A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily
Marcello Iacono Manno, Pietro Di Primo, Gianluca Passaro, Emanuele Leggio
COMETA Consortium, Via Santa Sofia 64, Catania, Italy
Roberto Barbera
Physics & Astrophysics Department, Catania University, Via Santa Sofia 64, Catania, Italy
Giuseppe Andronico, Riccardo Bruno, Emidio Giorgio, Marco Fargetta, Giuseppe La Rocca
Salvo Monforte, Diego Scardaci, Fabio Scibilia
National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Catania Section, Via Santa Sofia 64, Catania, Italy
Keywords: Grid, e-Infrastructure, Business, Parallel Computing, Security.
Abstract: The COMETA e-Infrastructure running in Sicily is compliant with the EGEE middleware and specifications
offering a great computing power and huge storage capacity. Since its beginning one of the main goals has
been to extend the adoption of Grid paradigm from the academic to business world. Several software and
hardware extensions have been implemented in order to enhance the infrastructure performances; they
include a new low-latency net layer reserved to heavy parallel applications; some modifications to the
parallel job submission and execution procedures for a better support of MPI-based applications; new tools
for job monitoring and file catalogue interaction; a scheduling policy tailored on the requirements of a
complex environment hosting heterogeneous jobs; the GridLM license server able to grant access to
commercial software only to authorised users; finally, the Secure Storage Service defends from insider
abuse and completes a very high security level environment. The proposed business model includes a wide
range of services collectively defined as Infrastructure-as-a-Service. All the above components result in a
powerful and flexible platform, easy to use for any applications and open to further developments.
The COMETA ( Grid
infrastructure is a distributed computing platform
located in Sicily both for academic and business
computing. It is the first in Italy scaled to involve a
whole region. Since its preliminary design, a
primary target has been the implementation of
business applications. For this reason, the
environment of Grid computing has been adapted to
the demanding requirements of such applications.
Grids can be useful as cheap host platforms for
several kinds of business applications ranging from
High Performance Computing (HPC) to Cloud
Computing (CC), from data intensive to applications
requiring dedicated user-friendly interfaces.
Particularly, Small and Medium Enterprise can
reduce both their cost of ownership and time to
market by outsourcing their design and/or
production activities. Even Public Institutions (such
as hospitals and/or cultural institutions) may take
advantage from this solution.
The business model is Software-as-a-Service
(SaaS) that evolves into an Infrastructure-as-a-
Service (IaaS) as the whole infrastructure is
transparently used as a facility providing on-demand
services for heterogeneous applications.
The effort to really and effectively support such a
scenario required deep adjustments both to hardware
and software compared to the standard EGEE
project ( gLite middleware
Iacono Manno M., Di Primo P., Passaro G., Leggio E., Barbera R., Andronico G., Bruno R., Giorgio E., Fargetta M., La Rocca G., Monforte S., Scardaci
D. and Scibilia F. (2010).
THE COMETA E-INFRASTRUCTURE - A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 256-261
DOI: 10.5220/0003025802560261
( that only provides generic tools to
access the bare resources. The following sections
describe the efforts about hardware design, policy
tailoring and software support focusing on each
specific issue. Section 2 introduces the COMETA e-
Infrastructure. Section 3 describes the adoption of
the InfiniBand net layer. Section 4 is about the
scheduling policy, a critical aspect of the
management of such infrastructures. Section 5
describes the modifications to the standard official
middleware for a better support of MPI-based
parallel applications. Section 6 focuses on GridLM,
the newly-developed license server allowing only
entitled users to run licensed software on the Grid
under the license terms and the accounting system.
Section 7 describes the Secure Storage Service
implemented to solve the insider abuse problem.
Section 8 is about the so-called “watchdog” tool to
monitor long lasting jobs and recursive commands
for massive interaction with the data catalogue.
Section 9 illustrates the most common porting
procedures and related computing schemas. Finally,
some conclusions are drawn in Section 10.
The COMETA Consortium gathers the Universities
of Catania, Messina Palermo , the National Research
Institutes for Nuclear Physics (INFN), Astro-Physics
(INAF), Geo-Physics and Volcanogy (INGV), and
the SCIRE Consortium. These institutions have been
involved at different levels in the EGEE project and
other European projects deploying international e-
Infrastructures. Nevertheless, the idea behind the
development of a new regional e-Infrastructure is to
foster the adoption of Grid computing for massive
computation among Sicilian researchers both from
academia and business worlds. For this reason the
Sicilian e-Infrastructure has been built on grants
coming form the Italian Ministry of University and
Research (PI2S2 Project, and the
Sicilian Regional Government (TriGrid Project, The infrastructure, which adopts the
gLite middleware, is fully compliant with the
international standards on interoperability. Figure 1
shows the location of the seven sites of the
infrastructure in the cities of Catania, Messina and
Palermo; they collect an overall amount of ~2000
cores and a storage capacity of >250 TB.
Figure 1: The sites of COMETA e-Infrastructure.
Usually, local network connection among the nodes
of a Grid site is provided by Ethernet links at 1 Gb/s,
since the communication among nodes is not a
bottleneck for many applications performing on the
Grid. Currently, the majority of the Grid applications
are trivially parallel so they can be split in different
not communicating chunks. As a result, the
bandwidth provided by the GigaEthernet link is
sufficient for most types of applications in order to
run these jobs efficiently. However, an efficient
execution of not trivial parallel jobs requires much
faster exchanges of short messages instead of
sustained communications. So, a low latency is
required. This is the reason why each processor in
the Sicilian e-Infrastructure is equipped with two
network cards, one for the usual Ethernet connection
devoted to Grid services and normal (non-parallel)
jobs, and the other one for the InfiniBand
connection, reserved to parallel computing only.
The impact of InfiniBand on the programs is
noticeable. The latency of communication drops
from the Ethernet value of about 50 μs down to 1-2
μs. Optimized parallel programs exploit this feature
resulting in a much shorter execution time. The
advantage of using the low-latency communication
protocol is more sensitive the more nodes are
allocated for the computation. For parallel
computations involving several tens of cores and
more, the adoption of the InfiniBand net layer is
highly recommendable. In many cases, the
optimization of net communication is a challenging
problem, particularly for those parallel codes that
have been adapted from different architectures, such
as shared memory, to a distributed computing
environment. In such cases, the InfiniBand net layer
THE COMETA E-INFRASTRUCTURE - A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily
is very effective too (see also the discussion about
MPIGranularity in Section 5).
The coexistence of several heterogeneous jobs
running on the same infrastructure is a major
difference between Grids and dedicated clusters.
Particularly, the execution of long lasting and multi-
core parallel codes, also called HPC applications,
requires an efficient resource assignment. So, the
scheduling policy has to implement the best
achievable trade-off among the different
requirements. Each site has different queues
dedicated to short, long and infinite jobs with
respective longest durations of 15 minutes, 12 hours
and 21 days (lifetime of the longest proxies). The
priority is given to the short jobs in order to keep the
turnaround time a reasonably small fraction of the
execution time. However, this usual scheduling
policy is not flexible enough as parallel jobs
requiring hundreds of cores (sometimes a significant
fraction of all the available resources of a site)
would remain scheduled forever. Therefore, the pre-
emption and reservations policies have been
carefully studied and implemented in order to solve
this problem.
Pre-emption puts the incumbent job in a
suspended state and assigns the resource to the
incoming job. This policy is acceptable only if the
latter is short, so it has been implemented for
emergency jobs (related to volcanic surveillance and
other civil protection applications).
Common parallel jobs reserve the needed
resources as soon as they become available.
Provided that the amount of short jobs is higher
compared to the others, their turnover is fast enough
to keep this policy pretty valid. Figure 2 summarizes
the scheduling policies. Scheduling is largely
dependent on the amount of jobs on each queue and
the adopted policy must be updated when significant
changes occur in the job distribution.
This issue also witnesses the importance of the
overall infrastructure monitoring that has to collect
periodic statistic information about job distribution
in the various queues.
Gustav is a CPU accounting tool developed by
INFN, COMETA and KISTI institute in South
Korea. Gustav collects accounting records from
resources and publishes them to a centralised
relational database that can be queried through a
web interface (
Figure 2: Main queues durations and populations.
The gLite middleware supports the Message Passing
Interface (MPI) as its only libraries for parallel
computing. The complexity of the porting procedure
is a major factor against the adoption of the Grid
paradigm for HPC. For this reason new wrappers
have been developed to support each available
combination of compilers, net layers and library
versions. The MPIType tag added to the gLite Job
Description Language (JDL) allows users to simply
select the proper value to run their parallel code in
the proper HW/SW environment.
MPIGranularity tag reserves the desired number
of cores on the same physical processor for the
incoming job. Thus. the communication over the net,
a usual bottleneck in such situations, is reduced.
Figure 3 shows how the impact of this technique on
the execution time is higher compared to that of the
InfiniBand net layer.
Figure 3: The impact of MPIGranularity and InfiniBand
on the wall-clock execution time of a parallel application.
Although gLite has recently extended the MPI
support including the so-called “mpi-start
approach, based on a set of scripts able to identify
the library requested for each application, the
advantages of the developed solution do not allow to
move to the official support and some of the ideas
were submitted to the MPI Working Group of EGEE
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
who is evaluating their integration in a future release
of the gLite middleware.
The delivery of license files to authorized users in a
distributed environment is a non-trivial task. For
security reasons, the license server is a single
machine for the whole infrastructure, only locally
redundant for the sake of service continuity. Thus,
the license file has to be delivered to the remote
infrastructure sites travelling on a public network.
Moreover, solely entitled users must be granted.
The license system developed by COMETA has
been designed to be used with the FLEXlm
( free
license server that is the most used license
management system for commercial software. The
“floating” license mechanism has been adapted to
the Grid distributed environment, evolving into
GridLM. The secured communication channel
created from the remote Computing Element (CE) to
the license server allows to first identify the user by
his/her certificate, check the number of granted
licenses and then issue the license file.
Figure 4 illustrates the schema of the license
server mechanism available on the COMETA e-
The team of Grid developers is currently
extending the license server mechanism to cope with
“robot” certificates as well. They are a novel feature
that allows running a program without any personal
certificate. The user can store this special certificate
on a smart card and insert it into a personal
computer running the user interface (usually a web
portal). This is enough to authenticate and launch a
program on the Grid. This solution fits the requests
from large user communities that want to simplify
the approach to Grid computing. The accounting
system is another key element for a sustainable use
of the Grid infrastructures especially when they are
open to commercial exploitation. gLite offers
various tools for resource metering. PI2S2 project
developers extended the measuring to the disk
storage with SAGE (
This tool computes the amount of disk energy used,
i.e. the amount of space integrated over the time of
Figure 4: The Schema of the COMETA License Server
After a first version, tailored for DPM
( based
devices, a second version was developed that is
adaptable to a generic disk storage device. SAGE
implements a good trade-off between precision and
computing demand of the metering tool. A dedicated
web portal called Sight-on-SAGE has been
developed as well to allow an easy access to the
accounting data both for users and VO managers.
One of the main benefits of Grid infrastructures is
the possibility to use distributed storage space. A
community might like to use Storage Elements (SE)
owned by an external organization to delegate the
management of these machines and to avoid to buy
specialized hardware and to hire specialized
In this way the community could rent the storage
space as needed and minimize both human and
hardware costs.
In the case of confidential data, this scenario is
not feasible. Indeed, the community should satisfy
strong privacy requirements, for example when it
has to manage medical or financial data. A
mechanism to prevent the administrator of the
machine accessing the data is required to store the
confidential data in a storage element managed by
an external organization.
The gLite middleware provides the same security
infrastructure for all its services (using X.509
infrastructure to authenticate the users and the
VOMS attributes to authorize the users).
However, data are stored in a clear format. The
storage element administrator can in principle access
them bypassing the Grid security infrastructure. This
is known as the insider abuse problem.
THE COMETA E-INFRASTRUCTURE - A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily
The Secure Storage Service developed for the gLite
middleware provides users with a set of tools to
store in a secure way and in an encrypted format
confidential data on SEs solving the insider abuse
problem. Data stored trough the tools provided are
accessible and readable only by authorized users.
The Secure Storage Service (
has been designed to be integrated in the gLite
middleware; it is made up by the following
Command Line Applications: commands
integrated in the gLite User Interface to encrypt
& upload and decrypt & download files on the
Storage Elements;
Application Program Interface (API): allowing
the developer to write programs able to manage
confidential data using the Secure Storage
Keystore: a new Grid element used to store and
retrieve users’ keys in a secure way;
Secure Storage Framework: a service
component, internally used by the other
components; it provides encryption & decryption
functions and other utility functions; it takes care
of interaction with the gLite Data Management
Many complex jobs often need long execution times.
Such a long period increases the probability to have
errors due to either infrastructure or program faults.
Even a brief network interruption may cause the job
to fail. On the other hand, if the job is performing an
erroneous computation due to wrong input data or
application bugs (many applications are undergoing
a continuous development and many executions are
needed to produce bug-free codes) the user can
verify the output only after the execution. This leads
to a consequent waste of time and resources, even
though many problems could have been revealed a
few moments after they have occurred during the
run. Due to the intrinsic complexity of parallel jobs
and their long durations, they require constant job
monitoring and checkpoint features.
Although current gLite middleware offers the
perusal job technique for job inspection, COMETA
e-Infrastructure offers two more sophisticated tools
for job monitoring: Watchdog and VisualGrid.
As the evolution of the job is detectable by
inspecting the files produced by the job in the
working directory, it is useful to have them copied
on the Grid file catalogue at regular intervals, where
the user can access them. The Watchdog utility
performs such full or incremental backup by a
customizable script also allowing the storage on the
AMGA ( metadata
The VisualGrid tool (Andronico, 2010) allows
the encoding of images produced by the job into a
video that is immediately streamed to a public IP
address. The result is a powerful tool for
demonstrations but also for a direct, visual, control
of the job work flow.
The tool has been tested with the FLUENT
( commercial application and its
simulation of the Marmore falls in Italy (see Figure
Figure 5: Some frames of the sequence produced by
FLUENT and streamed by the VisualGrid tool.
Other tools developed by COMETA help users in
their interaction with storage resources. Sometimes,
MPI jobs write many files organised in (sub-)
directories. The current gLite middleware forces the
user to download them one-by-one unless he/she
produces an automatic script. Similarly, there is no
command for bulk upload or to delete all the files in
a directory of the data catalogue. As these operations
become more frequent with MPI jobs and the users
may not want to write their own scripts for such
standard operations, some new tools have been
developed for recursive interaction with the Grid
data catalogue. Their explanation is available on the
web (
WikiConsorzioCometa). The three basic commands
are listed in the following: lcg-rec-cr: uploads
all the files of a local directory on a Storage Element
(SE) and registers the entry on the LFC catalogue,
copying the structure of the sub-directories and its
content as well; lcg-rec-cp: performs the
recursive download of an entire directory together
with its sub-directories; and lcg-rec-del:
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
removes all the entries of a directory from the
catalogue and the corresponding files form the SE.
The porting procedure consists in bringing a
program already running on a common dedicated
platform to run in a Grid environment. The
procedure is usually straightforward for simple jobs
but it may become rather complicated for complex
parallel jobs. This stresses the importance of the
computational schema, i.e., the strategy followed to
exploit the computing opportunities offered by the
Grid. Nevertheless, as the knowledge about the Grid
mechanisms and tools is greatly useful for job
optimisation, a Grid expert usually helps the user
during the porting process of his/her application.
This strategy was adopted in several cases. For
instance, the FLUENT parallel implementation
required an ad-hoc computing schema as the
package is given as a “close box”, with no access to
the code. Provided that the COMETA HW was
supported, FLUENT has been “embedded” into the
Figure 6: Speed-up of some parallel applications on the
COMETA e-Infrastructure.
As shown in Figure 6, the result has been a pretty
sensitive speed-up in the execution time comparable
with similar dedicated clusters and confirmed by
some other parallel applications like FLASH
(Orlando, 2007), CLUSTALW (Lombardo, 2010),
(, belonging to other
scientific domains.
The Sicilian e-Infrastructure has been fully adapted
to real business applications. Future developments
concern the development of further tools supporting
the exploitation of the infrastructure for business
purposes. The targeted audiences range from
small/medium enterprises to large public bodies
such as health care institutions. Interested readers
can contact the first author at to get detailed
information about the COMETA activities.
This work makes use of results produced by the
PI2S2 Project managed by the Consorzio COMETA,
a project co-funded by the Italian Ministry of
University and Research (MIUR) within the
Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca
Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico, Alta
Formazione” (PON 2000-2006). More information
is available at and www.consorzio-
Andronico, G., Barbera, R., Iacono Manno, M., La Rocca,
G., 2010, VisualGrid: On-Line Video Streaming for
Application Control and Demonstration, Proceedings
of the Final Workshop of Grid Projects “PON Ricerca
2000-2006 – Avviso 1575”, ISBN 978-88-95892-00-3,
pp. 128-131, published in Catania by the COMETA
Orlando, S., Peres, G., Reale, F., Bocchino, F., Sacco,
G.G., Miceli, M., Bonito, R., Pagano, P., Argiroffi, C.,
Yelenina, T., 2007, High Performance Computing on
the COMETA Grid Infrastructure, Proceedings of the
Grid Open Days at the University of Palermo, ISBN
978-88-95892-00-9, pp. 181-188, published in
Catania by the COMETA Consortium
Lombardo, A., Lanzalone, G., Muoio, A., Barbera, R.,
Iacono Manno, M., 2007, Performance of ViralPack
applications on PI2S2 Grid infrastructure, Proceedings
of the Final Workshop of Grid Projects “PON Ricerca
2000-2006 – Avviso 1575”, ISBN 978-88-95892-00-3,
pp. 446-451, published in Catania by the COMETA
THE COMETA E-INFRASTRUCTURE - A Platform for Business Applications in Sicily