Mariusz Jakubowski and Grzegorz Pastuszak
Institute of Radioelectronics, Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Nowowiejska 15/19, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Data Reuse, Memory Bandwidth, Motion Estimation, Video Coding.
Abstract: In hardware implementation of a video coding system memory access becomes a critical issue and the
motion estimation (ME) module is the one which consumes most of the data access. To meet the
requirements of HD specification, conventional data reuse schemes are not sufficient. In this paper, the
hierarchical approach to ME is combined with the Level C and D data reuse schemes. Proposed two-level
hierarchical ME algorithm reduces the external memory bandwidth by 77% and the on-chip memory size by
93% with reference to the Level C scheme, and computational complexity by over 99% with reference to
the one-level full search (OLFS), achieving the results close to OLFS.
Motion estimation (ME) is a key element of standard
video coders such as H.26x, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, and
MPEG-4, which reduces temporal redundancies
existing in video sequences. The most popular
method, block-matching ME, relies on searching the
best matching position of a 16×16 pixels or smaller
block from a current frame within a predetermined
or adaptive search range (SR) in a reference frame.
In hardware implementations, the most popular ME
algorithm is full search (FS) which checks all the
positions within the search window. FS is regular
and easy to control but very expensive in terms of
computational load and memory transfer. Due to the
rapid advances in VLSI technology, computational
complexity requirements became less critical than
available memory bandwidth. To reduce the data
transfer from the external memory, four levels of
search area data reuse from A to D can be
distinguished (Tuan et al., 2001). Each of the levels
exploits overlapping of adjacent candidate blocks,
candidate block strips, search areas, and search area
strips, respectively. The Level C scheme is often
selected as offering substantial reduction of external
memory bandwidth (EMB) with a reasonable size of
the on-chip memory. Even with the Level C scheme
applied to HD720p video (1280×720, 30 fps) with
SR [-128, 128) and one reference frame, the required
memory bandwidth is reduced from 1.7 TB/s to 536
MB/s, which is still a large number.
To get further reduction of EMB and speed up
the ME process at the same time, two-level
hierarchical search (TLHS) algorithm is proposed.
Different types of the hierarchical search are quite
popular in hardware implementations of the ME
process (Mizosoe et al., 2007), (Chang et al., 2009).
Hierarchical search is based on the idea of searching
the best match on the coarse level of subsampled
search area (SA) and use it as the starting point for
the refinement on the finer level. Since the number
of points to check and the size of SA on each level
are highly reduced, both the computational
complexity and EMB are substantially lower than in
case of the one-level search. In the proposed
solution, it has been decided to use two-level search
scheme as the most beneficial from the data reuse
point of view. Due to large SRs used for ME in HD
sequences, the first-level search is performed on the
subsampled image with 4:1 ratio in both directions
and the second-level search at the full resolution
within a much smaller SR. The results of
experiments performed on several HD sequences
show that performance of the proposed solution is
close to achieved by one-level FS (OLFS) at the full-
resolution image with 77% of EMB reduction with
reference to Level C and over 99% reduction of
computational complexity with reference to OLFS.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, possibilities of the memory bandwidth
reduction in FS ME algorithm are presented, and the
proposed TLHS scheme is introduced together with
the estimation of the EMB and computational
complexity reduction. In Section III, the results of
the experiments on a few HD720p sequences are
Jakubowski M. and Pastuszak G. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 159-162
DOI: 10.5220/0002991801590162
presented. Section IV gives a conclusion.
2.1 Data Reuse Schemes for Full
Search Motion Estimation
FS ME algorithm checks each candidate inside SA.
If the horizontal SR is [-p
, p
), the vertical SR [-p
), and the size of the block N×N, the number of
positions to check is 4p
and the size of SA is
+ N – 1)×(2p
+ N – 1). Since the adjacent
candidate blocks inside SA and SAs of adjacent
current blocks are highly overlapped, it creates the
opportunity for effective data reuse and EMB
reduction at the expense of the on-chip memory size
In (Tuan et al., 2002), four levels of the data
reuse have been distinguished from Level A to D.
The higher the level, the larger EMB reduction,
however, the larger the size of the on-chip memory
at the same time. Level A reuses pixels of two
horizontally adjacent candidate blocks; Level B,
pixels of two vertically overlapped candidate block
strips; Level C, pixels of two horizontally
overlapped SAs of two adjacent current blocks; and
Level D, pixels of two vertically overlapped SA
strips. The most popular scheme of Level C is
presented in Fig. 1. With HD1080p video, 30 fps, N
= 16, and [-192, 192)× [-128, 128) SA, requirements
for the on-chip memory size and EMB are 101 kB
and 1.17 GB/s at Level C, and 574 kB and 60 MB/s
at Level D, assuming eight-bit-pixel precision. It is
clear that the implementation any of these data reuse
schemes might be too costly either for the sake of
EMB or the on-chip memory size, and further
reduction of these parameters is necessary.
2.2 Two-level Hierarchical Search ME
Hierarchical search is quite popular approach used in
many VLSI architectures to reduce the
computational complexity of ME. Usually, two or
three levels of hierarchy are used, and MV found on
the higher (coarse) level becomes the search center
for the next (finer) level. The size of a current block
is maintained fixed or increased on each level. When
size of a current block is kept constant on each level,
an initial MV is obtained from a relatively large area
which makes it less noise sensitive but often also
less accurate as a larger block on the coarse level
covers a few blocks on the finer level. Thus, in the
proposed solution, it has been decided to scale the
current block size according to subsampling of the
reference frame.
Regarding the number of search levels, two
levels of hierarchy are most beneficial from the data
reuse point of view, since only on the first level SAs
of adjacent blocks are overlapped. In general, SAs
on the fine level are disjointed and have to be
fetched from memory separately for each current
block. Thus, any additional level of hierarchy
increases EMB.
To create the coarse-level image, two approaches
have been considered: subsampling with 4:1 factor
in each direction, and low-pass filtering by simple
averaging. Subsampling is accomplished by the
selection of one pixel from each 16×16 block of a
reference frame and does not required any extra
computation or memory, however, the presence of
noise might deteriorate an initial MV estimation. On
the other hand, averaging of a 16×16 block requires
15 additions and one division by 16 (which can be
easily accomplished by shifting) and the averaged
image must be prepared in advance and stored in an
external memory. With the noise reduction, a more
accurate estimation of an initial MV might be
Figure 1: Level C data reuse scheme for FS algorithm.
Overlapped and reused area is grey coloured.
On the first search level of hierarchy, FS ME is
performed on a subsampled or averaged SA. On the
next level, the refinement of an initial MV found on
the previous stage is performed on the full-resolution
SA but much smaller than an initial one. The initial
experiments with five CIF sequences (Container,
Football, Foreman, Mobile, News), 150 frames each
and H.264/AVC JM12.0 reference software with SR
+/-32, quantization parameter QP = 25, one
reference frame, variable block size, and quarter-
pixel ME, allowed to determine that the refinement
range +/-8 is sufficient to achieve the performance
close to OLFS both for low- and high-motion
activity sequences. The averaged SA gives better
SIGMAP 2010 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 1: EMB and on-chip memory (OCM) size with Level C and D data reuse scheme for OLFS and TLHS.
Level C - OLFS Level D - OLFS Level C - TLHS Level D - TLHS
W = 1280, H = 720 FPS =
30, N = 16 p
128, p
= 128 p
= 8, p
= 8
536 67 26 382 122 5 101 25
W = 1920, H = 1080 FPS =
30, N = 16 p
192, p
= 128 p
= 8, p
= 8
1205 101 59 574 297 8 226 36
results especially for complex-texture sequences
such as Mobile, where the noise influence is
particularly harmful for ME efficiency.
2.3 EMB and Computation Complexity
Since block size, SR and frame size are reduced by
the factor of 4 in each direction, the proposed
solution offers 16 times reduction of the on-chip
memory and from 16 up to 64 times reduction of the
memory bandwidth with reference to OLFS.
However, some additional on-chip memory and
transfer are necessary for the second-level search. In
particular, (2p
+ N – 1)× (2p
+ N – 1) pixels
must be transferred and stored for each current
block, where p
and p
is the refinement range in
horizontal and vertical direction, respectively. In
Table 1, the values of EMB and on-chip memory
(OCM) size for Level C and D with OLFS and
TLHS have been compared for HD720p and
HD1080p sequences, assuming eight-bit-pixel
precision and one reference frame. For the Level C
scheme with TLHS, EMB is reduced over 4 times
and OCM size about 13 times with reference to
OLFS. In case of the Level D scheme with TLHS,
EMB has been increased almost 4 times but OCM
size reduced over 15 times with reference to OLFS,
which makes it reasonable to exploit this level in an
actual VLSI implementation. If necessary, further
EMB reduction can be obtained with smaller
refinement SR at the expense of coding efficiency.
Regarding the computational complexity
reduction, on the coarse level, 16 times less
positions have to be checked in comparison with
OLFS. Additionally, since size of a block is reduced
16 times, instead of 767 operations for sum of
absolute differences (SAD) calculation, only 47
operations per single search point are necessary. If
averaged SA is used, 15 additions and one division
per pixel of the reference image are necessary but
amount of these operations per reference frame is
negligible in comparison with the rest of
On the fine level, if FS is used as the search
method, 4p
positions have to be checked. To
get further reduction of the computational
complexity on the fine level, instead FS, three-step
search (TSS) algorithm can be considered as
combining regularity with a reasonable performance.
Number of search points required for TSS equals to
1 + 8log
. When variable block size and sub-pel
ME are used, additional operations for composing
SADs for larger blocks and generating fractional-pel
positions are necessary but they are not taken into
account in this analysis.
Table 2: OLFS and TLHS computational load comparison.
Computational load
FS on the
fine level
TSS on the
fine level
W = 1280, H = 720 FPS =
30, N = 16 p
128, p
= 128 p
= 8, p
= 8
5056 42 23
W = 1920, H = 1080 FPS
= 30, N = 16 p
= 192, p
= 128 p
= 8,
= 8
17064 118 75
In Table 2, the computational load required for
OLFS and THLS with FS and TSS algorithm on the
fine level is presented. Obtained reduction of the
computational load is about 99.2% and 99.55%
when FS and TSS are used on the fine level,
respectively. In the next section results of
experiments with HD sequences show the impact of
the proposed solution on the coding efficiency.
In the experiments, OLFS is compared with TLHS
Table 3: OLFS and TLHS performance comparison.
Subsampled search area Averaged search area
FS on the fine level TSS on the fine level FS on the fine level TSS on the fine level
MobCal 26390.27 37.647 26434.04 37.531 26714.09 37.460 26297.71 37.648 26378.39 37.635
ParkRun 65270.77 37.574 66190.96 37.579 66435.46 37.581 65229.15 37.575 65230.43 37.574
Shields 21041.15 37.781 21156.13 36.794 25173.03 36.612 20924.13 37.071 23692.43 36.843
Stockholm 27522.66 37.628 27531.78 37.617 27708.55 37.614 27541.68 37.630 27655.61 37.633
using both subampled and averaged SA on the
coarse level and FS and TSS ME algorithm on the
fine level. Four HD720p sequences were used, 150
frames each: MobCal, ParkRun, Shields, and
Stockholm. SR was set at 128 both in horizontal and
vertical direction, QP was set at 25, the GOP
structure was IPPP and one reference frame was
used with the variable block size and sub-pel ME
turned on. On the fine level, SR value was set at 8.
Obtained bitrate and PSNR values for each
algorithm are presented in Table 3.
In most cases, TLHS performance is close to
OLFS. In particular, when averaged SA and FS on
the fine level are used, the bitrate is even lower than
obtained with OLFS. It may be explained by the fact
that low-pass filtered image is more suitable for true
motion detection and MV found during the integer-
pel ME gives a better starting point for the sub-pel
ME. In general, averaged SA gives better results
both with FS and TSS on the fine level. The only
sequence for which the TLHS performs visibly
worse than OLFS is Shields. With the aveaged SA
and FS used on the fine level the difference in PSNR
equals to 0.71 dB with a slightly lower bitrate, but
for the rest of settings, the difference in PSNR
exceeds 1 dB and the bitrate might be even 20%
higher than in case of OLFS. In this sequence,
camera pans slowly across a wall of colourful
shields. Due to plenty of fine details in this
sequence, when over 90% of pixels are removed
from an image by subsampling, an initial MV
estimation might be inaccurate. The increase of the
fine-level SA seems not to be the solution, since the
refinement range equals to 40 is required to reduce
the difference below 0.4 dB. Still, considering the
huge EMB and computational load reduction, this
deterioration of quality can be accepted. For the rest
of the sequences, the difference in PSNR is 0.2 dB at
most and less than 2% in bitrate.
Presented two-level hierarchical search ME
algorithm combined with conventional data reuse
schemes reduces EMB up to 77% and the
computational load over 99% with reference to
OLFS. The first-level search is performed on the
subsampled image while search on the fine level - on
the full-resolution image within a much smaller SR.
Results of the experiments performed on a few HD
sequences show that TLHS performance, in most
cases, is almost the same as OLFS.
The work presented was developed within the Polish
government’s Innovative Economy Operational
Programme 2007-2013.
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SIGMAP 2010 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications