e Gonz
alez de Durana, Oscar Barambones
University College of Engineering, University of the Basque Country, Nieves Cano 12, 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Enrique Kremers, Pablo Viejo
European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and EDF
Emmy Noether Str. 11, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Electrical grid, Hybrid renewable energy systems, Energy saving, Microgrid, Smart meter, Intelligent hub,
Random graph, Complex system, Complex computer system, Scale free network, Agent based model.
The electrical system is undergoing a profound change of state, which will lead to what is being called the
smart grid. The necessity of a complex system approach to cope with ongoing changes is presented: combining
a systemic approach based on complexity science with the classical views of electrical grids is important for an
understanding the behavior of the future grid. Key issues like different layers and inter-layer devices, as well
as subsystems are discussed and proposed as a base to create an agent-based system model to run simulations.
The electrical grid as a whole can be considered as
a complex system (more properly a Complex Com-
puter System) whose aim is to assure a reliable power
supply to all its consumers. Only regarding the grid
from a multi-disciplinary point of view can help us
understand the behavior of these systems. Despite
conceptual advances in concrete fields like chaos the-
ory or emergence in non-linear or self-organized sys-
tems, which were studied in the last decades, a unified
theory of complexity does not yet exist.
Complex networks have been studied by several
scientists. Erd
os and R
enyi (1959) suggested the
modeling of networks as random graphs. In a ran-
dom graph (Bollob
as, 1998), the nodes are connected
by a placing a random number of links among them.
This leads to a Poisson distribution when considering
the numbers of connections of the nodes, thus there
are many nodes with a similar number of links.
Watts and Strogatz (1998) defined β as the prob-
ability of rewiring an edge of a ring graph and called
these networks small-world. Analyzing networks
with values 0 < β < 1, they found that these systems
can be highly clustered, with a relatively homogenous
topology, and have small characteristic path lengths.
However, the study of networks in the real world
has shown that there are many examples where this is
not true but they exhibit a common property: the num-
ber of links k originating from a given node exhibits
a power law distribution P(k) k
, i.e. few nodes
having a large number of links. These networks are
called scale-free and they are located in between the
range of random and completely regular wired net-
works. Many systems in the real world such as neural
networks, social networks and also the power grid,
fulfill these properties.
asi and Albert (2002) mapped the topology
of a portion of the World Wide Web and found that
some nodes, which they called hubs, have many more
connections than others and that the network as a
whole exhibits a power-law distribution for the num-
ber of links connecting to a node. Using the Barab
Albert network model, Chassin and Posse (2005) an-
alyzed the topologies of the North American electric
grid to estimate their reliability and calculated the ex-
ponent of scale-free power law as being λ = 3.04 for
the U.S. eastern grid and λ = 3.09 for the western one.
Considering all of the advancements in complex-
ity science, in this paper we will show how an electric-
ity grid can be represented through a model as a com-
plex system that can be used for simulations. First, the
smart grid will be presented and some key issues dis-
González de Durana J., Barambones O., Kremers E. and Viejo P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 146-151
DOI: 10.5220/0003003701460151
cussed. Then, the approach for modeling the grid is
explained and in the last section the simulation model
is presented.
The term smart grid as introduced by Amin and Wol-
lenberg (2005), usually covers the entire spectrum
of the electrical system, reaching from transporta-
tion over distribution up to the delivery. In common
with earlier definitions, it contains two key elements:
digital data processing and communication networks.
Therefore, it can be said that what characterizes this
intelligent grid is the existence of a flow of data and
information, between the supplier company and the
consumer, running in parallel with the energy flow
(Singer, 2009).
With today’s smart grid goals in mind, energy sup-
ply companies are in a transition process between our
real electricity grid and the future smart grid, trying to
improve the conventional network infrastructure, es-
tablishing the digital level (essence of the intelligent
network) and also creating new business processes to
carry out the capitalization and commercialization of
the intelligent network.
The operation of the smart grid is far more com-
plicated than the conventional power grid and in order
to be operated, some special components like com-
puters, sensors, remote controlled switching devices,
as well as communication networks are necessary.
For example, the current power grid is still not ready
to admit microgrid connections. Connections made
at present are experimental and almost always done
manually, by taking care that a number of factors are
fulfilled e.g. before realizing a connection.
Trying to model a microgrid, the network to which
it will be connected should also be considered. Al-
though a large amount of work in this area has been
done, the main problem is that the current electricity
grids are not yet adequately prepared for the transi-
tion to the smart grid. Therefore, in this article, the
authors do not consider the inadequate existing grid,
but instead focus on a hypothetical future network:
the smart grid.
2.1 The two Layer Model
Concerning the upcoming challenges, especially fac-
ing the growing need of interaction of the different
units of the smart grid, a two layer model is proposed
(Kremers et al., 2010). These were identified as:
Physical Layer. The first layer is the physical struc-
ture of the electrical grid itself, including all the
Figure 1: Different layers in an electrical microgrid.
power transmission lines. It includes the power
flows as well as all the electrical devices related
to the correct operation of the grid.
Logical Layer. This second layer, which represents
the main part of the upcoming generation of elec-
trical grids, is not yet present, in contrast to the
physical layer. This layer includes all the infor-
mation exchange that has to be arranged to control
distributed generation (DG), dispatchable loads
and other smart equipment in future grids. It has
to be underlined that the communication paths do
not have to be the same as the links in the first
layer, although they could be exploited for that
aim. An example of this is Power Line Commu-
nication (PLC).
The current electricity grid could be seen as part
of the first layer, whereas the second layer is still
the focus of vast research and development. It rep-
resents all the information and communication tech-
nology linked in some way to the grid and its oper-
ation. It implements a system that allows real-time
communication between the elements of the grid. In
the E-Energie project (2010), an Internet of Energy is
suggested as an analogy to computer networks. This
medium could itself serve as a communication plat-
form. More examples of the implementation of the
logical layer are described in Kremers et al. (2010)
and could be PLC, existing communication networks,
wireless technologies, etc.
In the following sections, some key role playing
concepts of the smart grid will be exemplified and
discussed. First of all, smart metering as a technol-
ogy under deployment is presented. Afterwards, the
concept of intelligent hub is introduced as a generic
modeling approach for intelligent devices in the fu-
ture grid. Finally, the microgrid as a sub-system of
the smart grid is discussed.
2.2 Smart Metering
Traditionally, an energy meter measures only the con-
sumption of the total energy during a specific time.
This is used for billing the customer the total amount
of energy he consumed. There is no way to obtain in-
formation on when the energy was consumed nor in
what way. Smart meters are intended to provide more
detailed information which will allow the supplier to
adjust the pricing for consumption based on different
Electricity prices vary during a day or season, fol-
lowing the market offer-demand principle (especially
with the introduction of renewable, non-dispatchable
sources) or due to external factors such as tempera-
ture. Using a multiple tariff based system will allow
for the reflection of these pricing changes to the final
customer and thus entice him to make a more eco-
nomical use of energy. These pricing signals shall
help to reduce peak loads and sell more energy in off-
peak periods, e.g. during the night.
The ESMA (European Smart Metering Alliance)
defines a smart meter as an advanced meter with
several functions, such as automatic data processing
and transfer, automatic performing of measurements,
which provides meaningful and up-to-date informa-
tions of consumption to the relevant actors and units
of the energy system. Additionally, smart meters can
provide support for measures to increase energy effi-
cient consumption. Proof of the relevance of this de-
vice are the statements made by governments of dif-
ferent nations worldwide. For example, three of them
have been chosen:
Malta, where a pilot project is currently under-
way, with more than 5,000 smart counters being
installed. The objective for 2012 is to have only
smart meters in use.
The United Kingdom, where in December 2009
the U.K. Department of Energy and Climate
Change announced its intention to have smart me-
ters in all homes by 2020.
The U.S. where, according to Edison’s Institute
for Electric Efficiency, many of the country’s
largest electricity distribution companies have
plans to install millions of meters in the coming
years, with deployments to be complete between
2012 and 2015.
Figure 2: Architecture of an Intelligent Hub.
However, in the authors’ opinion, energy savings
will only be achieved when the meters are reinforced
by new devices and directives such as information dis-
plays, time-varying pricing, energy audits and, in par-
ticular, some form of automatic load control. The fact
that companies such as Intel, Cisco or Google are de-
veloping hardware and software for this growing mar-
ket, seems to confirm that idea.
2.3 Intelligent Hubs as Interaction
between the Layers
Having described the smart grid properties, the ques-
tion of how the assumed measures can be imple-
mented to make the grid smarter is apparent. The
approach taken in this study is to model some spe-
cially designed generic units called Intelligent Hubs
implement the communication functions of the
logical layer,
monitor the physical grid,
perform data processing and evaluation,
can take actions on the physical grid,
can act as a local decision unit, and
handle any interactions between the logical and
physical layer.
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
The introduction of the intelligent hub arises from
the idea that there are many different technologies
and implementation possibilities for new infrastruc-
ture equipment, but no standard definition of these
new intelligent units currently exists. For example,
at household level a local load shedding module con-
nected to a smart metering system could be imple-
mented, or at a substation level new technologies that
are be able to communicate with customers to send
e.g. grid state signals, etc. are possible.
They all have in common that they share at least
some of the characteristics of the intelligent hubs
named above. This allows us to model a generic in-
telligent hub, which accomplishes with the specifica-
tions given and is able to simulate the behavior of
these future equipment elements, even though a con-
crete implementation is not realized. It is important to
underline that the intelligent hub is the link between
the two layers, logical and physical, thus gathering
information from both of them, being able to pro-
cess it and actuating on the physical layer to perform
changes. The acquisition of the data from the physical
grid is performed by sensors, for example measuring
units on the lines. The actuators are any kind of in-
teraction with the power grid, such as demand control
for example by direct (such as relays, operating on the
line), or indirect means (dynamic demand reduction
of the equipment).
The question of how far a smart meter can be seen
as an intelligent hub or vice versa has to be analyzed
further. There exist implementations of smart meters
that seem to accomplish with some of the intelligent
hub features (like load shedding functions), but in our
opinion this already goes beyond the concept of me-
tering. So, at least for modeling purposes, the smart
meter will be seen as a part of the intelligent hub or an
external unit linked to this, as the concept of the hub
involves a much broader list of features, which can be
summarized as the whole interaction between the two
layers – even at different levels of the grid.
2.4 Microgrids as Smart Grid
A microgrid is a set of small energy generators ar-
ranged in order to supply energy for a community of
users in close proximity. It is a combination of gen-
eration sources, loads and energy storage, interfaced
through fast-acting power electronics. Emerging from
the general trend of the introduction of Renewable
Energy Sources (RES), microgrids will mostly in-
clude this type of generation, so they form part of the
Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES). Micro-
grids represent a form of decentralization of electri-
cal networks. They comprise low- or medium-voltage
distribution systems with distributed energy sources,
storage devices and controllable loads.
During disturbances, the generation and corre-
sponding loads can autonomously disconnect from
the distribution system to isolate the load of the mi-
crogrid from the disturbance without damaging the
integrity of the transmission grid. This mode is called
islanding mode. From the point of view of the cus-
tomer, it can be seen as a low voltage distribution ser-
vice with additional features like an increase in lo-
cal reliability, the improvement of voltage and power
quality, the reduction of emissions, a decrease in the
cost of energy supply, etc.
Transmision Grid
High Voltge 380 kV
Medium Voltge 50 kV Distribution Grid
Figure 3: Integrated microgrid.
In Figure 3, a schematic drawing of an inte-
grated microgrid can be seen, showing the Point of
Common Coupling (PCC) and its electrical connec-
tions, but without representing the information chan-
nels. The authors have previously identified (Kremers
et al., 2010) that electrical grids, as well as micro-
grids mostly satisfy the principal characteristics that
distinguish them as true systems of systems, as de-
fined by Maier (1998). The smart grid is constituted
as a large complex system with operational and man-
agerial independent elements (that are systems them-
selves), evolutionary development, emergent behav-
ior and geographical distribution.
For simulation purposes, one should not pay atten-
tion to accessory components but instead focus on the
essential parts. It may occur that modeling some im-
portant elements is unnecessary for the operation, as
for example some electronic components that while
being essential for the actual operation they are trivial
or nonexistent for simulation.
So in this article, we focus on a very important
element to consider both the actual operation of the
microgrid and the simulation: the smart meter. As-
suming that there is an intelligent hub at each network
bus, a smart meter at each load bus and there exists
communication among the nodes, the resulting com-
plex computer system can be used as a basis for smart
grid models.
Agent-based modeling tools are able to recreate
complex system behavior such as those described
here, unexpected emergent behavior in these systems,
internal and external events, communications within
the system, etc. In particular, local effects of the sin-
gle units comprising the system can be modeled and
their effects can be analyzed at the system level.
The combination of several approaches allows the
creation of models that might abstract some details
from the single unit models, but all in all create a
much more realistic representation at the system level.
The inclusion of some communication among the de-
vices is fundamental here. This combined approach
is the one followed in this work, as in the authors’
opinion it is very advantageous when modeling future
electrical systems.
Geographic network localization, distribution of
processing and databases, interaction with humans,
and unpredictability of system reactions to unex-
pected external events are also present in this kind of
A combined approach model has been developed us-
ing Anylogic (XJTek, 2010), in which the grid nodes
are represented by agents in the model, and each
agent is provided of respective subsystem models
(System Dynamics (SD), Discrete Events (DE), etc.).
This kind of modeling has been chosen to allow for
events such as the sudden elimination of one (or more)
nodes, or connections between nodes, to be possible
during the simulation, thus providing the possibility
of a dynamic simulation of the electrical grid, includ-
ing events such as failures, disasters and terrorist at-
The two-layer structure defined for the smart grid
will be a key element due to its representation in the
model. Apart from the agent-based approach, two
other modeling paradigms are used: the SD paradigm
for the physical layer and the DE paradigm for the
logical layer.
The model is completely open, so it can be used to
address a number of issues of design and computation
that arise in such networks. Some of them coud be:
Real grid, smart grid and microgrid simulation
Grid and microgrid architecture design
Centralized and decentralized control design
Load connection and disconnection
Microgrid connection and islanding modes
Branch or node (e.g. substation) deleting
Energy savings strategies
The approach presented here is intended to result
in a suitable electrical microgrid model. It is a con-
tinuation of the authors’ previous studies in this area
alez de Durana et al., 2009; Gonz
alez de Du-
rana and Barambones, 2009). In these works, the
mesh method was used to obtain voltages at the mesh
nodes and currents through the branches, assuming
the voltages given by the generators are known. In a
further study, however, a new power flow method has
been created (Kremers et al., 2010). This new method
was implemented using an combined approach in
which agents represent the buses of the grid.
A view of energy systems from the complex systems
approach has been given, underlining the importance
of viewing the energy system as such, especially for
its future development. Modeling the energy system
at system level is crucial to help us understand the
interactions of the single units, and be able to ob-
serve system phenomena such as emergence and the
behavior of the system as a whole. The requirement
of the introduction of new perceptions of the energy
system was shown with the proposition of the two
layer model to represent the smart grid. Further, a
device abstraction was done for modeling generic de-
vices called intelligent hubs that are able to interact
with this new environment.
An agent-based model for the simulation of mi-
crogrids is being implemented using AnyLogic. The
model offers a clear two-layer structure, which allows
for the representation of both physical and logical in-
teractions between the elements. The logical layer of-
fers a robust base to implement agent communication
in real time. The physical layer provides the technical
results of the power flow calculation integrated into
the model. This allows real-time simulations of the
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
grid to be computed, which can provide valuable in-
formation prior to the implementation of the real grid.
The first models of the intelligent hub have been de-
veloped and are currently being tested.
The model is mainly intended to design and test
microgrids and can be used as a tool for the design,
development and demonstration of control strategies,
especially centralised supervisor control and decen-
tralised load-dispatch control, the design and demon-
stration of microgrid operation strategies, the design
and testing of microgrid communication buses and
optimal microgrid design.
This work was made possible through cooperation be-
tween the University College of Engineering in Vi-
toria and EIFER in Karlsruhe. The authors are very
grateful to the Basque Government for the support
of this work through the project S-PE09UN12 and
to the UPV/EHU for its support through the project
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