in
many different research areas, such as distributed databases [1], data warehouses [3],
ontologies [2], model driven development [4,6,7], etc. According to specific needs
and characteristics of a particular problem domain, researchers have proposed
different approaches and techniques that can be used to specify schema mappings.
Without diving into details of each particular approach, it can be generally concluded
that most of them rely on a mapping specification formalism, embodied in the form of
either a special language or metamodel, which enables expressing and capturing the
semantics of correspondences among schema concepts.
In accordance to the motto that “models are everywhere”, the corresponding
mapping specification formalism in the context of the model driven engineering
(MDE) utilizes (meta) models. One particular solution which has been proposed is
based on so called weaving models [5,6,7]. A weaving model is a separate model on
its own consisting of elements which represent individual links (i.e. correspondences)
among elements of other models (called woven models). A weaving model conforms
to a weaving metamodel, which provides the semantics of links specified in a
weaving model. A weaving metamodel defines types of links that can occur among
elements of woven models, i.e. links specified in a weaving model can be instances
Neskovic S., Vuckovic M. and Anicic N.
On Using Weaving Models to Specify Schema Mappings.
DOI: 10.5220/0003029600460055
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-10-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
only of types defined in the weaving metamodel. A special core weaving metamodel
with generic link types suitable for a range of different application scenarios is also
proposed. For each application scenario, the core weaving metamodel is extended
with specialized link types that are more suitable for the particular application.
Supported by the ATLAS Model Weaver (AMW) toolkit [12] within the Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF) environment, the proposed approach has gained a lot of
attention in the MDE community lately. It has been reported that weaving models are
successfully applied to several MDE related problems, including schema and data
mappings problems [5].
However, our experience in the application of weaving models to the problem of
schema mappings reveals that there exist some open issues. Namely, the definition of
a weaving metamodel is based only on concepts of metameta model (i.e. the ECore
metameta model in EMF). It does not rely on concepts of corresponding metamodels
of models intended to be woven and, hence, is completely unaware of any semantic
rules regarding mappings among concepts of the metamodels in question. As a
consequence, link types defined in a weaving metamodel cannot prevent links
between elements of woven models which are semantically meaningless, wrong or
disallowed. For example, when mapping concepts between an Entity-Relationship
(ER) data schema S1 and a Relational schema S2, it is possible to link an entity from
the S1 schema with a column from the S2 schema. In other words, the weaving model
lacks the semantics of mapping rules between ER and Relational schemas, i.e. that
entities can be mapped to relational tables only.
This paper proposes a possible solution which overcomes the identified open issues
by providing explicit support for mapping rules. The solution is based on a weaving
model which serves for definition of mapping rules between schema metamodels.
This weaving model is then transformed to a weaving metamodel Link types with
OCL constraints. The role of OCL constraints is to restrict links in weaving models to
establish only those relationships between schema concepts which are meaningful.
The paper is organized as follows. The next section briefly presents the related
work. Section 3 introduces a general conceptual framework in the form of an abstract
megamodel, which is used to identify types of models that occur in the context of data
schema mappings and to define their roles and mutual mappings. Section 4 analyses
the existing practice in utilizing weaving model and discuss shortcomings and open
issues. The proposed solution to detected open issues is explained and discussed in
Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper.
2 Related Work
Schema mappings are high-level specifications which express correspondences
between two data schemas describing how data sources are organized (structured).
The problem of schema mappings is a part of larger problem related to information
integration. For example, schema mappings are required for data exchange, i.e.
translating data from one data source to other. They are also used for virtual
information unification where users are enabled to pose queries over distributed
heterogeneous data sources in a uniform and transparent manner.
Many different formalisms and languages for schema mappings are used in various
research areas. The basic formalism in relational database integration systems that
have been proposed is based on so called source-to-target tuple-generated-
dependences (s-t tgds)[16,17]. Special forms of s-t tgds known as local-as-view
(LAV) and global-as-view (GAV) specification languages are used for specification
of schema mappings when several local schemas are integrated using a global
In the case of information integration when heterogeneous schema languages are
being used, several approaches have been proposed [13,14,15]. These approaches are
mostly based on a generic metamodel that abstracts concrete schema metamodels.
Schema mappings in this case are specified in a language which depends on the used
generic metamodel. For instance, in [13] a universal metamodel based on the
supermodel is used as a generic metamodel and DATALOG is used for representing
schema mappings. In [15], the GeRoMe model and corresponding specification
language are used.
In the context of MDE, specifications of data schema mappings can be viewed as a
special case of model mappings. Another special case of model mappings are model
transformations, which represent a crucial notion in MDE. The MDE community has
proposed several model transformation specification languages. For instance, OMG
has proposed the QVT language [10], ATL is used in the EMF environment [11], etc.
Although transformation specification languages could be used for data schema
mappings, they are not designed for such task. Transformation specification
languages are used to specify mappings between metamodels (M2 level models) and,
consequently, are inconvenient for specification of schema mappings, which are M1
level models.
Model weaving is an approach used for the specification of links between model
elements. It is supported by the AMW, a component of the larger Atlas Model
Management Architecture toolkit [12]. This approach is conceived with a goal to
facilitate a range of different application scenarios, such as tool interoperability,
model composition operations, traceability, model alignment, etc [12].
One group of supported application scenarios is related to data mappings. The
work from [5] presents the application of weaving model to discovery of model
mappings and production of executable operational mappings (including model
transformations) which translate from source models to targets. These results are
extended by the work in [7], which utilize successive schema matching
transformations to generate and refine a sequence of weaving models until a final one
is generated, out of which data transformations are produced.
However, despite these successful applications, there exits some open issues which
are discussed later in this paper.
3 Conceptual Data Integration Framework
In order to analyze suitability of the weaving modeling approach for the specification
of schema mappings, we introduce a conceptual data integration framework. It is
presented in Figure 1 in the form of an abstract generic megamodel. A megamodel is
a model whose elements are other models [18, 19]. The main purpose of the
introduced framework is to identify kinds of models that occur in the context of data
schema mappings and to precisely define their roles and mutual mappings. Hence it is
expressed in the form of a megamodel.
Fig. 1. Conceptual data integration framework.
The framework has 4 abstract levels, which correspond to the levels of the OMG
MDA standard [4], but here are named in the manner that is more appropriate for data
integration purposes. As it is typical for metamodeling architectures, each level
accommodates models which serve as metamodels for other models from the lower
abstract level, whilst they must conform to their metamodels from the upper level.
The exception is the model at the most abstract level which conforms to itself.
The framework identifies two types of models: (1) ordinary models which are used
to describe domain concepts, and (2) weaving models which links elements from
other ordinary models
. Depending on the abstract level where they reside, the
following four kinds of weaving models can be identified:
Data Mapping Weaving Models (D_WM) which specify links at the Data Level,
i.e. between data instances stored in different possibly heterogeneous data sources.
Schema Mapping Weaving Models (S_WM) which specify links at the Schema
Level, i.e. between schema concepts that are possibly expressed in different
schema languages.
Language Mapping Weaving Models (L_WM) which specify links at the Schema
Language Level, i.e. specify mappings between concepts of different schema
Mappings between different weaving models are also possible, but their consideration is
beyond the scope of this paper.
Language Definition Weaving Models (LD_WM) which specify links at the
Schema Language Definition Level, i.e. between concepts of a metameta model
used to describe schema languages.
Fig. 2. Links at two different abstract levels.
It is important to note that weaving models must conform to their corresponding
metamodels, which are also weaving models. This means that links specified in one
weaving model must be instances of links specified in its weaving metamodel. In
other words, links specified in the upper abstract level constrain links in the lower
level to relate only certain types of model elements. Thus, links serve as mapping
rules for the lower level enabling only meaningful links and preventing invalid ones.
The example shown in Figure 2 illustrates this for the case of mappings between a
relational schema and an XML schema. As it is depicted in the figure, table
Publication is mapped to XML element Book by a link which is an instance of the
rule mapping relational tables to XML elements, whereas column ISDN is mapped to
XML element BookID by a link which is an instance of the rule mapping columns to
XML elements.
A special case is LD_WM, which is used to define rules for mappings between
schema languages. Since it represents the most abstract weaving model in the
framework, it is defined in terms of concepts of a corresponding metameta model L0.
4 Open Issues
Model mappings based on weaving models represent an approach in MDE which is
supported by the AMW toolkit [9, 11]. It is aimed to support a range of application
scenarios where model mappings are involved. Here, we will discuss the approach
from the schema mappings perspective only.
AMW supports an extensional mechanism based on the core weaving metamodel
that encompasses a set of features (i.e. generic concepts) common in majority of
application scenarios. Using extensions one defines a new weaving metamodel based
on the core weaving metamodel. A new weaving metamodel typically defines new
link types which are specific to a particular application scenario. Defined link types
are used in weaving models for relating elements of two woven models.
Using the conceptual data integration framework given in Section 3 as a reference
model, the typical application scenario employed by the AMW approach is shown in
Figure 3.
Fig. 3. The AMW Approach.
Here, the ECore metamodel of EMF plays its usual role of the most abstract
models L0. The role of the LD_WM model in the conceptual framework is played by
the core weaving metamodel, which is defined in terms of Ecore concepts. The role of
L_WM, used to define mapping rules between different schema languages, is played
by a weaving metamodel. It is defined as an extension of the core weaving
metamodel. Note that this is different in comparison to our conceptual framework
where L_WM is defined as an instance of metamodel. In addition, weaving
metamodel in AMW does not specify mappings between concepts of language, but
simply defines a new link types. In other words, the semantics is provided only by
giving a new name, without specifying schema concept types allowed to be related by
this link type.
The role of S_WM, used to specify schema mappings, is played in AMW by
weaving model. It is defined as an instance of its corresponding weaving metamodel,
which is in accord with the conceptual framework. However, links specified by
weaving metamodel can relate any elements from woven models. It is up to a modeler
to take care whether such links are meaningful.
Figure 4 illustrates the situation that can happen when a modeler is careless or
unaware of semantic mapping rules. The rule Entity2Table is specified in the weaving
metamodel meaning that entities from ER models are translated to tables in relational
schemas. However, as it is shown in the figure, it is possible to create a link which is
an instance of the defined rules, but maps an entity to a column.
The Data level from the conceptual framework is not actually supported by AMW.
However, application scenarios involving data instances still can be supported by
“artificial” lifting of models from the Data and Schema levels for one abstract level
up, i.e. by expressing and treating data schemas as metamodels and data instances as
Fig. 4. A semantically invalid link in a weaving model.
M1 models. Such technique is employed in [5]. However, it leads to weaving models
that must make up for a lack of models from the Schema Language level, which is
lost due to the level lifting. This technique introduces the accidental complexity to the
definition of weaving models. Due to limited space, the further detailed discussion of
this technique is beyond the scope of this paper.
To summarize the discussion, there exist the following shortcomings and open
Weaving models may contain invalid specification of schema mappings.
Weaving models are not adequately constrained by their corresponding weaving
Link ends, which are part of link type definitions, cannot be typed, i.e. specify
which concept types they may relate.
Modelers are supposed to know the semantics of mapping rules and must take care
about links they create.
5 Solution
The open issues discussed above can be resolved by better alignment of the AMW
approach with the conceptual data integration framework defined in Section 3. Better
alignment in the context of schema mappings primarily means that link types defined
in weaving metamodels have to constrain links in weaving models to relate those
schema concepts that are meaningful. In other words, it is needed to support
specifications of mapping rules in weaving metamodels and typed end points of links
in weaving models.
This paper proposes a solution which achieves this by using both a weaving model
and a weaving metamodel at the Schema Language level to express mapping rules
between concepts of data schemas. The proposed solution is given in Figure 5
Note that Ecore metameta model and Data level models are deliberately omitted
in Figure 5. in order to make the diagram more readable.
Fig. 5. The Proposed Solution.
A weaving model is used to specify mapping rules by establishing semantically
meaningful links between concepts from two schema languages. Due to limitations of
the AMW tool, this weaving model cannot be used as a metamodel for weaving
models from the Schema level. Hence, this weaving model is automatically
transformed into a weaving metamodel enriched with OCL constraints. OCL
constraints are integral parts of link type definitions and they specify types of data
schemas concepts that can be related by a particular link type. In this way, end points
of links in weaving models are allowed to reference only instances of the specified
Please note that both the weaving model and generated weaving metamodel
contain the same information, but expressed in different representation formats (i.e.
structural constrains are expressed as value based ones using OCL). Therefore, both
models have the same L_WM role defined in the conceptual framework in Section 3.
In addition, both models are related to the same weaving metamodel. Unlike the
AMW approach where they are related to the core weaving metamodel, here a new
special weaving model playing the LD_WM role is introduced. Also, they are related
in a different way. The weaving model conforms to the LD_WM model, whilst the
weaving metamodel is defined as its extension.
Figure 6 illustrates the proposed solution for the case of mapping an ER model to a
relational schema. The corresponding OCL constraint restricting source and target of
the Entity2Table rule is:
context Entity2Table inv:
self.source.oclIsKindOf(Entity) and
The main shortcoming of the proposed solution is that it requires an extension of
the existing AMW tools. Namely, the AMW Weaving Editor does not support OCL
constraints. Therefore, the AMW tool does not restrict links between concepts to
relate allowed concepts. In addition, it is unaware of weaving models and metamodels
and their role in the specification of mapping rules. Hence, model transformations
between them are not supported.
Fig. 6. Illustration of the proposed solution.
6 Conclusions
This paper discussed suitability of the weaving model approach in the context of
schema mappings. The paper’s main contributions are the following:
A conceptual data integration framework introduced to identify kinds of models
that occur in the context of data schema mappings and to precisely define their
roles and mutual relationships. It is used as a reference model for analysis of the
weaving approach.
Analysis which reveals that the weaving model approach supported by the AMW
tool does not properly support schema mappings, i.e. allows specifications which
are semantically meaningless. The main cause is related to the inability of weaving
metamodels to properly define semantic mapping rules between schema languages.
A proposed solution extending the current approach and AMW tool, which is
based on introduction of special weaving models and metamodels with OCL
constraints. The extensions augment definition of link types in the weaving models
and metamodels in order to restrict links between schema concepts.
It can be concluded that the approach based on weaving models has been carefully
conceived from both theoretical and technological points of view to be general and
flexible enough. This generality and flexibility enables the weaving model approach
to be applicable in a wide range of MDE related tasks. However, such generality and
flexibility have shortcomings when applied in the context of schema mappings.
Our future work concerns realization of the extensions of the AMW tool proposed
here to support schema mappings. We also intend to utilize the introduced conceptual
data integration framework to support data level mappings as well. The ultimate goal
would be to have a unified and comprehensive methodological approach and tool that
would properly support all mapping specification levels of the data integration
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